View Full Version : CW- 9 trigger

02-15-2010, 10:52 AM
Hey, does anyone make a good trigger for the CW-9, my wife likes to shoot so I bought her something of her own to carry but . . . The trigger sucks. Thoughts, suggestions or ideas welcome.

02-15-2010, 10:59 AM
I love the long, very smooth and crisp breaking trigger on my CW9. Couldn't ask for more.:cool:

Maybe Kahr could modify it for you?

02-15-2010, 11:14 AM
it's as good as it will get. if you tyink the trigger sucks, peddle it. It is there by design, not made to be a target gun. You bought it for her to carry and that looooong but totally smooth trigger is there for her safety by design.

Best buy her a revolver.

Kahr does not modify their trigger system, nor do I know of anyone who has ever done it either.

IMO the kahr triggers are as good as anything on the market BUT that being said,it takes rounds down range to get accustomed to the looooong but safe trigger system..

No offense but if it sucks, then peddle it..

02-15-2010, 11:31 AM
Practice, Practice and Practice some more.

Not BK.

02-15-2010, 11:47 AM
It's a DAO pistol. That long, albeit very smooth trigger is it's only safety. Pls don't endanger your wife or yourself (or others) by trying to shorten or lightening up the trigger.

02-15-2010, 11:53 AM
It's a DAO pistol. That long, albeit very smooth trigger is it's only safety. Pls don't endanger your wife or yourself (or others) by trying to shorten or lightening up the trigger.

Easy there, I said no such thing about modifying the trigger so please do not jump to asinine conclusions, just asked a simple question. Thank you.

02-15-2010, 12:33 PM
Wouldn't be the first time I jump to conclusions. LOL What don't you like about the Kahr Elite trigger? It seems to be very popular.

02-15-2010, 01:12 PM
The trigger sucks. Thoughts, suggestions or ideas . you did say that, and to most here it sound slike you want to change what cannot be changed or designed to be changed.

No harm in buying a gun that doesn't make the grade either. If the kahr does not suit your wife, indeed peddle it and buy something that does. My advice would be to test out before buying though, it might save a few bucks down the road. What you did was what most guys do, We buy our wives a gun that WE THOUGHT THEY WOULD LIKE, not what they actaully like. big mistake on most of us.. Ihave bought my wife 7 new harley Davidson motorcycles and she has never p[icked one out yet?????

02-15-2010, 01:18 PM
Wouldn't be the first time I jump to conclusions. LOL What don't you like about the Kahr Elite trigger? It seems to be very popular.
Can you say LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG trigger pull? I didn't have any issues with it, hell it shot great, might just keep it for myself and get her something different. Maybe a Glock or a 1911 running 9mm although she shoots the Kimber Custom Target II in .45 just fine. Seems the best advice here is . . . . . . . . . P R A C T I C E! LOL! Thanks for your help

02-15-2010, 01:22 PM
The trigger sucks. Thoughts, suggestions or ideas . you did say that, and to most here it sound slike you want to change what cannot be changed or designed to be changed.

No harm in buying a gun that doesn't make the grade either. If the kahr does not suit your wife, indeed peddle it and buy something that does. My advice would be to test out before buying though, it might save a few bucks down the road. What you did was what most guys do, We buy our wives a gun that WE THOUGHT THEY WOULD LIKE, not what they actaully like. big mistake on most of us.. Ihave bought my wife 7 new harley Davidson motorcycles and she has never p[icked one out yet?????

Jocko, didn't know there was no fix but practice so . . . She is just going to practice more. ;-)

02-15-2010, 03:05 PM
The Kahr trigger is why I held back buying a Kahr for over a year. I really like the pistol shape, weight and over all dimensions. Because my other Pistols were single action or XD double action I just could not get with the Kahr trigger. I like semi-autos, although I have fired a few revolvers, they just were not my thing. Several times during the past year I shot a few magazines through a MK9 and later a PM9. Not a smart thing to do for a pistol lover. I finally decided a full grip and longer barrel like the CW9 would work the best for me. Now that I have the pistol and am shooting it often it has become one of my most favored carry pistols. The trigger is really outstanding when you become accustomed to it. I also added a Hogue Handall grip from the Kahr store along with a spare 7 round magazine. This grip makes the pistol much more comfortable to shoot.

-- Richard

02-15-2010, 11:30 PM
I was always a SA or DA but never DAO. I stayed away from any and all DAO. I was looking at a DA, but the price was too high and the shop manager suggested that I look at a couple of Kahr's that he had. I held the gun and it fit my tiny hands like a glove, it was a .40 (right on target for me) and then I saw the price. SOLD! I now carry a cw40, my first DAO in 17 years of shooting.

02-16-2010, 02:41 AM
smokey, she will get better and she will enjoy that kahr far more than a 1911 due to weight and simplicity. Accuracy willnever be like a 1911 style either but we are talking about two different platforms. I shoot my G19 10X better than my kahr PM9 but I shootmy PM9 good enough to protect me every day, as it is my 24/7 carry. My G19 no matter how good I shoot it stays at home all the time. I don't dress to carry, so my PM9 willrid ein my front pocket 24/7. There lies the big difference in some guns. I haven't seen a 1911 yet that can ride in ones pocket- well, let alone in a safe carry mode even.

Practice doers solve alot of things, for one thing it will tellyour wife if she truly does notlike the gun. Then you keep it and find her one that she can handle better. there are someout that will handle better but certainly not carry better and weight so little also. I love my PM9 but if I was going to buy my wife a 9mm in a kahr it would be the cw9 for sure. That little more grip area is a big plus for a woman shooter. Keep her close to, 7 yard s and under for her practice time, she will get good at that distance and she will know that the threat to her \will not be at 25 yards but at 7 and under. Keep her away from bullseye targets also. they are depressing to me, as I can't hit the bullseye like I wkant evena t 7 yards, so shoot her with silhouette type targets. My preference is the FBI "Q" target witht he bowling pin silhouette and nothing more. If she can and she will to keep allof her shots in that area at 7 yards, thens he will have confidence in her shooting ability. Shooting at the correct targerts sometimes goes a long way towards ones attidute of liking or not liking to shoot..

02-16-2010, 06:31 AM
No offense but if it sucks, then peddle it..

Absolutely. My experience is - once you hate a trigger, 5 years of practice won't get you to love it. Unless it's the only gun you own or plan on ever owning or shooting. Shoot a buddies crisp, S/A and you'll be back to hating it again...

02-17-2010, 08:01 AM
Thanks Jocko, good advice.

02-17-2010, 08:08 AM
Does Teddy Jacobson still work on the Kahr triggers? I thought someone on the board has a TJ refined K9 that raved about the better trigger.

02-17-2010, 08:40 AM
there re smitty's that claim they can do a trigger job but normaly all that is polsiing everything that moves to smooth things up. Not shorten trigger pull. Not saying it cannot be doen as some good machinist could probalby do it but not sure you gain that much.They were never made to be target guns. They were never mad eto have extrenal safety's on them, so there for the biggest safety of the kahrs are their looooong but really smooth trigger system. I guess anyone can do about anytibng to a gun if one want sto pay for it etc but that certainly wa snot kahrs design in the beginning, so why mess with it. If a person shoots his kahr enough, he will get darn good with it. they are super accurate in the rignt hands. to man of us want ot buy a gun and immediately go out and hit beer cans at 25 yards. Some guns do take longer to master and kahr is one of them. If one wants a shorter trigger system, probalby best to buy another brand.

02-17-2010, 11:28 AM
I love the trigger on my Kahr PM40. I think that Kahr has the best DAO trigger on the market. I prefer it to any other gun I own.