05-09-2012, 06:54 AM
For the past three years I have been looking for a backup gun to my Glock 23. I've gone through a KT P32, KT P3AT, KT PF9, Sig P232, Glock 27, S&W Bodyguard 380, and a Diamondback DB9. I've tried the LC9, LCP, S&W 642 and others. I've considered the Shield, PM9, Sig 238, Kahr 380 and others as well. None of them were right for me for one reason or another. I finally decided to purchase a Kahr CM9 and give that pocket blaster a try.
I took it to the range for the first time yesterday. I ran a total of 200 rounds through her with a mix of WWB and Federal. I had one FTF on the second round in the first mag. This was actually my fault because I didn't have the first round in the the mag properly seated. After that it ran perfectly. Here is a pic of my first 35 rounds with the gun. All of the shots were slow fire (about a second per shot) standing with two hands from 21 feet.
I have to say, I couldn't be happier that my quest to search for the perfect BUG for me is finally over. This gun is accurate, reliable (so far), small enough to fit in my pocket, has good sights, slide lock, an awesome trigger, little recoil for such a small gun, and all at a reasonable price. I can easily shoot this a couple hundred rounds every range session.
Overall, the only thing I'll have to get used to is the trigger reset. I love how light and smooth the trigger is for a DA but it is going to take a little practice to get where I can run it as hard as I can my Glock. I'd also like to mention I racked the slide with an overhand grip over a dozen times and never had a single problem so far. I know the manual says to use the slide release but I don't do that with my Glock so I don't want to have to change for my BUG. May I ask what kind of issues are some seeing if they rack the slide manually rather than using the slide release?
Also, I have ordered a Nemesis holster for pocket carry but am likely going to look for an IWB as well. Any recommendations? I've also ordered a couple extra mags (6 rounders). I've heard people having issues when using the 7 and 8 round mags. Has anyone here had any problems with these mags?
Thanks for your time!
I took it to the range for the first time yesterday. I ran a total of 200 rounds through her with a mix of WWB and Federal. I had one FTF on the second round in the first mag. This was actually my fault because I didn't have the first round in the the mag properly seated. After that it ran perfectly. Here is a pic of my first 35 rounds with the gun. All of the shots were slow fire (about a second per shot) standing with two hands from 21 feet.
I have to say, I couldn't be happier that my quest to search for the perfect BUG for me is finally over. This gun is accurate, reliable (so far), small enough to fit in my pocket, has good sights, slide lock, an awesome trigger, little recoil for such a small gun, and all at a reasonable price. I can easily shoot this a couple hundred rounds every range session.
Overall, the only thing I'll have to get used to is the trigger reset. I love how light and smooth the trigger is for a DA but it is going to take a little practice to get where I can run it as hard as I can my Glock. I'd also like to mention I racked the slide with an overhand grip over a dozen times and never had a single problem so far. I know the manual says to use the slide release but I don't do that with my Glock so I don't want to have to change for my BUG. May I ask what kind of issues are some seeing if they rack the slide manually rather than using the slide release?
Also, I have ordered a Nemesis holster for pocket carry but am likely going to look for an IWB as well. Any recommendations? I've also ordered a couple extra mags (6 rounders). I've heard people having issues when using the 7 and 8 round mags. Has anyone here had any problems with these mags?
Thanks for your time!