04-13-2012, 01:08 PM
Like alot of folks, I like wood on steel guns. Thats why I put these wood grips on first thing when I got my K40. Tho, I had a minor problem of the mag catch letting go of the magazine during recoil. I found a stronger mag catch spring, installed it to a proper tension and no more dropping mag problem. The new problem with it was the wood panels are a bit thicker as the left panel is at the edge of the button. So I filed and sanded a notch in the button area that felt perfect for a fast and clean release operation. The interesting thing about the wood they use is you dont have to put any finish on it. the grip pannels are finish-less. they are simply sanded smooth and polished with a fine rouge on a loose rag wheel. The wood is apparently oily enough to gloss out to a poly urathane like finish if you run 600 grit rouge on it. I dont care for the hi gloss I got on my cut area so I just 0000 steel wool-ed the pannels down to there original appearance. I also cut and polished the back seam to mach up perfectly smooth cause one panel was a bit higher than the other and thats obviously the worst location for that. Looks & function is about where I want it now. I also modifyed my 6 rounder mag to be a 7 + 1 with no issues. Although I will eventualy mill a aloy follower to evade any of those follower problems that Iv read about.