View Full Version : help deciding on a revolver

05-11-2012, 03:33 AM
I've ended up with a little extra $ this year and I've decided that I need a .357 in my collection. It will be mostly a range toy but also somewhat of a woods/hunting gun when the opportunity arises. I've done some research and narrowed it down to a few models and found a good deal on two different specific guns and was hoping you guys could help me narrow it down.

1. S&W 19-3 4" It's in 90% condition. Looks like it was a lightly used duty weapon, holster wear near the muzzle, no rust. $475 OTD

2. Ruger security six 4" Almost looks NIB, 99% only because a couple minor spots you really have to look to see. $450 OTD

Any thoughts?

05-11-2012, 04:55 AM
Those prices seem high for those guns Especially, the Ruger Security Six. I bought my wife our second Ruger SP101. I paid $460 for it brand new in the box. A security Six IMO is worth around $250.

The Ruger SP101 is a good little revolver. It comes in 2 or 3 inch barrel lengths. We have one of each barrel length. If you want a longer barrel, I recommend a Ruger GP100. You can pick those up used for reasonable money. Another good gun is the S&W 686.

Both Ruger and S&W make fine revolvers. I prefer the Rugers because they are heavier built and can take a steady diet of +P+ ammo. Not so with S&W's. I have seen S&W reolvers with "stretched" frames due to too much hot ammo fired through them.

You may also want to consider a single action revolver. Again, Ruger would be my choice. You can find then in .357 used for not too much coin.

Sorry if this sounds like a Ruger commercial. I did not intend it that way.

Hope this helps!

05-11-2012, 06:57 AM
Prices do seem high.
I almost bought a used pristine SP101/357 for $300.
Got my S&W 640-1/357, in perfect condition, for $489.

Can't go wrong with Ruger or S&W.
I'm a S&W man myself.
Think they have better triggers and look better.
My personal choice would be a S&W 4" 686.
If you prefer Ruger a GP100.

Check your LGS and gun shows for trade ins.
Take your time.
With cash and as Xmas approaches there will be deals to be had.

Took me three or four patient months getting my cherished S&W 640-1.
Guns are forever. Take your time.
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzfL8OusIlxXWYHBZ0D0gb1fyAQQm5x k2vQuZxPDI1QNrZIFd7qAhttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmnO1g-MZZGWHiIJ_CEg8Fj3tGxleydUJzpl-m_zEQMLpG1-foAg

05-11-2012, 07:06 AM
Those prices seem high for those guns Especially, the Ruger Security Six. I bought my wife our second Ruger SP101. I paid $460 for it brand new in the box. A security Six IMO is worth around $250.

The Ruger SP101 is a good little revolver. It comes in 2 or 3 inch barrel lengths. We have one of each barrel length. If you want a longer barrel, I recommend a Ruger GP100. You can pick those up used for reasonable money. Another good gun is the S&W 686.

Both Ruger and S&W make fine revolvers. I prefer the Rugers because they are heavier built and can take a steady diet of +P+ ammo. Not so with S&W's. I have seen S&W reolvers with "stretched" frames due to too much hot ammo fired through them.

You may also want to consider a single action revolver. Again, Ruger would be my choice. You can find then in .357 used for not too much coin.

Sorry if this sounds like a Ruger commercial. I did not intend it that way.

Hope this helps!

not really a commercial. alot of commercials are full of B.S. I think as most gun owners knew ,,,what u stated are good facts proven in the past.

I just am not a fan of +P+ ammo. A steady diet for me is 4 slices of pizza 5 days a week; Just sayin:popcorn:

05-11-2012, 07:14 AM
For a range/woods/hunting gun, I would go for a longer than 4" barrel.

05-11-2012, 08:49 AM
Really? I checked gunbroker and didn't see any security six's going for less than $400.

05-11-2012, 08:59 AM
Really? I checked gunbroker and didn't see any security six's going for less than $400.

I really think you can get better deals locally than the internet.
Prices always seem high on gunbroker, gunsamerica, ...

Picked up my Sig Sauer P239/357 at the LGS, looking NIB, for $550.

Yogi 117
05-11-2012, 09:14 AM
Ruger man here, can't go wrong with either the GP-100 or SP-101. For packing in the woods, I would go with the larger framed GP-100. A good 180 gr .357 round should be enough. Spendy, but worth it for protection against animals of various sizes! Exactly the round I carried when we went horseback riding in the Oregon wilderness! :)


05-11-2012, 09:30 AM
Ruger man here, can't go wrong with either the GP-100 or SP-101. For packing in the woods, I would go with the larger framed GP-100. A good 180 gr .357 round should be enough. Spendy, but worth it for protection against animals of various sizes! Exactly the round I carried when we went horseback riding in the Oregon wilderness! :)


Ammo is a good point.
You really don't want standard JHP Anti-personnel rounds for the woods.
Wild animals are much harder targets than people requiring deep penetration.
Make sure your loaded with hunting rounds.
I'm not knowledgeable on 357 for that (mine is a 2.125" snubbie - LOL!).
My woods guns is a S&W 629 4" 44 mag with super hard cast bullets.
Garrett makes some skull busters,
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVYyLVe63GRqyZICviYL7g9nVrzfhMK nicolz0gKi4j8XTAaxe9g

Yogi 117
05-11-2012, 10:20 AM
Ammo is a good point.
You really don't want standard JHP Anti-personnel rounds for the woods.
Wild animals are much harder targets than people requiring deep penetration.

Exactly. I provide a link to an article by Chuch Hawks titled "Handguns For Protection In The Field", which spells out the weapons & ammo of choice for each caliber. When buying these 180 grain .357 magnum rounds (or any larger bullet in any caliber), please remember that these are NOT for personal Self Defense, but for animals only. These large grain bullets will likely pass thru a human and wreak havoc with anything behind said human target! And, I can't emphasize enough that you need to practice practice practice with your chosen "Animal defense" weapon & round, being able to handle the recoil for follow up shots is paramount. Shot placement on a wild animal is also of extreme importance in stopping said wild animal, they move faster than you think! :)


05-11-2012, 11:15 AM
If you want the option to carry hot loads for beast I'd go with the Single Action Blackhawk. In a perfect world I'd probably get about a 5". It'll handle anything you put in it and ask for more.

If you want a double action I'm in the 686 Smith camp, I prefer the old 6 shooter over the 7 shooter but for range and woods a 7 shooter might be nice.
I would avoid hot loads if you went the Smith route.

I'm a fairly devout Ruger fan but I'm partial to their single actions, don't care much for the autos. I do like the SP101 and the GP100 with minor reservations.

05-11-2012, 11:20 AM
I've ended up with a little extra $ this year and I've decided that I need a .357 in my collection. It will be mostly a range toy but also somewhat of a woods/hunting gun when the opportunity arises. I've done some research and narrowed it down to a few models and found a good deal on two different specific guns and was hoping you guys could help me narrow it down.

1. S&W 19-3 4" It's in 90% condition. Looks like it was a lightly used duty weapon, holster wear near the muzzle, no rust. $475 OTD

2. Ruger security six 4" Almost looks NIB, 99% only because a couple minor spots you really have to look to see. $450 OTD

Any thoughts?
If the Security Six is stainless, "out the door" those prices range from about right to about $25 high (on the base price) for my area.
Both are good guns.
The Smith will probably have a nicer double action pull. The availability of parts and folks who know how to work on them will also favor the Smith. Likewise, you will find a greater selection of aftermarket grips and sight options for the Smith. The last will also apply to holsters, though the "Six" series guns will fit in some holsters made for "K/L" frame Smiths.
With all that said, I don't have a Model 19 (or 66) anymore, preferring instead a Security Six i have (also have a Speed Six). That's not a knock on Smith, I just happen to really like this Ruger. You really can't make a bad decision with your two listed choices.
Here's my Security Six when i had some stag on it:
These days, it mostly wears these "Target" grips:

05-11-2012, 12:11 PM
I have to say I did some target shooting with a Wamma Jamma 7.5" Ruger Super Redhawk 44
that seemed like it was looking for a helicopter to knock down.

I've never done any handgun hunting.
And even when talking a woods gun I can't seem to get out of Self Defense anti-personnel mode.
Wanting a gun that can do both with the right ammo I.E. 4" barrel.

But that Super Redhawk seemed made for
the dreaded deep woods Jurassic Park scenario.
And at 25 yards the accuracy was outstanding.

05-11-2012, 12:12 PM
Along with Gunbroker and Guns America, I'd look at Armslist.com, they have it broken into states so you can possibly arrange a face to face transactions.
I've can't speak about the Rugers but I think they are fine weapons. I do have a fairly new 686 Plus, 7 shooter with 6 inch barrel, that I really like. It's very accurate, and has a smooth double action pull, with a slight hesitatation before the hammer drops, and shooting single action is scary light. I really like my Dan Wesson .357's too, the Monson products were put together very well. They are a bit harder to come by these days, and more people are realizing their value and driving up the price. Not sure on the prices they are asking, I'd look around some before I paid that.

05-11-2012, 12:56 PM
Check this out. S&W 65 .357 mag police trade in $319.99



05-11-2012, 01:55 PM

05-11-2012, 02:22 PM
I've still got some remorse about giving my stepson my S&W mod 28, .357. What a gun that was. It had a six inch barrel with a trigger job that made it feel a lot like my P9. It was smoooooth. He still has it and shoots it regularly and absolutely adores it. Tells me I'll never get it back. It was BIG gun though. Those N frame Smiths required a good sized hand and it did fill it but what a gun. I'd sure consider one of those for a woods gun in a heartbeat.

05-11-2012, 02:50 PM
I've still got some remorse about giving my stepson my S&W mod 28, .357. What a gun that was. It had a six inch barrel with a trigger job that made it feel a lot like my P9. It was smoooooth. He still has it and shoots it regularly and absolutely adores it. Tells me I'll never get it back. It was BIG gun though. Those N frame Smiths required a good sized hand and it did fill it but what a gun. I'd sure consider one of those for a woods gun in a heartbeat.

The Smith N frames are in a class by themselves LOL.
And a N frame with a trigger job is the definition of smoooooth.

My Mountain Gun has professional trigger job with an adjustable over travel screw in the trigger.

Plus that particular model of M629 came from the factory with
a tapered 44 special barrel, chamfered cylinder, combat hammer and trigger,
glass bead blasted satin stainless steel finish
and best of all round butt grips so I can put most anything I want on it.

05-11-2012, 03:05 PM
agree. mANY YEARS BACK WE HAD A iNDIANa state trooper by the name of Swank, who was one of their finest shooters to. He knew the super vel people really well and they would give him all their rejects 357 rounds and his job (call it that) was to shoot the rounds and just return the barss for future loading. He knew not what was in the round.

One day he came into my shop and he had his Model 27 which I think back then was the lower finished model compared to the 28, anywway both N frame guns. He had blown the cylinder direclty in half shooting one of the super vel rejects. Not a thing was wrong with the rest of the gun. Smith replaced the cylinder for him NO charge, not ever sure if he told them what caused it. He was certainly a hell of a big man and always chewed tobacco, so u can get a pciture of him somewhat. He just didn't care what was in the rounds either. they were free and he loved to shoot.

If there ever was a true Tank gun the N frame had to be it.

05-11-2012, 08:28 PM
+1 on the recommendations for a Ruger SP101 (but, then, I like guns that are over-built!) If it's to be a trail gun, go for the 3" barrel.
If you go for single action, the Ruger New Vaquero will have you feeling like a cowboy the first time you heft it - and that's a good thing!

05-12-2012, 02:15 PM
I'll throw my hat in for either an SP-101 or the GP-100. I have the GP, and it is just right. Great all purpose handgun.

mr surveyor
05-12-2012, 04:52 PM
my current favorite pair


3" SP-101 in .357 mag for every day "field carry"

7.5" Super RedHawk in .44 mag for fun...and maybe hunting this fall

These revo's have addicted me to reloading...otherwise I could never afford to shoot them


edit to add: Installed Wolff reduced power springs in the SRH last night, and the SP101 this morning. Took them to the range this afternoon...NICE

05-12-2012, 06:22 PM
Mr Surveyor, nice pair you have there.

I have a similar pair.


mr surveyor
05-12-2012, 07:20 PM
Mr Surveyor, nice pair you have there.

I have a similar pair.


nice.... what's the optic on the srh? I'm still debating on adding optics. As bad as my eyes are, and seemingly getting worse, I'm back to thinking optics.

edit...just noticed your's is a Redhawk..... still curious about the optics though

05-12-2012, 08:50 PM
Actually the big brother is just a GP100 and the optic is a 2 power 2.5 moa dot. I need to play with the camera and get it figured out for better photos.

les strat
05-13-2012, 08:20 PM
Prices do seem high.
I almost bought a used pristine SP101/357 for $300.
Got my S&W 640-1/357, in perfect condition, for $489.

Can't go wrong with Ruger or S&W.
I'm a S&W man myself.
Think they have better triggers and look better.
My personal choice would be a S&W 4" 686.
If you prefer Ruger a GP100.

Check your LGS and gun shows for trade ins.
Take your time.
With cash and as Xmas approaches there will be deals to be had.

Took me three or four patient months getting my cherished S&W 640-1.
Guns are forever. Take your time.
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzfL8OusIlxXWYHBZ0D0gb1fyAQQm5x k2vQuZxPDI1QNrZIFd7qAhttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmnO1g-MZZGWHiIJ_CEg8Fj3tGxleydUJzpl-m_zEQMLpG1-foAg


The 686 is a fine piece of weapon with one of the best single action triggers out there.

Love my 686 no dash (at top, followed my a 629 and 642). Got it for $399 out the door. There are deals to be had out there.

05-16-2012, 07:43 AM
If you're looking for an off-the-wall .357 mag, you should check out the Coonan Arms .357. It's a .357 mag semi-auto in a 1911 platform. I've heard you get the best velocity out of the .357 in this gun since there is no cylinder gap for the gasses to escape.

If I hadn't already bought my Smith 1911, I would consider this because it's a pretty sweet novelty gun. And from all I've read, they're pretty reliable too...


05-16-2012, 08:05 AM
That Coonan is a mighty expensive gun, and extra magazines are hard to find. Nice piece though.

05-16-2012, 05:01 PM
My personal choice would be a S&W 4" 686.

Mine as well.

05-16-2012, 05:07 PM
+1 on the Ruger GP100 in either 4" or 6" or go all out and get the Redhawk 44 mag in a 5" barrel. Rugers are hell for stout, if you can hit what your shootin at just throw it at them, if you hit em you'll knock them piss limber.
If you don't like the Ruger triggers just put a spring kit in them and lighten the double action up by around 20-25%.

Bill K
05-16-2012, 05:37 PM
They're in .44 mag/.44 spec. and .22 lr/.22 wmr but I'm thrilled with both my single action Rugers.

05-16-2012, 07:06 PM
Since the OP requested opinions of the S&W 19 and the Ruger Security Six, I will limit my opinion to those weapons.
In that both guns are medium frame .357s the issue of shooting .38 Special +P loads is moot. Either gun will gobble up those loads without breathing hard since they are designed for a steady diet of higher pressure loads. They both have adjustable sights which will serve you better than fixed sights as a range gun or field gun. I have owned both of these fine guns and shot many rounds through them. I like the trigger and appearance of the Smith better than the Ruger. Not that the Ruger trigger is bad, it just isn't as smooth and crisp as the Smith. The Ruger is slightly larger and heavier and seems to absorb the recoil of full power .357 loads better and would be my choice for field use. The Smith may be a tad more accurate due to the better trigger, but the Ruger is no slouch on the range either.
In your case, I would go with the Ruger. You can beat the daylights out of it and it isn't going to let you down.

05-23-2012, 05:26 PM
Well I couldn't decide so I waited and I'm glad I did. I found a used duty s&w 19-3 for $350 and couldn't pass it up for that price. Still has the original s&w issued duty holster with it.

05-23-2012, 05:31 PM
And here it is...still can't believe I got it for what I did.


05-23-2012, 05:48 PM
Well I couldn't decide so I waited and I'm glad I did. I found a used duty s&w 19-3 for $350 and couldn't pass it up for that price. Still has the original s&w issued duty holster with it.

Years ago, after a long search, I turned up this for $350 - LOL!
Taking your time really pays off with handguns.

05-23-2012, 05:50 PM
And here it is...still can't believe I got it for what I did.

http://img.tapatalk.com/425748b5-6513-c417.jpgNice piece! I have a 19-4. Great guns! You'll love it!

My 2.5" 19-4 along with my G19.

05-23-2012, 07:52 PM
S&W 640-1 357 Magnum
Glock EXO G27 357 Sig

les strat
05-25-2012, 10:50 AM
COngrats! I know finding a used Smith at a good price is always a good thing. I picked up my 4" 686 no-dash for $399 out the door. I couldn't believe it, Still can't.

05-25-2012, 07:11 PM
I am feeling better and better about swapping the Smith I had for the Kahr K9 I got for it.

05-25-2012, 07:21 PM
Since the OP requested opinions of the S&W 19 and the Ruger Security Six, I will limit my opinion to those weapons.
In that both guns are medium frame .357s the issue of shooting .38 Special +P loads is moot. Either gun will gobble up those loads without breathing hard since they are designed for a steady diet of higher pressure loads. They both have adjustable sights which will serve you better than fixed sights as a range gun or field gun. I have owned both of these fine guns and shot many rounds through them. I like the trigger and appearance of the Smith better than the Ruger. Not that the Ruger trigger is bad, it just isn't as smooth and crisp as the Smith. The Ruger is slightly larger and heavier and seems to absorb the recoil of full power .357 loads better and would be my choice for field use. The Smith may be a tad more accurate due to the better trigger, but the Ruger is no slouch on the range either.
In your case, I would go with the Ruger. You can beat the daylights out of it and it isn't going to let you down.

The Model 19 is a more attractive gun, ur not gonnahurt it either.ruger are tanks,can't take that away from them either.. I guess I have been \a Smith fan to long..Just sayin..:israel:

05-25-2012, 07:31 PM
COngrats! I know finding a used Smith at a good price is always a good thing. I picked up my 4" 686 no-dash for $399 out the door. I couldn't believe it, Still can't.

If I ran across a 686 no-dash for $399 out the door,
even with three S&W revolvers already,
I'm not sure I could walk away from that.


05-25-2012, 08:41 PM

Look how good this gun looks after a good day at the range:-) My opinion sp101 hard to beat.

06-03-2012, 10:36 AM
S&W M65-3 SS 357 w 3" heavy barrel

06-03-2012, 11:35 AM
@Barth that's one fine looking revolver! What would I look for to get one of those?

06-03-2012, 11:51 AM
@Barth that's one fine looking revolver! What would I look for to get one of those?

It's a S&W 65-3 pre-lock 3" heavy barrel 6 shot 357 mag.
I'm really not up on this one yet.
Just got it at the gun show about an hour ago.
It was priced at $550.
I offered 500 and have a new baby!

I'm not sure it's in production anymore.
And I'm thinking the 3" heavy barrel version isn't as common either.
I'm told It's a LE trade in. That S&W made special runs for LE (3 inch barrel).
Mine is NIB condition, polished stainless, tuned action, SS hammer and trigger
with what looks like a combat abbreviated hammer?

It carries sweet on a belt and is perfect sized for carry IMHO.
Weight and balance is perfect.
32.1 oz empty. 35.1 oz loaded.
It's a K frame and seems to be in between a J and L (640/686).
Can't wait to shoot her.

S&W 65-3 6 shot 3" / S&W 640-1 5 shot 2.125"

06-04-2012, 09:48 AM
I had a chance to shoot a GP100 for the first time yesterday. A nice gentlemen in the lane next to me was shooting some .38 through it and he offered to let me shoot it (of course I traded his ammo for a mag through my 1911!).

Man! That thing was buttery smooth! The single action of course was about a pound and very crispy. But that double action was also great. There was no grittiness, no catching, just a smooth trigger all the way. And he said that's how he got it from the factory.

If you don't want to pony up the money for a SW686, Ruger's GP100 is a great option.

mr surveyor
06-04-2012, 10:20 AM
wow... a 1 pound trigger on a stock Ruger???????? They spec at 4.5 to 5 pounds in SA, and 12-14 DA from the factory, and all the Ruger revolvers I've owned have been in the 5 pound to 12 pound range. Even after polishing all the internals and installing reduced power springs I only get it down about a pound or so.

06-04-2012, 10:55 AM
I woulde suspect one can get close to a pound with single action. I have never put a gauge on my tuned J frame Model 60. . Just never thought of it really7 as 1#or 3# in SA IMO one ca't jtell any difference.

06-04-2012, 11:13 AM
I woulde suspect one can get close to a pound with single action. I have never put a gauge on my tuned J frame Model 60. . Just never thought of it really7 as 1#or 3# in SA IMO one ca't jtell any difference.

My S&W 628 Airweight had a very light SA trigger from the factory. Maybe a pound. The action was smooth but very stiff in DA. My gunsmith got it down to 4.25 pounds DA and about one hair SA. I love it! :p But when in SA mode, I keep it pointed down range and keep my finger well clear of the trigger until ready to fire.

mr surveyor
06-04-2012, 11:32 AM
big differences in design/construction of Ruger and S&W triggers

06-04-2012, 11:54 AM
Double action on my S&W 342 ti is 10 lbs, 640-1 is 8.5 lbs,
Sig Sauer P220 is 8.5 and Sig Sauer P239 7.0 lbs.

I haven't had my new to me S&W 65-3 weighed.
But DA is way lighter than the 640-1 and lighter than the P239 as well.
Can't be more than 6.5 lbs.
SA is ridiculous, and I'm used to light SA triggers.
But the first shot still got away from me!
Next 5 went in one hole.
This thing is a tack driver for sure.
My S&W 629-2 was my most accurate gun.
Those days are officially over.

The Siles grips look good but give a slightly different grip angle.
And don't have as big a hand swell as the Bantams on the 640-1.
They hurt a bit.
Ordered some Bantams for the 65-3.
That should do the trick!

06-04-2012, 01:40 PM
Double action on my S&W 342 ti is 10 lbs, 640-1 is 8.5 lbs,
Sig Sauer P220 is 8.5 and Sig Sauer P239 7.0 lbs.

I haven't had my new to me S&W 65-3 weighed.
But DA is way lighter than the 640-1 and lighter than the P239 as well.
Can't be more than 6.5 lbs.
SA is ridiculous, and I'm used to light SA triggers.
But the first shot still got away from me!
Next 5 went in one hole.
This thing is a tack driver for sure.
My S&W 629-2 was my most accurate gun.
Those days are officially over.

The Siles grips look good but give a slightly different grip angle.
And don't have as big a hand swell as the Bantams on the 640-1.
They hurt a bit.
Ordered some Bantams for the 65-3.
That should do the trick!

Barth, I think you've earned one of these!

les strat
06-05-2012, 03:14 PM
Double action on my S&W 342 ti is 10 lbs, 640-1 is 8.5 lbs,
Sig Sauer P220 is 8.5 and Sig Sauer P239 7.0 lbs.

I haven't had my new to me S&W 65-3 weighed.
But DA is way lighter than the 640-1 and lighter than the P239 as well.
Can't be more than 6.5 lbs.
SA is ridiculous, and I'm used to light SA triggers.
But the first shot still got away from me!
Next 5 went in one hole.
This thing is a tack driver for sure.
My S&W 629-2 was my most accurate gun.
Those days are officially over.

The Siles grips look good but give a slightly different grip angle.
And don't have as big a hand swell as the Bantams on the 640-1.
They hurt a bit.
Ordered some Bantams for the 65-3.
That should do the trick!

I was going to ask you about the grips. Thinking about replacing them?

06-05-2012, 05:06 PM
I was going to ask you about the grips. Thinking about replacing them?

The grips look good, but I have Bantams on both my J-frames
and really prefer them.

So Yes,
Special K gets Bantams too.
Probably by Friday or early next week.

Yogi 117
06-05-2012, 07:47 PM
Ruger man here, can't go wrong with either the GP-100 or SP-101. For packing in the woods, I would go with the larger framed GP-100. A good 180 gr .357 round should be enough. Spendy, but worth it for protection against animals of various sizes! Exactly the round I carried when we went horseback riding in the Oregon wilderness! :)

Here they are. Both great revolvers! :yo:


jg rider
06-05-2012, 08:04 PM
D@mn this brings back fond memories. I had IIRC a 4" Security six that I cut the hammer spur off of and serrated or checkered the top of the hammer for SA cocking, that was my car gun. And a 4" Model 19 that I turned into a round butt. Never could match the back strap serrations on that one, but what a nice balance and pointability.
Never took pictures to post back then. Al Gore hadn't invented the Internet yet.

06-08-2012, 04:59 PM
Well I'm always telling people to "buy both", I guess it's time I took my own advice. I stumbled on this unfired ruger speed six government issue and I knew it was coming home with me. I love everything about this gun, even they more grey-ish bluing compared to s&w's deep black and the trigger is surprisingly good.


06-08-2012, 05:24 PM
Well I'm always telling people to "buy both", I guess it's time I took my own advice. I stumbled on this unfired ruger speed six government issue and I knew it was coming home with me. I love everything about this gun, even they more grey-ish bluing compared to s&w's deep black and the trigger is surprisingly good.


Nice Ruger.
Looks like a real shooter.

That's always been my advice with difficult choices.
Choose both!
It's worked out well for me so far - LOL!

jg rider
06-08-2012, 05:49 PM
Well I'm always telling people to "buy both", I guess it's time I took my own advice. I stumbled on this unfired ruger speed six government issue and I knew it was coming home with me. I love everything about this gun, even they more grey-ish bluing compared to s&w's deep black and the trigger is surprisingly good.


That looks just like the one I had that I cut the hammer spur off of. If you bob the hammer and recontour the curvature, IMHO it looks sweet. And I could still cock it.
What lenght barrel it, 31/2", 4"?

06-08-2012, 05:51 PM
That looks just like the one I had that I cut the hammer spur off of. If you bob the hammer and recontour the curvature, IMHO it looks sweet. And I could still cock it.
What lenght barrel it, 31/2", 4"?

I was thinking about the same thing?
Thought it was a 3", but just didn't look quite right too me.
Looks like it might be 2.75"?

This is my new to me 3" S&W 65-3 357 heavy barrel

06-08-2012, 06:03 PM
Ya, it's a 2 3/4" issued to both postal inspectors and US marshals.

06-08-2012, 06:09 PM
Ya, it's a 2 3/4" issued to both postal inspectors and US marshals.

The 3" Model 13 was standard issue to the FBI.
The Model 65 in stainless steel came about at the request of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol.

Guns with a story....
I may have to spring for S&W to pull the history on mine.

06-09-2012, 01:31 AM
Here's a proper picture after a coat of renaissance wax and a light coat of linseed oil on the grips.


06-09-2012, 10:12 AM
Here's a proper picture after a coat of renaissance wax and a light coat of linseed oil on the grips.


There's just something about a fine wheel gun.
Sometimes I feel like I have one foot in the present.
And one in the past.

I kind of like it like that.

And yes I'm very cryptic at times.
But you know what I mean - LOL!

06-09-2012, 11:56 PM
Here's a proper picture after a coat of renaissance wax and a light coat of linseed oil on the grips.


That makes me weak in the knees....

06-10-2012, 12:16 AM
Couldn't resist putting up a pic of my baby to go with all these wheel guns. I shot my friends 686 and my GP100 side by side a few weeks ago both with stock triggers. They are both great shooters, I can't knock the 686 at all I loved it. In DA the 686's pull felt slightly shorter but I liked how you can feel the GP's cylinder click into place right before the shot goes off. I've read the newer Ruger's triggers are better that some older ones, mine's about a year old and has been great right out the box.


Yogi 117
06-10-2012, 10:32 AM
espresso, sweet looking GP-100, love the wood grips. :)

06-10-2012, 02:07 PM
I'm digging those speed loaders more every time I see them. Those grips aren't bad either. Between the red ramp in the front sight, and the speed loaders where"d you find that stuff?

06-10-2012, 10:20 PM
The sight is stock I painted it with some Testers paint. I tried the HI Viz but the plastic just didn't feel right on the gun and for some reason I was more accurate with the original iron sight.
The grips are Hogue pau ferro and the speed loader are from 5 star (http://www.5starfirearms.com/speed_loaders.html) . They are very durable and very light....I like them a lot.

06-11-2012, 04:00 AM
The sight is stock I painted it with some Testers paint. I tried the HI Viz but the plastic just didn't feel right on the gun and for some reason I was more accurate with the original iron sight.
The grips are Hogue pau ferro and the speed loader are from 5 star (http://www.5starfirearms.com/speed_loaders.html) . They are very durable and very light....I like them a lot.

You know I love Big Dots and have them on most of my guns.
But the S&W 65-3 fixed sights are just so perfect for me I can't consider changing them?

Funny how that works out...

06-11-2012, 07:26 AM
Thanks. I tried some green hi-viz once, and took it off quick, just didn't work out. I use a loud green engine block paint now. I use the green because it draws my eye better. My wife is going to kill me when she sees those show up.

06-11-2012, 12:51 PM
My wife is going to kill me when she sees those show up.
I know EXACTLY what you mean.
I just bought a Mark III 22/45 to play around with and to get my daughter into shooting not long after telling my wife "I'm good on guns for a while". I have to learn NEVER to say things like that.:lie:

06-11-2012, 01:03 PM
You know I love Big Dots and have them on most of my guns.
But the S&W 65-3 fixed sights are just so perfect for me I can't consider changing them?

Funny how that works out...

I shot my co worker's model 10 snubby not to long ago with fixed sights. I could have walked out there with that gun i shot it so well.....it was love a first sight.

06-11-2012, 06:14 PM
Does this help?

jg rider
06-11-2012, 10:04 PM
Thanks. I tried some green hi-viz once, and took it off quick, just didn't work out. I use a loud green engine block paint now. I use the green because it draws my eye better. My wife is going to kill me when she sees those show up.

I also like green front sights. My competition autos all have green Hi-Viz F.O. front sights, and all 4 of our Kahrs have Hi-Viz F.O. front sights and flat black Novak rears.
Before I found a gunsmih to make me a F.O.front sight for my .22 Colt Diamondback i found a fluorescent green paint that matched green F.O. almost perfectly


06-12-2012, 08:18 AM
I find myself gravitating towards fiber optic more and more these days. Only reason I haven't jumped right on that wagon is several of my pistols either have no one making sights at all for, or can't change the sights. At least that was before that damnable boat trip.

06-12-2012, 09:06 AM
Does this help?

Man.....that's a thing of beauty!
If I could have one more gun.........

jg rider
06-12-2012, 03:31 PM
I find myself gravitating towards fiber optic more and more these days. Only reason I haven't jumped right on that wagon is several of my pistols either have no one making sights at all for, or can't change the sights. At least that was before that damnable boat trip.

There aren't any F.O. sights made for the Colt Diamondback I posted above. In fact there aren't any sights made for it. So I called Frank Glenn from AZ. to have him make me one. I supplied a Colt Python partridge front sight that I reshaped the base to fit into the Diamondback. He drilled a hole and inserted a green .060" F.O. rod. Frank is a world known pistolsmith that made competition guns for Rob Latham, Brian Enos if you now who I mean, and others. If I were you I'd give him a call and see what he can do for you. He's reasonably priced.

Here's what his work looks like on a Colt Python front sight. There aren't any F.O. sight made for it either. This is the kind of sight I had to modify.



06-13-2012, 07:33 AM
I may look into that. Going to have to wait right now though, but I will take that contact information down.

06-18-2012, 09:20 PM
I've still got some remorse about giving my stepson my S&W mod 28, .357. What a gun that was. It had a six inch barrel with a trigger job that made it feel a lot like my P9. It was smoooooth. He still has it and shoots it regularly and absolutely adores it. Tells me I'll never get it back. It was BIG gun though. Those N frame Smiths required a good sized hand and it did fill it but what a gun. I'd sure consider one of those for a woods gun in a heartbeat.

Hey Red - Know how you feel about your mod. 28. I purchased a new 4" barrel S&W .357 HighwayPatrol (don't remember and can't find it on the frame whether it's a mod 27 or 28) in mid '60's for around $68. Got no idea what it would take to talk me out of it now. Had the chance to buy a new 6" barrel at the same time for the same price and passed it up (money wasn't too easy to come by for me back then) but still been kicking myself ever since.

Maybe I made up for it by purchasing a Blued 6" Colt Python about 20 years ago for $350, not sure what it's worth now. I've never fired it and it shows only being test fired by the factory (or so I was told) in every other cylinder.

06-21-2012, 08:58 AM
Hey Red - Know how you feel about your mod. 28. I purchased a new 4" barrel S&W .357 HighwayPatrol (don't remember and can't find it on the frame whether it's a mod 27 or 28) in mid '60's for around $68. Got no idea what it would take to talk me out of it now. Had the chance to buy a new 6" barrel at the same time for the same price and passed it up (money wasn't too easy to come by for me back then) but still been kicking myself ever since.

Maybe I made up for it by purchasing a Blued 6" Colt Python about 20 years ago for $350, not sure what it's worth now. I've never fired it and it shows only being test fired by the factory (or so I was told) in every other cylinder.

I'm sure classic guns are worth more never shot.
But to me buying and not shooting a gun is unfathomable.
I don't think I've ever made it past 24 hours
before squeezing off some live rounds from any of my eight handguns.

I'm still just glowing over my Smith & Wesson M65-3 3" heavy barrel 357.
It's just amazing.
And has to be an example one of the very best of S&W revolvers.
The trigger action is sooooo buttery it's hard to believe.