View Full Version : Considering a P9 or CW9

04-27-2012, 10:50 AM
I have a Pm9 with factory nightsights... Have had it for a while...

Due to health problems, I can no longer carry IWB for now.... I WAS carrying a Beretta 92 IWB. Yes, big gun.

Anyway, I'll have to start pocket carrying in cargo pants now. I'd like something a LITTLE bigger than the PM9.

How does the recoil of the P9/CW9 compare to the PM9. Is it almost identical, or is there a difference?

04-27-2012, 11:08 AM
should be a tad difference due to molre grip area to hold on to. both will be pleasant, both will shoot as good as each other IMO... eithger choice is a winner,..

deputy tom
04-27-2012, 11:21 AM
The CW 9 is very pleasant to shoot. I just finished up the break in period yesterday shooting the last hundred of two hundred. It took just about an hour and no soreness in my old hands.Great gun value.tom.:)

04-27-2012, 12:00 PM
I didn't really notice much difference in recoil between my PM9 (no longer have it) and my P9. A little maybe, but not much. What I disliked about the PM was the grip, too short. Couple that with feeding it +P rounds and I just didn't enjoy shooting the PM. The extra grip made it more managable and overall more fun, for me, to shoot.

Given that you already have a PM, it won't likely feel too much different, but you'll like the extra grip. I occasionally pocket carry my P9 in a Desantis Nemesis. Not great, but workable w/ the right clothing.

04-27-2012, 12:25 PM
Well, I have the 7 round extended magazine on my PM9. But, I'm hoping I do feel a little difference in the P9.

I am also considering the K9. But, despite being all steel... Word is that the recoil between the P9 and K9 are about the same. Some claim that the flex of the polymer frame cancels out the weight of the steel K9....

There are no K9s to rent, however. And, I think the all steel frame may be too heavy for pocket carry

04-27-2012, 12:48 PM
not sure I buy the "FLEX" STUFF. but what ever. certainly the K9 is a softer shooting gun than the P9

definitely to heavy to pocket cvarry, K9 was never designed for that, MK9 might do Ok but it is heavier by far than the PM or cm9. Kahrs 9's are very pleasant to shoot in any frame size IMO.

04-29-2012, 07:16 PM
Well, I rented a P9 yesterday. Didn't really dig it. Not enough difference between the Pm9 and P9 to me.

However, at the last second, I rented a S&W Shield. I liked it A LOT, and I don't even usually like M&Ps. Less recoil than the P9, and the trigger was crisper than a standard M&P.

I hope to have a Shield within the next week