View Full Version : Breaking In New PM9

02-14-2010, 01:09 AM
I shot my new PM9 a couple days ago, and while effective it was a little painful. I have "retired hands" (softened by dishwater) and I had a difficult time pulling the slide to lock it back. I was getting some instruction and practiced the clearing technique which almost ripped the hide off my hands. Then I'm practicing the two handed grip squeezing the dickens out of my shooting fingers just to keep both hands on the grips with the recoil. Of course my shooting fingers felt like permanent holes punched into them from the masochistic front side of the grip.

I was thinking keep shooting, the bad guys will get you! Along with all that I consistently shot tight groups - for me that means all shots in center mass. For my first time shooting the PM9, I love it! My hands have healed and the gun performed flawlessly.

I'm not really complaining, more like funnun ya, but it is definitely a tough gun if you are soft, and don't laugh, you may be one day. I fully expect to have the ladies here give me a bad time so feel free to take your shots! Now for a couple questions:

1. Will the slide become easier to pull back with use? I haven't tried it with another PM9 but will.

2. My black slide looks worn already and I haven't even holstered it yet. The back half looks new, the front old. Is that normal for 199 rounds?

02-14-2010, 01:59 AM
Gratz on trading in those dishes for a PM9. :o) I just started breaking mine in today also. I ran 250 rounds through it without a single issue. My slide was pretty dirty and discolored after shooting, but cleaned up like new. I don't see why yours wouldn't. I have a PM40 also, and have enjoyed it so much that I picked up the PM9 last week. I love these pistols. Those "soft hands" will toughen up after a couple hundred more rounds for sure.
I was also breaking in a new Ruger LCP today. Now that little guy is a handful compared to the PM's. Kahrs are excellent guns! Enjoy that PM9.

02-14-2010, 04:14 AM
One thing to do to loosen up the slide is manually rack the slide 4-500 times.
This will also firm up your grip. Also make sure the slide is well lubed.

02-14-2010, 05:04 AM
If the skin on your hands is soft and you want to rack the slide to loosen it up,slip on some canvas work gloves.They`ll protect your hands and you can also keep a pretty good grip on the gun as opposed to cotton gloves.I work with my hands a lot and during the winter they crack open in places and are like hard plastic in others.I look forward to the day when they are softer.And don`t worry about the women here giving you a hard time.I have never met nicer ladies. :yo:

02-14-2010, 06:25 AM
can't believe that finish is wearing either. It is harder than the steel surface it is applies to even. Wipe it down with a silicone cloth and my bet the color will come back. It was never a shinny finish on the DLC guns anyhow. More you shoot your PM9 the more you and the gun will get to know each other. Kahrs are tight, kahrs have extremely stout recoil springs. I cave over 25,000 rounds out of my PM9 and hand rackiing for me is still not a 100% reliable thing. Just the nature of a small gun, and heavy springs combination. use the slide lock lever to load and you will be ok. Hand racking also will get better with time to. Nice gun, just shoot it like you stole it.

P.S. buy a dishwasher!!!!

02-14-2010, 07:04 AM
I shot my new PM9 a couple days ago, and while effective it was a little painful. I have "retired hands" (softened by dishwater) and I had a difficult time pulling the slide to lock it back. I was getting some instruction and practiced the clearing technique which almost ripped the hide off my hands. Then I'm practicing the two handed grip squeezing the dickens out of my shooting fingers just to keep both hands on the grips with the recoil. Of course my shooting fingers felt like permanent holes punched into them from the masochistic front side of the grip.

I suggest a couple things;
First, maybe the very small PM9 isn't the gun for you. Perhaps a larger grip would serve you better.

If you stick with the PM, try installing a Hogue or Pachmayer grip sleeve. These make the grip much more comfortable.

Your grip needs improving. Your trigger hand should not be in a death grip. The support hand should be the one you hold tighter.

I was thinking keep shooting, the bad guys will get you! Along with all that I consistently shot tight groups - for me that means all shots in center mass. For my first time shooting the PM9, I love it! My hands have healed and the gun performed flawlessly.

That's what counts most, but pain may cause you to practice less or develope a flinch.

I'm not really complaining, more like funnun ya, but it is definitely a tough gun if you are soft, and don't laugh, you may be one day. I fully expect to have the ladies here give me a bad time so feel free to take your shots! Now for a couple questions:

Getting older sucks. I can't see anymore to target shoot. Adapt and overcome.

1. Will the slide become easier to pull back with use? I haven't tried it with another PM9 but will.

Yes, but not much. Try the two more common methods. Push/pull... use as much force pushing the grip as you do pulling the slide... quickly, almost violently.

Try the hand over the slide technique, whereby instead of pulling the slide towards you, hold the gun parallel to your body, your hand on top, fingers and thumb gripping tightly and pushing the slide towards one direction while your grip hand pushes in the opposite.

2. My black slide looks worn already and I haven't even holstered it yet. The back half looks new, the front old. Is that normal for 199 rounds?


02-14-2010, 07:25 AM
Sounds like you're all over that PM9. All the above advice is worth trying out. And don't you worry about those soft hands...Speaking for myself, we ladies do enjoy them.;)

mr surveyor
02-14-2010, 11:13 AM
I would only add that you may try the "overhand" method of operating the slide... it really helps those with a weakened grip to manipulate the slide


02-14-2010, 12:09 PM
I think a big part of the abused hands is holding the gun incorrectly and too tight, and especially shooting too many rounds too quickly. The first and second times I went to shoot my PM9 I tried with and without gloves and watched for any discomfort. The last trip to the range I took my gloves but never felt the need, shooting almost 250 rounds with 93 +P, the majority through my PM9, the rest my K9. I take my time and usually patch the target between magazines or after a number of rounds with one pistol. After all of the +P, the 124 gr. FMJ range fodder felt very mild. Of course, at the range I frequent, I pay $10.50 plus tax and there is no time limit, so I'm there 2 - 2 1/2 hours and don't feel compelled to rush to shoot a certain number in a short period of time.

02-14-2010, 12:15 PM
Re soft hands we all need top know our limits. I have hand and wrist problems and I usually can get off about 50-75 rounds at the range (combo of 9mm and 45acp) before I start getting a little loose with fatigue. Of course in any gunfight where you need to use 50 rounds you have much bigger problems than soft hands.

02-14-2010, 06:16 PM
Try the Houge Jr grip. I purchased one the other day and love it.

02-15-2010, 06:29 PM
And don't you worry about those soft hands...Speaking for myself, we ladies do enjoy them.;)At least that's what they all tell me!! (by all, I mean my lovely bride of 43 years);)

I would only add that you may try the "overhand" method of operating the slide... it really helps those with a weakened grip to manipulate the slidesurv

Try the hand over the slide technique, whereby instead of pulling the slide towards you, hold the gun parallel to your body, your hand on top, fingers and thumb gripping tightly and pushing the slide towards one direction while your grip hand pushes in the opposite.That's what I was being trained on. My thumb and finger were squeezing the sharp slide notches. I'll just keep at it until my hands get tougher.
I suggest a couple things;
First, maybe the very small PM9 isn't the gun for you. Perhaps a larger grip would serve you better.
If you stick with the PM, try installing a Hogue or Pachmayer grip sleeve. These make the grip much more comfortable.My current carry is a Mustang PocketLite which is slightly smaller. I will be trying some kind of grip cover but I pocket carry which is a factor.

Your grip needs improving. Your trigger hand should not be in a death grip. The support hand should be the one you hold tighter.If I don't hold it tight it hurts worse as it moves in my hand just a tad. It is my weak hand I'm squeezing the most which presses my strong fingers against the front plate. I think the cover is the answer.

BTW, I have zero problems shooting my Colt Commander. If ever a gun can be a 'soul mate gun' this one's mine. I think what I want to hit and it just happens. Before you ask, no it doesn't speak to me... or maybe it is and I can't hear it when shooting? But it's just too big and heavy for my CCW.

Getting older sucks. I can't see anymore to target shoot. Adapt and overcome.Amen. I cannot see the sights with my regular glasses so am point shooting at 5 yards, kinda front sighting at 7. I would be too embarrassed to ask a BG to wait while I get my other glasses on.:D

Pics?I took another poster's advice on wiping the slide down with silicone, except I used Gunzilla but got the same effect. Now it looks uniformly old. I call it old but let's say very "matte blackened" with emphasis on matte. At least it's all the same now and OK with me.

02-15-2010, 07:48 PM
I noticed the same left hand discomfort when I was racking my slide at home before shooting the gun for the first time. I racked it a couple of hundred times before taking it to the range and the gun was very tight before shooting. After shooting 400 rounds through mine in two sessions, it is definately easier to rack the slide.

The sharp edges of the slide grooves are still evident, but I can rack it much faster with less tension as I pull it back. I use BreakFree CLP and that helped a little with the initial tightness.

Good luck and I hope it gets easier because it really is a great little gun.


02-15-2010, 07:59 PM
I took another poster's advice on wiping the slide down with silicone, except I used Gunzilla but got the same effect. Now it looks uniformly old. I call it old but let's say very "matte blackened" with emphasis on matte. At least it's all the same now and OK with me.

IMHO, the finish is meant to aid concealment, not look pretty. It is utiltarian in the mode of Glocks and HKs. Matte definitely describes it. A finish only a gun lover can warm up to. :D

Good luck with your PM9.


02-15-2010, 10:28 PM
Stick with it, it's a great gun and for break in period.....500-600 rounds. When racking it, try the over the slide with hand on top may make it easier! Eventually those hands will harden up! Don't give in and you may even try the P-9. I have both! Steve

02-16-2010, 03:05 AM
ripley, is that the dlc finish on your K9 or kahrs earlier matte finish. For some reason it does not look like the DLC finish. that to me is alot of wear for the DLC finish, which to me is as good as glocks tennifer finish..

02-16-2010, 01:30 PM
I last wrote that I applied GunZilla to the slide and the color evened out. It only lasted a few hours so I took pics. Besides the uneven color, notice 2 scratches that came with the gun. Question for you, is this ok or should I contact Kahr?

02-16-2010, 02:21 PM
I seriously doubt if kahr will do anything about it. It won't get worse. try this, I read it somewhere. take a pencil eraser and rub over those scratchs. That DLC finish is awesome hard stuff, very hard to scratch, and maybe that will take those marks off the gun. I see that lightness in your photo > not sure what to make of it.

Not knowing where you bought it if you bought it on line, ur outta luck. if you bought it from a trusty dealer, you might consult him, or otherwise accept it as some have stated. It certainly will not effect reliability.

02-16-2010, 06:42 PM
I use padded shooting gloves at the range where I am shooting a lot. Hopefully you won't need too many shots for a bad guy when you are barehanded.

02-16-2010, 06:55 PM
I use a Limb Saver (http://www.limbsaver.com/2010/products/firearms/pro_handgun.php#two)grip and really like it.

02-16-2010, 08:47 PM
What gun do you use it on? I did not see Kahr listed on their site.


02-16-2010, 11:51 PM
Surveyor is correct about the overhand grip being easier, just keep that off hand clear of the muzzle. About the pain full front grip, I had the same problem, the outboard bumps on the front strap are way too sharp. I solved it by running my dremmel with a fine stone wheel down the outer edges basically putting a 45 degree bevel to them. This did not impact my ability to grip the gun, took the pinch/bite out of the recoil, and with the naked eye you can't tell I did anything. Don't know about the front of your black slide looking old, mine is SS so a little solvent and a wipe down and it looks like new.