View Full Version : CW45 First Time At The Range

04-25-2012, 01:12 PM
I took my new CW45 to the range today. For magazines I used the 6 rd mag that came with the pistol, a 7 rd Kahr mag, and 3 1911 Comander mags that I filed to fit and installed Wilson Combat rebuild kits containing mag spring and plastic followers.

For ammo I had some Federal 230 gr FMJ, some local reloded 230gr FMJ and some Speer gold dot personal protection Short Barrel Hollow Point ammo.

Although the reloads preformed as well as the factory rds, it shot very dirty. I won't be buying any more in the future.

I really wasn't focusing on acuracy, but rather function as it relates to the mags and ammo selection. I shot between 125 and 150 rds in all.
For the Comander 1911 mags, everything went perfect down to the locking back after last round.

Out of all ammo shot I had 6 FTF's. One was me limp wristing, one was in the middle of the mag where the round didn't completely chamber. The rest of the FTF's were the last round of the mag. For all of the last round FTF there was the HP round in place. Not sure if that was the problem. This happened to the factory mags as well as the 1911 comander mags. Not sure what that is, but will pay attention to that next time out.

All in all I shot as well as I usually do. I still have some Low Left issues that I have been working on with all my pistols. I just need to find my Go To grip still.
When my grip was holding on the groups were 4 to 5 inches from 21ft. I'm not trying to be a marksman, Just to be able to defend myself if it ever comes to that.

I am very happy, and can't wait for my PJ IWB holster to arrive. I just got an email from him today with the shipping info. I definately will make this my carry piece once I get some more ammo down range successfully.

WI carrier
04-25-2012, 03:43 PM
good to hear, the kahr 45 is a smooth shooting gun, it should work in and be very dependable. if you plan on carrying it, it is one of the easiest to carry and conceal. nice gun, enjoy it:)

04-25-2012, 04:42 PM
Just fired my CW45 for the first time this past weekend and I was very impressed. Great compact 45 that feels great in the hand, is accurate, and has that buttery smooth kahr trigger. My plan is to eventually make this gun my CC weapon.

Congrats on your purchase. Have fun with that shooter

04-25-2012, 06:28 PM
I agree, the trigger is so smooth. I have a LC9 & a LCP, and the CW45's trigger is way better than them, even after I upgraded the trigger on my LC9. I will be carrying this gun soon.

04-25-2012, 06:44 PM
I do feel that is one of kahrs finest selling points THE TRIGGER. Most all other guns to get that smooth require some serious trigger/action work. IMO thereis just nothing u can do to the kahr to ake them smoother other than 500 rounds down range. It is the simpliest trigger system I have ever seen...Just sayin