View Full Version : S&W M&P vs. Glock

04-24-2012, 02:11 PM
I get discounts on both.
I only have one pistol, the PM9, and it's time to expand.
For about $360 OTD I can buy any new Smith and Wesson M&P.
For $425 + tax I can have any Gen 4 Glock with the LEO fixins(3 mags, etc.)

Who has experience with these pistols? I think I'm leaning towards the M&P. Any suggestions? Feel free to recommend calibers etc on here, as I'm debating that with the new pistol as well.

04-24-2012, 02:17 PM
If you like Brass hitting you in the face by all means get the Glock . If not get the M&P.

04-24-2012, 02:26 PM
I'll be following this thread, as I too am comparing these models.

So far, what i've found is they are very similar (duh) but they each have good and bad thats making it impossible to choose.

The MP feels way better in my hand. The Glock has higher capacity (comparing full size .45's). The Glock has a very proven track record, but the MP is newer and thus, cooler.

I'm interested to see where this goes :)

04-24-2012, 02:28 PM
If you like Brass hitting you in the face by all means get the Glock . If not get the M&P.

Never even thought of that. My K9 hits me square in the eyeball with pinpoint accuracy, and its pretty annoying.

04-24-2012, 02:30 PM
I have a G19 and M&P 40. Both are great guns, completely reliable and accurate. But if I were looking to add one of those two brands to what I already have, it would be an M&P. It just points more naturally.

04-24-2012, 02:43 PM
Is the MP more-er better-er enough to justify the lower round count? (I'm sorry OP, I feel like i've hijacked your thread. I'll shut up now!)

04-24-2012, 02:53 PM
Hahaaa GTHO of here kb2wji! j/k of course! We're all here to gain information. You're welcome on any of my threads. If not, I'll just run and tell Bawanna! haha J/k again.

I didn't know Glocks ejected rounds reward. Can anyone else verify that, or is it just individual guns that do this?

Glock has their reliability going for them, but considering I don't mistreat my guns, I lean more towards other features. I clean EVERY time I fire, and after a long period of carrying and no firing, I'll clean it anyway just to keep lint and **** out of there. I can keep pretty much any pistol in working order, ready to protect my life.

Thank you crazymailman! I just watched a review that specifically mentioned the same exact thing! Btw, do you have a son in Missouri? After the divorce my dad said I came from the mailman...could it be true? lol

I'm really considering getting the M&P 9c, and the Xgrip extension. Since this gun will only be a "heavier clothing" or open carry gun(not often I might add...not the best idea IMHO), I want to have the compact size to CCW, and the optional larger mags for at home or open carry(again, rare case). Does anyone have any objections to a full size magazine in conjunction with the compact 3.5" barrel length? I'm a BIT concerned about that, but I'm rationalizing it by how extremely accurate I can be with my 3.0" PM9.

04-24-2012, 03:03 PM
I have the M&P 9c, M&P FS and Glock 19, plus some Kahrs, etc. I've had the FS M&P for quite a while. It & the 9C have been flawless from day one. I like everything about them better than the Glock 19. I shoot them better, they feel better in my hand and have always worked great, clean or not, though I usually always clean them after a range visit. I usually buy from Buds Police Supply (Retired military). Good luck on your choice.

04-24-2012, 03:06 PM
[QUOTE=MO_Soldier;156033]I didn't know Glocks ejected rounds reward. Can anyone else verify that, or is it just individual guns that do this?


Don't know if they all do it but it's a very well know fact that many Gen 4 glocks will eject brass in your face and Glock seems to be having problems correcting this issue. Go to Glock talk and read it for yourself.

04-24-2012, 03:08 PM
M&P! But you knew I was gonna say that.

04-24-2012, 03:17 PM
In a comparison like this, I would expect to see the Springfield XD and XDM being considered, too.

04-24-2012, 03:30 PM
I have a M&P .40 full size and it's a great pistol for me..The small backstrap insert fits my hand perfectly and it points naturally to me...I have about 500 rounds of all kinds of factory rounds and reloads through it and it has never had a single problem of any kind and is accurate...At first the trigger felt a little gritty and stiff but with only 500 or so through it the trigger has smoothed out considerably and has a good break and should only get better with time...

I looked at a gen 4 Glock but it just didn't fit my hand as well and since I own several other S&W pistols I know first hand of their great customer service and life time warranty with no questions asked...

As for round count my M&P holds 15+1 and if thats not enough to settle things I should have brought along some heavily armed friends...I don't see that you could go wrong either way with a Glock or a Smith...To me if a gun feels right in my hand I'm much more likely to shoot it well rather than trying to make an ill fiting gun work just to say I have a such and such brand...

I also looked at a Springfield XD which almost everyone says is a fantastic gun but I knew right away it wouldn't work for me and just felt strange as did the Sig P226 I looked at, again a great pistol for some folks but just not for me...

I would highly advise you to rent both side by side as most good ranges will have both of these pistols and see how you shoot them and how they feel in your hand and I'm sure you will come away knowing which one if the one for you...Good luck with your decision...

04-24-2012, 03:31 PM
I favor the M&P's hands down. Better asthetics, (look cooler). They feel great in the hand. My son has 2 XD's and they shoot very well also, better lines than the Glock but not as nice as the M&P.

Our county deputies recently transitioned from Glocks to M&P 45's. The several I've spoke to love them to pieces.

04-24-2012, 03:35 PM
If I get a little limp-wristy, some of my Glocks will smack me with brass. It's not an every shot occurrence though and I mostly have Gen 4 guns. Since you said that you take them down and clean them frequently, you might want to get someone to demonstrate how both guns are broken down. I've been told that the S&W's are not easy as the Glocks, but I can't verify that since I haven't cleaned my M&P Shield yet. I went through this very comparison before buying my first semi-auto and I chose Glock and kept buying Glocks. Haven't had a problem Glock yet. I will say that the M&P does feel good in the hand though.

Oh, there is also a big difference in the triggers out of the box...the Glock is a lot nicer, but I read that the M&P triggers can be improved by adding Apex parts.

04-24-2012, 03:45 PM
[QUOTE=MO_Soldier;156033]I didn't know Glocks ejected rounds reward. Can anyone else verify that, or is it just individual guns that do this?


Don't know if they all do it but it's a very well know fact that many Gen 4 glocks will eject brass in your face and Glock seems to be having problems correcting this issue. Go to Glock talk and read it for yourself.

Thank you! Not that I was doubting you. As each of us knows, each gun has its own mind! lol

M&P! But you knew I was gonna say that.

I'm starting to realize the M&P's superiority. And with the lower price after discount, plus versatility with the compact model plus the quality mag extension, I think I've found a winner!

04-24-2012, 03:49 PM
Xd's are also very nice pistols. I had a XD9SC and would still have it if I didn't buy the Kahr PM9. I'll be looking closely at the XD slim 9mm when they come out as I'm a big fan of the grip safety and the way the XD breaks down.

04-24-2012, 03:49 PM
In a comparison like this, I would expect to see the Springfield XD and XDM being considered, too.

Good point. But I have already checked out the XD's in person and have eliminated them based on the price. I see the M&P and Glock being great alternatives to that pistol and I'll save $200+ that way too.

If I get a little limp-wristy, some of my Glocks will smack me with brass. It's not an every shot occurrence though and I mostly have Gen 4 guns. Since you said that you take them down and clean them frequently, you might want to get someone to demonstrate how both guns are broken down. I've been told that the S&W's are not easy as the Glocks, but I can't verify that since I haven't cleaned my M&P Shield yet. I went through this very comparison before buying my first semi-auto and I chose Glock and kept buying Glocks. Haven't had a problem Glock yet. I will say that the M&P does feel good in the hand though.

Oh, there is also a big difference in the triggers out of the box...the Glock is a lot nicer, but I read that the M&P triggers can be improved by adding Apex parts.

I can field strip my M-16 and reassemble in 1 minute. I think I can handle an M&P :) (Famous last words lol)
Edited to thank Melissa for the advice despite my smartass remark :D Sorry

04-24-2012, 03:59 PM
Does anyone know about the 6 round addition thingy that you can add on to the M&P?
I can't find anything solid on it. It'd be awesome to have a 22 capacity capability at home!

Speaking of that...I REALLY need more magazines for my Kahr. My only 2 that I carry 24/7 are getting worn out too quickly!

04-24-2012, 03:59 PM
Your a wise editor man. I'm told Melissa can field strip and reassemble her Glock, slap you silly, and have lunch in under a minute.

I have no proof of this but rumors are rampant.

04-24-2012, 04:07 PM
I will toss my hat in the Glock circle. I have a Gen4, and have yet to be hit in the face with brass (from this weapon...).

Like most, I dont find the Glock to be a "natural pointer" - but I do find that once I am used to it (a few rounds) I adjust quickly, with no problems. I shot one the *first* time at the range taking my CHL class. I did very well, but this was a couple years prior to deciding to purchase.

my reasons for choosing -

1. History - while I have no doubts the M&P is a solid gun, the Glock has proven it for several decades and tests.
2. I can work on it. There are something like 35 parts in a Glock. Including 4 in the mag. I need 1 tool to take anything and everything apart and put it back together.
3. Parts - I can find ANYTHING for a glock.
4. Compatibility. While this is changing with more departments branching out, Glocks are everywhere. this means parts, mags, "glocksmiths", etc are everywhere.

The M&P made the short list for a full size, and with family working with a large PD that just switched, I had lots of info on both.

The reality is, both are good guns. With a price difference of ~$50 bucks, neither is a clear winner, but so get the one you like best.

04-24-2012, 04:07 PM
Your a wise editor man. I'm told Melissa can field strip and reassemble her Glock, slap you silly, and have lunch in under a minute.

I have no proof of this but rumors are rampant.

LOL! Not quite.

MO, I wasn't questioning your ability. :) I'm just such a Glock fan girl that nothing will ever be as good or as easy as a Glock. :p Sorry, Bawanna. :o

04-24-2012, 04:10 PM
LOL! Not quite.

MO, I wasn't questioning your ability. :) I'm just such a Glock fan girl that nothing will ever be as good or as easy as a Glock. :p Sorry, Bawanna. :o

Well you all heard it here boys, Melissa's into "easy" lol :p

I like the glocks myself. I've only ever shot a subcompact .45 glock with a mag extension though...

04-24-2012, 04:38 PM
Well you all heard it here boys, Melissa's into "easy" lol

Careful son, that's my cyber bride your talking about (I have no idea where this affection she has for glocks comes from) and I'm the wicked jealous type.

Did that sound pretty scary coming from a out of shape derelict in a wheelchair?

King of the Mall Ninjas?

04-24-2012, 04:39 PM
dated a gal many years ago, her last name was glock, and oh yes she was easy!!! Just sayin.

Now I am not an anit glock fan or M & P fan, I have had um both. Dave Bowie did a number on my M & P ( that made that gun suepr scrary, never felt a nice gun, his custom stipplying work was also awesome, but tyhat gun and me just never warmed up to each other, so I peddled it a a big loss. Now I have an accurate Iron totally tuned and stoppled and ported G19 that is the finest shootin gun I have ever owned. With dawsn fiber optic ajsutsble sights on it and the work that Mike at accurate Iron did on thisgun, it is my best shooter in allmy years of shooting. I am not a good shot but this gun makes me feel powerful, it isthat good. so I guess I have to agree wtih Melissa. Actually when I got it stippled I had the finger groovbes eliminated and the gun realy looks and feels great..

04-24-2012, 05:33 PM
I've only owned one Glock, a Gen4 23. Due to brass to the face issues I took it to Glock in Smyrna, Georgia. They replaced the RSA, extractor and ejector. This did not resolve the problem. I also had about a 3% ftf-fte rate. I finally sold it. I never considered it to be reliable enough to carry. Most Glock owners will tell you they are completely reliable and have had no problems.
I would advise you go to the GlockTalk site and read, read and read. Good Luck.

04-24-2012, 05:39 PM
oh my another glock owner with issues. It can't be!!! earlier on a poster called his kahr PM9 a hit and miss gun, humm sounds like even glocks can be hit and miss: Just sayin..

04-24-2012, 05:53 PM
I'm a Glock guy myself. I'd stay away from the Gen 4's. But I'd bet my life on a Gen 3. I have owned several over the years of different calibers and they have been nothing but outstanding. My current G19 Gen 3 has thousands of rounds thur it. 100% perfect. Personally, when talking about a no frills, plain out, balls to the wall shooter, I'll choose Glock every time.

04-24-2012, 05:57 PM
My Gen 3 had to go back once, went bang every time just would not lock open. I love the gun. course my son has it now, so it is now a long lost love for me.

04-24-2012, 06:13 PM
The M&P fits my hand and points more naturally. I have a 9c and 9fs. The full size is my favorite. If you have an extended mag or pinky extension on the compact a lot of the size advantage is gone. I also like Glock and XD, just not as well. I plan to check out the Shield after it has been around for a while.

04-24-2012, 06:21 PM

Mr. S
04-24-2012, 06:47 PM
I get discounts on both.
I only have one pistol, the PM9, and it's time to expand.
For about $360 OTD I can buy any new Smith and Wesson M&P.
For $425 + tax I can have any Gen 4 Glock with the LEO fixins(3 mags, etc.)

Who has experience with these pistols? I think I'm leaning towards the M&P. Any suggestions? Feel free to recommend calibers etc on here, as I'm debating that with the new pistol as well.

I've never seen pricing that low on M&P's,you can get a M&P 45 for that price as well? Like Glocks the M&P45's usually cost more.
All gen 4 Glocks come with 3 mags btw.
Tough call,the M&P's feel better but I shoot the Glocks better.I would say try to shoot them both before making a decision.The good thing is you really can't go wrong whichever you choose.
If you find the M&P works best for you I would say go with the 45 compact. Small enough to conceal easily add the x-grip extension for a full size grip and use full size M&P 10 round 45 mags and for SHTF use the factory 14 round mags.

x-grip extensions

M&P factory mags

04-24-2012, 07:43 PM
I looked at the Glock 34 and the M&P Pro, and went with the M&P Pro, it just seemed so much better than the Glock there was no comparison. It has the fiber optic front site, the interchangeable backstraps that help fit it to your hand, the trigger break is as close to a single action trigger as I've ever encountered on a DAO. I understand you can get a trigger job on the standard M&P to make it closer to what you get on the Pro model. I'd say M&P all the way.

04-24-2012, 07:58 PM
if you get a discount on glock(haven't read all 4 pages) you should be paying 398 and change plus tax....

04-24-2012, 07:59 PM
Back when I was a bailbondsman,in the 90s,I usually carried either a Glock 19 or my upgrade,a 23 in .40. Never had any probs OTHER than getting pegged with every other empty in the nose! And I though it was just me! I sent the 23 back and got a little relief when the cases only landed like clockwork in me breast pocket.That was kinda neat for reloading! Glock blamed my use of Hydroshocks,but at the time they were the best thing going. I switched to Speer "flying ashtrays" and it became agreeable.

Though I no longer kick in fugitive's doors for a living(work at a gun counter now) I still appreciate a reliable sidearm platform. I carry my K40 stainless as my CCW rod,but the best all around full size pistol has been a M&P .45 in desert tan frame. Has the 1911 style thumb safety I admire as well. I run the small backstrap due to my short fingers and after over 1100+rnds I haven't had as much as a single casing pop me in the noggin.

I also tried a simple trick learned on the M&P forum by slicking up the f.pin block with a Dremel and re-angling the trigger bar,to reduce the pull just a tad. I'm now tragically an M&P fanboy I guess....

04-24-2012, 10:12 PM
Been shooting Glocks for nearly 20 years (Models 17, 19, 22 and 27). Never been hit in the head with brass ejected from my own pistol.

Tried the M&P 40 and found I preferred the Glock trigger and 3rd Generation grip. Just personal preference.

If you can, try both yourself to see which one fits you best.

04-27-2012, 08:09 AM
For me, the M&P was not as comfortable to shoot as the Glocks were. As a result, I picked up a G19 and a G34 a few years ago. My G19 has several thousand rounds through it and I don't get hit by ejecting brass. I wouldn't get wound up over sights either. Few people like the stock, basic Glock sights. Fortunately, there are a veritable plethora of sight options out there for Glocks. I have Trijicons on my G19 and Warren/Sevigny sights on the G34.

As for point-ability of Glock versus M&P, it's a "to-may-to / to-mah-to" situation. If you are used to Glocks, the M&P may feel strange. Conversely, if you're used to M&P's, Glocks feel strange.

The best advice to the OP is to go shoot both and see what works best for you.

04-27-2012, 08:52 AM
I think it boils down to personal preference....for me....Glock.

04-27-2012, 10:08 AM
I think it boils down to personal preference....for me....Glock.

Agreed. For me....M&P.

04-28-2012, 08:08 PM
I wish I had seen this thread earlier. I love the gun vs gun discussions, especially one involving Glock. These are two quality firearms so I would say the gun that feels and shoots better for YOU is the one to pick. For me its a Gen 4 Glock 19. My wife on the other hand is dead nuts with an XDm9. Of course the Glockhead in me will tell you Glock is the superior choice. As far as what caliber...I think my name says it all.

04-28-2012, 11:32 PM
I have M&P9c and 45c. The Glocks just did not do it for me with regard to feel and aim. The M&Ps are more natural for me. Unfortunately, I am selling one of the 2 guns to drive a little cash flow, but this might give you an interesting perspective.

My 45c is what came from the manufacturer. I shoot it more accuratley than the 9c. My 9c has all the usual stuff, 4 holsters and 6 mags. I have 2 of the 17 round extended mags and have the M&P logo XGrips. You can only order the M&P logo extensions from S&W and they take a long time. The extended grips give it a very different feel. Since I don't shoot the longer grip much, I am more accurate with the short mags. I will likely keep the 9c, because I am a 9mm fan and have all the extra gear. The 45c is a great gun.

Here is a quick picture of the M&P9c with the logo XGrips...


04-30-2012, 06:12 PM
M&P's are nice guns. I have been shooting various 9s with my wife so she can make a decision on what she wants for her first gun. We shot the M&P9 the other week and while I shot good enough to get a thumbs up from our range officer, she was not nearly as accurate as she was with my Glock or an XDm. Like I said, it depends on the individual. Thats why there are so many choices. How lucky are we to have all these great guns to choose from? So many guns, so little cash.

les strat
05-02-2012, 03:08 PM
I have become a big Glock fan. After much reading about the crazy accuracy of the G30 (.45), I was determined to get one or a 1911. I found a lightly used Gen 3 G30 with night sights, case, 10 round, and 13 round mags for a killer deal, I pounced. I am so glad I did. The only failure I had was with a bad used mag I picked up that jammed every time. I took it back to the shop, got a new one and never had a problem. Not one issue. And you would not believe how accurate it is. It will hang with my bros 1911 at 25 yards. So, my vote goes to the Glock.

05-02-2012, 11:58 PM
I have found my S&W M&P 9c to be perfectly reliable and I shoot well with it. With the three sizes of backstraps it fits my small hand well. It feels balanced more so than the Glock that I considered. It definitely is more like a full service auto than say a 2 inch snub.

The 9c conceals well almost like my MK9 but I have removed the manual safety levers that came with the 9c.

I can remember when handguns fired only 6 rds. so a 13 rd. auto is plenty. For that matter the 7rds. in the MK 9 is plenty.

The choice of caliber should be 9mm for this gun for a number of reasons; most important to me is the cost savings for ammo.


05-03-2012, 06:10 AM
I don't need any rails on small compacts. Have a G19, had a M & P 9, it was a dandy gun to. My G19 is y best sooter after a tune job by accurate Iron. Great gun, but just sits though as my PM9 trumps it anyt day of the week.My G19 is far more accurate (duh!) but not worth a fokk when it is sitting at home. Just to damn big for me to carry..

05-03-2012, 06:42 AM
I don't need any rails on small compacts. Have a G19, had a M & P 9, it was a dandy gun to. My G19 is y best sooter after a tune job by accurate Iron. Great gun, but just sits though as my PM9 trumps it anyt day of the week.My G19 is far more accurate (duh!) but not worth a fokk when it is sitting at home. Just to damn big for me to carry..

Well, the G19 serves a legitimate function as a home defense gun, where the larger size and higher capacity are positives. Although a tactical shotgun would be a nice thing to have at home, as well.

05-03-2012, 09:05 AM
Rent, shoot, know.
Even holding a gun without actual live fire won't do it for me.

The funny thing is my Glock feels like a plastic brick just to hold.
But shooting it is a different story all together.
Plus the endless supply of after market parts,
and cross model compatibility, is hard to ignore.

Glocks are good guns out of the box (Gen 3 and earlier).
But you can Rock your Glock from good gun
into great gun with very little trouble.

I love my G27/357.
It has evolved way beyond my wildest expectations.

05-03-2012, 04:56 PM
I stopped reading after about 2.5 pages so if I duplicate someones thoughts I apologize.

IMHO Glock wins out here.

External safety on the M&P is the first and major turn off to me so it is very likely that I will never own one. I have read many reviews and it gets great reviews from most owners. Smith makes a great piece and they stand behind their stuff but the external safety IMHO is a NO NO on a CCW weapon.

I own a G27, G23, G22 and a G36. I don't need to tell everyone how reliable and accurate they are, all of you have read and heard it hundreds of times. I have not experienced the brass in the face problem and when I am buying a combat/CCW pistol aesthetics are not a concern nor are they high on the list of considerations. BTW I don't think Glocks are ugly!!!! :)

Anyway, Glocks are reliable, ready to go, safe and very accurate pistols. Not to mention the interchangability of barrels to shoot multiple calibers from one platform. Very hard to pass up for under $500. Downside??? No cast bullets...jacketed only.

OK OK OK Yes I am biased :D


05-03-2012, 11:00 PM
External safety on the M&P is the first and major turn off to me so it is very likely that I will never own one. I have read many reviews and it gets great reviews from most owners. Smith makes a great piece and they stand behind their stuff but the external safety IMHO is a NO NO on a CCW weapon.

You must be referring to the Shield and only a select few of the compact and full sized ones. About 75%-80% of M&Ps I see don't have a safety. They may not have the history of the Glock, but they are so much more comfortable and ergonomic. Just about every review I have read of the M&Ps has been positive with no failures.

Then again, I'm biased as well... Just in the other direction...

05-03-2012, 11:28 PM
Well, the G19 serves a legitimate function as a home defense gun, where the larger size and higher capacity are positives.

That's why I have a full sized HK 40 - High capacity, night sights, and 100% reliability.

05-03-2012, 11:47 PM
That's why I have a full sized HK 40 - High capacity, night sights, and 100% reliability.

05-04-2012, 04:14 AM
You must be referring to the Shield and only a select few of the compact and full sized ones. About 75%-80% of M&Ps I see don't have a safety. They may not have the history of the Glock, but they are so much more comfortable and ergonomic. Just about every review I have read of the M&Ps has been positive with no failures.

Then again, I'm biased as well... Just in the other direction...

I am. I had just read another thread on the shield and I had it on my mind. Sorry....carry on :)

Yogi 117
05-04-2012, 06:38 PM
My preference is Glock. Easy to shoot, take down, clean & put back together & versatility, with the ability to use magazines of any capacity in same caliber. My Gen2 G26 will accept my brother's Gen3 G19 mags & vice versa. Like others have stated, shoot 'em both if you can & you'll know which one is right for you!

05-04-2012, 07:31 PM
I sure love my tuned, stippled G19. I had a m &p 9 complete tuned and reworked by Dave Bowie of Bowie Tactical. That gun was so super when I got it back it was scary. I sold it. to me it did't have the feel my g19 had...

05-04-2012, 08:17 PM
I bought the gen4 G27 before getting my CM9, wanted the versatility of using longer barrels as well as .357 Sig and 9mm by swapping barrels and mags for the 9mm. The .357 uses the .40 mags. I like having larger mags available too. The Glock is harder to conceal in my summer clothes so I got the Kahr. I like them both.

05-04-2012, 09:02 PM
I love my G19. Its a littly bulky for a ccw in the summertime (hello Kahr!), but the performance is hard to match. Its not for everyone, and before the Gen 4 it wasn't for me. But that slight reduction in the grip on the Gen 4 made it fit my hand and the rest is pure joy. Can I vote twice for Glock?

05-06-2012, 12:28 PM

05-06-2012, 02:29 PM
Held both in my hands yesterday without firing. When simply picked up and aimed, the M&P aims to the right for me. Maybe the grip add ons would fix that. The thicker glock seemed to fit like a glove which kinda sucks. I was leaning more toward the M&P lol

05-06-2012, 04:32 PM
Glock 19!

05-06-2012, 05:24 PM
I've carried a G19 for 6 years every day every where and truely believe it to be the best EDC handgun around. I have shot it in IDPA for 2 years, taken several weekend long high round count training classes with it. I use to keep track of the rounds through it but quit at 25,000 2 years ago. I have replaced the recoil spring assembly 2 times not because it failed but because they said it should be replaced at 10000 rounds. It has very little finish left on it but does not rust. I picked up an M&P pro with the thought of using it for a gaming gun for IDPA and USPSA I had to work on the trigger as it was not acceptable and had no reset that was detectable. Easy enough to fix though but still it should come that way from the factory. I shot it through 7 matches and a total of probably 4000 rounds with practice. We did a classifier and I shot 31 points down on the 3rd stage with zero down on stage 1 and 2. I was not happy and decided to try stage 3 with my G19 and I shot it .45 seconds faster and only 3 points down. I never shot the M&P again. Accuracy was not there and seems to be a common problem with the 9mm and .40 guns, at least that is what I was told. I know I could not squeeze any accuracy out of it.
I have a gen 4 G17 and it does not throw brass in my face but it did my daughters face until I swapped to a lighter recoil spring. Problem solved, no big deal her grip was not as strong as mine or my sons is and probably contributed to it.

But really you cannot make a bad decision with the 2 companies. Both make fine products and stand behind them well. Pick which one suits you and makes you warm and fuzzy.

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05-07-2012, 10:16 PM
They are both great guns and similar in function. You should pick them both up, but you also need to fire them both. They both should be very available in your LGR for rent. Try the different versions of your preferred round and see which one works for you. For me, it was the M&P, but it was only slightly better than the Glock. I also LOVE the warranty and service provided by S&W...AND it is made in the US. I have had 2 issues with 3 M&Ps in the past year. One was a front sight that moved while at the range I sent it back on their dime and had it back in 14 days with a new mag. The second was a white dot fell out of the back sight. After sending an email to them, I had a new sight in my hands within 5 days from the email. Just because of the CS and the US-based manufacturing, I will always be a S&W fan.

If you already have a P9, look at the higher capacity guns. The Shield is similar in size and capacity to your P9, but heavier. Don't get me started on my disappointment in the Shield. The M&P9c is a GREAT handgun!

05-08-2012, 08:22 AM
I get discounts on both.
I only have one pistol, the PM9, and it's time to expand.
For about $360 OTD I can buy any new Smith and Wesson M&P.
For $425 + tax I can have any Gen 4 Glock with the LEO fixins(3 mags, etc.)

What's the current mail-in discount on M&P pistols? $50?

05-08-2012, 05:03 PM
The discount I'm getting in the M&Ps is 40% for being military. Idk of any other discounts myself.

05-08-2012, 05:17 PM
The discount I'm getting in the M&Ps is 40% for being military. Idk of any other discounts myself.

Are you buying that through your unit?
I only know of their mail-in factory discount over the cheapest LGS price you can find.
That would be $455 at Bud's for a 9c minus the $50 mail-in... a very good price indeed.

05-09-2012, 10:11 AM
Just a coupon in circulation. I'm waiting to get it from a battle buddy.

les strat
05-12-2012, 08:04 PM

Barth, as fine as she is, I can't stand to look at her anymore becuase of all of the liberal crap she spews. And her relationship with that commie Sean Penn. What a waste of a hottie. :rolleyes:

05-12-2012, 08:12 PM
I own the m&p compact 9mm and the compact 40 cal.I did the research awhile ago and hands down the m&p was the gun of choice and never looked back.Good luck with your decision.

05-13-2012, 06:07 AM
Barth, as fine as she is, I can't stand to look at her anymore becuase of all of the liberal crap she spews. And her relationship with that commie Sean Penn. What a waste of a hottie. :rolleyes:

I didn't know she could speak???

05-13-2012, 06:10 AM
LOL. thats a good one Barth.

05-13-2012, 06:40 AM
Glock Gen 3 G27 Ported 357
Twin G31 15 round mags
Cold Steel 12BS Safe Maker I 4.5"
Gun and mags loaded with 40 rounds total of
Winchester Ranger T-Series 125 gr 357 Sig

05-13-2012, 07:22 AM
At the LGS yesterday, I fondled an M&Pc and a S&W SD9. I liked the M&Pc, but REALLY liked the SD. They don't get as much attention because of the M&P, but seem to be really nice guns. The SD is almost identical in size to my G19, but felt better. It also holds 1 more round. If I didn't already have the glock, a SD9 would be keeping my M&P 40 company.

05-13-2012, 11:40 AM
I have the SD40, and love it. There are alot of parts compatible between it and the Sigma. Magazines for one. The base plate will stick out, but it's not horrible. It will also fit in the same holster as the Glock. I had an officer (PD at work carries a Glock 22), forget his pistol after his wife moved his stuff, and it fit his duty holster pretty well. I also have not had problem one from mine in about 500 rounds. The trigger will smooth out as well.

05-23-2012, 03:52 AM
Both are fine guns but I prefer Glock over the S&W M&P.

05-23-2012, 05:12 AM
I just changed my Glock connector and spring to
Glock OEM 3.5 "-" connector and NY1 spring.

Was getting occasional unintended double taps at the range with
the Ghost Rocket 3.5 and factory springs.
I know it's trigger control and I'll get used to it.
But it's a carry gun and I want something foolproof for a stress fire situation.
Really like the new setup. Feels more comfortable and confident for carry.
Don't think I gave anything up in accuracy either.

Plus I changed the connector and spring out myself in about three minutes flat.
Factory part compatibility across models, aftermarket part selection and ease to work on are real advantages of Glock pistols - IMHO.

05-23-2012, 05:16 AM
I've noticed lately that some the local township PD's seem to be moving away from Glocks and towards the MP's. Not sure why that is, just and observation. Maybe there not getting the discounts they once did with Glock. Like my glock 26 well enough, but I think the Kahrs, XD's and MP's are better natural pointers do to there grip angle. As far as reliability and accuracy I don't believe there is a big difference in any of them. Only different features that some may like or not like.

05-23-2012, 05:22 AM
I've noticed lately that some the local township PD's seem to be moving away from Glocks and towards the MP's. Not sure why that is, just and observation. Maybe there not getting the discounts they once did with Glock. Like my glock 26 well enough, but I think the Kahrs, XD's and MP's are better natural pointers do to there grip angle. As far as reliability and accuracy I don't believe there is a big difference in any of them. Only different features that some may like or not like.

+1 they are all fine guns and you can't really go wrong with any of them.
I have a Kahr MK40 Elite and a Glock G27.
They are both flawless.
Friends have XDs and M&Ps and speak the same of them.

I always recommend folks make a short list of guns they are interested in.
Rent and shoot them.
And see which they favor.

05-23-2012, 06:10 AM
Barth when I hear people talk about a pistols accuracy I have to wonder is it just because they shoot that particual pistol more accurately than the actual accuracy of the pistol. I really think it's the individual persons ability to shoot a certain brand or style better because the ergo's fit them better.

From my experience from owning many different brands of pistols, your right there all fine pistols. Either that or the pistols gods have blessed me with all the good ones. :rolleyes: (not hardly) I've had very few problems with any of the pistols I've owned and none have ever gone back to the factory. I do leave them all in there stock configuration though as I carry them all at one time or another. Some more than others. I shot my friends new MP9 last week for the first time and I must say for never having shot one before I was very impressed with the ergo's and overall feel and balance of the pistol. I believe that's why I shot it fairly well the first time out. I might consider one at some point down the road but as of late I seem to be leaning towards all steel hammer fired pistols..Top of the list for me is the CZ PO1. What a fantastic pistol that is IMO.

05-23-2012, 06:12 AM
In a comparison like this, I would expect to see the Springfield XD and XDM being considered, too.

I so agree, I have had each and PREFER the XDm 3.8


05-23-2012, 06:49 AM
+1 they are all fine guns and you can't really go wrong with any of them.
I have a Kahr MK40 Elite and a Glock G27.
They are both flawless.
Friends have XDs and M&Ps and speak the same of them.

I always recommend folks make a short list of guns they are interested in.
Rent and shoot them.
And see which they favor.

We have similar tastes - I have my newly purchesed MK9 Elite and a Glock 30SF (which I carry with the flush fit 9 rd mag). ;)

05-23-2012, 06:55 AM
Barth when I hear people talk about a pistols accuracy I have to wonder is it just because they shoot that particual pistol more accurately than the actual accuracy of the pistol. I really think it's the individual persons ability to shoot a certain brand or style better because the ergo's fit them better.

There was a long thread involving accuracy, including a hickock45 video on the subject, on a different forum.
Almost no one has a ransom rest to determine absolute accuracy of one weapon verses another.
And since humans are actually going to shoot it, not a machine, I'm not sure how important that is anyway.

When I say one gun is more accurate than another.
I mean in my hands, for me, I find it's more accurate.
Ergonomics, sights, triggers and more are huge in that respect.

I personally don't shoot H&K or Beretta pistols well.
Does that mean those guns are inaccurate?
No way.

05-23-2012, 12:26 PM
Totally agree. I personally do not shoot 40 caliber pistols very well. I once had a used S&W 4013. It was a absolutely beautiful and reliable pistol. After owning it for a while I found out that it was just not a good fit for me know matter how much I loved the look of it. I just did not shoot it very well. I really wanted to like that pistol but I ending up trading it for a XD9sc. It was a lesson well learned.