View Full Version : chamber too tight?

WI carrier
04-13-2012, 07:18 AM
ok, so we all know the prices of ammo have been getting pretty high. when i was buying federal, winchester and remington i had no feeding problems, but when i added Tulammo to the mix i found they would often not bottom out in the chamber and jams the gun, i never had that problem with my glock. is that a problem that Kahr would fix, or would they tell me to keep away from the cheap ammo?

04-13-2012, 07:48 AM
I doubt kahr would " fix " a tight chamber. Tulla is one brand I will not shoot. To many random problems with it. An remember that kahrs barrels are nickel coated. So not like they can be inlarged them any amount. You could buy some other tulla and find it falls into your chambers too.

MW surveyor
04-13-2012, 08:58 AM
The tulla ammo could be out of spec.

WI carrier
04-13-2012, 09:02 AM
i shoot it all the time, and almost exclusively in my cm9 and pt111 with zero problems and in a glock 30, the same stuff that wont drop in the cw45 drops in no problem in the glock, but :confused:

04-13-2012, 10:16 AM
My PM45 doesn't like any cartridge that is slightly long depending on bullet shape. It handles everything factory I've tried but a reload just a tad long that works in my others won't go in the PM.
I'd say that batch you tried was just a little too long.

WI carrier
04-13-2012, 10:33 AM
thanks, thats something worth checking

04-15-2012, 12:48 AM
Brass or steel cased?

04-15-2012, 07:03 AM
TUL ammo is whatit is a cheap steel cased berdan primer round. I bought some fo rmy K9 to try out and it just is not good ammo., For range fodder and if u can accept ftf and other b.sstuff that no american round has ever given in my K9 ten it is OK to soot, for it is cheap in price. Never blame the gun for what Tul ammo produces. Some can shoot um OK.
I learned my lesson and for 2 bucks different I will shoot wwb at wal mart from now on. I should have known better to but the price sucked me in.

Sure sounds to me like out of spec ammo to. u might have gottena bad box of ammo.Bawannais dead on target in his assumption of the issue.

shoot u in ur glock and be happy , shoot better ammo in ur kahr and be happy.

04-15-2012, 09:01 AM
I only shot Tula once, when I still had my Glock 22... bottom line I wasn't a fan.

I never had a malfunction but it just didn't feel right I can't really describe it. Might be the mix of the powder and the different primer I don't know.. but i just stick with federal for range rounds. Walmart sells 100 pack of 9mm for 19.99 so i can't complain, cheaper than Winchester White Box at 23.99

04-15-2012, 09:13 AM
The steel cases don't give like the softer brass ones and won't always fit your new chamber. The steel doesn't expand like the brass, either, and you probably get accelerated wear from the harder cases... but it IS a little CHEAPER! You want quality, too??:rolleyes:


04-15-2012, 09:24 AM
Hello, I've starting having some issues with Fiochi JHP and Critical Defense ammo just recently after about 500 perfect rds. I've been using this ammo with no failures but now the slide is locking up where you can't hardly move it either way. I checked & read the posts for this and did do the dowel rod thing and push like hell and actually had to rap with a rubber mallet to get slide to release. A little unnerving with a live rd though I don't think it would fire with hand off trigger. Cleaned and polished barrel and ramp but haven't been able to retry.
My question, is it strictly an intermittent ammo issue or should I be calling Kahr. What else could cause this other than ammo? Thanks for any insight. Safe shooting, Trikerbiker

04-16-2012, 07:25 AM
I bought 200 round box of Remington UMC "mega pack" .380 ammo a while back. My P380 Hated the stuff, with issues just like you describe. I traded 150 to 160 of the remaining rounds in the box to a buddy for a new 100 round box of Winchester "white box" target ammo and never had another problem that day. On another day, I shot some more UMC that a freind brought to the range in the same P380 with no issues at all.
My guess is you had a batch of out of spec ammo.
The UMC I traded away that day ran fine through my buddies Ruger LCP. Go figure.

04-16-2012, 07:38 AM
if u got ammo sticking in the chamber, u have out of spec ammo. 500 perfect rounds shold tellu something. The chamber ain't gonna change from when it was made, but ammo sure can..

04-16-2012, 07:56 AM
if u got ammo sticking in the chamber, u have out of spec ammo. 500 perfect rounds shold tellu something. The chamber ain't gonna change from when it was made, but ammo sure can..
I tend to agree with the possible exception that if lead bullets have been fired in it, the front of the chamber might have become lead fouled.

WI carrier
04-16-2012, 09:56 AM
I only shot Tula once, when I still had my Glock 22... bottom line I wasn't a fan.
Walmart sells 100 pack of 9mm for 19.99 so i can't complain, cheaper than Winchester White Box at 23.99

not that cheap around here, 13.00 a box of 50 for nine mm.

04-16-2012, 10:33 AM
[QUOTE=gb6491;153953]I tend to agree with the possible exception that if lead bullets have been fired in it, the front of the chamber might have become lead fouled.

In this fellas case, he did not state he was using lead ammo: Just sayin.