View Full Version : Kahr-ish trigger in a big package - Sig P250 review/range report

05-08-2012, 05:31 PM
Finally pulled the trigger (pun intended) on a new Sig P250 Compact Long Slide. Had been looking for awhile. Every place on the net was out of stock or over priced. GunBroker had some, but again, price was too high or it was the old style P250 that seemed to have some pretty iffy reviews/reports.

I had been in Gander recently, with a buddy that was looking for his first pistol and ran across the P250 for the first time. Had never looked at it before but was intrigued by the DAO trigger like the Kahr. Never been a fan of Glock type triggers w/ the short pull and short reset. Came from revolvers, prefer them, and went w/ Kahr for that reason alone. So I decided then to get the P250 when I could find a decent deal and try it out.

Gander had it originally for $450, but it's on sale right now for $399, then they knocked another $20 off. For that price, not only is it cheaper than just about ANYWHERE online, but you get 2 15rd mags in the Gander version, and it has the night sights. Plus, it's slicker looking w/ the long slide (4.7" barrell) and compact frame. More Sig like. Only Gander seems to have that iteration of slide, frame, and 2 mags. I couldn't pass that deal up.

I can't say how much I like shooting it. It's not as smooth as a Kahr, but I hope it'll loosen up over time. But dang it's accurate and so much easier to shoot w/ the extra weight and longer barrel/sight-radius. I was punching ragged holes at 7yds and 10yds, tagging 8" and 4" steel plates at 25yds @ 80%, and 8" steel at 50yds probably 60%. I was even able to do 8" steel at 75yds rested probably @ 30-40%. I can't say how that compares to other folks w/ a handgun, but that's pretty stinkin' incredible for me...so I'm happy w/ that. By the time I was done, 150-200 rounds, I was bouncing back and forth on plates @ 25 yards w/ no trouble.

Overall, just truly impressed w/ it. No, wouldn't carry it, even in the sub-compact. The trigger just isn't Kahr-ish enough, it's a longer pull and somewhat heavier it seems. It's heavy, about 30 ounces. Even the compact is 25+ ounces. So my P9 will still be my go-to carry gun. But this is now my range gun of choice and I will definitely be considering a compact .45 caliber exchange kit for it sometime soon. Great way to have a .45 to shoot w/o forking out for a 1911...and I keep the same battery-of-arms as the Kahr.

I will also most likely transition from my TP9 to the Sig as my home defense gun. It's got a standard rail, so I can mount a light and stop doing the two hand deal w/ the TP9.

If you are looking for a high capacity, Kahr-like pistol...gotta say I recommend the Sig P250. But you better like a revolver like trigger. It ain't no Glock trigger or Sig Double-to-Single transition, and thats a good thing for me. Only way I could like this better is if it was actually a double-stack Kahr. Maybe someday. A boy can dream.

Oh yea, the one thing I like about it BETTER than any of my Kahrs is the fact that ammo STAYS in the mag :p

05-08-2012, 06:12 PM
Nice looking pistol. How's the compact grip? Is it a two finger grip or can you get three on there?

05-08-2012, 07:13 PM

05-08-2012, 07:19 PM
Yea, I'm pretty happy w/ the look. I'll try and post pics of mine later along side my P9 and TP9, but it's same as the one pictured on the gander site.

I was concerned about that, getting a full hand on the grip and my pinky hits just above the bottom of the grip with the mag out. It's pretty much a perfect fit for my hand. So, yea, I can fit all 3 fingers on the grip. I'd say it's got the same space as my TP9. If you got the ACTUAL full size P250, there'd be some extra in case you had a bigger fingers. I'm an average size guy...6", 190-200 lbs...ok, well I used to be average I guess. My hands are still I'd say average size.

I also thought the medium grip size might be too big since I really prefer the thin Kahr grips...but it's OK. I may order a small sometime to try it, but I'm pretty content w/ the medium.

I was also afraid w/ the shorter grip it'd feel a little front heavy, but it's not. I guess there isn't much weight in an extra quarter/half inch in grip and a couple of rounds. This has the 15rd mags vs the 17 that come w/ the normal full size P250. You can get the 17rd mags and use an x-grip extension on this compact frame...but I've read that when dropping mags, sometimes the x-grip loosens enough to bind up the drop. So I'll probably stick w/ the 15s.

All in all, it's a pretty well balanced gun.

05-09-2012, 01:09 AM
So, here you go...

2nd and 3rd shots are w/ the TP9 and P9.




05-09-2012, 01:31 AM
Looks size wize very comparable to a glock 19

05-09-2012, 01:37 AM
And one for Deano on the grip.

Maybe (on the Glock 19). I'd have to go compare dimensions. I bet this is quite a bit thicker than the Glock, but then again, not overly familiar w/ a Glock...but this baby is pretty WIDE.


05-09-2012, 01:41 AM
Yep...bigger than the Glock.

Glock 19 is 6.85 x 5 x 1.18

Sig P250 (in this form) is 8 x 5.1 x 1.4

If this was the P250 full size (17rd), it would be 5.5 on the height. So quite a bit bigger than the Glock 19 in all respects. It's BIG. It's comparable in size to the P226.

05-09-2012, 06:25 AM
If they had worked the bugs out of the .45 P250, I'd be shooting it. I got kahr because they never were able to get the sub-c .45s working.

05-09-2012, 10:17 AM
If they had worked the bugs out of the .45 P250, I'd be shooting it. I got kahr because they never were able to get the sub-c .45s working.

Is that still true w/ the second gen .45 sc?

Haven't read a single thing on the sub compact versions in any caliber. Didn't have much interest even though they are pretty much a kahr size pistol, slightly thicker, with higher capacity.

Hopefully it's not the case w/ the compact .45, which I think I'll pick up in the next few months.

05-09-2012, 03:47 PM
If they had worked the bugs out of the .45 P250, I'd be shooting it. I got kahr because they never were able to get the sub-c .45s working.

I think the newer ones work well, at least that what I've seen on other forums. However, that's not what stopped me from getting a compact 45. I don't think the trigger is Kahr-like - it's longer and harder. I tried one last week and yep, it was just like I remembered it. The closest trigger I can equate it to is the KT P11. If they made it with the traditional DA/SA, I'd already have one.

At least this is one semi that even I don't think needs a safety - there is no way that thing is gonna be pulled accidentally. :D

05-09-2012, 07:05 PM
At least this is one semi that even I don't think needs a safety - there is no way that thing is gonna be pulled accidentally. :D

Right on there, no need for a safety, maybe even a holster (kidding). But it's still not a really heavy revolver-ish trigger. That's why I called it Kahr-ish. It's definitely a tad bit heavier and definitely longer, but its suppose to be about 7lbs give or take. So I'd still call that Kahr-ish.

I took my TP9 with me yesterday and there's definitely a difference, but it's not that bad. First couple of times I picked my TP9 up after shooting a couple mags thru the P250, the TP9 break suprised me. I think it's more the length of travel and the smoothness, weight really feels close.

05-09-2012, 07:42 PM
I like the idea of a full sized pistol with a Kahr like trigger. Since the Kahr is the gun I am most likely to have with me, it would be super to have something that is full-sized with the same, or close, trigger to put lots of round down range with.

I've considered a CW9, but I just haven't been so moved.

I don't have any other 9mm pistols, and the LDA on my Para .45 isn't really that similar to the Kahr to me. Plus, .45 is more costly to practice with.

Your Sig sounds nice and looks great. I wonder if anyone on KT has show a Beretta PX4 with the DAO trigger (constant they call it)? I would love to hear how close its trigger is to the Kahr. If we had a place within 150 miles that I could rent all of the above to try, that would be the best. Just more for the wish list I suppose.

Have fun with your Sig, sounds great!

05-09-2012, 11:40 PM
Right on there, no need for a safety, maybe even a holster (kidding). But it's still not a really heavy revolver-ish trigger. That's why I called it Kahr-ish. It's definitely a tad bit heavier and definitely longer, but its suppose to be about 7lbs give or take. So I'd still call that Kahr-ish.

I took my TP9 with me yesterday and there's definitely a difference, but it's not that bad. First couple of times I picked my TP9 up after shooting a couple mags thru the P250, the TP9 break suprised me. I think it's more the length of travel and the smoothness, weight really feels close.

You're probably right. I haven't shot a revolver in thirty years. I've been a SIG fan since my first in 1980, and I really like the size and feel of the compact P250 45. It's a lot like my first P225, but lighter. I bought a German 2022 when they first came out some years ago and only sold it because I switched to 45. I hope you enjoy it, and I'll almost guarantee you'll never have a problem with it.