View Full Version : Range today Cm9 & Glock 26

05-12-2012, 10:22 AM
Heading to the range in a couple of hours. Shot 100 rounds already with the CM9 about 2 weeks ago...flawless except for one operator error. I love this gun! I'll shoot another 100 rounds through it today and I'll write a report with the results. Hopefully it will be as good as last time. I also just picked up a brand new 4th Gen Glock 26 yesterday for $438 out the door, so I will put a 100 rounds through it today also. Should be an interesting day at the range. Hopefully boring with no malfunctions with either. I initially ordered the 26 and they said it would take 6 months to come in, so I bought the CM9 while waiting for the 26. The Glock only took 1 month to come in. I bought these for CCWs. I'll have to see which one I'll carry. I guess it depends on how I dress since the CM9 is smaller and a little easier to conceal than the 26. I live in Florida, so obviously t-shirt and shorts from about Apr - Oct. Winter months I may carry the 26. I want to be very familiar with both of them, so I'll be doing a lot of range shooting and dry fire practicing.

Yogi 117
05-12-2012, 11:00 AM
Congrats on your 2 new family members, I have a Gen2 G26 & love it, my brother has the CM9, and I love that one too! My guess is you'll carry the CM9 more as it's slimmer & lighter. I carry the G26 more than I used to, but you know it's there. OWB isn't bad, but as an IWB carry weapon, I suggest it'll be the Kahr. Only advantage the G26 really has is the larger capacity. The G26 shoots anything without batting an eye. Look forward to hearing how they perform at the range. Good luck & enjoy! :)

05-12-2012, 11:42 AM
Congrats on both pistols. Both are excellent choices.

My guess is you'll carry the CM9 more as it's slimmer & lighter.

I agree with Yogi. I definitely like my Glock 19 but under lighter clothing, my CM9 is easier to conceal and it is lighter.

My wife has a Glock 26 and it fills the hand nicely for shooting and it does have the capacity advantage over my CM9. But I find the 26 just a little too large for a "really small" carry option compared to the 19. But as a friend of mine says, a Glock will eat about anything you can put in it. A bit of an exaggeration but not by much.

My Kahr has proven itself reliable, too, so hopefully you'll have the same experience with yours.

05-12-2012, 11:54 AM
15 rounds trumps 7 any day of the week: just sayin

05-12-2012, 01:06 PM
15 rounds trumps 7 any day of the week: just sayin

Who says you only have 7 rounds if you carry a CM/PM9? You can always carry a spare mag or two. :cool:

05-12-2012, 01:51 PM
CM9/PM9 is the best 9mm on the market for CC, IMO. I have a glock 19, and the 15 capacity mag is way better, and I shoot it better, but no way I'm gonna conceal that sucker in the summer. The G26 would be marginally better. I think, until it cools down, you're gonna be carrying the CM9

+1 on the spare mags. Have Beardog make you a double mag carrier and you're now at 6+1+7+7. You need more than that, and you've probably gone somewhere you shouldn't have.

05-12-2012, 02:29 PM
Who says you only have 7 rounds if you carry a CM/PM9? You can always carry a spare mag or two. :cool:

but I know u get my point. I don't have to reload my G19 while ur fiddle fokking around with your trusty kahr trying to insert anopther mag etc, I probably would have put an addtional 6 rounds in someone. Just sayin.

05-12-2012, 03:49 PM
Just got back from the range. Shot 100 through the 26 and 100 through the CM9. Both were absolutely flawless! Obviously, big difference on the trigger pulls. Target grouping was ok, but I definitely need more practice. Trying to learn how to squeeze the trigger and not pull and jerk. I'll be doing a lot of dry fire practice. I'm pretty sure I'll be carrying the CM9 most of the time. Man, it's a sweet gun. I've read a lot of negative reviews about different types of malfunctions with the Kahr, but I wonder how many are caused by ammo issues, failure to clean/lube, and possibly not seating the rounds all the way to the back of the magazine. I guess I've got a good one so far...and I'm really liking it.

05-12-2012, 04:37 PM
Glad your day went well. You got two great guns to choose from.

Yogi 117
05-12-2012, 05:07 PM
Good stuff beachbum, sounds like a fun day at the range. Now you'll see another reason why I love the G26, take down to clean & putting back together is a snap. I always love cleanin' after shootin'! :yo:

05-12-2012, 05:38 PM
but I know u get my point. I don't have to reload my G19 while ur fiddle fokking around with your trusty kahr trying to insert anopther mag etc, I probably would have put an addtional 6 rounds in someone. Just sayin.

I did get your point. Of course, if I'm in a self-defense shooting situation, it's likely that my "little" Kahr would still have rounds left in it when the shooting is done. I thought the stat was that most civilian self-defense shootings are 1-3 rounds in duration. And as always, "your mileage may vary".

Of course, if someone sticks a 33-round mag in a Glock 26, you'll be reloading your G19's 15- or 17-round mag while the baby 26 is still blazin' away. :D Makes me wonder if someone makes a hi-cap mag like that for the little Kahrs.

05-12-2012, 08:32 PM
My other carry gun is the m&p 40c and in minnesota 8 months out of the year it is ok and pretty easy to conceal.Since picking up the cm9:D i find that it is almost invisible and just as reliable as my m&p.The important thing is that if what ever you carry is a little large for the occasion you wont carry it.Thus the little cm9 goes places my slightly larger m&p compact wont go.:yo:

05-12-2012, 08:36 PM
andI think jokester that is what brings alot of people into the kahr flock to, not that any other gun is not a good gun but if it ain't on ya, it is worthless. Just sayin.

My PM9 is on me all the time. Thatis a satrisfaction tha tyou just can't put a price on.

05-12-2012, 08:39 PM
Yogi - You sure are right about the Glock. It's real easy to take down and clean...easy, easy, easy.

05-12-2012, 09:35 PM
Good stuff beachbum, sounds like a fun day at the range. Now you'll see another reason why I love the G26, take down to clean & putting back together is a snap. I always love cleanin' after shootin'! :yo:You can come over and clean my guns anytime. I hate a dirty gun so I clean them impeccably after each use. But I don't like it!