View Full Version : Our hope and blame does it again
jg rider
05-10-2012, 08:04 AM
Yogi 117
05-10-2012, 10:26 AM
They just keep barking up the "Anti-2A" gets old...:eek:
05-10-2012, 12:28 PM
I say that the congress should call Obama's bluff. He can't stop spending money and he's not going to cut funding for his favorite department.
05-10-2012, 09:59 PM
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -Thomas Jefferson
05-10-2012, 11:09 PM
It's such a tired argument that bears no semblance of truth. Clearly as gun ownership in the U.S. has risen, violent crime rates have fallen, and I don't think it's because the bad guys can't afford bullets since they lost their job. Ask the U.K. how their strict gun laws are working for them. Violent crime way up now that no one is allowed to protect themselves. It's never gonna stop, in spite of the cold hard facts staring us in the face.
05-11-2012, 07:18 AM
My favorite part here;
...During that hearing, Feinstein advocated for using Operation Fast and Furious as a springboard from which to advocate for strict gun control laws, including national databases and government-controlled firearms registration. She argued that new laws could prevent future programs like Fast and Furious from reaching maturity...
So, let me get this stright. Feinstein's minons at the BATFE as well as the Justice Dept break, spindle and muitalate current law to create an issue that they can not proves exists, except for what they have done themselves. Now she wants to destroy my rights so she can catch her minions breaking the law again, at some hazy future date, sooner? Maybe they could stop them before they get Law enforcement officers killed?
I prefer the ideal of throwing the current F&F group in jail, tossing away the keys and telling the remaining BATFE/Justice minions that they would be next. I think thats a better way of keeping a future "Fast & Furious" (shudder) operation from "reaching maturity".
The woman has no shame in her...
05-11-2012, 06:46 PM
I would bet that there are more people that have been killed by a serious knife stab wound than the average single bullet. A bad slash or stab in the abdomen with a blade will cause more bleeding than a single gun shot unless it hits the right place.
05-29-2012, 04:36 PM
The Daily Caller. Isn't that the right wing version of the Huffington Post?
06-02-2012, 09:14 AM
So, let me get this stright. Feinstein's minons at the BATFE as well as the Justice Dept break, spindle and muitalate current law to create an issue that they can not proves exists, except for what they have done themselves. Now she wants to destroy my rights so she can catch her minions breaking the law again, at some hazy future date, sooner? Maybe they could stop them before they get Law enforcement officers killed?
I prefer the ideal of throwing the current F&F group in jail, tossing away the keys and telling the remaining BATFE/Justice minions that they would be next. I think thats a better way of keeping a future "Fast & Furious" (shudder) operation from "reaching maturity".
The woman has no shame in her...
Actually, the plan was to not have F&F exposed, then the ATF and Justice Department would show the results of their gun running scheme as problems that need to be fixed and they can create new laws and bureaucratic regulations to fix the problems they created. All the while the complicit in government would nod solemnly agree how horrible these lax gun laws are that allow this to happen, currupt Mexican officials (redundant, I know) would feign outrage at the citizens of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona who supply the drug cartels with weapons of mass murder.
What went wrong, a few patriots in the ATF and Justice Department (and FFL dealers who were forced to "go along") blew the whistle and showed the people the crimes these agencies were committing, making them run to coverup mode. They are still in coverup mode, last I heard Congress is threatening Eric Holder with contempt of congress (why they don't just do it is beyond me) while he stalls and makes excuses.
Now we have Dianne Feinstein either not getting the memo, or not accepting the memo, that the whole thing blew up in their face and they can no longer use F&F to make laws and regulations. She is so rabid in her anti-gun stance that any excuse, no matter how lame, is good enough for her, and having the Federal Government break the law to attempt to show we need new laws was/is more than good enough for her. So what if the plan didn't go as they had hoped, it was still a plan and no need to change that now. I believe she was in on it from the start, and doesn't want all her time to go to waste so she just blindly pushes on hoping no one will notice.
06-02-2012, 12:29 PM
Actually, the plan was to not have F&F exposed, then the ATF and Justice Department would show the results of their gun running scheme as problems that need to be fixed and they can create new laws and bureaucratic regulations to fix the problems they created. All the while the complicit in government would nod solemnly agree how horrible these lax gun laws are that allow this to happen, currupt Mexican officials (redundant, I know) would feign outrage at the citizens of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona who supply the drug cartels with weapons of mass murder.
What went wrong, a few patriots in the ATF and Justice Department (and FFL dealers who were forced to "go along") blew the whistle and showed the people the crimes these agencies were committing, making them run to coverup mode. They are still in coverup mode, last I heard Congress is threatening Eric Holder with contempt of congress (why they don't just do it is beyond me) while he stalls and makes excuses.
Now we have Dianne Feinstein either not getting the memo, or not accepting the memo, that the whole thing blew up in their face and they can no longer use F&F to make laws and regulations. She is so rabid in her anti-gun stance that any excuse, no matter how lame, is good enough for her, and having the Federal Government break the law to attempt to show we need new laws was/is more than good enough for her. So what if the plan didn't go as they had hoped, it was still a plan and no need to change that now. I believe she was in on it from the start, and doesn't want all her time to go to waste so she just blindly pushes on hoping no one will notice.
JagTotally agree. She's pathetic.
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