View Full Version : Dept. Homeland Security prepares for Civil War
05-08-2012, 07:20 PM
An informant from the Department of Homeland Security confirms that the DHS is preparing for a "massive civil war".
Guess that's why they need the 450 rounds of HOLLOW POINT ammo, which is illegal to use in war, but I guess it's ok to shoot your fellow citizens err, I mean "subjects" with.
05-08-2012, 07:31 PM
Google up the National DefenseResources Preparedness and it will make you have bad dreams. The people of this country have no clue as to what may potentially be coming to them by our government.
05-08-2012, 07:33 PM
Wars and rumors of war. Folks just gotta believe the worst about things.
A five-year contract (yes, it's a 5 year contract) for 450,000,000 rounds
of HP S&W .40 ammo. And that's spread out over 200,000 HS employees,
not all of which have guns, but... the math. 450,000,000 divided by 60 months (5 years) is 7.500,000
rounds a month. Divide that by the 200K employees and it comes out to
37.5 rounds a month per employee.
What's the big deal?
05-08-2012, 09:39 PM
No big deal I guess, until one of em ends up in your head. Also, that is roughly around 1.4 rounds for every person in the USA.
You're missing the point, the point is that the DHS is preparing for a civil war, against US!
05-08-2012, 10:24 PM
I served this country for almost 26 years in the military. The idea was brought up numerous times that "if" we were ordered from the sitting president to "enforce" firearms restrictions that may or may not become law, how many of us would have done so?
Let's just say through a very unofficial poll, there was much less than 10% of us that would take up arms against our fellow Americans. I tend to believe the same is true today with any federal employees. Well, with the exception of TSA.
And saying that, I wouldn't have a problem if I'm first on the list for said federal employees to come and take my guns. I'll do my best to make it worth their while, I promise. Heck, they might even sing songs about me some day!
05-09-2012, 05:43 AM
They can come and try to remove my guns but all they'll find are insurance photos. Every last one was lost in a terrible boating accident. So damned sad.
05-09-2012, 06:39 AM
An informant from the Department of Homeland Security confirms that the DHS is preparing for a "massive civil war".
Guess that's why they need the 450 rounds of HOLLOW POINT ammo, which is illegal to use in war, but I guess it's ok to shoot your fellow citizens err, I mean "subjects" with.
Ski, the website is fear mongering and you are promoting it. The civilian population far out numbers the government forces and the populous is very well armed. No government it the history has survived an insurrection by the people. The last thing that the government wants is a revolt by the people. Our military would take down the government long before the government takes down the people.
05-09-2012, 07:27 AM
Ski, the website is fear mongering and you are promoting it. The civilian population far out numbers the government forces and the populous is very well armed. No government it the history has survived an insurrection by the people. The last thing that the government wants is a revolt by the people. Our military would take down the government long before the government takes down the people.
05-09-2012, 08:03 AM
I know that some of us will be able to hang onto some guns. But just for sake of argument; how would you defend yourself without a gun. A knife is ok for CQ, you can hunt with a bow and arrow, but what else would you DO?
05-09-2012, 09:12 AM
No big deal I guess, until one of em ends up in your head. Also, that is roughly around 1.4 rounds for every person in the USA.
You're missing the point, the point is that the DHS is preparing for a civil war, against US!
I think at one point, I had almost 1 round for every person in the town I live in (now, it isn't a very big town, but still)....that doesn't mean I shot every person in the town I live in. 1.4 rounds per person seems really really low to me...especially if you look at the number of handgun rounds normally exchanged in a shooting. I would venture to say the amount of ammo that is in privately owned hands far far out numbers armed government employees....
Now saying I place full trust and automatically roll over in compliance, but at the same time I don't fear the DHS kicking in my door and murdering my family....
05-09-2012, 09:34 AM
Other thing to think about, is that people have to carry all that ammo. Never mind the fact that if I know I'm going to a gun fight I'm doing it with a rifle, maybe a shotgun, and preferably at long range. This is just pistol ammo. I'm with the big chief on this one, not worried. One more thing, I have yet to meet ANY government agency that is organized to come door to door, much less target specific doors (say a nation wide warrant less search type thing). Bottom line, my door comes flying off, they get treated like any other home invader.
05-09-2012, 11:02 AM
Someone once said about America that "There's a gun behind every blade of grass."
The population has an excellent relationship with military and law. If the Homeland Defense is preparing for a Civil War, it too step in and stop it, not to start it.
05-09-2012, 12:32 PM
I'm not necessarily worried, but I'm also not necessarily all that trusting either. There are PLENTY of places where gun confiscation has occurred. Don't be too sure that it can never happen, plenty of citizens in other countries probably thought the same. We are the last bastian of gun ownership and freedom other than the cess pools of the middle east that are basically the old west still.
But I also point to the actual article linked to. I didn't go listen to the audio quotes/links, but there is a big different between 'civil war' mentioned in the headline and 'civil unrest' mentioned in text in the article. Sensationalistic headlines are dangerous. If we have rolling mobs via twitter and facebook when and if the economy implodes, I sure as heck want law enforcement to be able to stop them, I'd just as soon not have to do it myself. But that's totally different than 'civil war'.
So I have to agree, the article is a bit of fear mongering sensationalistic poo poo.
I'm still not happy with what has happened to our government and the power grab they are obviously addicted to.
05-09-2012, 12:42 PM
The article refers to civil unrest due to monetary problems, I've heard that the dollar will collapse as soon as OPEC starts accepting alternate currencies for oil, which will take much of the value out of our paper money, and hello runaway inflation, leading to the massive civil unrest. I've been getting emails about this for months, urging me to buy extra food, ammo, whatever I need to get by for up to 6 months of empty grocery stores and no gas. I do have a little extra food, not 6 months worth yet, but I try and buy extra when I get grocerys. When the welfare checks stop coming, you bet there is going to be some rioting.
05-09-2012, 12:47 PM
The article refers to civil unrest due to...When the welfare checks stop coming, you bet there is going to be some rioting.
Exactly, which was kinda my point. That may well be the case, but if you are engadged in civil unrest and are stealing from companies or individuals, rioting, vandalizing, etc...then you deserve jail, incarceration of some kind, or that 1.4 bullet in your head if you are attacking someone else physically.
But, my point...civil unrest is not civil war...that needs to be clear in everyones head and not be made to be moral equivalents in the eyes of citizens or our government. Big difference.
05-09-2012, 02:23 PM
exactly, which was kinda my point. That may well be the case, but if you are engadged in civil unrest and are stealing from companies or individuals, rioting, vandalizing, etc...then you deserve jail, incarceration of some kind, or that 1.4 bullet in your head if you are attacking someone else physically.
But, my point...civil unrest is not civil war...that needs to be clear in everyones head and not be made to be moral equivalents in the eyes of citizens or our government. Big difference.
05-09-2012, 02:24 PM
bottom line, my door comes flying off, they get treated like any other home invader.
I have some mixed feeling on this matter. I truely beleive that Civil unrest / rioting is highly likely. The collaspse of the dollar and subsequent loss of the dollar as the reserve currency is very plausable considering the DC Policies and current economic situation.
Keep in mind a very large percentage of the country is very much fed up with the way yhings have been when one combines civil unrest and the inability of the powers at be to control the situation can and in the past has led to Civil War. Lord knows we fought a revolution for far less than whats been going on lately. Keep in mind that our Constitution has a provision for the replacement of the current form of government by the people for one that is more to the liking of the governed...even by means of force should it be necessary. Think about it....This scares the hell out of me. The country is more polarized than ever before and a major crisis can push things to the breaking point.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
05-09-2012, 08:01 PM
Odd thing is, the far ranging consequences of one thing that directly affects a relatively small percentage of the population can destroy so much. In this case it's the increase in the top level of Capital Gains tax from 28% to 75%. Sounds like that should only affect the rich, right? Not so.
I read an article that laid it out in a way I got it. It's really in the hard numbers. I read an excellent article recently that explained it well. Avoiding the hard number facts, lets just say investors focus only on their return. So they pay $ for the stock, it pays $ in dividends and that is taxed $ leaving a % return.
If they need a 10% return and taxes go up, the price they are willing to pay must go down. Remember it is the investors that set the prices by bidding against each other. So this tax increase has a strong potential to drop the markets by 30% to maintain % return. A drop in the market of that size leads to all kinds of nasties as the economy takes big hits globally.
I get what the guy wrote, but I sure hope he is wrong.
05-09-2012, 09:08 PM
I agree with a couple of the items on here. There are way more armed citizens than DHS persons.
On the other hand we may well need what we have the way our dollar is heading.
05-10-2012, 08:30 AM
I think at one point, I had almost 1 round for every person in the town I live in (now, it isn't a very big town, but still)....that doesn't mean I shot every person in the town I live in.
Wait, did one of those have my name on it? :D Crap, I thought I had every situation covered...
05-10-2012, 09:42 AM
I think that's why Obama wants a National Police Force as strong as the military. Would-be tyrants have always resorted to such until they have the military firmly under their control. But until then, they need "enforcers", as H!tler had his "Brown Shirts". Obama has the SEIU thugs, the various Black Panther Factions, and ACORN fanatics for starters, along with all of the other fanatical "environmentalist" factions where the old Communist Party took refuge back in the 60's.
05-10-2012, 09:52 AM
Besides civil unrest over the collapse of the dollar, It kind of makes me wonder what else might trigger a civil war. A fixed election, Martial law declared and no election held, gun confiscation. I just like to know what else they are thinking of beside the collapse of the monetary system. I heard on Savage last night that they have allowed a Chinese State Bank to take over some American bank I'd never heard of, sounds like they mostly deal with Asian customers, but that doesn't sit well with me having a Chinese communist entity take over an American bank. What else are they going to be taking over since they own a good chunk of our debt.
05-11-2012, 08:18 AM
I think that's why Obama wants a National Police Force as strong as the military.
I was thinking about that when I read the news story from this thread. Is he still asking for that? Definitely makes me nervous...
05-11-2012, 05:03 PM
Wasn't that a campaign promise? Thank God he hasn't kept any of those.
05-11-2012, 05:03 PM
To play to the hopefully absurd notion that the Feds will go door to door confiscating guns, let's say that ten percent of gun owners will, um, meet force with force. The rest will be a.) afraid their family will be collateral damage, b.) sheep; willfully handing them over.
What good will it do to resist with force?
The problem is, there are tens of millions of "us" but we are not organized in any way, shape, or form.
05-11-2012, 08:13 PM
Get a little knowledge.
Gunpowder aint that hard to make. Mythbusters made a duct tape cannon and it worked...
If they come for my guns today I'll freely hand them over. If they call and tell me they are coming tomorrow I will freely hand them over but someone will be shooting video. If they call and tell me they are coming next week MSNBC, CNN and FOX NEWS will get a phone call. Wont do anyone any good for me to resist and get killed so they can claim I was some sort of terrorist I'll make the word get out that they came for my guns. I can build or aquire more and I wont give those up without a fight, by then I will be organized and someone will know of what happened. Maybe by getting the word out I can make a difference. Dying in a hail of bulllets wont do it if I die without anyone knowing the truth.
I recently got a blow gun, think I can pick a couple of squirrels off the bird feeder. Handgonne aint nothing but a tube on the end of a stick and can be quite effective. I feel pretty sure I can cobble up a match lock in a day or so.
05-11-2012, 08:35 PM
Well, we're not all McGuyver. :D
And the news media will not be your friend.
We will be like Chinese or Soviet dissidents, quietly shunted off to remote locations.
05-11-2012, 08:54 PM
To play to the hopefully absurd notion that the Feds will go door to door confiscating guns, let's say that ten percent of gun owners will, um, meet force with force. The rest will be a.) afraid their family will be collateral damage, b.) sheep; willfully handing them over.
What good will it do to resist with force?
The problem is, there are tens of millions of "us" but we are not organized in any way, shape, or form.
japs would have invaded us and came into Pennsylvania the first day of deer season, they would have thought we were waiting for them to come.
A hunter in every tree. I have been told tha tin the past some business's and some schools even closed the first day of deer season in Pa due to no one showing up. Might be some hype to that but I bet years back it was more true than today. I certainly remember her ein Indiaqna Aug 15 waqs and still is the first day of squirrel season. I and my buddines never went to school that day, actually one year one of out hight school teachers went hunting with us--:yo: today squireel season in Indiana is just another day of the year, as the youth today just seems to have no time for that type of stuff. they don't know how to put down their Iphone's long enougn to actually hunt. A shame
05-12-2012, 07:57 AM
today squireel season in Indiana is just another day of the year, as the youth today just seems to have no time for that type of stuff. they don't know how to put down their Iphone's long enougn to actually hunt. A shame
Yep. most just get their shooting experience sitting in the air conditioning playing video games. I don't know, maybe most adults don't take the kids out to shoot any more like my dad took me and I try to take my kids. Just saying...
Hey, did Jocko get demoted again? his post count is back to 230 again :D
05-12-2012, 12:49 PM
Don't think for one moment that the
revolution isn't coming......
It'll start in the urban areas like the 60's:yo:
05-12-2012, 02:09 PM
that doesn't sit well with me having a Chinese communist entity take over an American bank. What else are they going to be taking over since they own a good chunk of our debt.
The Chinese been buying industrial and commercial real estate like it was a going out of business sale. Wait! It is a going out of business sale since they started paying manufacturers our tax dollars to improve/relocate their plants, in China!
les strat
05-12-2012, 07:19 PM
I'm seeing all kind of strange Homeland security vehicles and activity going on around here. Vehicles I have never seen. Hundreds of them. They are definitley preparing for something, I can tell you that.
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