View Full Version : help sighting my Sig 1911 .22

05-07-2012, 12:20 PM
can anyone explain to me how to sight in my 1911 .22, it comes with 3 sights and i am currently using the 2nd sight,. what i am not sure of is which front sights make it go up or down.. the taller or shorter.. also how does the rear sight work in the same regard.. at about 7 yards i am consistently shooting an inch or two low.. i would like to be sighted in for about 15 yrds.. sorry if my question is silly but i am used to my glock and have never had to mess with my sights,, thanks


05-07-2012, 12:47 PM
A taller front sight moves the bullet impact down, a shorter one brings it up.
Moving the front sight to the right moves impact to the left and vice versa.
A taller rear sight moves bullet impact up, a lower rear sight moves it down.
Moving a rear sight to the right moves bullet impact to the right and vice versa.

Longitude Zero
05-07-2012, 12:56 PM
Move the rear sight in the direction you want the bullet to move.

05-07-2012, 12:59 PM
I am not familiar with that pistol and it having several different sights but here is the general rule of thumb with sights...

The rear sight should be moved in the direction you want the bullet to impact the target...Example, if your shots are all grouping low left you should move the rear sight to the right and up to correct elevation so the bullet impacts more in the center of the target...

The front sight works the opposite way from the rear if it's adjustable...If you are centered up but shooting low you should lower the front sight by using the shorter front sight blade to move the point of impact higher on the target...

Think of it like this...if you center the front sight and it is hitting low then a shorter front sight will pull the muzzle up when centered and get you back on target....

.22 ammo also plays into target shooting as there are so many different velocity choices from standard brick to hyper velocity stuff like Remington Yellow Jacket...Most .22 blow back target pistols work much better with the hyper stuff for reliability but try several different kinds to see what your pistol likes....Hope this helps...Good luck...

05-07-2012, 01:00 PM
Sorry for the double answer...You guys are just to fast on the draw for me...:D

05-07-2012, 01:10 PM
thanks guys, i think i was on the right track, just started to get a little frustrated.. just needs dialed in..