View Full Version : S&W Shield At 25 Yards

05-08-2012, 05:24 PM
I had a delightful day at the range. I have now shot 208 rounds with zero issues in two range sessions.http://smith-wessonforum.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

The magazines are seating much easier the second range trip.

As usual I was able to blast the black of the target at 7 yards.

For fun I thought I would try shooting an 8 1/2" x 11" target at 25 yards using the extended magazine with 9 rounds and just my two hands for support.

As you can see 8/9 hit the target and three blasted the black with one bulls eye.

I couldn't be more pleased with my Shield. She is a keeper for life.



05-08-2012, 06:19 PM
As my final Shield-Related post on this forum, I am notifying all Kahr "friends" that I will be selling my CM9s and purchasing the ultra reliable, super shooting, perfect fitting, can't-be-beat-by-any-other-gun S&W Shield. All fellow Shield lovers should run from this Kahr-oriented site and join me at the MP-Pistol forum where we can all get in a forum circle and start racking our Shields together. YES...there is a site dedicated to the M&P, including the Shield. It has Big Foots and Unicorns that we can gaze at as we hug.

Let's leave all these sorry Kahr lovers to wallow in their inadequecies and failures, while they count their FTFs and FTEs. They will never know and love their guns like we do. C'mon...let's go...RIGHT NOW!

Viva La Shield!

05-08-2012, 07:21 PM
As my final Shield-Related post on this forum, I am notifying all Kahr "friends" that I will be selling my CM9s and purchasing the ultra reliable, super shooting, perfect fitting, can't-be-beat-by-any-other-gun S&W Shield. All fellow Shield lovers should run from this Kahr-oriented site and join me at the MP-Pistol forum where we can all get in a forum circle and start racking our Shields together. YES...there is a site dedicated to the M&P, including the Shield. It has Big Foots and Unicorns that we can gaze at as we hug.

Let's leave all these sorry Kahr lovers to wallow in their inadequecies and failures, while they count their FTFs and FTEs. They will never know and love their guns like we do. C'mon...let's go...RIGHT NOW!

Viva La Shield!


I thought of Mel Gibson in Brave Heart as I read your moving call to action.

What I like most about my Shield is it doesn't consume my life thinking about FTEs and FTFs. It is liberating to hit the range pound out a couple boxes laugh and joke with friends and not really think too much about the gun. It's like my Honda. Turn the key start drive stop turn off repeat. In a fast paced busy world its great I can now check off my to do list purchase reliable CCW. Now I can focus on buying a reliable lawn mower.


05-08-2012, 07:31 PM
As my final Shield-Related post on this forum, I am notifying all Kahr "friends" that I will be selling my CM9s and purchasing the ultra reliable, super shooting, perfect fitting, can't-be-beat-by-any-other-gun S&W Shield. All fellow Shield lovers should run from this Kahr-oriented site and join me at the MP-Pistol forum where we can all get in a forum circle and start racking our Shields together. YES...there is a site dedicated to the M&P, including the Shield. It has Big Foots and Unicorns that we can gaze at as we hug.

Let's leave all these sorry Kahr lovers to wallow in their inadequecies and failures, while they count their FTFs and FTEs. They will never know and love their guns like we do. C'mon...let's go...RIGHT NOW!

Viva La Shield!

can't wait, Viva la Shield

ur so lucky I don't have the magic button:banplease:

05-08-2012, 07:34 PM
glad you found a gun to make you happy... hopefully you didn't pay out the ying yang for it like other's ive read about. I'll wait for them to get them in the leo section for about 320 otd.

05-08-2012, 08:01 PM
can't wait, Viva la Shield

ur so lucky I don't have the magic button:banplease:
I suspect Itsthelaw's post was made tongue-in-cheek as kind of a Kahrtalk Pied Piper.

05-08-2012, 08:26 PM
glad you found a gun to make you happy... hopefully you didn't pay out the ying yang for it like other's ive read about. I'll wait for them to get them in the leo section for about 320 otd.


Purchased CM9 May 2011 $399 +$120 Kahr installed night sights

August 2011 after third trip back for repairs Kahr cut me a check in full for gun and night sights.

November 2011 Purchased Beretta Nano Cabelas $429 shot 1334 rounds 11 FTE and one trip back to Beretta

May 2012 Cabelas trades straight across Beretta Nano for Shield.

Yes the last year has been frustrating finding a CCW that goes bang when you pull the trigger but at least I know how to negotiate.


05-08-2012, 08:44 PM
I suspect Itsthelaw's post was made tongue-in-cheek as kind of a Kahrtalk Pied Piper.

GB....Ssshhhhhhhhhhhh! I will take the rats and leave the children. Are they following me? :bump2:

05-08-2012, 08:46 PM

Purchased CM9 May 2011 $399 +$120 Kahr installed night sights

August 2011 after third trip back for repairs Kahr cut me a check in full for gun and night sights....

Were those repairs strictly related to the night sight installation (I seem to remember that) or was there something else involved?

05-08-2012, 09:18 PM
I don't know... Personally, never had one FTF, FTE, or any issues what so ever with my CM9. I have well over 1000 rounds through it and not one hiccup. I find it funny how one can Nano this and Nano that and how great the Nano is. Then, Mr Namo turns into Mr Shield.

05-09-2012, 05:57 AM
Were those repairs strictly related to the night sight installation (I seem to remember that) or was there something else involved?

The first trip was to address FTF. They polished feed ramp and chamber. I made the mistake of having them install night sights. First range trip out front sight loosened up and broke off at 80 rounds. Second trip I sent the slide only and 50 rounds front sight broke off. Third trip I had a long talk with head gunsmith and manager and they offered me a new gun or the cash. I even had an area rep for Utah contact me and offer me a PM9 all black for what I paid for my CM9. I will say Kahr customer service is extremely good. They listened to my concerns paid shipping both ways and in the end made me whole. I tip my hat to Kahr. Beretta was ok also but they are so big they send you to s contracted gunsmith and for me was an outfit in California. I knew I was in trouble when the receptionist kept calling my gun a Neo and then she admitted she was not familiar with a Nano. Long story short the gun was shipped to California they touched it shipped it to Beretta they polished the feed ramp and chamber and instead of shipping It to me they shipped back to California gunsmith and they shipped it to me in Utah. I guess they own stock in DOS. Long story short gun kept doing the FTE so I got Cabelas involved in January 2012 and I just about traded for a Ruger LCR but after reading the ballistic on a 357 in a 2 inch barrel decided no. Two range trips later in May when the FTE issue persisted I gave up and Cabelas took my problem child on trade for my choice of gun and the Shield was adopted.

I am done looking for a reluable CCW. If the Shield doesn't deliver I will carry a bat.


05-09-2012, 06:03 AM
I suspect Itsthelaw's post was made tongue-in-cheek as kind of a Kahrtalk Pied Piper.

know that mine was not then either. itsthe law and I have communicated and I did misinterpret his statement but he needs to clarify alot better, or maybe I need to know what the fokk tongue and cheek stuff is. It did not sound funny to me. I "thought" I could detect fun sh!t from serious sh!it. guess not.

I'm cool with him "now".:banplease:

05-09-2012, 06:05 AM

FYI: Tongue in Cheek has zero to do with French kissing... Just Sayin :eek:

05-09-2012, 06:08 AM
The first trip was to address FTF. They polished feed ramp and chamber. I made the mistake of having them install night sights. First range trip out front sight loosened up and broke off at 80 rounds. Second trip I sent the slide only and 50 rounds front sight broke off. Third trip I had a long talk with head gunsmith and manager and they offered me a new gun or the cash. I even had an area rep for Utah contact me and offer me a PM9 all black for what I paid for my CM9. I will say Kahr customer service is extremely good. They listened to my concerns paid shipping both ways and in the end made me whole. I tip my hat to Kahr. Beretta was ok also but they are so big they send you to s contracted gunsmith and for me was an outfit in California. I knew I was in trouble when the receptionist kept calling my gun a Neo and then she admitted she was not familiar with a Nano. Long story short the gun was shipped to California they touched it shipped it to Beretta they polished the feed ramp and chamber and instead of shipping It to me they shipped back to California gunsmith and they shipped it to me in Utah. I guess they own stock in DOS. Long story short gun kept doing the FTE so I got Cabelas involved in January 2012 and I just about traded for a Ruger LCR but after reading the ballistic on a 357 in a 2 inch barrel decided no. Two range trips later in May when the FTE issue persisted I gave up and Cabelas took my problem child on trade for my choice of gun and the Shield was adopted.

I am done looking for a reluable CCW. If the Shield doesn't deliver I will carry a bat.


There are good guns out there, and when you get one it's worth the effort.
We must "Endeavor to persevere." - LOL!

I think of guns like girls.
There's some real disposable trailer park trash out there.
But then there are jewels too.

05-09-2012, 06:10 AM
well there u go, u see how confusing this can be. would kiss my ass have another conotation???Just sayin. I guess I am outta touch b ut elated as all fokk as **** Lugar got has ass beat here in Indiana. NRA worked hard in our state agasint the anti gun obama ass kissing senator. Hell the fokker is 80, now has not lived here if 35 years and still want sto bleed off of us.
What does "stick a knife in him, he is done? mean, I don't want to go to jail but I need some clarification before I start carrying a knife now. Just sayin.

05-09-2012, 06:17 AM
The first trip was to address FTF. They polished feed ramp and chamber. I made the mistake of having them install night sights. First range trip out front sight loosened up and broke off at 80 rounds. Second trip I sent the slide only and 50 rounds front sight broke off. Third trip I had a long talk with head gunsmith and manager and they offered me a new gun or the cash. I even had an area rep for Utah contact me and offer me a PM9 all black for what I paid for my CM9. I will say Kahr customer service is extremely good. They listened to my concerns paid shipping both ways and in the end made me whole. I tip my hat to Kahr. Beretta was ok also but they are so big they send you to s contracted gunsmith and for me was an outfit in California. I knew I was in trouble when the receptionist kept calling my gun a Neo and then she admitted she was not familiar with a Nano. Long story short the gun was shipped to California they touched it shipped it to Beretta they polished the feed ramp and chamber and instead of shipping It to me they shipped back to California gunsmith and they shipped it to me in Utah. I guess they own stock in DOS. Long story short gun kept doing the FTE so I got Cabelas involved in January 2012 and I just about traded for a Ruger LCR but after reading the ballistic on a 357 in a 2 inch barrel decided no. Two range trips later in May when the FTE issue persisted I gave up and Cabelas took my problem child on trade for my choice of gun and the Shield was adopted.

I am done looking for a reluable CCW. If the Shield doesn't deliver I will carry a bat.


the aluminum bats give far less "issues" than the wood bats. u can even port the aluminum bat to quiet down the "swiish" as u clubbing away. I hear Easton is the best to; Just sayin. Kel tek used to make bat but they broke before they left the factory:D:D

The only thing I have read and now seen in the shield is the out of battery thing. no reports of anything else, but this would be a concern for me and I see no reason for this happening either, so more than likely it could be an isolated event in some shileds that got out and shouldnot have or it will soon be addressed by Smith... Teethhg pains are just that, every "new" child has um:banplease:

05-09-2012, 06:53 AM
the aluminum bats give far less "issues" than the wood bats. u can even port the aluminum bat to quiet down the "swiish" as u clubbing away. I hear Easton is the best to; Just sayin. Kel tek used to make bat but they broke before they left the factory:D:D

The only thing I have read and now seen in the shield is the out of battery thing. no reports of anything else, but this would be a concern for me and I see no reason for this happening either, so more than likely it could be an isolated event in some shileds that got out and shouldnot have or it will soon be addressed by Smith... Teethhg pains are just that, every "new" child has um:banplease:


I can take my Shield out of battery with a shell chambered and mag inserted loaded. When I remove the magazine and leave chambered it seems ok. The magazine takes effort to seat when chambered. My guess there is vertical pressure.

It has not been an issue with me. I pocket carry in a De Santi and I holster before I place in pocket. If a person was IWB and the holster was very tight I would place my thumb on the back of slide when bolstering to prevent the slide from moving out of battery. I personally think the issue has been blown out of proportion. I really have not had any problems with my gun going out of battery.


P.S. While on the Shield subject I want to be completly honest. The gun is great and very reliable but there is a price for reliability. Loaded with 8 rounds of 124 grain Gold Dot the gun tips the postal scale at 24.1 oz. That is 1 oz heavier than my Beretta Nano with 7 rounds and about 5 oz heavier than my CM9 loaded.

The Shield is pushing Glock 26 weight and the only reason I can pocket is the thickness is .95 where the Glock is 1.18 which makes a big difference in your front pocket.

The 24 oz was not as much of a shock to my system as when I went from the CM9 pocket to the Beretta Nano. The extra 3.5 oz was felt. If a person is going to jog or bike the gun needs to either go in a fanny pack or use a belly holster. I have biked with 24 oz in my pocket and it does not work.

05-09-2012, 07:08 AM
Shield, Nano, and CM/PM9's are all great guns from good manufactures. ANY one of these guns will have a failure from time to time due to a variety of reasons. I know and accept that. Before I go to the range I load a few magazines and randomly insert a dummy round in at least one of them just to remind myself how to clear an issue. I am very grateful to this forum in that it has covered the methods needed to make and keep my PM9 very comfortable to carry and trust on a daily basis.

05-09-2012, 07:18 AM

I can take my Shield out of battery with a shell chambered and mag inserted loaded. When I remove the magazine and leave chambered it seems ok. The magazine takes effort to seat when chambered. My guess there is vertical pressure.

It has not been an issue with me. I pocket carry in a De Santi and I holster before I place in pocket. If a person was IWB and the holster was very tight I would place my thumb on the back of slide when bolstering to prevent the slide from moving out of battery. I personally think the issue has been blown out of proportion. I really have not had any problems with my gun going out of battery.


P.S. While on the Shield subject I want to be completly honest. The gun is great and very reliable but there is a price for reliability. Loaded with 8 rounds of 124 grain Gold Dot the gun tips the postal scale at 24.1 oz. That is 1 oz heavier than my Beretta Nano with 7 rounds and about 5 oz heavier than my CM9 loaded.

The Shield is pushing Glock 26 weight and the only reason I can pocket is the thickness is .95 where the Glock is 1.18 which makes a big difference in your front pocket.

The 24 oz was not as much of a shock to my system as when I went from the CM9 pocket to the Beretta Nano. The extra 3.5 oz was felt. If a person is going to jog or bike the gun needs to either go in a fanny pack or use a belly holster. I have biked with 24 oz in my pocket and it does not work.

Isn't it funny the difference a few ozs make?
The feeling of carrying my G27 at ~20 oz and my MK40 at ~25 is dramatic.
I'm totally spoiled with my S&W 342 ti.
The little titanium 38 weights an amazing 11.1 oz empty.
And 13.5 oz loaded with 5 135 gr Speer GDHP Short Barrel P+ SD rounds.

05-09-2012, 09:51 AM
Isn't it funny the difference a few ozs make?
The feeling of carrying my G27 at ~20 oz and my MK40 at ~25 is dramatic.
I'm totally spoiled with my S&W 342 ti.
The little titanium 38 weights an amazing 11.1 oz empty.
And 13.5 oz loaded with 5 135 gr Speer GDHP Short Barrel P+ SD rounds.
You are correct sir.


05-09-2012, 10:57 AM
340PD. dammit u keep posting that 342 and I am gonna have to try to find where I sold mine and tryt to get it back. I sold te best revolver I everhad with the 342. course u know that. and mine had the ct grip on it to. I sur ehope u didn't buy it from me!!! I WANT IT BACK.

05-09-2012, 11:08 AM

I can take my Shield out of battery with a shell chambered and mag inserted loaded. When I remove the magazine and leave chambered it seems ok. The magazine takes effort to seat when chambered. My guess there is vertical pressure.

It has not been an issue with me. I pocket carry in a De Santi and I holster before I place in pocket. If a person was IWB and the holster was very tight I would place my thumb on the back of slide when bolstering to prevent the slide from moving out of battery. I personally think the issue has been blown out of proportion. I really have not had any problems with my gun going out of battery.


think ur dead right on one part and I do think with a loaded mag that the recoil spring itself does not have enough strength to return the slide to battery and whEn no mag is there it works every time with aloaded round in the chamber. that should tell Smith something. I am not saying it is blown out of proportion as I am not following it, but I can tell u this and whether u agree or not, if it did this with a kahr on this forum, we would hear about it until hells freezes over. My point is if we told a kahr owner well just put ur thumb on the back of the slide when holstering and all will be well, we would get hammered for something like> well now we have another kahr fix for a design flaw that is kahrs fault.

SO I woN't disagree with u but I also won't agree that it is not an issue, for to my knowledge I know of no other gun that is doing this and I do feel Smith will jump on this right away and come up with a tad stronger recoil spring which would solve the issue. I would be interested to know if anyone even knows the recoil spring poundage of the SHIELD cOmpared to a cm9 or PM9. wE KNOW KAHRS RECOIL SPRINGS are stiffer than a well diggers pr!ck and maybe that couldjust be the reason why to.


If a person isn't gonna pocket carry it the gun is small enough and still loite enough fullyt loaded to be a no brainer for side carry.

05-09-2012, 11:38 AM

FYI: Tongue in Cheek has zero to do with French kissing... Just Sayin :eek:

If your tongue is touching my cheek, then you're not doing it right. :p

05-09-2012, 11:41 AM

05-09-2012, 11:48 AM
If I remember right, aren't you the guy who was so excited about the Nano before? You gushed all over that one too.

Commitment for life seems to come, and go, fairly quickly.

05-09-2012, 11:51 AM
The only thing I have read and now seen in the shield is the out of battery thing. no reports of anything else, but this would be a concern for me and I see no reason for this happening either, so more than likely it could be an isolated event in some shileds that got out and shouldnot have or it will soon be addressed by Smith... Teethhg pains are just that, every "new" child has um:banplease:

When I first got my Shield, it needed a little nudge to go into battery after loading a new mag. Then, I shot another 50 rounds yesterday and watched for it to be out of battery. Didn't happen. :)

05-09-2012, 11:55 AM
from what I had seen on a video it is not the firing part that produces failuer to battery but just a slight nudge on the slide itself once the gun is loaded to produce failure to battery. hopefully they are all not dong that. I hadn't read or heard of anyone shooting the gun and it not returning to full battery., asnow it wold be the entire recoil sprng returning the slide to battery which seems no issue.

Did u see the video that was posted here earlier???Very obvious.

Just sayin.

05-09-2012, 01:44 PM
If I remember right, aren't you the guy who was so excited about the Nano before? You gushed all over that one too.

Commitment for life seems to come, and go, fairly quickly.


Yes I was the Nano owner that gushed with enthusiasm on this forum. For the record I never had a single failure with 124 grain loads and I still like the tank like build. What drove me nuts was I couldn't pick up a box if Walmart ammo and shoot it with any reliable success. You must have complete confidence in your CCW and if it doesn't work with all types of ammo for me it is unacceptable.


05-09-2012, 01:48 PM
russ. not knowing alot about the NANO is that common in most of the NANO'sor did u yhavea lemonade NANO?

05-09-2012, 02:43 PM
340PD. dammit u keep posting that 342 and I am gonna have to try to find where I sold mine and tryt to get it back. I sold te best revolver I everhad with the 342. course u know that. and mine had the ct grip on it to. I sur ehope u didn't buy it from me!!! I WANT IT BACK.

I've got one too.
It's a tack driver at close range!
Of course you already knew that - LOL!

05-09-2012, 03:08 PM
russ. not knowing alot about the NANO is that common in most of the NANO'sor did u yhavea lemonade NANO?


If you base it on Beretta forum I was not alone. Several had issues with 115 grain ammo and we all encountered the same problem -- failure to extract. Beretta to date has not placed any ammo restrictions on the Nano but with the number of posts on Beretta forum complaining about light loads not extracting Beretta in my opinion can't ignore the ammo sensitivity issue forever. There are too many options with about ever major gun manufacturer offering a sub compact.

I think it would also be helpful to silence Nano critics if Beretta could verify or dismiss if the extractor is a poor design. Many argue the extractor is not biting enough of the shell and some also believe the spring on the Nano is not strong enough to hold the shell.

In the end I just got tired of no answers to all these theories as to the root cause of the FTEs so when Cabelas offered a trade after I gave it my all I jumped.

I am much more cautious to say the Shield is the best thing since sliced bread because problems can surface Like the Nano and make you look foolish. To date I have shot 200 rounds of S&B 115 with no issues. This may not sound like a big deal but I have not successfully shot 200 rounds from other CCW guns so I am hopeful I am at the end of my search for a CCW.


05-09-2012, 03:33 PM
I think I would have traded for the all black PM9 when that was offered.

05-09-2012, 04:09 PM
I think I would have traded for the all black PM9 when that was offered.

I was tempted because of the dove tail front sight. My CM9 kept breaking the pin sight and I thought the dove would be better. The magazine was also a concern for me taking the PM9.


05-09-2012, 04:13 PM
Hey RUSS, have you been shooting these little mini blasters for a while? If you start experiencing any problems with the Smith, maybe you might be inducing the problem yourself by not getting a firm grip and locking your wrist in when shooting. These little guns have rather stout recoil springs and as such need something to push back against to cycle properly. One can most certainly get a problem pistol, but three in a row, all from diferent manufactures...maybe not. Just sayin

05-09-2012, 05:25 PM
Hey RUSS, have you been shooting these little mini blasters for a while? If you start experiencing any problems with the Smith, maybe you might be inducing the problem yourself by not getting a firm grip and locking your wrist in when shooting. These little guns have rather stout recoil springs and as such need something to push back against to cycle properly. One can most certainly get a problem pistol, but three in a row, all from diferent manufactures...maybe not. Just sayin


You bring up a good point and I would not rule out human error. The 2nd gun Beretta Nano I had a 2% FTE rate with Federal Champion 1% FTE with WWB and about 0.7 FTE with S&B 115 and zero with 100 rounds Winchester NATO 124 gr

The reason I am cautiously optimistic with my third gun the Shield is I have shot 200 rounds and with the Nano and Kahr I would have a failure by now.

I am really going to celebrate if I can go zero with WWB and a few other light loads and total around 500 total rounds with zero problems.

I am crossing my fingers


05-09-2012, 06:43 PM

Based on the report below I got off Beretta Forum if I have malfuncitons with my Shield it will most likely be my error and not the gun.

Thanks again DKD I'll focus on my grip. So far so good with the Shield reliability.


"I now have 2,400 rounds through my Shield. Have not cleaned it, except for running a patch through the barrel occasionallly. Not a single failure. All ammo has been factory loaded, 115 or 147 gr.

The only small issue I have is that the larger capacity mag will not drop free (http://berettaforum.net/vb/showthread.php?t=86234&page=3#) if I am grippping the backstrap with the lower part of my palm because of the grip adapter. Minor problem.

Have not experienced the "out of battery" issue, but will keep a keen eye out for it."

--Ted1trading, Beretta Forum--

05-09-2012, 07:03 PM
I think the out of battery thing ha sto be shooter induced. I. E. gun loaded mag loaded andnow gently move the slide back a 1/4 inch and see if it jumps back into full battery. the video I seen, was done that way and the slide would ot go into full battery.


Not sure why one would say that before 200 rounds out of a kahr one would get at least a failure. IMO somethingis wrong with the gun then,as that is not indicative of kahrs.. I don't quite understand that theory.. Will my PM9 run 2400 roujnds and no cleaning???Have no idea. never tried it that way and really don't intend to, I shoot many times 200 to 400 rounds without touching my PM9 and my K9 and never incountered any issues at round 200 +.

If the shield is ur carry peace and a gun that will save ur life, I would think I would not even consider sticking it in my pocket or holster knowing I have 500+ rounds out of it. Does that make any sense??? For any gun. I would say it is aproven fact that any gun that has got a few hundred rounds through it and not serviced has a far better chance of acting up than one that has just been cleaned and lubed again: I sometimes leave my K9 uncleaned for alot of ragne time rounds asit is not my carry peace and is my home gun and really my range gun. but if I take my PM9 and shoot it a 100+ rounds that fokker is gonna get cleaned and serviced before it goes back in my pocket again: Just sayin. but for me I am gonna error on the side of caution every time.

I personally have full fatih my two kahrs mentioned will run until the cows come home to, I am just not out to prove anything, other than my PM9 does have over 32K rounds out of it and other than recoil springs all parts are original. My used K9 has from me over 5K out of it with no issues and Ihave no iidea what was shot ouot of it prior to me getting it. It was a NYPD gun.