View Full Version : Kahr K/P 9, Kydex IWB, and initial grip

04-23-2012, 10:56 AM
And I should have added terms that mean the same such as 'sweat tab, fat tab, re-holstering tab', you get the idea.

Assume that its true that the grip begins and ends with the gun in the holster. With the images that I have seen, it looks like thers isn't room for the fingers to latch onto the handle while the pistol is in the Kydex holster.

Can the belt slot be positioned so as to allow withdrawal when seated?...and that withdrawal done with fingers around the handle, not just on it?

My only experience with IWB has been with leather and the 1911 platform.

It seems like the images seen prevent a full grip prior to withdrawal. The handfle is at least partially covered by the belt and waistband

Am I overlooking something?


04-23-2012, 11:44 AM
I use Garret's Silent Thunder and have them adjusted so I can get a full grip while holstered. I prefer a high ride anyhow but being able to get a grip from the get go is a must for me.

I have a PM45 set up and a 1911.

You can accomplish this 2 ways.

1. You can adjust for a lot of forward cant which helps keep the butt from printing as well or.

2. You can actually adjust the ride height which is my preference since I'm a neutral straight up kind of guy.

I don't want to be digging under my belt and waist line trying to get hold of my gun. Beings as I'm not quick draw McGraw I need all the help I can get.

04-23-2012, 12:14 PM
If you are referring to the PJ IWB Holster, he will set the cant and ride height any way you want it. The grip on mine rides above my belt and I have no problem getting a good grip on it when drawing. These little kahrs just weigh a pound or so loaded, so it is not as hard to get a grip on as it is a 2 1/2 pound plus 1911.

04-23-2012, 12:38 PM
Web site images can be deceiving. Not necessarily by intent, but the assumption would be that 'what you see is what you get'.

With the notion that grip starts and ends in the holster, I have to pass on what is shown.



04-23-2012, 12:52 PM
Both Garret and PJ will work with you and assure your happiness. I don't know PJ other than what I've heard but you can contact Ron or Sheryl and discuss your concerns. If you get one and it doesn't work for you, they will make it better or refund your money. Genuine good folks to deal with.

I'm told PJ is the same way, so really no gamble.

04-23-2012, 12:55 PM
I currently run my P9 in a comptac infidel. there is no cant adjustment, but it is canted forward. I believe they make a no cant iwb also. but i have access to the full grip and the kydex rides up against the slide all the way to the back so you have an area to use as a 'thumb break'. retention is excellent and adjustable. multiple mounting options. i use the std clip and the tuck attachment. overall, i really like it.

that being said, i'm awaiting the arrival of a silent thunder stx (owb) and will be transitioning to owb carry unless my dress requires iwb or tuckable iwb. this is mostly for comfort. the infidel is comfortable, but owb will be better in that regard obviously.

i may at some point drop the infidel for a silent thunder iwb. but not for the time being.

so the infidel is an option and a bit cheaper than the silent thunder. but would i get the infidel again after having seen/used the silent thunder? ...nope, would probabably spend the extra $20-30 on the silent thunder iwb. i just didn't know about silent thunder a few years back when i got my p9.

i'd also like to try a PJ iwb. they look much thinner than my comptac. i know they can adjust the ride height, and it looks like as w/ the infidel the full grip is accessible (for grip access)...that'd be personal preference i guess and as mentioned, the PJ offers endless customization upon request, which the comptac really doesn't so much.

04-23-2012, 03:14 PM
Paul at PJ and I just had a verbal chat.

He seems like an understanding gent, good listner, and not bashful about offering suggestions. Kydex IWB from PJ is forthcoming.

Thanks for the suggestions.
