View Full Version : New CM9 range report

04-25-2012, 05:09 PM
Just got back from the range a few minutes ago and I have to say the wife is very pleased! We did have two FTFs but I believe it was a combination of a brand new gun with a big dose of fatigue/limp wristing. All in all we put 120 rounds through her and she functioned very well! I put about 20 rounds through it at the 7 and 15 yd line and I am astounded at the accuracy of this lil lady!

My wife is very happy. I did get a snap cap and insert it into some mags randomly so she could see herself jerk the weapon as she pulled the trigger. Once she realized what she was doing she became very accurate with it again.

For her this is a big jump. She is used to shooting my high standards, ruger mk iii or the model 60 marlin. All .22's. So even though she had put many rounds through dads cm and she knew what she was getting into its still a big step with lots to learn. But she is anxious and eager for help and input which this forum has already begun to provide!


****Had to edit the iPhone autocorrect stuff***

04-25-2012, 05:11 PM
Excellent Report

I'm so happy to hear it. Not bawling my eyes out with joy but really close.

04-25-2012, 05:28 PM
120 rounds is a bunch IMO, shooter gets tired and doesn't realize it for it is a fungun to shoot. Take some 15 minute breaks every now and then, she did good, u did good. The more rounds down range the smoother thg gun will get the better the shooters willget accustomed to the little guns quirks to. A gun and shooter have to mate up to be reliable, shoot close, POA is a good waqy to train with this gun, see the front sight clearly and bang away. The snap caps is a super training device, as she and u will both find out. It shows a shooters errors without one word even being said..

04-27-2012, 03:36 PM
Glad to hear it went well,my new cm9 ran well with no problems for 200 rounds.Going back to the range to put another 200 thru it and if there are no problems it will be given the all clear to ride along with me.Range report soon !!