View Full Version : New User / Range Report: CW9

04-24-2012, 07:09 PM
Hi folks. First post. Found the forum looking for reviews on a CW9 and, after reading the great information in the tech section, decided to hang around.

I finally got the gun I'd been lusting after for at least a year now. I started in on the break-in this evening after work. I'm only 50 rounds into it, but here are the results of my first time getting to know the gun.

Before firing, I field stripped and cleaned it thoroughly. I did the pre-fire procedure outline in one of the stickies in the tech section. Lubed it up with CLP and reassembled.

I fired a total of 50 rounds tonight using two targets. The first seven went into the first target (not shown) while evaluating recoil, watching spent brass fly, firing one-handed, weak handed, limp wristed. Not a single failure of any kind.

The next 42 rounds went into this target at 7 yards. I think this one's a keeper.


Overall impressions:

Recoil is very mild for such a small, light gun.
I love the way I can get all three fingers on the grip. I've never really liked the way my pinky hangs off the Kel-tec or the XD subcompact I used to have.
The trigger pull is long but very smooth. Much better than the PF-9. I had no problems shooting it. There is no short trigger reset so you have to let it all the way out. I do that anyway so it doesn't bother me.
I really like how it deposits the brass in a neat little pile right beside me. My Kel-Tec PF-9 throws it all over the place.
I love this gun. I've owned an EAA Witness, XD9sc, FNP-9, and still have my PF-9 and a Taurus 605 wheelgun. The Kahr CW9 is by far my favorite.

I like the thin-ness of the gun. The grip on a double-stack pistol feels like a two by four compared to the CW9. It's very easy to hold firmly while even shooting weak handed. The 3.6" barrel is just right; not too short, not too long.

If I can only think of one negative it would be that it's a bit of a pain to field strip. I can have my PF-9 in pieces on the bench in about 10 seconds blindfolded. Also, like the XD, you have to pull the trigger before removing the slide.

All in all. I would recommend this gun (so far) without reservations.

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the ammo (it's my first range report). Tonight I was using was 115 gr. Remington UMC FMJ. I've got some boxes of that, a bunch of Blazer Brass 115gr FMJ, and some Winchester White Box Wallyworld specials that will probably get run through it at some point.

I usually carry Remington Golden Saber 124gr +P for social work.

04-24-2012, 07:49 PM
The only thing I wish was different on my CW9 is the magazine. Why couldnt Kahr have made a flush fitting base plate!? The rest of the gun is outstanding.

deputy tom
04-25-2012, 08:16 AM
Nice write up. I too have a new CW9 with the break in half way done. No malfunctions on mine either. This seems to be a trend. tom.;)

ETA I finished the break in period today with zero malfunctions.:D tom.

Bill K
04-25-2012, 09:04 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

Great report and even better shooting.

04-25-2012, 09:18 AM
Nice report and welcome

That CW9 is only going to get smother with more rounds

Enjoy yours, mine has been great

04-25-2012, 10:27 AM
Mansinta: I can take any of my kahrs apart blind folded, and properly put them back together ... u just need to not compare one gun to another. u will get so used to ur kahr take down that after awhile u won't even be thinking about "how" to doit. It will just natural

this is a new gun in ur hands and a new post, I bet 2 months from now if u shoot any rounds thorugh the gun and clean it regularly, u willnot have that negative feeling towards take down.: Just sayin.

04-29-2012, 05:48 PM
Follow up: Went out back, set up a target, and fired another fifty rounds toward "official break-in". I'm halfway there!

This time I wasn't trying for tight groups. I got a couple of holsters in last week, both High Noon (I've used them for several guns and heartily recommend their IWB and tuckables), so I spent this fifty rounds practicing drawing from concealment and putting two quick rounds at a time on the B27. Not near the groups as before... heh.

I have found this is a very easy gun to point shoot. Forgetting for a minute the one-eyed target shooting, this is an easy gun for me to just draw and shoot. I think a lot of it has to do with the small grip. I can really get a good hold of it coming right out of the holster. It has a more natural, comfortable grip than any pistol I've ever fired.

And, of course, nary a hiccup.

jocko: It's not hard to field strip. I was merely saying that, if I had to come up with a complaint at all, it would be the field stripping as compared to what I had been carrying. It's not inappropriate at all to compare one gun to another. It's what we do all the time. I really have no complaints about my CW9. This ain't my first rodeo. I'm in my fifties and I've been shooting since I was able to hold one up with two hands.

Although, to my embarrassment, I didn't really pay much attention to cleaning them until I entered the navy in 1980. :eek:

This is easily my favorite gun I've ever fired.

04-29-2012, 06:06 PM
Good report! Welcome.

The only thing I wish was different on my CW9 is the magazine. Why couldnt Kahr have made a flush fitting base plate!? The rest of the gun is outstanding.

I feel exactly the same! I believe a proper bottom plate will make an outstanding gun even better. I designed my own that I am CNC machining out of aluminum. Some others here have made some really great modifications to other bottom plates, or used the sheet metal plate from other Kahr magazines, but I didn't want to go that route. I got the first piece done of a two piece design. It looks really great so far, so I will post some photos when it is done. Some have suggested I sell them, and I think I need to now to recover the costs of making the darn thing! :) I'll keep everyone posted when I complete this project (which has taken longer than I thought).

04-30-2012, 08:13 AM
The mags do kind of crack me up. After pushing seven rounds down in the CW9 mag, I look at those wobbly top rounds and wonder how can that even feed properly?

It does, though, every time.

04-30-2012, 12:31 PM
The mags do kind of crack me up. After pushing seven rounds down in the CW9 mag, I look at those wobbly top rounds and wonder how can that even feed properly?

It does, though, every time.

Remember, when you insert the mag in the gun, the top round presses against the slide, lining it up.

05-04-2012, 06:02 PM
Switched out the 7 round plastic base plate with the metal base plate from a 6 round PM9 mag on my P9. Most definitely improves the aesthetics of the gun.

05-06-2012, 09:23 AM
Nice post - congrats on a great purchase!

05-06-2012, 05:57 PM
Finished the official "break-in" today with a total round count so far of 208. The second hundred rounds were Blazer Brass 115gr FMJ (dirty as hell, by the way) and the last eight rounds were 7+1 Golden Saber +Ps that I wanted to make sure cycled okay. I had read somewhere about someone having problems with that ammo and wanted to have confidence in it before carrying.

Yeah, it worked, just like everything else; flawlessly. Not even any real signs of wear (break-in related) on the frame.

Dang, this is one fine gun. Kahr has really scored with their P and CW frame pistols, especially the CWs.

I'm not really losing any round capacity since my previous EDC was a Kel-tec PF9. If I'm planning on storming the castle then I'll worry about having a couple double-stack hi-cap mags on my belt. I firmly believe that with one spare seven round magazine (which fits absolutely perfectly and discreetly in a ToolZall Pro multitool pouch, by the way), mainly for quick swapping in the event of a critical feed failure, it would be enough to give me a sufficient running start away from any trouble I might encounter.

One last thing: Funny how many reviews/reports I've read by new Kahr CW9 owners who have switched from Kel-tec PF9s to Kahr. The Kel-tec, in many cases, seems to be a "gateway gun" to eventual Kahr ownership! Heh.

05-06-2012, 06:09 PM
for the money the kel tek is an OK gun, ur just not gonna as u know enjoy shooting 200 or 100 roundsat a range setting with it compared to the kahr. It is apples and oranges but tyyhe kel tek has gotten better in reliability. quality is what it is.

Zimmerman shot that young man in florida with a kel tek 9mm. at one time years back the kel tek was about the only small ass gun game i town, spo many were forced into carrying it for that reason, some still do. I am sure it will go bang, just not a comfortable gun to shoot.

I owned 3 kel tek back years ago, no 9's though, I will say no more.

05-08-2012, 09:47 PM
I love all these range reports. So much useful information. Keep em coming

05-08-2012, 11:59 PM
I'm not really losing any round capacity since my previous EDC was a Kel-tec PF9. If I'm planning on storming the castle then I'll worry about having a couple double-stack hi-cap mags on my belt. I firmly believe that with one spare seven round magazine (which fits absolutely perfectly and discreetly in a ToolZall Pro multitool pouch, by the way), mainly for quick swapping in the event of a critical feed failure, it would be enough to give me a sufficient running start away from any trouble I might encounter.

One last thing: Funny how many reviews/reports I've read by new Kahr CW9 owners who have switched from Kel-tec PF9s to Kahr. The Kel-tec, in many cases, seems to be a "gateway gun" to eventual Kahr ownership! Heh.

Nice report and welcome. I had trouble with takedown initially as well, but after 500 rounds or so it became much easier as the slide was easier to pull back and the takedown pin popped out with my finger and not a tool. Also, after doing it a few times it just gets easier. Its not a Glock for takedown, but its not bad.

As far as Kel-Tec goes, well, thats why I own a Kahr. I had a nighmare PF9 and now I have a dream CM9 (soon to be a PM9, yeah I'm "upgrading"). The only good thing I can say about Kel-Tec is they will make you appreciate your Kahr even more.