View Full Version : New to Kahr

04-18-2012, 11:26 AM
Greetings Kahr fans,

I am somewhat new to Kahr and I recently picked up a Kahr CM9. I bought a CW9 a couple years back but never got a chance to shoot it and ended up selling it, but decided to look at Kahr again. I had been looking for a 9mm single stack CCW gun. I have plenty of CCW guns but wanted something smaller/thinner. After doing some research and reading mostly positive reviews (but some bad ones) I ended up working a trade on a CM9.

I got it out to shoot (something I should have done with the CW9 before I sold it) Monday. I was expecting some issues as the manual does call for a 200 round break in and after reading some posts online about problems I was ready to deal them....but after 150 rounds I didn't have a single problem. Some say they are prone to limp wristing, but this pistol is not. I tried to get it to jam but it ran like a Glock. The 'slingshot method' even worked flawlessly. Not one single problem. It definitely exceeded all expectations and has turned me into a Kahr fan.

That said, the CM9 is a little smaller than what I wanted (it was received in a trade afterall) and I don't pocket carry so I have decided to get a different gun for CCW......a Kahr K9 police trade-in. I really liked the trigger on the CM9 and while the K9 has the different NYPD trigger, I think it will be ok. I am really looking forward to getting the K9 and will be posting the CM9 for sale on the various forums. I hope to stick with Kahr for a long time as my primary CCW gun.

04-18-2012, 12:13 PM
I think you may be able to have the NYPD trigger upgraded to
an Elite trigger if you like.

04-18-2012, 05:16 PM
Trust me on this....
You will not be able to tell the difference between an NYPD trigger and an Elite trigger. The NYPD K9 guns are excellent shooters and recoil is so much less than the polymer guns.

Shoot it and enjoy it. It's a perfect piece as it is.

04-18-2012, 05:55 PM
oh u can upgrade them but at a price that IMO for a 1/8" less travel is certainly not worht it and what Tinman staqed IMO is dead nuts right. I own a used K9 with nypd trigger and my PM9 with eliete trigger and I cannot tell the difference but I do shoot the K9 much muhc better. We tend to thinkwe are lower class wit owning a nypd trigger, to me all the opposite. It is a super trigger, same trigger poundage as the elte and a 5# striker sprng ordered from wolffs drops right in and realy makes the nypd trigger even smoother : just sayin

Bill K
04-18-2012, 06:22 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

I'm of a similar thinking to yours on the CM9 & PM9... If I'm not buying the gun for pocket carry I'd be looking for something bigger. I've only AIWB carried my PM9 a few times all the rest of the time my PM9 carry has been in my right front pocket. AIWB with the right cover garment and I prefer my Glock.

04-18-2012, 06:36 PM
+1 to jocko and tinman. Great smooth trigger, accurate, and reliable. The K9 IMO is a pleasure at the range as well, so you will practice with it far more then allot of others in it's size class.

04-19-2012, 08:10 PM
Welcome to the Kahr family. I think you may want to keep the CM9 too. The K9 is nice. But it does get a little heavy to carry all day long. My PM9 is exactly 10 ounces lighter than my K9 with a full mag and a round chambered in each gun. But then again. I live down here in Florida and its tough to conceal with the heat. Good Luck with your Kahrs.

Joe Flashman

04-19-2012, 08:12 PM
The NYPD trigger pull is 11 lbs and longer. The Elite trigger pull is 7.5 lbs and shorter. Its not a big difference. But Kahr claims that it is.

Joe Flashman