View Full Version : Will we manage to keep our handguns

05-12-2012, 09:23 PM
I recently purchased a new CM9 and am enjoying breaking it in even though I still don't have the required 200 rounds through it yet.
After reading a Foxnews web page I begin to wonder if we will manage to keep our handguns and continue to enjoy them. It seems the pro gun control activates are quietly sneaking up on us.
Read this news site and see if I'm being overly nervous: foxnews.com/opinion/2011/12/28. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid about this. Sorry I don't know how to do the little clickys.

05-12-2012, 09:34 PM
That aint going to happen.Keep supporting the NRA as much as you can enjoy your new cm9:D

05-12-2012, 10:21 PM
Now do you know how to vote?

05-13-2012, 06:21 AM
This just goes to show us that we can never relax. There will always be people out there trying to take guns, rights, money and liberty away from us. We the gun owners have won so much lately that the antis have been putting forth such ridiculous legislation and ideas. No most likely they may not pass or ever materialize but we must never rest. It is not enough to just join the NRA anymore. We must stay on top of any pending legislation that comes down the pipe. We have won some major decisions over the last several years. but all have been won by a 5-4 majority. That can change if we do not stay active.
To do this we need to call our elected representatives and let then know how we feel on an issue. They must know who "we" are when they hear our name they think "man this person really pays attention to what is going on. It is also much harder to lie to someone who they know.
So do not rest or become complacent,become more active now.

05-13-2012, 06:30 AM
We all finished!
Betty White just endorsed the pharaoh Obama. You know how much political weight she carries?

05-13-2012, 07:13 AM
Most old people at sometime lose their true reasoning ability and Betty White has just proven that. Actors do a lot of things to get noticed so as far as her political clout anyone who is savvy will see right through that.

05-13-2012, 07:14 AM
I wonder is she even knows what day it is. Why do so many of these movie people think they can say anything and their followers will just jump off the cliff behind her or him.

I like BettyWhite, but I like her alot less now to, but if I had to,,, and her and Jane Fonda was on the same plane and it needed to lighten the load or crash, I know who I would THROW out first. Just sayion.

05-13-2012, 07:19 AM
It completely amazes me that anyone in this country even cares what celebrities think about anything. These are our heroes? Just because you're famous for appearing on TV or in a movie doesn't mean your political or social leanings are worth more than mine.

My real heroes aren't allowed (nor should they be) to spout their political philosophies. The US Military.

The rest of em can go pound sand.

05-13-2012, 07:24 AM
amen brother, friend, padre, amigo, altar boy, subservant, honey dipper. u said it all.

05-13-2012, 07:26 AM


05-13-2012, 08:04 AM
The looming threat isn't Obama, per se, but that if he is re-elected, he could likely get to appoint two or three Supreme Court justices between 2012 and 2016. Given how narrow some of the recent landmark Supreme Court cases like "Heller" and "McDonald" have been, if Obama gets to appoint anti-rights judges similar to Kagan and Sotomayor, his legacy will be long-lasting and the threat to our firearms rights very real.

A Republican and/or Tea Party majority in one or both houses of Congress could help to stop a lot of Obama's legislative initiatives; however, they likely couldn't stop Obama from getting his Supreme Court choices appointed. And that's the real danger from a second term for Obama.

This is why people who believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights need to turn out and defeat Obama in November. And this includes Democrats who believe in the 2nd Amendment.

05-13-2012, 10:02 AM
What is so dangerous right now is how Barach Obama and Hillary Clinton are working hard to endorse the United Nations new global gun control treaty. They both have clearly said that they fully endorse the treaty. They are attempting, as Obama has stated many times, to go around Congress. I hopefully assume, though, that the Congress would have to vote to endorse any such treaty. But if it were up to those two, our nation would be totally surrendered to the whims of the UN and the World Court.

05-13-2012, 10:24 AM
Anyone who wants my guns better be prepared to leave with a few holes in them. Just sayin'

05-13-2012, 11:11 AM
The UN treaty is disturbing. No doubt. But imo it pales in comparison to the Supreme Court issue.

I dont believe confiscation of weapons, in a door to door, country wide effort is all that likely under he current legislative environment. I also dont think by and large law enforcement or the military will help with an effort like that.

The single most dangerous thing facing us with regard to obama being relected is the potential for the SCOTUS to be reformed to a liberal majority for the next quarter of a century minimum. This will impact not only gun ownership, but free speech, religion, property rights, capitalism, and the ability for states and localities to govern themselves.

05-13-2012, 12:53 PM
It completely amazes me that anyone in this country even cares what celebrities think about anything. These are our heroes? Just because you're famous for appearing on TV or in a movie doesn't mean your political or social leanings are worth more than mine.

My real heroes aren't allowed (nor should they be) to spout their political philosophies. The US Military.

The rest of em can go pound sand.

Well said. Thank you for that.

05-13-2012, 01:03 PM
...It is not enough to just join the NRA anymore. We must stay on top of any pending legislation that comes down the pipe...

This ^^

Here in Oregon we have OFF (Oregon Firearms Federation) that stays on top of what's happening in the State Legislature regarding gun owner rights/issues. They send out email alerts to all members with links to key legislators web sites regarding important votes coming up. I now regularly write these legislators expressing arguments for gun owner rights, and we should all do the same. We do have to be vigilant.

05-13-2012, 02:18 PM
Earlier this year, Obama decreed,” We can no longer wait for Congress … “Where Congress won’t act, I will.”
Barry Obama has spent his entire political career engaged in a steady assault on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms;
In 1996: Obama endorsed a total ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns.
In 1998: Obama endorsed a ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms.
In 1999: Obama supported a 500 percent increase in federal taxes on ammunition.
In 2003: Obama voted to ban even single-shot, over-under and side-by-side shotguns.
In 2004; Obama said the right to carry should be banned nationwide.
As a state senator, Obama voted against a bill in the Illinois legislature that would have exempted residents from prosecution for violating a local handgun ban if they used their handguns for self-defense in their own homes.
Our freedoms cannot and will not survive four more years of Barack Obama. Especially when you consider what he, Hillary Clinton and the other gun-haters are working on well below the radar of the ‘mainstream’ media in this country
Gun-grabbers around the globe believe they had it made after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the Obama Administration will be working hand-in-glove with the UN to pass a new “Small Arms Treaty”.
Disguised as an “International Arms Control Treaty” to fight against “terrorism,” “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates,” the UN Small Arms Treaty is in fact a massive, global gun control scheme. If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate (Harry Reid and **** Durbin), the UN Small Arms Treaty would almost certainly force the U.S. to:
*Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
*Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course); ban the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons; Create an international gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation.
Ever since it’s founding 65 years ago, the United Nations has been hell-bent on bringing the United States to its knees. To the petty dictators and one-world socialists who control the UN, the United States of America isn’t a “shining city on a hill” — it’s an affront to their grand designs for the globe. These anti-gun globalists know that so long as Americans remain free to make our own decisions without being bossed around by big government bureaucrats, they’ll never be able to seize the worldwide power they crave.
This November is your ONLY opportunity to eliminate the socialist and anti gun Barry Obama. Vote and get your friends to VOTE to save the country and protect you and your children's future!

05-13-2012, 05:06 PM
Join the NRA if you have not already and hope for the best.

Anyone tries to take my guns, I am giving them the bullets first.

05-13-2012, 07:24 PM
I read someplace that this is how Hitler took over Europe, eliminating personal freedoms and rights one at a time.

I'm just hoping there will be enough seniors against Obamacare and gun owners against gun control to be in the majority of the 169 Million registered voters.

Unfortunately too many of our younger generation are either uninformed about what's going to happen or just think he's a nice guy.

05-13-2012, 07:32 PM
his decision on marriage didn't win him alot of votes either. He needs to win NC and he is in deep sh!t there. ur right though the younger generation is to tied up in making a living, or school. and they tend to believe everything the read on the internet as they are so entwined in the internet themselves. I would like to think seniors, veterans, religious people, common sense thinking people and TAX PAYERS, will see the light this time.

05-13-2012, 07:58 PM
They know we vote, which is why they are working on tactics that don't involve elections.

It's like terrorism, the know they can't defeat our military so they go after us in other ways.

05-13-2012, 08:01 PM
They know we vote, which is why they are working on tactics that don't involve elections.

It's like terrorism, the know they can't defeat our military so they go after us in other ways.

+1 on this. Why all the hoopla about Gay Marriage? It's a diversion from the real issues. Do I honestly care if gays want to get married? Hell no. Do I care if the economy collapses, Hell yes I do.

05-13-2012, 08:05 PM
It isnot a diversion to the folks down in the south, it will matter come this fall. The economy is certainloy on the top for sure but this is also some icing on the cake to