View Full Version : Pix fix ? - How I solved my K9098 racking problem

04-30-2012, 02:36 PM
I prefer the sling shot method to rack the slide, but had difficulty racking my K9098 even with my replacement 18# recoil spring.
The slide serrations are not deep, the leading edges are not sharp, and the polished stainless steel is slippery.
I first considered using a triangular file to sharpen the edges, but instead made inserts out of stainless wiper blade inserts and GOOPed them into alternating grooves - they fell out in use.

I next tried skateboard tape, but it "floated" around on the adhesive.

I considered milling to deepen grooves, but wall thickness not great enough to risk that. I also considered using a checkering file, but did not want to risk damage.
Here's what I did - I first used 60 grit emery cloth to roughen the serrations. That helped, but not enough, so I next used 60 grit aluminum oxide paper (which feels much coarser) and stapled that to a wood block. Next pic is the slide after emery cloth but before alum ox.

Next two pics are after alum ox - masked then after unmasking and cleanup. I ran the block vertically to make striations parallel to the serrations.

The usual disclaimer - I'm not giving advice, just relating what I did.
It worked for me - serrations no longer slippery - I can now happily slingshot rack.

04-30-2012, 02:55 PM
Nicely Done Sir! It takes some 'nads to put 60 grit on steel like that, but the results speak for themselves: does what you want it to and looks good as well.

04-30-2012, 02:56 PM
odd, we have some who report serations are to sharp..

04-30-2012, 03:17 PM
Nicely Done Sir! It takes some 'nads to put 60 grit on steel like that, but the results speak for themselves: does what you want it to and looks good as well.
Thanks Greg. I figured that gentler, kinder, and simpler method better than, eg., checkering file. Also figured if I screwed up I could undo it by repolishing back to slippery shiny if necessary. I was real careful avoiding grit in the innards by masking then thorough cleanup.

04-30-2012, 03:20 PM
Is it just me or did all the pictures stop being available? :confused:

04-30-2012, 03:23 PM
Is it just me or did all the pictures stop being available? :confused:
Don't know - I can still see them - they are embedded, not just links.

04-30-2012, 03:36 PM
Is it just me or did all the pictures stop being available? :confused:The last pic for me says, "This picture or video has been moved or deleted."

04-30-2012, 03:38 PM
I can't see any of them.