View Full Version : Hello everyone new member and had some questions?
04-14-2012, 09:33 AM
I've always enjoyed going to the range with my friends or family. Usually I'd just borrow one of their extra guns and just buy ammo there at the range shop.
Anyways I've decided that I finally would like to purchase my first handgun for CCW purposes and range gun. I've taken the proper steps and signed up for a multi-course defensive handgun lessons for outdoor/home defense at a local gun academy. Which brings me hear to this forum as I choose the black PM9 with NS as my first handgun. The other contenders I was looking at were the CM9, Ruger LCP, and Kel-Tec PF9. Order has been placed from an online dealer and my local FFL contacted just waiting for this baby to arrive. :D
I did have a some questions though if anyone would be able to answer them it would be appreciated. Is there a difference between the all black PM9 and the one with the silver slide, the all black seemed to be about $40-50 bucks more.
I'm just assuming that its just cost more to produced the all black version and that's the reason for the price difference?
Next question could I please just some owners personal suggestions for some accessaries I'm looking to purchase a pocket holster, a grip to go around the handle and thinking about adding a Pearce Grip for the bottom. Also this being my first gun I've never had to properly maintain or clean the previous firearms.
If there some sort of kit combo that includes the proper tools/items to keep my PM9 in tip top shape?
Final question is this is going to be my primary range gun so it would be nice to have a larger capacity magazine, any suggestions?
Thanks one again for your time and any help/comments would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks in advance and I'm happy to join your wonderful community.
Here's the PM9 I purchased from this store.
04-14-2012, 10:06 AM
Welcome to the forum and to Kahr ownership. You made the right decision and chose the best subcompact CC weapon on the market.
Yes, the DLC (Diamond Like Coating) is what adds to the price. It is a VERY hard and durable finish, and it looks great.
My strong recommendation for a holster is the PJ IWB:
I prefer the Qwik-Grip rubber sleeve:
I would pass on the Pierce finger extension. You don't want to buy a super compact gun and then buy a sharp extension to put on the end of the grip. You will find that the two finger grip with your little finger tucked under the mag is quite secure and comfortable. And you'll be surprized how mild the recoil is with such a small, light gun.
Buy extra 6 round mags. Practice with what you carry. No matter the size of the mag, you still have to put bullets in one at a time. I have 3 6-rounders for my CM9.
Edit: Get a Butler Creek Universal LULA mag loader and you will save your thumbs and be able to load those mags real fast.
When you get the gun, check out two stickies in the Kahr-Tech ( section before you start breaking it in:
Proper prep of a new kahr (
Kahr Lube Diagram (
Best of luck with your new pistol! It will keep getting smoother and sweeter as you put hundreds of rounds through it.
Bill K
04-14-2012, 01:12 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk.
The Kel-Tec PF9 was also on my short list before finally getting the PM9.
I've been very happy with my Alabama Holster for pocket carry ( I did however do several mods to make it even more to my liking.
Take care...
04-14-2012, 01:46 PM
Welcome to the forum and to Kahr ownership. You made the right decision and chose the best subcompact CC weapon on the market.
Yes, the DLC (Diamond Like Coating) is what adds to the price. It is a VERY hard and durable finish, and it looks great.
My strong recommendation for a holster is the PJ IWB:
I prefer the Qwik-Grip rubber sleeve:
I would pass on the Pierce finger extension. You don't want to buya super compact gun and then buy a sharp extension to put on the end of the grip. You will find that the two finger grip with your little finger tucked under the mag is quite secure and comfortable. And you'll be surprized how mild the recoil is with such a small, light gun.
Buy extra 6 round mags. Practice with what you carry. No matter the size of the mag, you still have to put bullets in one at a time. I have 3 6-rounders for my CM9.
Edit: Get a Butler Creek Universal LULA mag loader and you will save your trhumbs and be able to load those mags real fast.
When you get the gun, check out two stickies in the Kahr-Tech ( section before you start breaking it in:
Proper prep of a new kahr (
Kahr Lube Diagram (
Best of luck with your new pistol! It will keep getting smoother and sweeter as you put hundreds of rounds through it.
Welcome to KahrTalk.
The Kel-Tec PF9 was also on my short list before finally getting the PM9.
I've been very happy with my Alabama Holster for pocket carry ( I did however do several mods to make it even more to my liking.
Take care...
Thank you both for the warm welcome and advice. I'll hold off on the Pierce extension and you make a great point about practicing with what you carry in regards to the extra 6 round mags instead of going for the larger capacity one for just the range. I've looked into the suggested accessories and the Qwik Grip looks like a winner. Still debating on what holster though. I'll read those thread for the proper maintenance. Thanks once again I cannot wait to hit the range! :)
04-14-2012, 02:20 PM
Hi and nice choice on your pistol, I'm sure you will love it. Lots of good advise here, being nobody addressed the cleaning kit I'll toss in my 2 cents worth. I'm 64 and been around guns all my life if that makes any difference.
You have a really high quality pistol and I would recommend that you don't use a cheap kit to clean it with. I would buy a small fishing tackle box or other container and build your own kit.
First I would recommend a good coated cleaning rod, like Deweys. Just the short one for pistols only. Add to that a couple of brass brushes and a jag for the cleaning patches. And of course cleaning patches.
A good cleaning bristle brush, they look sorta like a tooth brush. Good for cleaning the bolt face and under the extractor.
Add a good power solvent, I use shooters choice but there is lots of good other ones. Add a good slide grease, I use Tetra but there is other good choices.
I also run a oil patch through the barrel after cleaning it, then I follow it with a dry patch that takes out most of the oil and leaves a thin film, so add a small can of gun oil.
If you have a Sportsmans Warehouse close they will have it all. If not pick it up where you can.
I clean after every range trip so my pistol is always at it best for carry.
I hope this helps,
04-14-2012, 02:42 PM
Hi and nice choice on your pistol, I'm sure you will love it. Lots of good advise here, being nobody addressed the cleaning kit I'll toss in my 2 cents worth. I'm 64 and been around guns all my life if that makes any difference.
You have a really high quality pistol and I would recommend that you don't use a cheap kit to clean it with. I would buy a small fishing tackle box or other container and build your own kit.
First I would recommend a good coated cleaning rod, like Deweys. Just the short one for pistols only. Add to that a couple of brass brushes and a jag for the cleaning patches. And of course cleaning patches.
A good cleaning bristle brush, they look sorta like a tooth brush. Good for cleaning the bolt face and under the extractor.
Add a good power solvent, I use shooters choice but there is lots of good other ones. Add a good slide grease, I use Tetra but there is other good choices.
I also run a oil patch through the barrel after cleaning it, then I follow it with a dry patch that takes out most of the oil and leaves a thin film, so add a small can of gun oil.
If you have a Sportsmans Warehouse close they will have it all. If not pick it up where you can.
I clean after every range trip so my pistol is always at it best for carry.
I hope this helps,
Thanks for the reply/advice James. I'm assuming there's nothing offered where everything comes together in one combo pack and I'd just have to purchase everything individually. Going to require a little more work but it'll be worth to keep the PM9 in top condition.
04-14-2012, 02:45 PM
u bought #1 the best kahr, stay with the flush magazines, If u wanted more capacity u should buy a bigger capaicty gun. iF U CAN DO IT IN 7 ROUNDS MORE THAN LIKELY UR DEAD. buy a spare 6 round flush fit and be done wth it. practice the way ur gonna carry. Thgat DLC finish is qawesome, under it is the same stainless slide as one without the finish. Personally the dlc is a super looking peace. I carry my PM9 24/ 7 in a desantis pocket holster and also a uncle miikes # 3 holster. both are about the same. They fit great, no break in necessary.
Indeed go to the kahgr tech section and hit on the kahr lube chart it is awesome. any pistol cleaning kit willdo the job, just make sur eu have a 9mm brush in with it. i ALso like the snake rope whenat the range to and for a quick cleaning. I use that rope fromt he open endof the mag well into the barrel and that way it also is cleanaing the feed ramp. alittle oil on that rope and ur good to go until u can givbe it a good cleaning. I also wipe down all my guns with a silicone pistol cloth. I am merely repeating what the above guys told u, so heed to their suggestions. U might for sur ehit on those two sticky's that JFootin posted at the bottom of his post. Give the gun a good 200 rounds of good american brand fmj ammo for break in and then look for the defense round of ur choic and retest.
My personal thoughts on extendfed magazines is that they SUCK, but others here have good luck with um. If ur gonna think pocket carry for samn sure u don't need a longer magazine sticking out of the gun. bu6y a cw9 if that is what u wanted.. welcome to this fie forum. Other than me, the rest of the guys here are super. I am allowed here just to keep these guys straight!!!!
04-14-2012, 03:11 PM
Thanks for the reply/advice James. I'm assuming there's nothing offered where everything comes together in one combo pack and I'd just have to purchase everything individually. Going to require a little more work but it'll be worth to keep the PM9 in top condition.
You can buy a caliber specific kit that will have everything you need to start. But buying individually you will get "Better Stuff".
Dewey rods are super, with a short barrel even the cheap kits will work fine.
You can get the kit and then upgrade as you go along and get the "Good Stuff".
04-14-2012, 03:48 PM
My suggestions are from experience from my mk9. Steel version of the pm9. As far as extra mags go I would get the 6 rounders. I found the pierce grip extension very useful for gripping the gun with all my fingers to help with the long trigger pull. They do make the gun look sharper IMO. Yes the previous member was speaking about the extension being sharp but I don't find it so. I guess I don't get hurt all that easily. Good luck hope it performs well for you.
04-14-2012, 07:59 PM
My suggestions are from experience from my mk9. Steel version of the pm9. As far as extra mags go I would get the 6 rounders. I found the pierce grip extension very useful for gripping the gun with all my fingers to help with the long trigger pull. They do make the gun look sharper IMO. Yes the previous member was speaking about the extension being sharp but I don't find it so. I guess I don't get hurt all that easily. Good luck hope it performs well for you.
I meant sharp in the sense that it can grab cloths and print a little more.
04-16-2012, 08:50 AM
Welcome to the forum! Congrats a super nice gun! +1 on the pj holster! I love mine! I also really like the talon rubber grip on my cm9. Haven't tried the quik grip, so can't say good or bad about it, but the talon was ten bucks n makes a HUGE difference in grip. I started with a basic pistol cleaning kit minus the cleaner n lube (like 20 bucks at walmart) n added some non-chlorinated brake clean n some hoppes elite (n now my free sample of weaponshield) (do a search for weaponshild n u will find the thread with the email address u can send an email to n get a super nice free sample) everything else these guys have mentioned is great advice though, this is just my .02
04-17-2012, 04:16 PM
My 2 cents is that if you're going to buy the Pearce Grip extender, you might as well order the P9 and let your pinky rest on that. I'm not so sure that adding the extender adds any concealability and it takes away from the purpose of going with the pm9 over the p9. I own both
04-17-2012, 06:59 PM
I choose the black PM9 with NS as my first handgun.
Nice gun. If you have any friends to shoot with, try to get a few rounds down range before you buy a bunch of stuff based on other people's long distance opinions. When I say a few rounds, I mean at least 300. By then you will have a much better idea of what you might actually find useful.
One step at a time, for best results. :)
On the other hand, you could just go out a buy stuff. We have a section to sell things here on the forum. I have gotten some nice bargains from guys here who had a change of heart. Some of them have already offered you some suggestions.
04-17-2012, 07:27 PM
I'll have an update later on tonight, I'm just on a 15min break at work right now so not much time to type up everything I want to with my phone.
04-18-2012, 11:33 AM
Hello all, I am a new member also and am still contemplating my options for the PM9 I am considering. I am currently planning the black finish with night sights also. I am wondering about the durability of the black finish and would like to know its durability from a long time owner. I have fired a borrowed PM9 several times and was impressed by it. My home defense pistol is a SW40 caliber and have thought about keeping all my ammo the same but wondered about the recoil of the PM9 in SW40. Thoughts.
04-18-2012, 12:36 PM
Hello Dutch, and welcome to the forum.
I had the same thoughts when I got my Kahr. I also have a .40 that I reload for. I went with the PM9 for two reasons. Its a little smaller and the ammo is a lot cheaper so I don't have to reload for it. Now that I have the PM9 I find its one of my favorite pistols to shoot, But the .40 and a little more power would be nice to have also.
I guess I wasn't much help, lol... better buy both! :D
04-18-2012, 12:37 PM
I carry my PM9 24/ 7 in a desantis pocket holster and also a uncle miikes # 3 holster. both are about the same.
OK. I'm trying to envision what the heck you're wearing to bed with a pocket for your PM9 Jocko. :D Just askin'.
Hee Hee
04-18-2012, 03:24 PM
OK. I'm trying to envision what the heck you're wearing to bed with a pocket for your PM9 Jocko. :D Just askin'.
Hee Hee
04-18-2012, 03:28 PM
The PM is a good choice, I like the Hougue Handle JR. grip sleeve installed upside down. *Welcome to the forum....*once you arrive here theres no leaving-by the way :=]
04-18-2012, 03:30 PM
The PM is a good choice, I like the Hougue Handle JR. grip sleeve installed upside down. *Welcome to the forum....*once you arrive here theres no leaving-by the way :=]
Trust jeepster on this one. I have first hand knowlege. It's just like the Hotel California only much more pleasant and we're not required to have a safety on our pillow cases.
04-18-2012, 04:31 PM
I think it is the fear factor that keeps 0ne here!!1 Just sayin
04-18-2012, 04:33 PM
Jeepster, I can see tha tPM9 is ported but that slide seems very shinny.It that a finish other than the DLC on it?/ Just askn.
It sure looks purdy
04-18-2012, 04:36 PM
Wait, it's not green either. Somethings terrible wrong here. Call in the investigators.
04-18-2012, 04:52 PM
Alright I've taken bits and pieces of everyone's advice and let just say there's a hole burning through my credit card right now with all the accessories (range gear, gun-safe, cleaning items, extra mags, ect....) and ammo I plan on trying out. It's worth it though to figure out what works & is most comfortable for myself. Thank you to everyone once again, can't wait for the PM9 to get here and start shooting. :)
04-18-2012, 05:02 PM
Wait, it's not green either. Somethings terrible wrong here. Call in the investigators.
I think he liked that Gloss Black Duracoat that he saw on my J-frame when it was at Ahlman's! :wof:
04-18-2012, 05:20 PM
OK. I'm trying to envision what the heck you're wearing to bed with a pocket for your PM9 Jocko. :D Just askin'.
Hee Hee
04-21-2012, 08:45 PM
Got to finally pick up the PM9 last night. I must say I was extremely satisfied with the whole process of purchasing my first firearm. Grabagun was great, I ordered last Friday and had it my hands exactly 1 week later. My local FFL made the transfer quick and easy, they took it apart and helped look for any defects before me accepting the transfer.
Been getting to know the PM9 all last night and today, found out that for me I prefer the feel of the 6 round mag with Pierce Grip+Quik Grip. Just completed the pre-prep, and lube work. Only left to do is go to the range and get those 200 break-in rounds out the way hopefully tomorrow. I even stopped by my first Gun Show today with my uncle and bought some cheap range ammo for the PM9. But I think I shouldn't haven't gone as now I'm in the mood to save up for an AR & shotgun lol.
Here's a pic of the PM9
04-21-2012, 08:50 PM
Congrats on the PM9. Enjoy your breakin rounds. Don't forget, most new shooters start off low left. Don't be discouraged. The long trigger will throw you at first, but you and it will smooth out pretty quickly.
Have a blast with it!
04-21-2012, 09:12 PM
Looks like you are all set! Best of luck! :)
04-21-2012, 09:29 PM
Congrats on the PM9. Enjoy your breakin rounds. Don't forget, most new shooters start off low left. Don't be discouraged. The long trigger will throw you at first, but you and it will smooth out pretty quickly.
Have a blast with it!
Looks like you are all set! Best of luck! :)
Thanks to both of you and everyone else who helped out with my questions, it has really helped out with my purchase and getting to know my PM9.
I do have another one though, is it fairly easy to get Kahr to exchange my 7 round mag that came with the PM9 for a 6 round one? I've sent then an email already so I hope I'll hear some good news from them by Monday as the 7 round mag will just collect dust in my closet.
04-21-2012, 10:29 PM
Yes. Kahr has been very good about exchanging the longer magazine for a flush fitting magazine. They may ask you to send it in first as part of the exchange, but considering how "useful" it is to many shooters, you won't miss it.
Just for fun, you might want to take it with you to the range. A couple of jamb clearing drills might be good for the soul. ;)
Oh, and thanks for the kind words! I'm sure you will get your chance to be similarly helpful to someone else in the future. :cool:
My 2 cents from a happy pm9 newbie:
Kahr cautions against ultra cheap ammo. I'd use regular stuff. Nothing cheaper than WWB and remember if your gun show ammo is reloaded it voids the warranty.
Personally I used WWB and gold dot for my break in. And if I had it to do over I'd probably just use the gold dot. The only FTF I had in the first 300 rounds was probably my fault for changing my hold/trigger action but also the bullet looked like crap when I ejected it. Now the tech break in stickie here says use only FMJ for the break in, so I'd differ there I guess, and I am just a newbie to kahr and this site has more collective wisdom, but either way use something quality. Esp for the break in.
Bringing to point two. Use the shorter magazine and keep your wrist locked tight tight tight for the first 200 (or whatever) rounds.
My preferred hold is to hold the gun and wrist the same way I would if I was facing a zombie ninja on PCP trying to knock it out of my hand while the fate of the world rested on me making a bullseye without my pinkie touching anything but the baseplate. Ie I hold it tight. The gun is very small and comfortable. If you get comfortable you might get soft. If you worry about where your shots land and read one of those "diagnostic targets" you might worry about sqeezing or milking or whatever and get soft. Don't. Save that stuff for say rounds 501 and beyond.
Shoot safe but don't bother to concern yourself with accuracy beyond basic safety. The point of the break in is to convince yourself that you can cycle the gun with the magazine it was intended to use for concealment. After you are convinced you can hold the gun properly and cycle it regularly, then you can worry about accuracy, fancy grips, different size magazines, cheaper than dirt ammunition, blah blah blah.
Point being, after several hundred rounds of correct cycling with the factory specs, if you then run into problems its much more likely you'll feel confident the gun itself is true and the problem lies in one of the variables you changed (or one of the variables you changed caused you to alter your grip etc).
And don't use reloads for the next 5 years at least.
04-22-2012, 09:42 AM
Thank you for the advice. The ammo I bought was Federal 115gr FMJ in a white box guy was running a 1 day sale for $9 a box of 50 bought myself 8 boxes. I was told it would be good break-in ammo.
04-22-2012, 10:56 AM
I think the recommendation to use FMJ is only because its inexpensive.
Hotter ammo would be a good thing during break in and if a person has money for Gold Dot or other premium carry ammo, by all means use it.
I'm a believer in practicing with what you carry but most, myself included just can't afford to do that.
The Federal should work fine and dandy for for break in.
Kahr just says commercial ammo and federal certainly should be quality enough so you should be just fine
Again I only have my own experience to draw on but I'd suggest blaze away as fast as you safely can
Don't go into it mentally counting down from 200 and crossing your fingers hoping your gun is going to "make it" through this
Grip it like you want to arm wrestle it and let loose 8 boxes of fury.
I shot with an empty range but if you are self concious with folks around just let them know you are breaking in a new gun and are going to be shooting a lot, fast, while you do
Have fun - I found my initial expectations wildly exceeded and the only
Hiccup was not the pm9 fault
Agreed gold dot is more money
My thought was if I was going to trust the pm as a carry gun I at least wanted a hundred rounds through it firing at life on the line pace since that's my carry ammo and I would want to see it cycle through both mags of gold dot plus p at self defense pace
If I have to do it over again and I probably will I'll likely do the same thing by breaking in the gun and carry ammo at the same time. But I did water down the cost a little with the wwb
04-22-2012, 12:13 PM
what bawanna said is the way to go. shoot what u can afford but do shoot.
04-22-2012, 03:15 PM
I did order some Ranger T ammo 147gr and Speer Gold Dots 124gr +P. I got about 100 each of those to mess around with and see what I prefer for my SD ammo. Only problem is their gonna have to wait till another time since they haven't arrived from UPS yet.
Anyways I'll update you guys later in the day, about to head out and enjoy the nice weather here in Portland, OR by going shooting with my uncle and a couple of my friends. Can't wait to see this baby in action finally!
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