View Full Version : Qs ABOUT MY NEW CM9

Snidely Whiplash
04-15-2012, 05:46 PM
I picked up my new CM9 yesterday evening and joined KahrTalk late last night. I wasn't able to closely inspect my new CM9 until late this afternoon. I found two defects on the outside: a pit in the left side of the slide and a flaw in the frame at the top rear (the polymer sticks out past the metal quite a bit). This is not my first pistol by any means and I don't expect perfection from any mass-produced gun, but I did not expect to find such irritatingly obvious defects in a new Kahr. Other members of my family have either PM9s or CM9s (in some cases both) and none of their Kahrs have had any defects. (I don't consider a slightly less than perfect fit between the polymer frame and the metal slide to be a serious defect.)

I'm now trying to decide what to do about it. The CM9s seem to be hard to get these days and I got it for a very good price, but both of these defects in a factory new Kahr, especially the pit in the slide, are really bugging me. Has anyone else had to deal with these issues? If so, what did you do about it?

04-15-2012, 05:51 PM
the slide is stainless, the rear portion ur referring to seems to be normal on the cm9,

Photos would help alot to.

call kahr on the slide to see what they tell you. again photos help alot.

04-15-2012, 06:12 PM
in for pics

Snidely Whiplash
04-15-2012, 06:35 PM
I tried to post some photos, but couldn't. I don't know why, but I'm not allowed to post attachments (including photos). It may be because I'm a new member.

04-15-2012, 06:40 PM
I believe you can through a photobucket account.

04-15-2012, 06:43 PM
get a free photobucket account and do it that way.... easier in the future!

04-15-2012, 07:07 PM
Look on the trigger guard and see if there is a B for blem stamped there. They sell cheaper and the seller may not have made it clear that is why the price was so good and didn't point that out clearly. Just guessing this might be the case you are seeing defects.

04-15-2012, 07:40 PM
I don't think you can post pics until you've had 30 or so posts? Mods is that correct? Helps keep the spam down.

Snidely Whiplash
04-15-2012, 07:40 PM
Ikeo74, thanks for the tip. I looked all over and around the trigger guard very carefully - in fact I looked all over the gun - no "B" anywhere. I purchased it as a factory new CM9 just like the other members of my family purchased theirs, but I got it for $40 less than the lowest price any of them paid. I bought it from Davidson's and picked it up from a local dealer. I've bought several guns this way and, until now, have never had any problems of any kind. I was expecting at least the same, if not better, from Kahr. I'll be calling my local dealer, Davidson's, and Kahr Monday morning.

Thanks also to Tinman507 and bonjorno2 for the tip about photobucket - I'd forgotten about them.

04-15-2012, 09:31 PM
Ikeo74, thanks for the tip. I looked all over and around the trigger guard very carefully - in fact I looked all over the gun - no "B" anywhere. I purchased it as a factory new CM9 just like the other members of my family purchased theirs, but I got it for $40 less than the lowest price any of them paid. I bought it from Davidson's and picked it up from a local dealer. I've bought several guns this way and, until now, have never had any problems of any kind. I was expecting at least the same, if not better, from Kahr. I'll be calling my local dealer, Davidson's, and Kahr Monday morning.

Thanks also to Tinman507 and bonjorno2 for the tip about photobucket - I'd forgotten about them.

With ALL due respect...seriously. Everyone buys different ways for different reasons. I called my 2 local gun shops who are listed as Kahr dealers who both said "we don't stock Kahrs but we can get them." There was no way I was going to plunk down $400+ for a CM9 or order one from an online shop to be delivered to my LGS without a chance to see, feel, inspect, and break down what I was buying. I went to my 3rd closest LGS (50 miles away) who said they had them in stock and sell them often. The fellow brought one out and told me it was the most recent S/N they had. We both took it out of the box and out of the bag and took a close look at it and broke it down before he ever saw my cash. Had it had polymer shreds or dings or poorly fitting parts he would have had to bring out another to see the $$$. It might have cost me $30-40 more to do it that way ($429) but it saved me a LOT of angst/trouble. Just sayin'...PRICE IS NOT COST!

04-17-2012, 08:35 PM
New member and proud owner of a new CM9. I agree with skiflydive. Price is not always the most important factor when buying something. I always inspect every firearm before I buy it, and that means no on-line purchasing. If that means I sacrifice a few bucks or so to ensure I have a quality product, it is worth it. Sorry to hear about the defects, I would like to hear what Kahr does to remedy it.

Snidely Whiplash
04-18-2012, 11:16 AM
Contacted Kahr. Chief Gunsmith got back to me very quickly. Asked me to send it to him. He's going to carefully inspect it to see if it can be repaired. If not, he will replace the slide and frame and send it back. I'll let you know how that goes.

FWIW - I understand the perspective of skiflydive and parabellumj, but I've bought more than a few guns this way over several years and this is the first time I've had a problem. This issue isn't going to cost me any more time, money, and aggravation than if I had missed something (which I easily could with my aging eyes) when inspecting the gun at a local dealer. To top it off, I've saved more than a little money. Should I have any more problems, I'll definitely reconsider the local dealer. To each his own, as they say...

04-18-2012, 11:27 AM
I always try to support my local gun shops but with the internet now days the whole country is at your shopping disposal.

If you never buy on line your missing a lot of interesting and sometimes hard to find guns to cherish and enjoy. Lots of accessories too. One of course has to be careful, do your homework and you'll get burned now and then but the rewards are great.

I've been stricken with 1903 fever of late and using this forum and the internet I'm learning from good guys on both coast and in between to find the best I can get at a number I can afford.

Snidely Whiplash, I just dig that handle. Has a nice ring to it.

Snidely Whiplash
04-18-2012, 12:38 PM
Thanks, MR. Bawanna (being a lowly newbie to both Kahr and KahrTalk, I don't want to be presumptuous). The only down-side is now I have to wait for who knows how long before I can prep my new CM9 and take it to the range. Oh, well, at least I have something fun to look forward to.

FWIW: As a kid I was (and still am) a MAJOR FAN of "The Bullwinkle Show" in all its many name variations and was very impressed with the villainous Snidely; but then, I also plotted to send a box of termites to Howdy Doody. What can I say?

04-18-2012, 01:20 PM
Thanks, MR. Bawanna (being a lowly newbie to both Kahr and KahrTalk, I don't want to be presumptuous). The only down-side is now I have to wait for who knows how long before I can prep my new CM9 and take it to the range. Oh, well, at least I have something fun to look forward to.

FWIW: As a kid I was (and still am) a MAJOR FAN of "The Bullwinkle Show" in all its many name variations and was very impressed with the villainous Snidely; but then, I also plotted to send a box of termites to Howdy Doody. What can I say?

I too was a Bullwinkle fan although I was more of a Rocky the Flying Squirrel fan. A lot of the people I work with remind me of Bullwinkle though although I think he had a higher IQ.

The waiting is the hardest part in a mans (or womans) life. One disadvantage to not buying off the rack locally, you gotta wait and the seller never seems to be as jazzed about shipping fast as we are wanting it yesterday. Go figure.

04-18-2012, 02:06 PM
Mine is the same way

04-18-2012, 02:07 PM
Mine is the same way

04-18-2012, 02:10 PM
Mine is the same way :)

04-18-2012, 02:44 PM
I like to buy where I can see and feel the gun before I lay down the cash.
But I, like Bawanna mentioned, sometimes want a gun that I can't easily get
from my LGS. The internet has allowed easy access to guns I may
have never gotten my hands on otherwise.

My Talo Special Edition EXO Glock G27 with NS
is a one of ~400 guns produced in 2011.
Without the internet it wouldn't be mine today.

Although there are Kahr MK40s here locally.
An Elite with NS was nowhere to be found.
I went through trying for order one from a distributor via
The Mother Ship.
And was told there would be a 6 week to 8 week wait!

Then I hit the net and got one in two days flat, cheaper, mailed from 2500 miles away.

Fortunately both guns arrived pristine in every way.

04-18-2012, 03:09 PM
Price Is Not Cost. You said it all, Skiflydive.

04-18-2012, 03:21 PM
Price Is Not Cost. You said it all, Skiflydive.

If I ever get a tattoo it'll be that across my forehead in a large font.