View Full Version : Shot My New CM9 Today

05-05-2012, 11:22 PM
Bought my new CM9 about 3 weeks ago for $423 out the door. Hopefully this was a fair price. Took it home cleaned and lube it and racked the slide about 300 times. Finally went to the range today and fired 100 rounds. I was disappointed from the very start. Loaded a mag, racked the slide and the round failed to go fully into the chamber and had one right behind it. However, you will be happy to know this was probably operator error since I'm new to semi autos. Once this was corrected all 100 rounds (winchester white box) fired perfectly! My target grouping was not the greatest, but I have only fired a few pistols for target shooting. It wasn't bad for a beginner. Again, I blame the accuracy issue on myself and not the gun. I am impressed with the CM9 so far and I'm glad I bought it. I researched for months on the internet and talked to quite a few people about which handgun to buy. I think I made a good choice. If Kahr handguns get better after the break-in period, I'll be even happier. I'll end with a question and keep in my that I am new to semi autos. Should the CM9 slide lock back if you rack it back without a magazine in it? Sorry if this sounds stupid, but please let me know. Mine doesn't, but just want to make sure it is functioning properly. Thanks.

05-06-2012, 12:51 AM

Congrats on your new gun!
The slide on it should lock back when the mag in the gun is empty.
If there is no mag in the gun the slide will return home unless you are pushing the slide release up while the slide is back. I hope this helps.

Once again congrats and enjoy your new gun!

05-06-2012, 12:54 AM
I will start by answering your last question...no. Not unless you engage the slide stop when you pull it back. It will only lock back on an empty mag, or if you engage the slide stop. Yours is working properly. And the price is fair, its about what I paid. You might be able to find them for a little less, but prices vary by region.

As far as when you attempted to chamber that first round...was the slide rearward or forward when you insterted the loaded magazine? If it was forward and you attempted to 'slingshot' the slide by pulling it rearward and releasing, then that is why it did not chamber the round. Most semi-autos can be loaded in this manner, but the Kahr, at least when new and stiff cannot. According to Kahrs instructions in the manual on how to properly load the pistol, the slide must be locked back and released by depressing the slide stop to chamber the first round of a magazine. Refer to the manual on this if you have questions. What I found is that after I put 1000 rounds through mine I was able to slingshot it.

And the more you shoot your Kahr, the better it will get. Everything will smooth out and it wont be so hard to pull the slide back or remove the takedown pin as it was when new. My advice is to follow the instructions in the tech section on break in and lubrication. Then shoot it, clean it, lube it and repeat. I have also found that with guns that are stiff out of the box, it might help to let the gun sit for a while with the slide locked open to help that recoil spring loosen up a bit.

Congrats on your CM9 and welcome.

05-06-2012, 07:08 AM
what Parabellum stated is right with kahrs. They are tight when new, very tight and u being a new owner of a semi and not aqccustomed toit yet, hand racking IMO is a no no. Do what the manual states, use the slide lock lever to load that first fround. It will rleease the slide every time with the same velocity needed to load prperly. Now while at the range just do the hand racking drills and u will soon get it down right and haveno issues hand racking. the gun ad shooter have to mate up properly to get right. Kahrs arejust that way, some b!tch and knock um fo rthat but it is what it is. don't compare it to another brand for every brand IMO seems easier but once te gun has got some range time with it and the owner gets more used to this little gun, all will be OK.

I could never hand rack my P380 at first, just could not do it, today after then guns has smoothed out alot and I also have learned how to handle the little beast better, all is well. I would suggest u visit the kahr tech section and read two good stickys

#1 kahr lube chart

#2 propper prepping of ur kahr

welcome to the forum, there is never a dumb qeustion on this forum.

05-06-2012, 07:29 AM
Thanks for your quick responses...I really appreciate it. I can't wait to get out to the range and shoot it again!

05-06-2012, 07:36 AM

Congrats on the CM9. That is a great little piece to learn on. If you can tame it and be comfortable shooting it you can pick up almost anything and shoot it well. Kahrs force you to learn good trigger technique. It'll let you know right away if you're slapping the trigger as your hits will be low left. Slow down and squeeze straight back with no muzzle movement. Drill yourself in that technique and you'll be a dead-eye in no time.

For the short term use the slide release for chambering. In time the gun will loosen up where you will likely be able to slingshot the first round using the slide only. Learn good habits now and you won't need to unlearn bad ones.

Have fun with it.

05-06-2012, 09:10 AM
Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the CM9 Owners Club, our symbol being: :D!

Do read the manual. There are a couple of unique things about Kahrs that you need to know. For instance, when reinserting the slide stop, it is important that you orient the slide stop a 4:00 until it is about 1/2 way in, then reorient it to 3:00 and push it the rest of the way in. And don't force it. This is important so that the end of the slide stop spring gets positioned properly on top of the lever. Forcing it with the wrong orientation can bend the spring.

If you go to the CM9 page on the Kahr website, look below the picture and select the Downloads tab, you will see a takedown video that is good to watch.

I hope your experience with the CM9 is all smiles for you! :D:D:D

05-06-2012, 04:49 PM
Thanks again for welcoming me to the site everyone. Seems like a great bunch of people here.

05-06-2012, 07:06 PM
congrats on the cm9 beachbum! Like jfootin mentioned :D is our symbol for a reason! These sweet lil guns just get better and better with rounds down range. Everything mentioned above is great info. +1 on the prep and lube stickies! Congrats again on the gun, and welcome to a very helpful (at least me for so far) forum

05-06-2012, 07:22 PM
Thanks again for welcoming me to the site everyone. Seems like a great bunch of people here.

we oly have ONE GREAT ONE and the rest of us are just nice guys. Just sayin.

There is no dumb questions on this forum,but sometimes expect dumb answers:crazy:

05-06-2012, 07:33 PM
congrats on the cm9 beachbum! Like jfootin mentioned :D is our symbol for a reason! These sweet lil guns just get better and better with rounds down range. Everything mentioned above is great info. +1 on the prep and lube stickies! Congrats again on the gun, and welcome to a very helpful (at least me for so far) forum

u cm guys have ur own club logo now and what about us ol timers who have the blunt nose PM's, we deserve some type of status symbol to, u know. Just sayin. WE WERE HERE FIRST U KNOW.:cheer2:

05-06-2012, 07:35 PM
you do have your own status symbol


05-06-2012, 07:42 PM
isn't that a cool looking dog. I did my good deed today. It is the tme of the year when box turtles are on the move to find a fresh peasce of box ass, and I see alot crossing the highway. Wife and I started out for a bike ride today and low and behold there was this box turtle in the middle of the highway. I had to pull over and get off the bike and rescue the little fokker. He was scared sh!tless to. I walke dhim across the highway in the direction he was headed and put him about 15 feet i the grass. who says Harley riders have no heart. second one this week for me. I normally find a half dozen every season. If buy cvhance and it is rare a nice 25 pound snapper is trying to cross the road, he goes right into my saddlebag for a trip back to my snapping turtle nail tree. Good turtle is hard to find. notice I changed the word a tad.

05-07-2012, 05:23 PM
Beachbum63 - welcome and I think you'll find that your CM9 will loosen up just a slight, but appreciable amount with usage. I'm able to "slingshot" mine with no issues and was able to do so with only about a hundred or so rounds through it.

By the way, you may find that the slide stop is hard to remove the first few times. That seems to be normal but again, that fit will also get smoother and easier with usage.

Welcome to the club!

05-09-2012, 08:02 PM
Loven all the good reports,think its time for some:popcorn: and oh yea :D

05-09-2012, 08:12 PM
notice I changed the word a tad.

First time for everything :lie: :D