View Full Version : CM9 Rear Sight Question
05-07-2012, 09:20 AM
Hello All,
Took my CM9 to the range for the break in and I love it. Put about 150 rounds through it with no feeding or firing issues at all. Question though – I was consistently shooting low left. Figured it was just me yanking the trigger to hard so I had one of the pros try it and he had the same issue. Not as bad as me but still was to the left of center.
He suggested I adjust the rear sight. Do you think that’s a good move or should I put a few hundred more rounds through it first? Also the manual says to use a “sight adjustment tool” which after a quick online look appears to run in the $150.00 + range. Defiantly don’t want to spend that.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks – Craig …
05-07-2012, 09:43 AM
While it's possible the rear sight is off slightly, the odds of it are very slim.
In 99% of the cases of Low Left, it's the shooter. The Kahr trigger requires some real study to get it to perform POA POI. Seriously, do some dryfire drills with snap caps and watch the muzzle. Even experienced shooters will have this issue. Do the penny on the front sight trick too.
A lot of folks suggest having someone else load your mags and slip in a snap cap. Your front sight movement will be 100% apparent.
Don't feel bad, since most folks are low left on Kahrs at first.
Before moving sights, work with it a little. Give it a few more hundred to settle in.
05-07-2012, 09:48 AM
I agree with Tinman507, give it some more practice before adjusting the sights. "Low and left" is pretty common for right handed shooters new to Kahrs (or Glocks for that matter). If you do a Google search "glock shooting low and left" you'll find a wealth of info on things to do to correct this as it will apply to Kahrs as well. Sorry, I can't offer more specific input here, as that would require more knowledge your shooting technique.
BTW, welcome to the forums Craig!
05-07-2012, 09:50 AM
I've got 500 rounds through mine now. The first 200 were low left and starting to pi$$ me off. I've worked on it patiently and now the groupings are up to center level but still an inch or so left. I found a VERY firm thumbs forward grip with balanced pressure from both hands helps as well as squeezing the trigger with the tip of my finger only. Make sure you hide the POA behind the front sight dot too. YMMV! :D
05-07-2012, 11:17 AM
agree, when I first started with my PM9 I moved the rear site so much, that late ron allI had to do was say left and the damn site moved for me. IT WAS NOT THE SITES.
05-07-2012, 11:31 AM
Not to pile on, but its probably not the sights. Mix some snap caps into your mags with live rounds and it will show you what you are doing. My guess is you are jerking the trigger. Very common. I would also practice dry firing with some snap caps as well just to get used to the trigger pull. It took me about 400 rounds before I got used to the trigger and was hitting in the center.
05-07-2012, 12:25 PM
Thank you all for the advise!!! Great group here to go along with my CM. My guess is that you are correct and it’s the shooter and not the pistol. Defiantly need to get the trigger pull down. I’ll give the snap cap’s a try. Think I got spoiled with the trigger on my CZ and now need to figure out my bad habits.
Craig …
05-10-2012, 06:31 AM
Update …
What a difference some snap caps and another 200 rounds make. Practiced trigger pull with the SC’s, changed my grip a bit based on what I was seeing and went to range for the 2nd time. WOW – night and day. First time I was consistently low/left. This time consistently center and just a tad low. Feeling so much better about the CM now.
Thanks for all you advise.
Craig …
05-10-2012, 07:05 AM
That's awesome!!!
I'd like to nominate you for the position of Low-Left Poster Child.
05-10-2012, 07:08 AM
Update …
What a difference some snap caps and another 200 rounds make. Practiced trigger pull with the SC’s, changed my grip a bit based on what I was seeing and went to range for the 2nd time. WOW – night and day. First time I was consistently low/left. This time consistently center and just a tad low. Feeling so much better about the CM now.
Thanks for all you advise.
Craig …
sterp further. Throw those snap caps in with 30 live rounds andlet someone load ur magazine for u, so that u don't know if one or any snap caps are in that magazines.
then watch ur results. Practricing with snap caps is great but if u know every round is a snap cap then u are not experienceing the cause of flitching and tha tis the BANG thing. snap cap practicing at home can't help that part.
Trust meon this, I know, I am terrilbe when snap caps are in my mags. Damn near break the trigger smetimes, I flinch so bad and yet I didn't really know it as I was anticipasting the BANG thing..
05-10-2012, 11:33 PM
sterp further. Throw those snap caps in with 30 live rounds andlet someone load ur magazine for u, so that u don't know if one or any snap caps are in that magazines.
then watch ur results. Practricing with snap caps is great but if u know every round is a snap cap then u are not experienceing the cause of flitching and tha tis the BANG thing. snap cap practicing at home can't help that part.
Trust meon this, I know, I am terrilbe when snap caps are in my mags. Damn near break the trigger smetimes, I flinch so bad and yet I didn't really know it as I was anticipasting the BANG thing..
Its funny just how much this helps. When I first got a Glock I was low left so bad I thought it was the gun. 'Pefection my arse' I thought. So I did some research and talked to some more experienced shooters. The cure? Snap caps. That first trigger pull on a snap cap at the range I jerked so hard I nearly brought the muzzle to my left hip. Now when I shoot my Glock I consistently put rounds on a poker card at 7 yards.
05-11-2012, 06:40 AM
Thanks - Did that last time and actually the jerk wasn't too bad. Think because I was really paying attention to the trigger pull to start with.
I think adjusting my grip made a big difference. I was wrapping my weak hand index finger around the front of the trigger guard and that seemed to be causing the left low jerking. Moved the finger down to a more standard grip and things got much better. Plus I think passing the 200 round mark really started to make a difference.
05-11-2012, 06:51 AM
some people never flinch, they are my idoll. I know I flinch, it has been that way snce I started shooting a handgun. I truly think now at my age ,, it is what it is. can u adapt ur shooting to flincing???IMO yes but it has to be consistant to. I think a bad habit can be mastered, it is still a bad habit. Just sayin
I think some guns bring the flinching thing to the top alot more than others. I think kahrs are one of them due tothe loooooong trigger system. I might flinch with a 1911 also but my groups would be better due to the trigger. I shoot my
G19 super compared to my khars and I credit that to the glock shorter trigger system.
I would love to see a shooter like Todd Jarrett taka a PM9 and shoot it. Probably would make me sick to my stomach to,,, but it would be fun to see
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