05-08-2012, 05:31 PM
Finally pulled the trigger (pun intended) on a new Sig P250 Compact Long Slide. Had been looking for awhile. Every place on the net was out of stock or over priced. GunBroker had some, but again, price was too high or it was the old style P250 that seemed to have some pretty iffy reviews/reports.
I had been in Gander recently, with a buddy that was looking for his first pistol and ran across the P250 for the first time. Had never looked at it before but was intrigued by the DAO trigger like the Kahr. Never been a fan of Glock type triggers w/ the short pull and short reset. Came from revolvers, prefer them, and went w/ Kahr for that reason alone. So I decided then to get the P250 when I could find a decent deal and try it out.
Gander had it originally for $450, but it's on sale right now for $399, then they knocked another $20 off. For that price, not only is it cheaper than just about ANYWHERE online, but you get 2 15rd mags in the Gander version, and it has the night sights. Plus, it's slicker looking w/ the long slide (4.7" barrell) and compact frame. More Sig like. Only Gander seems to have that iteration of slide, frame, and 2 mags. I couldn't pass that deal up.
I can't say how much I like shooting it. It's not as smooth as a Kahr, but I hope it'll loosen up over time. But dang it's accurate and so much easier to shoot w/ the extra weight and longer barrel/sight-radius. I was punching ragged holes at 7yds and 10yds, tagging 8" and 4" steel plates at 25yds @ 80%, and 8" steel at 50yds probably 60%. I was even able to do 8" steel at 75yds rested probably @ 30-40%. I can't say how that compares to other folks w/ a handgun, but that's pretty stinkin' incredible for I'm happy w/ that. By the time I was done, 150-200 rounds, I was bouncing back and forth on plates @ 25 yards w/ no trouble.
Overall, just truly impressed w/ it. No, wouldn't carry it, even in the sub-compact. The trigger just isn't Kahr-ish enough, it's a longer pull and somewhat heavier it seems. It's heavy, about 30 ounces. Even the compact is 25+ ounces. So my P9 will still be my go-to carry gun. But this is now my range gun of choice and I will definitely be considering a compact .45 caliber exchange kit for it sometime soon. Great way to have a .45 to shoot w/o forking out for a 1911...and I keep the same battery-of-arms as the Kahr.
I will also most likely transition from my TP9 to the Sig as my home defense gun. It's got a standard rail, so I can mount a light and stop doing the two hand deal w/ the TP9.
If you are looking for a high capacity, Kahr-like pistol...gotta say I recommend the Sig P250. But you better like a revolver like trigger. It ain't no Glock trigger or Sig Double-to-Single transition, and thats a good thing for me. Only way I could like this better is if it was actually a double-stack Kahr. Maybe someday. A boy can dream.
Oh yea, the one thing I like about it BETTER than any of my Kahrs is the fact that ammo STAYS in the mag :p
I had been in Gander recently, with a buddy that was looking for his first pistol and ran across the P250 for the first time. Had never looked at it before but was intrigued by the DAO trigger like the Kahr. Never been a fan of Glock type triggers w/ the short pull and short reset. Came from revolvers, prefer them, and went w/ Kahr for that reason alone. So I decided then to get the P250 when I could find a decent deal and try it out.
Gander had it originally for $450, but it's on sale right now for $399, then they knocked another $20 off. For that price, not only is it cheaper than just about ANYWHERE online, but you get 2 15rd mags in the Gander version, and it has the night sights. Plus, it's slicker looking w/ the long slide (4.7" barrell) and compact frame. More Sig like. Only Gander seems to have that iteration of slide, frame, and 2 mags. I couldn't pass that deal up.
I can't say how much I like shooting it. It's not as smooth as a Kahr, but I hope it'll loosen up over time. But dang it's accurate and so much easier to shoot w/ the extra weight and longer barrel/sight-radius. I was punching ragged holes at 7yds and 10yds, tagging 8" and 4" steel plates at 25yds @ 80%, and 8" steel at 50yds probably 60%. I was even able to do 8" steel at 75yds rested probably @ 30-40%. I can't say how that compares to other folks w/ a handgun, but that's pretty stinkin' incredible for I'm happy w/ that. By the time I was done, 150-200 rounds, I was bouncing back and forth on plates @ 25 yards w/ no trouble.
Overall, just truly impressed w/ it. No, wouldn't carry it, even in the sub-compact. The trigger just isn't Kahr-ish enough, it's a longer pull and somewhat heavier it seems. It's heavy, about 30 ounces. Even the compact is 25+ ounces. So my P9 will still be my go-to carry gun. But this is now my range gun of choice and I will definitely be considering a compact .45 caliber exchange kit for it sometime soon. Great way to have a .45 to shoot w/o forking out for a 1911...and I keep the same battery-of-arms as the Kahr.
I will also most likely transition from my TP9 to the Sig as my home defense gun. It's got a standard rail, so I can mount a light and stop doing the two hand deal w/ the TP9.
If you are looking for a high capacity, Kahr-like pistol...gotta say I recommend the Sig P250. But you better like a revolver like trigger. It ain't no Glock trigger or Sig Double-to-Single transition, and thats a good thing for me. Only way I could like this better is if it was actually a double-stack Kahr. Maybe someday. A boy can dream.
Oh yea, the one thing I like about it BETTER than any of my Kahrs is the fact that ammo STAYS in the mag :p