View Full Version : New P9 observations and questions

04-13-2012, 04:37 PM
So I finally got me a P9 with Meprolights two days ago. Haven't taken it to the range yet, but gave it a good cleaning and lube. Some observations and questions:

1) The trigger is gritty upon return. Feels like it's dragging on something. Took a look inside, didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so I assume it's a simple matter of breaking the gun in.

2) My slide is shearing off bits of the polymer guide rails. According to those more knowledgeable than I on these forums, it's normal and I shouldn't worry (...right?).

3) No problem disassembling the gun. I remember I had one helluva time trying to take the slide off and putting it back on with my K9, but the P9 is easy as pie.

4) It's THIN!!!!

5) It's LIGHT!!!

Now here are my questions. I got some TW25B grease to try out. As per the instructions, I applied a small amount onto the areas indicated in the lube manual/picture and rubbed it into the metal. Two days later, the gun feels bone dry, particularly the barrel. Did I use too little, or is that how it's supposed to be?

Second question. The grip is almost too thin. I saw a picture of a CW9 (or was it a P9?) where the owner had taken some leather strips and wrapped electrical tape or something like that around the grip to make it thicker. Apart from that, any other ways to fatten the grip? I've already got a Hogue Handall on there, but it's not quite enough.

04-13-2012, 05:03 PM
that greaseis stillthere the grit feeling could be just rounds needed to smooth things out. but here is what u can do and look for. witht e slide off thegun and themagazine out look downinside the gun on the right side u wll see the thrigger bar and under that trbber bar is a little sprig kthat rides in a u shape that goes on te bottom of tha ttrigger bar. That spring keeps the trigger bar in proper place. I would bet if u took a Q-tip with some tw25 on it and uyt in directly on that little spring where it rides on the bottom of that trigeer bar, that grit feeling will dissappear and it will also help to smooth that area out some to. Ur slide realy is not IMO shearing off anythig but merel;y wearing down any hig spots on the polymer rails. This is normal for some guns but it will with runds down range smooth those high spots out by slide action. If u want to , take some 600+ grip paper and smooth those polymer areas out andit will stop soon. U evidently have big hands, the P9 grip is as big as they make for the kahrs.

I when I cleanmy kahr rub TW 25 around the barrel area and inside that barrel lug but I don't goop it up there at all. The lube is there. It won't run off and it doesnt dry up, certainly not in a few days for sure.

Just get out and shoot it like u stole it and I think all things willbe well. U hve a super great kahr in the P9.

04-13-2012, 05:12 PM
Congrats, I love my P9, I think you'll love it if you are into the whole DAO thing.

1 - Mine was gritty/tight on the pull, and so is my TP9. But the P9 smoothed out. No idea if the return is the same thing, would think so. Maybe someone else will jump in here.

2 - My P9 sheared polymer too. Kahrs are built to tight tolerances. It'll stop after a couple hundred rounds or less. But I assume you meant polymer from the frame. The guide rails are metal, embedded in the plastic frame.

3 - Yep, dissassembly is a piece of cake. I love that about Kahr.

4 and 5, you know it!

TW25B, sorry dunno, don't use it.

Grip - yea, one of the guys here wrapped his grip w/ basically a tennis raquet self gripping (non-adhesive) gauze tape. Going that route, you could wrap it until it was thick enough. I keep meaning to try it, but havent. I've got Talon Grips (rubber) on my P9 and love them, but they don't add much thickness and I like it that way. But sounds like you want thicker, if a Hogue grip isn't thick enough for you, I think you'll have to go the tape route...not any other thicker options that I'm aware of.

...or maybe you need another gun. that sounds more fun. thin Kahr, thick something else. :)

Enjoy breaking it in! I'm heading out here shortly to put a few more rounds thru my TP9.

04-13-2012, 05:29 PM
Jocko, the odd thing is, I have tiny hands! I wear men's extra small gloves, if that's any indication. The Kahr, to date, is the ONLY gun I have ever tried where I can get a proper grip and reach the trigger comfortably at the same time. Never tried a 1911 with short trigger and thin grips, so I can't comment on that. I prefer the feel of a grip that fills the hand a little more than the Hogue. I'll have to try that tennis racket grip. Or perhaps hockey grip wrap is in order?

I'll see if I can't apply some grease to that spring you mentioned as well. I'm a little apprehensive about shooting it though; I'm fairly recoil sensitive, and the P9 is so light that I'm worried about how the gun will kick. Love how you just forget the gun is there because it's so light, though.

04-13-2012, 06:06 PM
u can always magna port it and really enjoy it, although I must say the P9 should be pleasant to shoot. I love ported guns as does Jeepster to.

04-17-2012, 04:33 PM
With very few rounds thru my new P9 (300) the recoil is extremely manageable. Have not been the least bit disappointed in this gun. I have several .40's, so my view point is from a stouter kicking weapon. I'm even looking forward to my wife trying this gun since she is recoil sensitive. I think it may become her gun once she shoots it but we'll see.

06-24-2012, 07:25 PM
Get a hogue slip on grip. It makes all the difference in the feel. I love mine.