View Full Version : CM9 And Scratched Brass

05-04-2012, 03:11 AM
I thought I had seen this issue discussed before but the only search results I come up with involve unrelated scratches on the gun itself.

I've been using my CM9 for car carry and BUG to my M&P 9c. It has performed flawlessly through the 200 round break in and the handful of rounds I've put through it since then. At the range I have noticed tiny specks of brass on my hands after shooting which I've never had when shooting the M&P. I never thought to inspect the ejected brass.

I usually keep the CM9 loaded with a round chambered unless I am doing dry fire practice, which I am trying to do more consistently. After ejecting the magazine and chambered round I've noticed lengthwise scratches on the casing and "dings" around the rim of the brass. These dings leave a burr you can feel but otherwise seem to load and chamber properly. I know you shouldn't chamber the same round repeatedly and I'm keeping an eye on them and setting them aside for range use (this is my carry ammo I'm talking about.)

I'm just wondering if this is normal for the CM9 or if I need to make some modifications or have a gunsmith look at it. I will note that when loading a magazine with the slide locked back the the round does not come in contact with anything that I can see. Thanks for any input on this matter.

05-04-2012, 06:23 AM
the gun is working properly, the dings could just be the extractor causing it, U know it is a violent thing when the slide retracts and reloads a round. So brass casing will show some "stuff"that otherwide maybe steel would not. If it ain't broke dont fix it. the scratcvhes could asso just be the round coming up and slidng out of the magazine, as again the round is held in place on both sides by the top portion of the mag lips.

IMO ur kahr is fine, just shoot it like u stole it..

05-04-2012, 06:45 AM
You'll find that those little brass flakes will find their way into the striker channel, too. The channel should be cleaned occasionally with an aerosol spray cleaner such as non-chlorinated brake cleaner using the clean out hole provided in the slide.

05-04-2012, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the input guys, much appreciated!