View Full Version : Will the .40 Cal supply dry up?

05-01-2012, 02:40 PM
DHS is ordering 450 million rounds of .40 Cal ammo over the next 5 years:


05-01-2012, 05:48 PM
Maybe, as it "times-out" in storage it will be available surplus??:rolleyes:

Just in joy
05-01-2012, 08:40 PM
Interesting glad I have a stock pile still needing to be loaded up.

05-01-2012, 09:37 PM
Stock up on reloading components!!!

mr surveyor
05-01-2012, 10:14 PM
from what I've read on several other forums, we're squealling with the typical knee jerk reaction over this story. DHS is the purchasing agency for several government agencies, including the Border Patrol, Coast Guard and several others. Some of these agencies require 4 range quals per year for their personel, as well as encourage them to enjoy as much additional range work as they want (to certain limits, of course). One regular poster on another forum I frequent is an "employee" of one of these agencies, and according to the number of persons involved, and the time over which this ammunition is to be acquired/used, it does not equate to a vast stockpiling or usage of ammo. And, he also included the huge amount of 9mm and .223/5.56 ammo also being ordered up.

Much to do about nothing, most likely.

05-01-2012, 10:37 PM
Much to do about nothing, most likely.
Maybe. But, affordable .40 S&W has almost disappeared already. For example: SGAmmo has fewer than half the number of choices in this caliber compared to last year. And very little priced less that $300 per thousand. $250 per thousand was pretty common last year. :eek:

Yes, "I got mine", but it is still a little worrisome.

Just in joy
05-01-2012, 11:28 PM
Factory reloads I never had an issue with bvac in 40 2000 rounds in my xd and not one issue. Shot factory federal and cracked the frame. And that was my first box of factory I shot out of it besides my protection loads. 115.00 per 500 round good for plinking

05-02-2012, 09:05 AM
Based upon a few years ago my instincts tell me that we are going to be in for another run on all service grade ammo. It probably will get worse as the election season gets into high gear. I was talking to a major supplier and relaoding outfit at one of our local gun shows and he has already experienced some shortages already. He stated that not only Homeland Security purchases, but alot of local police departments are stocking up as well.....Hmmmmmm? Not wanting to hijack the thread, but whats with all this armored vehicles purchase for local law enforcement all about...kinda make you think a bit doesn't it?

05-02-2012, 09:10 AM
I had 1000 that I just used up in the academy, I forgot how quick that can and will be burned up. Most of the stupid stuff that LE gets comes from government grants. Most of it is also the "we have it because its cool" bit, but the official story is preparedness, the one day we may have an active shooter or may need this high speed low drag stuff. Personally, I say dance with who brung ya and move on, which is how I operate. Yes I have any number of rifles that will work, but I'm ok with my shotgun and some slugs too. May just be me though.

05-03-2012, 03:30 PM
Stock up on reloading components!!!
Exactly. If it turns out like last time, primers will be the hardest to get.

From one sense it is good that LEO and government types are actually being encouraged to develope their shooting skills. I still remember watching the once a year deputies coming to the range with their duty belt and glock. They typically wern't worth a crap.

On the other hand, one has to wonder what DHS and the feds are preparing for.

Just some background on the .40, DHS recently closed a contract with Olympic for a bunch of AR's in 40, too.

05-03-2012, 05:38 PM
Just some background on the .40, DHS recently closed a contract with Olympic for a bunch of AR's in 40, too.
Just saw what I presume is that rifle (Olympic Arms AR-15 GL-1 40S&W Caliber) on one of the auction sites (http://www.gunsamerica.com/992801946/Guns/Rifles/Olympic-Arms-Rifles/Olympic_Arms_AR_15_GL_1_40S_W_Caliber.htm).


The AR offered for sale uses Glock magazines. If you are curious to see a better image, you will have to visit the link. The several pictures show lots of details but are too large to post here without making our forum pages hard to view.

Our local police department has full auto AR's in .223. :eek: I don't see this carbine replacing them.

05-03-2012, 05:46 PM
What we have here is a self fulfilling prophecy. It everyone runs out to stock pile .40 cal ammo there will be a shortage and the price will increase. It's the law of supply and demand.

05-03-2012, 06:43 PM
What we have here is a self fulfilling prophecy. It everyone runs out to stock pile .40 cal ammo there will be a shortage and the price will increase. It's the law of supply and demand.
Too late! I bought all of mine early last year . . . :p

05-03-2012, 08:22 PM
What we have here is a self fulfilling prophecy. It everyone runs out to stock pile .40 cal ammo there will be a shortage and the price will increase. It's the law of supply and demand.

Well presuming the Feds are shooting all that 40, there will be plenty on once fired brass. Get you multi station press ready and buy up primers.

05-03-2012, 08:25 PM
I think the oly's are meant for standard duty issue since they are not full auto. Swat and spec ops will still have their full auto of choice.

But the point is 40 carbine will be standard issue to many glock carriers. And of course the ammo demand will go up.