View Full Version : Just put a CM9 on layaway...

05-04-2012, 06:30 PM
Well I've been wanting a new carry gun, I was torn between a CM9 and CW9 but I like to pocket carry sometimes. I picked the CM9 because of this reason. Didn't have the spare change to buy it outright today so I put one on layaway at my LGS. They had them for $369. I get paid in a week and that's when I'll pay it off and pick it up. I'm excited and can't wait :D

05-04-2012, 06:39 PM
You won't even know it's there. Now do some research into pocket holsters and have it ordered and ready to go.

I have a Super Fly is do like it.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

05-04-2012, 07:11 PM
awesome pocket rocket! Enjoy and follow the proper prep thread! Also stay away from the extended mags... sometimes they can be a real pain to deal with!

05-04-2012, 10:11 PM
I'm looking at ordering a IWB holster from PJholster and then getting a desantis superfly or nemisis for a pocket holster

Yogi 117
05-04-2012, 10:56 PM
Congrats on your new family member. The CM9 is a great shooter & carry partner. Enjoy! :)

05-05-2012, 02:29 AM
just ordered my PJ Holster :D
IWB,clip, 10* cat

05-05-2012, 03:06 AM
I love my cm9, and it disappears IWB. I think you'll love yours too. Still think it's just a tad large for pocket carry, but lots of people do it. Make sure you have a good belt.

05-05-2012, 01:54 PM
I just put on some rubber Talon grips on my CM9 after using the handall jr for a few months, the Talon is so much neater and feels very good and seems thinner. I would seriously think about adding some of these.

05-05-2012, 11:17 PM
You will be happy with your choice.Have fun!!:33:

05-11-2012, 08:52 PM
Picked the gun up today. Took it apart to clean and lube and it was a PITA to put back together with that tiny ass dual recoil spring :31:

05-11-2012, 09:12 PM
u will get better every time u do it. Kahrs recoil springs are the stoutest I have ever worked with. a fewhundred rounds and the recoil springs will take their set and u willbe good to go.

I would suggest u not get to damn exictied if u have a few failure to lock back on the last round if ur using fmj wwb or federal over the counter type ammo. They are not as powerful as defense stuff is and some times not very often in some guns until the recoil springs take their designed set u might get some failure to lock open. Fear not, that is just part of the break in session. if you shoot defense stuff it will be just fine but IMO rather expensive to practce with. so just be aware. That is one dandy gun though, u can't hurt it, so shoot it like u stole it..

05-12-2012, 07:23 PM
Look what I have....

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7089/7181609630_a835145c89_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thestemens16/7181609630/)
DSC_3764 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thestemens16/7181609630/) by thestemens16 (http://www.flickr.com/people/thestemens16/), on Flickr

05-12-2012, 08:00 PM

05-12-2012, 08:35 PM
I have no doubt you will enjoy your purchase very much.

05-14-2012, 11:45 PM
Got an email today from PJ Holster telling me my holster shipped :madgrin:

05-17-2012, 08:43 PM
Holster arrived and I am very impressed with it.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5443/7218996852_00063f8d58_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thestemens16/7218996852/)
DSC_3785 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thestemens16/7218996852/) by thestemens16 (http://www.flickr.com/people/thestemens16/), on Flickr

05-17-2012, 09:01 PM
Have you had a chance to shoot it? I'd like to see a range report.

05-17-2012, 10:14 PM
Have you had a chance to shoot it? I'd like to see a range report.

No, I have my ammo on the way from PSA. I'll get to shoot it in a week :(