View Full Version : US Army Cancels Uncle Ted
04-22-2012, 06:51 AM
Secret Service might have cleared Ted Nugent but the Army is hitting him in his wallet. A+Top+Stories%29
04-22-2012, 01:10 PM
Like freedom, free speech is not free.
04-22-2012, 01:36 PM
Cant expect the army to abide someone talking trash about the commander in cheif and let them play a show.
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Longitude Zero
04-22-2012, 01:53 PM
I do not always agree with the Nuge but when you consider some of the acts that they have allowed this is inconsistent.
04-22-2012, 02:29 PM
Yeah, like the Jane Fonda show!
Bill K
04-22-2012, 03:40 PM
Often it isn't the message so much as how it is delivered. Over the years I've found myself agreeing with much of what Mr. Nugent has to say concerning hunting and 2nd Amendment issues but finding myself uncomfortable with how he's delivered the message.
My 4+ years in the Marine Corps were served under JFK followed by LBJ. I didn't care for either as President but kept my mouth shut (and knew I should keep my mouth shut) because they were also my Commander in Chief.
04-22-2012, 03:45 PM
agree bill k. ted is a bad messenger. I would not want him knocking on my door in military uniforum and telling my wife I died in afgan. For his age if u look at his schedule, he is paying two ights a week all over the country.He still draws. He's about like John Mellencamp, they don't know when to quit.
Longitude Zero
04-22-2012, 03:45 PM
Yeah, like the Jane Fonda show!
Exactly this trolloop did more harm to the USA in one visit than the Nuge could do in an entire lifetime.
04-22-2012, 04:29 PM
Ted is a believer, he IMO has a poor way sometimes of saying it..... Jane was a true c-nt. I just don't know any other way to say it
Longitude Zero
04-22-2012, 05:04 PM
Ted is a believer, he IMO has a poor way sometimes of saying it..... Jane was a true c-nt. I just don't know any other way to say it
You said both perfectly!
04-22-2012, 07:06 PM
The Nuge is always on stage, and his show is "over the top" much of the time. He's a very passionate believer in the 2nd admendment, and isn't afraid to step on some toes to get his message across. Here he is in a mellower moment, but still outspoken:
04-22-2012, 07:34 PM
His hunting ethics has really turned me sour on him. I could tolerate his political stuff, for that it just Ted. His wildlife films that he has produced for tv viewers,,, for me now puts every game kill he photographed in true doubt as to "just how it happened". I have hunted all my life and I had people I admired and as a devout bowhunter all my life I even kinda admired Ted for his dedication to bowhunteing. We both had one hero in that field and that was Fred Bear.. Ted talked about Fred alot and he tried to be the Fred Bear of Today, and trust me Ted nugh is not Fred Bear and I feel his hunting ethics is gonna play big with the NRA down the road to. His shine is off of him now, for me anyways. I guess maybe I am just one of those people who trust in a person until he focks um in some way and then after that, they can go to hell as far as I am concerned.
but ur right thetmanski. TED IS ALWAYS ON STAGE. He lives for that..
04-22-2012, 08:42 PM
I seriously doubt the Army cancelled the show. I'm sure there was a nudge from the WH to cancel.
Longitude Zero
04-23-2012, 06:00 AM
I seriously doubt the Army cancelled the show. I'm sure there was a nudge from the WH to cancel.
Considering the junta we have in the WH nothing from there would surprise me.
04-23-2012, 06:15 AM
Ted always did like being in the spotlight. Just Ted being Ted.
I don't care what Ted believes politically. That's his business. But I'm a member of the NRA and I don't want someone that comes on the way he did at the convention representing me. A hate filled rant and rave about the opposition isn't going to win any hearts and minds. Thoughtful reasoning and an eloquent manner of speech would serve him and his cause better.
04-23-2012, 11:11 AM
Considering the junta we have in the WH nothing from there would surprise me.
no doubt about that.
04-23-2012, 11:12 AM
I don't care what Ted believes politically. That's his business. But I'm a member of the NRA and I don't want someone that comes on the way he did at the convention representing me. A hate filled rant and rave about the opposition isn't going to win any hearts and minds. Thoughtful reasoning and an eloquent manner of speech would serve him and his cause better.
10-4 on that. I think that is also why the NRA pulledhis speech from their webb site, maybe a silent signal to the nugh
04-23-2012, 08:58 PM
I seriously doubt the Army cancelled the show. I'm sure there was a nudge from the WH to cancel.
Maybe they were afraid he'd get an enthusiastic standing ovation? :D
04-23-2012, 09:07 PM
Maybe they were afraid he'd get an enthusiastic standing ovation? :D
Much more than likely he would.
04-24-2012, 06:18 PM
Ted is a believer, he IMO has a poor way sometimes of saying it..... Jane was a true c-nt. I just don't know any other way to say it
+1 I think that you said it just right, Jocko.
04-24-2012, 06:28 PM
well as u know I try to be diplomatic and nice about my thoughts!!!!! I can say for sure that if Hanoi Jane ever driftred by accident into the rolling thunder event in Washington, she probalby wold not get out in once peace. I have seen some serious hatred in my days but u ain't seen nuttin until u see how they depict Jane.
I really have zero sympathy for her. I wonder how her brother Peter feels about her, way down deep.
04-24-2012, 11:18 PM
Or her dad.
04-25-2012, 06:45 AM
well as u know I try to be diplomatic and nice about my thoughts!!!!! I can say for sure that if Hanoi Jane ever driftred by accident into the rolling thunder event in Washington, she probalby wold not get out in once peace. I have seen some serious hatred in my days but u ain't seen nuttin until u see how they depict Jane.
I really have zero sympathy for her. I wonder how her brother Peter feels about her, way down deep.
Jane was introduced to some American POWs at the Hanoi Hilton. As she shook hands with them each prisoner gave her a small slip of paper with their name and service number written on them. They were trying to get word out that they were still alive. At the end of the receiving line she gave those slips of paper to the commandant of the POW camp. The men were tortured, beaten and starved for their effort. Jane Fonda is a low life, scum sucking, socialist POS. And that's the nicest thing that I can say about her.
04-25-2012, 06:47 AM
wellat least wereon the same path.
04-25-2012, 07:17 AM
What puzzles the hell out of me is how this traitor ever earned another dime in the entertainment industry.
04-25-2012, 03:12 PM
I'm not a fan of Jane Fonda one bit. BUT, the "slips of paper" story/email had been proven untrue by the soldiers who were at the Hanoi Hilton who said it never happened. See link below.
"It's a figment of somebody's imagination," says Ret. Col. Larry Carrigan, one of the servicemen mentioned in the 'slips of paper' incident. Carrigan was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967 and did spend time in a POW camp. He has no idea why the story was attributed to him, saying, "I never met Jane Fonda." In 2005, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that Carrigan "is so tired of having to repeat that he wasn't beaten after Fonda's visit and that there were no beating deaths at that time that he won't talk to the media anymore."
"Mike McGrath, President of NAM-POWs, has also stepped forward to disclaim the story:
Please excuse the generic response, but I have been swamped with so many e-mails on the subject of the Jane Fonda article (Carrigan, Driscoll, strips of paper, torture and deaths of POWs, etc.) that I have to resort to this pre-scripted rebuttal. The truth is that most of this never happened. This is a hoax story placed on the internet by unknown Fonda haters. No one knows who initiated the story. Please assist by not propagating the story. Fonda did enough bad things to assure her a correct place in the garbage dumps of history. We don't want to be party to false stories, which could be used as an excuse that her real actions didn't really happen either. I have spoken with all the parties named: Carrigan, Driscoll, et al. They all state that this particular internet story is a hoax and they wish to disassociate their names from the false story."
All this may be true but she still went to Hanoi and collaborated with the enemy.....this is sudition and should be treated like the traiator that she is and may I add a peice of crap, or better yet a festering pimple on the ass of humanity. Do I need to clarify or explain this to anyone?
As for the Nuge, regardless of this current outburst, he is still a pasionate patriot and as such can be my wing man anytime. I'd be glad to share a foxhole with him anytime, anywhere. I feel quite confident in saying I'd have his back and I know he would have mine.
04-25-2012, 05:53 PM
I had read the same posts awhile back on the messages thing, sound slike prolpaganda but fokk her, why be totally truthful to the b!tch. DKD, no doubt u can't knock the nugh patriotism but as a hunter I can knock his hunting ethics. I realize as most hunters do that most of these hunting TV shows are "set ups" but I hated to hear that about the nugh.
oh well life is still good for ol jocko!!! road 50 miles today for my morning coffee and then rain set in.
les strat
04-26-2012, 03:24 PM
Ted has one thing most Americans do not: A spine.
Sadly, it's probably in the NRA's best interest to pull his video. With the NDAA, it's the feds call as to whether his comment represents them as a terrorsit organization. THAY CAN DO THIS! And that is scary.
NDAA: All for our safety and protection. :rolleyes:
04-26-2012, 03:42 PM
Get real! Ted Nugent is a male chauvinistic, biggeted racist, who has toooo much money and toooo much time on his hands. Everytime he opens his mouth he sets our cause back several steps. He does nothing more than perpetuate the "crazy gun owner" stereotype. He does not speak for me or any of us. In fact he does nothing unless it is a selfish, self serving act. It is ridiculous that he is given a national platform from which to speak! Some seem to think that if someone stands up and says, "Guns, guns, gun, 2nd Amendment, 2nd Amendment!" he's just great. Well, one needs to look beyond the surface and see the evil for what it is. We'd be better off if he'd shut up and fade away! This is my opinion based on fact. You can disagree with me if you'd like. But, you can look up his racist rants online if you don't believe me. Also, I will not be commenting further on this topic.
04-26-2012, 03:54 PM
Okay, I'll disagree. Ted Nugent may be, well, Ted, But he has a following that keeps him in the forefront. Is he extreme? Yep but I'll listen to his brand of extreme over that of the othersides.
Lets face it the outside edges of the argument get the press no matter what we wish. But if I got to choose (and yes, I do have to in this USA) I'll take Ted and his guitar over Sara Brady and a mind numbing number of anti-second-lying-ass powerpoint slides...
Any day, every day, all day.
I thought for a long while before making this post. It is a plea to every real American ...go out and go on line or better yet get a hard copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and do it now. Read the document then go back and read it again and understand just how critical it is for us to understand what is happenning all around us and just what the documents are saying. The very core and under pinnings of our nation is under assault.
Recently all of our rights are being chipped away with systmatically, the second ammendment followed by the first, now the fourth ammendment.
I seen this all began to be accelerated in the past few years in particular.
I'll not tell others out there what will happen or what needs to be done, at least not on a public forum, as I have my own beleifs and won't be lableled by the powers at large. All I will say is read, get educated, and look back at history as your guide. You only have to go back as far as say early 1930's or so to understand that history is about to repeat itself. Re-formilarize yourself with the righting of our founders, Thomas Paine, Samual Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe just to name a few. I won't quote them for the potential of reprisal is alive and well.
All I will say is Wake up America!
04-26-2012, 05:20 PM
Okay, I'll disagree. Ted Nugent may be, well, Ted, But he has a following that keeps him in the forefront. Is he extreme? Yep but I'll listen to his brand of extreme over that of the othersides.
Lets face it the outside edges of the argument get the press no matter what we wish. But if I got to choose (and yes, I do have to in this USA) I'll take Ted and his guitar over Sara Brady and a mind numbing number of anti-second-lying-ass powerpoint slides...
Any day, every day, all day.
when u stateit that way, we don't have much argument. The Brady bunch certainlycould care less about the 2nd amendment. But I think the news media feeds off of Ted's commet far more than what any Brady bunch people ever say, for thyey are really on their side, so whether Tedis right, half right, or wrong, he should not be speaking on the podium of the NRA.
I would not be surprised to see Ted go into some hidng with his NRA tantrum being taken off their site and his two recent hunting arrests. He has tarnished his image in that field, so he shouldgo back to doing what he has done best for the past 35 years,,,,"ROCK".
I really don't want Ted talking for me and if he was a member of this forum he would have been more than likely heavily censored and then to no avail, he would have been banned. , Hell look at what we have given him since this first post was even on here, way way way to much publicity. Just sayin:popcorn:
04-26-2012, 08:01 PM
Ya, I agree with almost everything Ted says, but from a public relations standpoint he does more harm than good.
les strat
04-27-2012, 10:58 AM
He might be extreme, but those lefties are more extreme in the scare tactics they use to make all of us gun owners look like monsters. People can sit back and watch the lefties nad feds wipe their a** with the Constitution, but it's time for some folks to stand up and put their foot down. Voting and keeping our mouth shut apparently isn't working. If the left-contolled media is all the average person hears and derrives an opinion upon concerning firearms, we are all in big trouble. Ted is Ted, but at least he is vocal.
Longitude Zero
04-27-2012, 01:53 PM
But I think the news media feeds off of Ted's commet far more than what any Brady bunch people ever say, for thyey are really on their side, so whether Tedis right, half right, or wrong, he should not be speaking on the podium of the NRA.
I agree on the Brady bunch thing but you are way in the minority with your feelings on Ted being on the podium at the NRA with the mainstream membership, he is very wildly popular. Sure he is over the top but that is his persona.
04-27-2012, 06:38 PM
And you all just skip right over....
"Summer Celebration president Joe Austin announced today that festival officials canceled Nugent's concert due to an interview last week on a Denver radio station in which the rocker used racial slurs, including the "n word," to describe African-Americans and another slur to refer to Asians."
"...Ted Nugent has appeared several times on the openly racist Memphis-based radio show Political Cesspool..."
"There's a lot of white people in this crowd -- I like that! (Dubuque) is a white town."
Just a few to show the racist for who he is. Forget anything else he ever said. This, above, cannot be tolerated!!
04-27-2012, 07:08 PM
I agree on the Brady bunch thing but you are way in the minority with your feelings on Ted being on the podium at the NRA with the mainstream membership, he is very wildly popular. Sure he is over the top but that is his persona.
u could be right, but I don't think so, glad u see he is over the top, I guess I am not mainstream in that sense. I do not want Ted representing me. If a nobody made some of the statements ted has made, nothing
would have come out of it,but when arock" star and expecially a NRA board member makes statements like that, I just can't beliieve it gives the NRA alot of credibility. Just my opinion
Evidently the NRA felt his comments should be pulled from their website instead of endorsing or saying well THATS TED..
His hunting ethics certainly should not be tolerated by any gun owner, that in itself really got to me, as I like most NRA members hgave tolerated his rantings on TV and any place they put a mic in from of him. Is his hunting ethics then, ,, such as well THATS TED..
IMO he certainly represents gun owners and most gun owners are sportsman and they both go together,, u IMO can't separate the two and have any credibility either for one over the other. They go hand in hand...
04-27-2012, 08:48 PM
And you all just skip right over....
"Summer Celebration president Joe Austin announced today that festival officials canceled Nugent's concert due to an interview last week on a Denver radio station in which the rocker used racial slurs, including the "n word," to describe African-Americans and another slur to refer to Asians."
"...Ted Nugent has appeared several times on the openly racist Memphis-based radio show Political Cesspool..."
"There's a lot of white people in this crowd -- I like that! (Dubuque) is a white town."
Just a few to show the racist for who he is. Forget anything else he ever said. This, above, cannot be tolerated!!
if what ur sayig above is true, then to do u think or kahr talk moderators would allow Ted to come on this forum with his radical views and get away with it just because well HE'S JUST TED??? when indeed we as forum members sometimes get alittle whacko and the thread is soon LOCKED or someone is even gone. Just sayin..
04-27-2012, 09:19 PM
if what ur sayig above is true, then to do u think or kahr talk moderators would allow Ted to come on this forum with his radical views and get away with it just because well HE'S JUST TED??? when indeed we as forum members sometimes get alittle whacko and the thread is soon LOCKED or someone is even gone. Just sayin..I hope our moderators would have the good sense to shut down anyone, no matter if he's Ted Nugent or anybody else if they spouted hateful, racist, etc... words here and I think they (our moderators) do (have the good sense). Other people, groups, ie: KKK, talk gun and 2nd Amendment rights and they are not taken seriously or given a platform from which to speak. Ted Nugent should be put into that category. A racist, who happens to share your idea of gun and 2nd Amendment rights. Besides that, what qualifications does he have to talk about anything, at a national level? Does former rock star that time has past by, qualify him as an authority on anything? He is a horrible, repugnant, racist, person who should be treated as such, ignored, and allowed to disappear from public life.
Ted Nugent is nothing more than a loose cannon and his recent antics prove just that.
He needs to take a step back and re-evaluate how he presents himself and what message he's trying to get out.
IMO, the NRA needs to distance themselves from him also.
04-28-2012, 10:32 PM
Am I happy with everything Ted has to say, NO, but I'm not ready to say that he has no right to speak. Note: whenever Ted speaks, someone will print it or broadcast or youtube it...
Now I'll also note this, if anyone ever tells you they are now aginst our 2nd amendment rights just because of what Ted said, well they are lying and they are just looking for an excuse to spout a worthless veiw they already had.
We know where we stand on the 2nd amendment and the Brady bunch and their groupies know where they stand. In the middle are the listless "middlers" who don't know/don't care about the subject. If your trying to win the hearts and minds of the vast "middlers" it ain't going to happen in a vacuum.
Hysteria from both of the far sides of this argument, real or created will be fostered often in the press. It becomes our job to shape the discussion at work, or the kids ball game and at the bar in a 2nd amendment positive light. Others with the press will start the ball rolling and if its Ted that starts the conversation with a "middler" it's ok by me that you start with a roll of your eyes and "oh that guy...yeah..." to make your point.
I just ask that all of you take the time and make that point. They don't know Ted and they don't know the Bradys they just "know of". They know you and they are going hear you. Be nice!
Have a good one.
Longitude Zero
04-29-2012, 10:40 AM
I'll also note this, if anyone ever tells you they are now aginst our 2nd amendment rights just because of what Ted said, well they are lying and they are just looking for an excuse to spout a worthless veiw they already had.
This says is all on this matter.
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