View Full Version : New T9 range report, 200 rounds of smiling

04-28-2012, 08:05 PM
My FFL dealer called me yesterday afternoon to let me know the wife's new T9 was in. I went over and picked it up last night. First impression, nothing but awesome. The new in wrapper oily gun felt great in the hand and very well balanced. The only thing that looked out of whack was the rear novak sight, the screw was loose allowing the sight to slide around in the dove tail. I took it home and cleaned all the factory gunk out of it, cleaned and re-oiled, racked the slide about 250 times, then cleaned and re-oiled it again. I tightened the rear sight screw, but didn't loctite it yet. I presented the T9 to the wife when she got home late last night, she was also very impressed.

Today we went to the range with all of the Kahr's (T9, CW9, PM9, P380), her new Ruger SR22 pistol, and a few Glocks. We started with the new T9 and a 50 round box of Blazer Brass 115 gr 9mm. She shot the first two magazines, all shots were in the 5"x4" orange box in the center of the silhouette target at 8 yards. She had a grin on her face and was very pleased with the pistol. I had a go with a pair of magazines, what a nice pistol to shoot. The Blazer is a little hotter than Winchester white box, the recoil was almost non existent. My groupings at 8 yards were both under 2". My mom (71) shot a couple of magazines as well with decent results, she doesn't shoot often but the T9 was doing its part.

After the first 50 rounds I set the T9 aside to let it cool down (the slide does get warm) and shot the other Kahrs. The P380 went through 50 rounds without a hiccup, I was testing 25 rounds of the Hornady FTX and followed it with some S&B FMJ. The CW9 and PM9 were excellent as usual, each got 50 rounds of WWB FMJ. Her new SR22 functioned perfectly as well.

Back to the T9, we took turns feeding it another 100 rounds of WWB and 50 of Blazer to finish the 200 round break in. I was loading magazines and handing them to her to shoot for the 100 rounds of WWB. I ran the target out to 25 yards and ran a magazine through the T9, PM9, and P380. My groups were nothing to write home about, but with the T9 6 of 8 were in the 5"x4" center, the PM9 all 6 were all in the head, the P380 all 6 were in the central part of the torso.

There were a couple of minor issues: around round 110 one of the magazines wasn't locking back the slide when empty, by round 150 neither of them was. I figure something was getting dirty, I'll see how it looks when cleaning. Around round 175 the rear sight set screw had backed out almost all the way and the novak sight slid over to one side, I centered it and tightened the screw and it was dead on again, blue loctite will fix that issue.

After shooting, the wife commented on how nice the gun was to shoot. Sometimes after that many rounds her hands will hurt, but none of that with the T9. She did say that her forearms were a little tired from holding the heavier gun up for so long, but that will change with practice and an additional exercise at the gym.

I find myself really wanting to order a T40 for me, but I'll probably get over it as I really don't need another .40 S&W. I will be spending a bit of time with her T9 regularly.

Since you are all about pics, I attached a family portrait and a couple of her dirty T9.

04-28-2012, 08:15 PM
Man what a beautiful gun. I GOTTA get one of those.
There's a good reason why that's Kahr's Cadillac.

04-28-2012, 08:24 PM
Sounds like you all had a fine time with the new Kahr. The T9 is a very easy gun to shoot and enjoy. I enjoy shooting both of the big Kahrs, the T9 and TP9, more than the smaller ones. There's something about that full grip...

05-01-2012, 02:56 PM
Congrats on the new T9. The T's are for me the best shooting handgun. They have nice all metal heft to them while still fitting my hand.

Give her a nice trigger/action job and a target crown and she will never embarrass you at the range.

05-06-2012, 06:44 PM
The wife and I finally got around to cleaning her new T9 after its initial outing. We made an event/lesson out of it. She has never really been involved in cleaning the guns before, but asked me to teach her the right way to do it. I pulled out all 4 Kahr pistols and figured we'd go through each one step by step. I did the CW9 (showing her each step) we did my P380 together, she did the PM9 with pointers from me, then she did the T9 by herself. Good times. Now I just need to show her how to work the Dillon 550.

05-06-2012, 06:50 PM
Excellent!!! My wife and daughter will go shooting with me, but I am always the one to do the cleaning. Apparently brake cleaner and Hoppes will ruin a manicure. Or so I am told.

05-06-2012, 07:09 PM
Excellent!!! My wife and daughter will go shooting with me, but I am always the one to do the cleaning. Apparently brake cleaner and Hoppes will ruin a manicure. Or so I am told.

Yeah, my wife wont have anything to do with cleaning. The closest I can get her to doing it is to sit in the garage with me while I do the cleaning. Oh, but she sure loves to shoot em. She wont bait her own hook either. Women.:crazy:

Yogi 117
05-06-2012, 08:37 PM
Enjoyed reading your report. Love the family pic, great lookin' guns all. Good for your wife on wanting to learn the cleaning part of shooting, as my wife loves to shoot, but never cleans anything. Oh well, at least she loves to shoot. Again, nice family! :)