View Full Version : Breaking in CW45

05-09-2012, 06:57 PM
Hello all,
I am the new owner of a Kahr CW 45. It is not my first handgun or firearm, but it is my first Kahr. I have done a fair amount of research on the brand and model and was able to rent the firearm at a local range where I absolutely loved it. I read through all the stickies and began to break in my new pistol shortly after purchasing it. I manually racked the slide a few hundred times, cleaned and oiled per the diagram posted on the forum and purchased 200 rounds of 230 grain FMJ ammo that I ran through the weapon during 2 different trips to the range. The first 100 rounds were Winchester white box. In 100 rounds, I had 1 failure to eject (stovepipe). I figured that out of the first 100 rounds, this was little to be concerned about. Upon returning home I cleaned and oiled the weapon, and went on with my day :). Fast forward to the next range session and 100 rounds of Federal ammunition. With this ammunition, I had multiple rounds fail to eject. When this occured, I was forced to drop the magazine and rack the slide in order to clear the casing. This occured approximately 15-20 times throughout the 100 rounds. I'm hoping that my weapon was just not a fan of this particular brand. At any rate, it did not make me feel great about my CW as I walked out of the range. I am by no means giving up on the firearm or condemning Kahr pistols as "problematic" I was just hoping you guys may be able to shed a little light on the situation for me as I have had none of these issues in other automatic pistols. I plan to carry the short barrel speer gold dot round in the CW while I carry. I was unable to test this round unfortunately as my LGS was out of stock. I plan to return to the range with winchester ammunition along with Speer in order to put my mind at ease. I guess my question is, is there something more I can do to prevent the FTE from happening? I used the slide release for every magazine I fired and did my best to ensure that I was not "limp wristing." If anyone has anything to offer, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and sorry for the lengthy thread. God bless

05-09-2012, 07:36 PM
go back and try the winchester ammo again and seeif the problem goes away. It is strange that it is acting up with Federal ammo though, as that is good stuff. but u gotta start somewhere to eliminate the possablilities to.

Kahrs are really not ammo sensitive either. NOt saying this is what is happening but WWB and Federal fmj ammo might just not be "hot" enough to beworking the slide back totally to eject the casing. If u have some defense ammo of any brand, try it, as it is hotter ammo and it could just be that ur recoils springs are still very tight/strong and maybe not set yet. I would think about a few hundred more rounds ur gun will take federal as good as the WWB. But if it was me I would stick with the WWB until it gets running right. One FTE out of the 100 WWb is not an issue IMO especially in ur cw45 first 100 rounds.

Recoil springs on kahrs are very strong and sometimes it just takes more rounds out of a certasin gun to get those recoil springs broken in.

I doubt if ur limping the gun either, Mind u I am guessing here also.

I know defense ammo is not cheap to be experimenting with either, so that will have to be ur decision to try it for reliability, but it might help to eliminate my theory that it could be recoil springs maybe still to strong for the Federal ammo.. this fourm and its members are here to help, so no questions is ever a dumb question .

welcome to the forum..

05-09-2012, 07:51 PM
Thank you for the input. I will definitely put more WWB through it and plan to purchase multiple SD rounds. If anyone else has anything to offer, please feel free. Problems with extractor maybe? The casings are getting caught and "crimped" by the slide instead of being ejected if that helps at all. I appreciate any and all comments.

05-09-2012, 08:18 PM
only one WWb screwed up but the fedral was a different story, that IMO tells me it is not extracot issue, more of a round issue.

I am not really a betting man but I bet eh defense ammo is gonna do OK.

time will tell all.

Bald Baron
05-11-2012, 09:49 PM
I've put maybe 5 different brands through my CW45 with no hiccup's. Maybe it's just a matter of break in? Wish I could say for sure. :yo:

05-12-2012, 01:19 AM
I have a new CW45 I love it. the recoil spring is very strong compaired to a glock G30SF. This is my experiences with my CW45 out of 409 rounds 2 range trips I had 1 ftf of a generic brand that my lgs sold me for $18.00 a box of 50 ×2 so I couldn't pass that up. 1 frb of Remington UMC. I attributed both to limp wrist sindrome. Since then I have fired 100 magtech & 90 generic through her and 25 Remington golden saber so my total rounds is now 624 no more issues this is my loving edc gun it shoots smoother than my G30SF and my wrist hurts less. Id give her time and she will break in nicely for you. She is also dead on target you have to get use to that long smooth triger pull but once you do hang on and enjoy the ride of your new Kahr. She also feels good on your hip. I work in a jail so that is the only place she is not with me. I know I miss her when shes not with there I wonder if she misses me? I just cant seem to say enough about how much I like my CW45. I wanted a PM45 but I couldnt justify the price difference my lgs sold her to me at LEO cost of $326.00 I thought that was a hell of a deal. Machining is the only difference between a CW45 and a PM45. I do not have a problem with that.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

05-12-2012, 10:07 AM
Thank you for the input. I will definitely put more WWB through it and plan to purchase multiple SD rounds. If anyone else has anything to offer, please feel free. Problems with extractor maybe? The casings are getting caught and "crimped" by the slide instead of being ejected if that helps at all. I appreciate any and all comments.

I'd give it more time. After awhile even those Federals might work ok.

I suspect it's still just tight and just not hitting the ejector with enough gusto to kick the cases out.

Confirm you have a good solid grip especially at first. When I get a little sloppy in my grip the ejection pattern changes usually directly at my forehead.
May or may not be a contributing factor in your case too.

05-12-2012, 02:29 PM
I always find a little residue under the claw of my PM9 extractor and make sure it's clean and I flex it a few times to feel if it's okay. That said, I expect it is still isn't completely house broken and needs strong ammo for a while longer.

05-12-2012, 03:09 PM
I have a new CW45 I love it. the recoil spring is very strong compaired to a glock G30SF. This is my experiences with my CW45 out of 409 rounds 2 range trips I had 1 ftf of a generic brand that my lgs sold me for $18.00 a box of 50 ×2 so I couldn't pass that up. 1 frb of Remington UMC. I attributed both to limp wrist sindrome. Since then I have fired 100 magtech & 90 generic through her and 25 Remington golden saber so my total rounds is now 624 no more issues this is my loving edc gun it shoots smoother than my G30SF and my wrist hurts less. Id give her time and she will break in nicely for you. She is also dead on target you have to get use to that long smooth triger pull but once you do hang on and enjoy the ride of your new Kahr. She also feels good on your hip. I work in a jail so that is the only place she is not with me. I know I miss her when shes not with there I wonder if she misses me? I just cant seem to say enough about how much I like my CW45. I wanted a PM45 but I couldnt justify the price difference my lgs sold her to me at LEO cost of $326.00 I thought that was a hell of a deal. Machining is the only difference between a CW45 and a PM45. I do not have a problem with that.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

somewhere that glock recoil springs are in the 13# range, A P-ssy gun to hand rack that is for sure. My bet a kahr 45 is every bit of 18 and probalby 20# recoil. A B!tch to hand rack,. I have never seen any kahr springs listed un 18#... As most have said kahr recoil springs do need some range time to get their pre designed set and then normally after that, the slide locks open with ease, Hand racking seems to get easier etc. For the time being, I would suggest using the slide lock lever to load but at the range do the hand racking also. U will get that down real fast to. I can honestly tellyou thatI could not hand rack my P380 reliably, iot pissed me off, so I used the slide lock lever and little by little as the gun got smoother, recoils springs got more adjusted and I , myself learned how to handle that little bastard better. it is now a breeze to do.

10-20-2012, 10:38 PM
CW 45 update.
A buddy I work with has admired my CW45 for months he asked me today if I would sell I told him I'm a hoarder not a seller I've never traded or sold a firearm when I buy one. so my wife and I are at a restaurant eating and I get this text http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/10/21/buta4ute.jpg
Enhanced trigger enhanced sights with custom marble grips its a 38 special +p omg I've never owned a wheel gun before especially a Smith + Wesson So before I get my dinner we've made a deal the waitress saw my phone she thought it was awesome too. So I only paid $326.00 for my CW 45 my buddy knows what i paid for the gun. if I need another I will just order another one. Now I don't feel bad because I got a replacement for the one that's going away. We're going to trade tomorrow after work I'm afraid it's going to be a long 8 hours for both of us. I'm off Monday and you know I'm going to the range which I had swore off of for 4 weeks because of a sore wrist and them getting to know me to we'll so much for sabbaticals! I can't wait to try out my new toy.

10-21-2012, 06:04 PM
You did well! That's a beauty. You'll learn what a great carry gun a J frame is. They ride well and draw easily from a pocket. My favorite carry method for mine is AIWB, low riding with a negative cant.

10-22-2012, 04:14 PM
I love S&W J frames, ain't tradin' off my CW45.

Gave a Model 36 to my son for Christmas, but kept the Bodyguard Airweight for my bedside table.
