View Full Version : 8 Round Magazine Extension Change?

05-04-2012, 06:10 PM
Heya Kahr owners,

New owner here. Just picked up a P9 a few days ago. Have already put 200 through it and absolutely in love with it. Still debating in my head though whether I should have gone with the P40 haha. I'm I'll never stop doubting myself until I go get it and just be happy with both :)

On to my question…

I *really* loved the 8 round magazine with extension that came with my P9. I like the 1 extra capacity, I like the design of it, etc… So I promptly got online and found the best price and picked up 5 more of them. (Bought them from Sportman's Depot).

They just arrived today and to my disappointment the floor plate on these guys is quite different from the one I already had … and I hate it.

It's much blockier, a little thicker and lacks the finishing and curves of the one I already have. What I don't understand is that it's the same model #, same SKU and everything as all the other ones online. Even the product page for them at Sportman's Depot shows the picture of the one I wanted.

I've already emailed SD to ask about a return since what I received was not what was pictured. But what I'm worried about is how the heck can I find these now? I'm interested in possibly picking 5 to 10 of them up, and possibly another 5 to 10 of the same version in .40 in case I go that route. But I'm worried everywhere I try to order them is going to send me this different design that I don't like at all.


(The one I like is on the left. The ones I received is on the right)



05-04-2012, 06:37 PM
You like the old style "Roman Chariot" The ones you received are the new style. Most guys I would bet like the new style better.
I guess you could contact Kahr and ask about a swap for the new ones you have for some old style ones.

I bet you could swap some with guys on here that have the old ones too.

I have both styles, not really sure I like one much better then the other.

05-04-2012, 06:52 PM
Thanks BEARDOG, I'll see what I can do on here about a swap and try to figure out how I can buy the older kind.


05-04-2012, 07:52 PM
You like the old style "Roman Chariot" The ones you received are the new style. Most guys I would bet like the new style better.
I guess you could contact Kahr and ask about a swap for the new ones you have for some old style ones.

I bet you could swap some with guys on here that have the old ones too.

I have both styles, not really sure I like one much better then the other.

Beardog, ROMAN CHARIOT. that fits that magazine to a T as far as I am concerned. looking at those two mags this fella has posted the chariout mag has to be the most butt ugly SOB I have ever laid my eyes on. Not sure I wouldhave fired the guy who designed it but I might have shot him though: Just sayin.

ROMAN CHARIOT: damn why didn't I think of that:banplease: That magazine resembles a diamond on a turd. What do u see first? THE TURD!!! Just sayin

05-04-2012, 07:53 PM
Thanks BEARDOG, I'll see what I can do on here about a swap and try to figure out how I can buy the older kind.


kahr would sell u just the bottom extension, can't be that much. a phone call would get the correct answer... Just sayin

05-04-2012, 08:36 PM
I bet several folks here would trade you in a heart beat. Lots of posts about the gap and how that bottom can be trimmed on the 7 & 6rd mags to fit perfectly. Far as I know it's the same bottom on all 9mm mags so fit should not be an issue.

05-04-2012, 09:04 PM
Thanks guys! I have a thread in the marketplace for a swap. Hopefully someone will be up for it :)


05-07-2012, 10:42 PM
Just recently got an 8 rounder with the new base plate. Is it me, or do they seem a bit more flimsy than the old style?