View Full Version : Ok so gonna get the CW45 today have a few questions

05-03-2012, 09:26 AM
So I called Kahr today and they told me this particular gun was made in Feb of this year. So my question is should this gun be good to go and would kahr have integrated the newer mag latch in a gun made this recently? It seems like CW45's made in the last few years haven't had any issues from what I've been reading.

Also what do you guys here recommend for the break in just FMJ ammo and whats the best way to clean a new Kahr before shooting for the first time? Also is there a proper way to reinsert the slide stop? Thanks

05-03-2012, 09:57 AM
I just recently got a CW45, and on my first trip to the range I shot both FMJ and my carry ammo, which is Speer Gold Dot 230 gr Short Barrel HP. I even shot some reloads I had. Everything shot well, but I don't plan on buying anymore reloads, shoots too dirty. I shot almost 200 rounds. I did have a few FTF's on the last round of several magazines, but otherwise everything was perfect. I am extremely happy with it. JP's IWB Holster is a great addition as well.

05-03-2012, 01:28 PM
Check the sticky thread about prepping here:


Then watch the Kahr reassembly video.

05-03-2012, 01:55 PM
I just bought a cw45 that's probably close to the manufacture date you specified. If you are hesitant to buy just Buy it. I bought two other kahrs a cm9 and a pm9. The cw45 is my favorite all things considered. Shoot ability, fit and finish.

05-06-2012, 12:45 PM
So I called Kahr today and they told me this particular gun was made in Feb of this year. So my question is should this gun be good to go and would kahr have integrated the newer mag latch in a gun made this recently? It seems like CW45's made in the last few years haven't had any issues from what I've been reading.

Also what do you guys here recommend for the break in just FMJ ammo and whats the best way to clean a new Kahr before shooting for the first time? Also is there a proper way to reinsert the slide stop? ThanksI've found the easiest way to put the slide back on is to forget about the witness marks lining up. I first insert the slide stop pin into the frame hole just enough to seat it in the frame. Make sure it's not protruding out the other side on the inside of the frame. Then just place the slide on the frame and move it back while pushing on the slide stop. It will pop in, but not all the way. Then just keep pushing while moving the slide back and when the witness marks meet, the slide stop will snap in the rest of the way. I never really look at them, mainly 'cause they're too hard to see, and just slow me down.