View Full Version : New CW9/40

05-10-2012, 06:41 PM
Just got back from my ffl, picked ip a brand new CW 9 and a CW 40 that has 30rounds through it. I noticed that the cw9 is really stiff, the 40 is pretty smooth, I cleaned them both, oiled them up and will be taking them out to shoot this weekend.

I noticed that there is a spot on the feed ramp of the cw40, the cw9's feed ramp is like a mirror. The spot looks like a chip, I ran the tip of a bullet across it as if it was sliding up the ramp, the bullet caught on the spot, I guess I need to take it out and see how it functions.

I would post pics but I dont know how to post them off my phone, anyone want to host them for me, I can text or email pics of the ramp and my 2 cw's.

05-10-2012, 06:47 PM
polish the feed ramp and see if that help. maybe to that spot on the ramp is where no bullet ever gets near either. I don't think u have an issue there,..

05-10-2012, 07:31 PM
But, just in case Jocko, who has not seen your ramp, is not correct . . . send a picture to Kahr Customer Service, before you do any polishing. They will probably tell you to just go shoot it, but at least you will have started a dialog in case you have problems. Just my two cents of course . . .

Kahr Customer Service Email: service@kahr.com . . . Phone (no they can't receive your text message) is (508)795-3919.

Best of luck! We will be pulling for you.

Oh, and if it is a new gun and they ask you to send it in, ask for a prepaid shipping label. It makes life so much easier. ;)

05-11-2012, 05:07 AM
The previous owner said he ran 30 hollowpoints through it without a problem, it does look like the spot does not get touched by a bullet, it is at the very end or beggining of the ramp.

05-11-2012, 05:33 AM
polish the feed ramp and see if that help. maybe to that spot on the ramp is where no bullet ever gets near either. I don't think u have an issue there,..

The previous owner said he ran 30 hollowpoints through it without a problem, it does look like the spot does not get touched by a bullet, it is at the very end or beggining of the ramp.
Sounds like Jocko nailed it. He has a habit of doing that! ;)

Enjoy your new to you pistol. We will be watching for a range report. :)

05-12-2012, 06:30 PM
Took them both out today, they both ran fine, 100 rounds through the 40 and 50 hollow points through the 9, I only had hp 9mm so the 9 had to get semi broke in with that.

I am going to trade or sell the 40, I cannot control it at all, the 9 is very pleasent to shoot.

05-12-2012, 06:32 PM
I just noticed on the cw9, when I release the trigger to reset, I hear/feel a gritty sproingy sound, the cw40 does not do this.

05-12-2012, 06:43 PM
try this:

look inside from the top in the frame section andu can see the trigger bar on the right side and there is a little curly cue spring that is loopeed on the bottom of that trigger bar. put some greaswe right on that curly cue spring where it contacts the triger bar. and seeif that helps any.

05-12-2012, 06:59 PM
Took them both out today, they both ran fine, 100 rounds through the 40 and 50 hollow points through the 9, I only had hp 9mm so the 9 had to get semi broke in with that.

I am going to trade or sell the 40, I cannot control it at all, the 9 is very pleasent to shoot.

When you say you cannot control the 40, what do you mean? I have a CW40 and it really does kick more than I would like, but I've gotten used to it. I have always wondered if I would prefer the CW9, but hate to give up the extra stopping power of the 40.

05-12-2012, 07:16 PM
Thanks jocko, I bought a can of white lithium grease, will that work?

What I mean about controling the 40, my finger slips off the trigger during recoil, this happened even when I focused on keeping my finger on the trigger, the 9 was so much more pleasent to shoot

05-12-2012, 07:31 PM
sure it will, no guarantees what I ask u to do will sove ur issue but u ain't gonna hurt a damn thin, and also if u notice on the back right side of the frame, u willsee the top part of the trigger bar, which moves up and down, dab some grease around that area also.. I never miss those two spots on my kahrs..

05-12-2012, 07:40 PM
The lithium didnt work

05-12-2012, 07:43 PM
Strange, the 40 trigger is smooth both when pulled and released.

05-12-2012, 08:00 PM
wel u tried .maybe a good thing is when the trigger is release instead of being pulled. If it is smootht hat way, then not sure what is going on. Quite possable more roundsmight take care of it to.

with the slide off, see if it duplicates the issue, if not then I would think u know it could be in the slide itself. Not alot of moving parts there.

If it is in the lower part with the slide off, I would think u might be able to see/feel about what direction it is coming from. Could also be in the front trigger system. Just guessin asu know.

05-13-2012, 07:49 AM
It does not do it with the slide off.

05-13-2012, 10:38 AM
Try it with the slide off but the magazine in. It may be the trigger bar dragging on the right side of the magazine.

If not that, take the side plate off and see what is going on inside with the disconnector hump.

My stamped disconnector hump was so burred up it was eating plastic inside.

05-13-2012, 11:36 AM
Thanks jocko and lamp shade, im going to try it with the slide off and the mag in., if I take the side plate off is there a trick to get it back on?

05-13-2012, 01:53 PM
There is a spring that slides across the trigger bar as you pull the trigger, the sound I am hearing is this spring sliding across the bar making a scratching sound, my cw40 is smooth and does not make a sound, I compared the 2 with the slide off.

05-13-2012, 01:57 PM
that is the place I ask u to put the litium grease. in time it willsmooth what probalbyis a burr onthe bottom of the bar or even the spring itself. U can if u have that side plate off, remove that sprng and just with some 600+ grit paper smooth that area off or just leave it alone and keep it lubed and it will take care of itself. I put a tad of grease every time if give my gun a through cleaning.

05-13-2012, 04:34 PM
I put some grease there, I dont want to mess with the slide plate for now, its not like the sound effects the guns functions. Thanks guys for responding.

05-13-2012, 05:00 PM
Hmmmm, sorry that you feel you have to sell the CW40. Mine was my primary belt carry for almost a year, and I shot it as well or better than any pistol I own. The target represented my first range trip with the gun and I got better as I got used to it, fewer flyers. Actually mine's on the trading block too the first time I see something I HAVE to buy, but only because I bought a CW45 in December, and I like the 45 acp better.

05-13-2012, 07:54 PM
Thats an impressive target, mine looked like a shotgun pattern from 100 feet.

05-13-2012, 08:01 PM
Thats an impressive target, mine looked like a shotgun pattern from 100 feet.

that is 33 yards, WTF, I could not hit the target once at that distance. Why even mess with that distance??? it is not a target gun and 33 yards for any handgun is a loooooong way and for a kahr a very loooooong way.

I am gonna assume u were just screwin around at that distance and that isnot ur normal handgun shooting range.:D

05-13-2012, 08:01 PM
Thats an impressive target, mine looked like a shotgun pattern from 100 feet.

that is 33 yards, WTF, I could not hit the target once at that distance. Probably have ahard time even seein it at that distance. Why even mess with that distance??? it is not a target gun and 33 yards for any handgun is a loooooong way and for a kahr a very loooooong way.

I am gonna assume u were just screwin around at that distance and that isnot ur normal handgun shooting range.:D

05-14-2012, 06:46 AM
Yea, I was just saying that to describe my target. I was able to keep them on the paper but they were not going where I was trying to put them.

05-14-2012, 07:06 AM
Yea, I was just saying that to describe my target. I was able to keep them on the paper but they were not going where I was trying to put them.

been shootin for over 50 years and most all of my shots never go where I want them:D:D

05-16-2012, 05:28 PM
I just got the last box of WWB .40 165 grain from wally world, so im all set to finish up the break in of my cw40/9. Im dropping off my youngest dayghter for her girl scouts camping trip on saturday, then, im gonig shooting, I have 200 rounds of speer lawman for the cw9 and 100 rounds of wwb for the cw40, im going to shoot the 9mm first then finish with the .40.