View Full Version : CM9/40 owners, do you get smileys?

04-30-2012, 12:01 AM
I've been reading your great forum while considering buying a CM9 or CM40. I already own a few .40 pistols so I was leaning toward the CM40, but then I read about the issues with CM and PM 40's breaking followers. As well the bottom of the feed ramp seems to be putting "smileys" on the noses of the next round in the magazine when the previous round was fired.

How many CM9 owners have seen smileys? How many CM40 owners have seen smileys?

Those who've had the problem, how did you fix it? I think I remember reading that TusconMTB shortened the bottom of the feed ramp to fix this issue. If I get either pistol and notice this problem, I think I'll choose my favorite JHP's and FMJ's and put some marking substance on the noses of the bullets to see where they hit the feed ramp so I can make sure not to remove any material from the feed ramp above the lowest marking.

Also for those who've had the problem, did Kahr fix it for you? Did you have to send the gun back to them, and did they pay for shipping? Did they modify the barrel to shorten the feed ramp or just replace the barrel?

Here's a particular post showing smileys:

Here's a picture of smileys with another brand of pistol:

04-30-2012, 12:16 AM
I have a CM9 and have never had this problem. Had it 3 weeks and have 900 perfect rounds through it, including 124gr and 147gr JHP as well as every type of factory 115gr FMJ target ammo I could find. The gun is phenominal and it shoots better every time I take it out. I cannot speak for the 40, as I stick to 9mm or 45 acp.

04-30-2012, 06:06 PM
+1 for the cm9, over 1200 rounds and not one single problem :D wouldnt mind tryin the cm40 with a good grip of some sort....