View Full Version : Hooray…. I’m a new Kahr owner…
05-07-2012, 05:57 PM
Hooray…. I’m a new Kahr owner…
My wife was carrying a Kel-Tec P3AT and I have been carrying a Sigp238.
I knew the P3AT had to go and I was really leaning toward replacing my 238 as well, I wanted to step up to 9mm for pocket carry and I had my sights set on the DB9 from Diamond Back.
That was until this weekend… I was borrowing my friend’s DB9 to get some trigger time on it before I purchased one and the guy in the next lane was shooting a PM9.
We got to talking and he said the PM9 would be a better choice compared to the DB9. He let me run a few mags through it and I was sold.
Fast forward to today and I stopped by my local gun shop to have a look… just my luck they had a used PM9 Black Diamond and a used CM9 in the case. After some haggling I managed to walk out with both of them for under $725.
Unfortunately both pistols only had 1 mag each, so now I need to get some extra mags.
Could you guys please give point me in the right direction for the best prices on spare mags?
Thanks in advance!
05-07-2012, 06:09 PM
for best prices.
Welcome to the forum. Lot of good information and help here.
05-07-2012, 06:10 PM
Hooray…. I’m a new Kahr owner…
Fast forward to today and I stopped by my local gun shop to have a look… just my luck they had a used PM9 Black Diamond and a used CM9 in the case. After some haggling I managed to walk out with both of them for under $725.
Congratulations! You & the missus will both be thrilled!
05-07-2012, 06:16 PM
Very wise choice on the Kahrs over the DBs! I'm sure those pistols will treat you well. Even though they are used, I would still suggest doing a thorough cleaning and proper lube of them per the stickies in the Tech section. Never know what the prior owner left behind. You know, we seem to be getting a lot of happy new owners in here of late. Welcome and enjoy driving those new (to you) Kahrs.
05-07-2012, 06:17 PM
Great steal, I mean deal!
05-07-2012, 06:56 PM
excellent deal IMO thats 362 per gun, hellu can't find a PM9 dlc finish used around for much under $500 and the cm9 easioly shold be in the $350 range if used, u did well
"jesse james".
Yogi 117
05-07-2012, 07:01 PM
Great steal, I mean deal!
Steal is right! :eek: Enjoy the new Kahrs', you made the right choice. And welcome, great stuff here. :)
05-07-2012, 07:12 PM
I just purchased a new PM9 with night sights. Paid $720 plus tax for it and it should be in Wednesday. Some ask why I would pay that much for for a pocket gun and my response is because you get what you pay for and if I need to trust my life with it, I want one if the best in its class.
05-07-2012, 07:26 PM
ok, u just boght the best IMO, now while ur waiting go to the kahr tech section and hit on two good stickys that willhelp u along to.
#1 kahr lube chart
#2 propper prepping of ur new kahr.
I just bought a used PM9 tonight that is 9 years old and it looks new and I did the complete kahr prepping thread to and then the kahr lube chart and went out and fired a 100 rounds with perfection. oh my that is what glcok calls their guns ain't it. "glock perfetion:
If the prep thread does anything for u, it will give u some insight into your gun before that first bang thing happens. I have no doubt it willbe good to go out of the box but I say,,,WHY not completely check the gun ovber FIRST.. Don't assume anything, proof test urself, then u know damn well it is right.
Great gun, I think u made the rigt decison to ge tit with the nite sights already on the gun. u may not reliaze it but u save some nice bucks buy doing that to and alot of time to.
05-07-2012, 07:50 PM
jocko knows lube! Congrats
05-07-2012, 08:23 PM
Thanks for the prep direction, I will definitely check it out.
05-07-2012, 08:26 PM
Congrats. I have had my PM9 for a week and have 300 rounds through it. I did no prep besides wipe all of the factory lube off of it and it has been perfect. You will love it!
05-07-2012, 09:31 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome and advice guys!:D
I already detail stripped both of them… cleaned them, re-lubed them and reassembled them.
Neither one has seen much action from the looks of it, so I think I made out pretty well.
Saturday will be range day and that will tell the true tale.
05-07-2012, 11:07 PM
jocko knows lube! Congrats
05-08-2012, 12:29 AM
Welcome to the ever expanding family of happy kahr owners
05-08-2012, 02:05 AM
Hooray…. I’m a new Kahr owner…
My wife was carrying a Kel-Tec P3AT and I have been carrying a Sigp238.
I knew the P3AT had to go and I was really leaning toward replacing my 238 as well, I wanted to step up to 9mm for pocket carry and I had my sights set on the DB9 from Diamond Back.
That was until this weekend… I was borrowing my friend’s DB9 to get some trigger time on it before I purchased one and the guy in the next lane was shooting a PM9.
We got to talking and he said the PM9 would be a better choice compared to the DB9. He let me run a few mags through it and I was sold.
Fast forward to today and I stopped by my local gun shop to have a look… just my luck they had a used PM9 Black Diamond and a used CM9 in the case. After some haggling I managed to walk out with both of them for under $725.
Unfortunately both pistols only had 1 mag each, so now I need to get some extra mags.
Could you guys please give point me in the right direction for the best prices on spare mags?
Thanks in advance!
Hmm- guy next to you just happens to be shooting a PM9. Then, the LGS just happens to have not just 1 but 2 used Kahrs and gives you a more than great deal on them. Sounds like fate to me! Congrats......
05-08-2012, 07:36 AM
Hmm- guy next to you just happens to be shooting a PM9. Then, the LGS just happens to have not just 1 but 2 used Kahrs and gives you a more than great deal on them. Sounds like fate to me! Congrats......
I was kind of thinking the same thing, the universe was pointing me in the right direction and who am I to argue with the universe… lol
Up until that fateful day when the nice gentleman introduced me to his PM9 I had never really given the thought of owning a Kahr much consideration.
But after shooting his and doing some research I was like “how the hell did I not know about these fine little pistols before?”
It’s as if the gods of concealed carry descended from heaven and placed before me these fine little weapons forged of steel and fiber reinforced polymer…
It was divine intervention I tell ya’… now my little PM9 and I are destined to walk the earth like Kane from Kung-Fu, confident that we can handle whatever live throws at us…
Wait… I think I’m getting a little carried away… lol
05-13-2012, 07:13 PM
Took the PM9 & CM9 to the range yesterday with the wife and I am very happy with the performance of these 2 pistols.
We each put about 150rds through them and once we got used to the triggers we were scoring good hits on my small size steel silhouettes at 30ft.
(The little ones in the middle)
I feel much more confident with the wife and me carrying the Kahr 9mm than I ever did with the Kel-Tec P3AT & Sig P238 that we carried previously.
05-13-2012, 07:28 PM
can she hand rack the kahrs OK, if so that is a big coo for a woman IMO. If she cannot for the time being make her use the slide release to load that first round but she sure need sto be able to clear a jam or misfire by hand. Practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does. Glad she likes the gun, that in itself is 50% of the induction process into handgunning. Keep her shootin and that distance is perfect . if she can even priactice closer,it would be better to.
Congrats on a great deal.
05-13-2012, 08:19 PM
can she hand rack the kahrs OK, if so that is a big coo for a woman IMO. If she cannot for the time being make her use the slide release to load that first round but she sure need sto be able to clear a jam or misfire by hand. Practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does. Glad she likes the gun, that in itself is 50% of the induction process into handgunning. Keep her shootin and that distance is perfect . if she can even priactice closer,it would be better to.
She has no problem racking the slide, I taught her to power stroke the slide (over hand grip with non weapon hand while simultaneously pushing with weapon hand)
After every reload the weapon is charged by power stroking the slide… I’ll simulate stove pipes and have her clear them with a sweeping power stroke… simulate double feeds, have her lock the slide, strip the mag and rack the slide 3-4 times to clear, lock the slide, reload, power stroke to charge… ECT.
She is no stranger to the proper and efficient use of a handgun. And since she insisted on an auto over a revolver I insisted on proper and frequent training.
She has pretty decent trigger control, but she is used to her G19 and the long reset on the Kahr took about 30 or so rounds to get used to, but once she got her mind wrapped around it she was scoring consistent hits almost as well as she does with her G19.
And we started at 20ft then moved to 30ft once we got comfortable with the pistols… I don’t like shooting steel closer than that…
the silhouettes sit at a 15deg down angle and 99% of the splash is directed downward, but there is always the chance that little bits of the jacket will come back your way. It’s no big deal, but it’s better to not go home with little frag cuts.
For 7-10 feet I use paper, but steel is more fun.
I have a lot of AR500 static plates and they are fun to shoot, but I really want a dueling tree… those are a blast to use to compete with your shooting partner.
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