View Full Version : Concealed or Open Carry?

02-19-2010, 05:28 PM
What do you guys/gals think about the advisability of open carry?
This article outlines an incident that occurred in Kennesaw, GA in which a robbery was averted but I still can't convince myself that, while OC is legal in my state, it's the best option.
I see others OC but it seems to me you loose a certain advantage in doing so.
Any opinions?

Open carry deters armed robbery in Kennesaw (http://www.ohioccw.org/201002184799/open-carry-deters-armed-robbery-in-kennesaw.html)

02-19-2010, 05:43 PM
Open carry is also legal here in Michigan and we do see people exercising that right from time to time but IMHO it only draws a lot of attention to that person and that is the last thing that I want. I have no issues with others open carrying but I don't my self unless I am out in the boonies 4 wheeling and doing my nature photography or fishing on a secluded stream. I much prefer the tactical advantage that conceal carry gives me.

02-19-2010, 06:02 PM
Hi,500,I have to agree with you and Coot.The less attention I draw to myself,the better I like it. Quite a few people are off-put by a "civilian" walking around wearing a gun.If the public don`t know it`s there,the more relaxed they are around you.I don`t want to scare someone and have them calling the police with a "Man with a gun call". Even though open carry is legal in N.C.,I don`t practice it for that very reason.At least not in a location where I`m apt to run into others. ;)

02-19-2010, 06:31 PM
Agree totally, Ol'coot and Diet'.

I hear some of these guys saying "bye *** it's my right to open carry and I'm going to do it."
It's hard to convince them otherwise too but I don't feel it contributes to our cause and, as you say, does away with the element of surprise in case we need to use it.

Kennesaw is akin to an armed camp, which I like BTW, I think it's one of the safest places on earth, but in my neck of the woods it just doesn't seem to be the smartest thing to do.

mr surveyor
02-19-2010, 07:19 PM
even if we did have open carry here in Texas, I would still CC 90% of the time. We do not have a penalty for accidental, or unintentional exposure of a carry gun, but to be on the safe side it is prudent to stay legally concealed. With open carry as an option, I would feel comfortable taking my jacket off at a restruant, or not otherwise be overly concerned about displaying a holstered handgun. I do NOT think it wise to start major legislative efforts to lean on our congressmen in an effort to push the issue. We had this problem over the last couple of years with "out of state" organizations trying to stir up Texans into an open carry frenzy..... that kind of unnecessary, and unsolicited "help" could cost us some very good legislation in the future by creating a further division of overall 2A opinions in our state house.


02-19-2010, 07:19 PM
I think we should have the right to choose, but think it's a better idea to keep the gun concealed when out in public.

02-19-2010, 07:28 PM
Rural or remote outdoor activities...otherwise, not hardly. Certainly not just to make a point. That's simply childish.

02-19-2010, 07:51 PM
Rural or remote outdoor activities...otherwise, not hardly. Certainly not just to make a point. That's simply childish.

Agreed. Most of the people I run into who OC in a public place have an agenda. This does nothing positive for responsible gun owners. It almost always comes off as an egotistical cowboy attitude.

02-19-2010, 08:42 PM
Agreed. Most of the people I run into who OC in a public place have an agenda. This does nothing positive for responsible gun owners. It almost always comes off as an egotistical cowboy attitude.

...or worse...

02-19-2010, 08:48 PM
Open carry is legal in my state, but for me that only reduces the stress associated with temporarily displaying my sidearm during the course of the day. Makes it no big deal. I don't purposely carry openly, but if someone sees it as I move around, I don't give it much thought.

02-19-2010, 09:04 PM
Agreed. Most of the people I run into who OC in a public place have an agenda. This does nothing positive for responsible gun owners. It almost always comes off as an egotistical cowboy attitude.


02-19-2010, 09:21 PM
Open carry is legal in my state, but for me that only reduces the stress associated with temporarily displaying my sidearm during the course of the day. Makes it no big deal. I don't purposely carry openly, but if someone sees it as I move around, I don't give it much thought.

I quite agree with this basic point. I do usually consciously dress to conceal my sidearm, but after all these years I certainly don't obsess over it. Inadvertent exposure while reaching for something has never been an issue/problem.....except for that one time 20 some years ago at Trader Joe's in Redondo Beach. :)

02-19-2010, 10:28 PM
I agree with Surveyor and most here. OC isn't legal in Texas but it would be nice when I am going to the ranch or range and want to stop off at the little store on the highway to get a Coke or snuff, if I didn't have to conceal my Ruger vaquero or leave it in the truck while I am in the store. Otherwise, concealed is probably a better option.

02-20-2010, 07:07 AM
everyone of you guys posted correctly IMO. It might be a legal right but I can assure you in Indiana,you will get challendged every time a LEO see 's you carrying and most business's will ask you to leave or put the gun in your vehicle.

You best plasticize your ccw permit for you will wear it out showing it to authorities every day. Just to me make zero sense to open carry and evidently et all the posters here to.

02-20-2010, 09:48 AM
Open carry of long guns is legal in Texas, just as a woman going topless is....but try walking up Congress Avenue either way, and see how far that will go without the local law stoppin' you. :D

02-20-2010, 10:01 AM
i guess the best question to this , which by the way has been written and talked about for ages is to do what you want to do. If you want to be challenged alot, carry open, if you want to be just yourself, then carry concealed. I have been on these gun forums for probalby to long but I cannot and I am sure there has been instances that I have missed but I have not read one post from any person who has ever been challenged by concealed carry, be it pocket carry or waist band, which by the way both do print, so IMO there is not getting away with perfect concealment, but that being said, people are not looking, civilians are certainly not looking. Leo's don't seem to be looking either, as I have drank coffee for years with 3 Indiana State troopers and pocket carried my PM9 every day with them and they have never even asked or noticed. If you carry legal and carry concealed then what is the big deal if even u are ever challenged. If you carry legal and carry open, trust me, you will get challenged ever damn day. Makes zero sense to me

I have to totally agree on the long gun thing to. Might be legal but if is frowned upon by most. Common sense for gun owners should always prevail. Lets not abuse the 2nd amendment by our own arogance ...

Have a good one, for this ol man as cold as it is ,,,,is going to go out and shoot his PM9 a 100 rounds, just because "life is good". Ask Tiger that!!!!

02-20-2010, 10:04 AM
Open carry of long guns is legal in Texas, just as a woman going topless is....but try walking up Congress Avenue either way, and see how far that will go without the local law stoppin' you. :D

ur dead right, but I bet the LEO'S would ride around the block about a dozen times before stopping this topless gal,:third:

where as ur poor gun owners would get haulded over immediately:31::31:

Jsut putting alittle humor into this, for personally for me, If I seen a topless gal walking down our street, I would immediatley call the police and give them a far away phony address:third:

02-20-2010, 10:24 AM
I'm with Ol'coot .

02-20-2010, 10:29 AM
Open carry is not illegal here in CT, but I prefer to keep and carry my gun concealed. Toward the general public...out of sight is out of mind.
Not to get off the subject but, I also feel (and do) the same with a knife, it bugs me to see so many people going around with the hilt and clip of an obviously tactical and or large knife sticking out in plain sight. Having a tool on hand(which a knife is) and protecting yourself(which a knife can be used for) is one thing, trying to look "tough" is another. I say check the ego and attitude and hide those Jimmies :)

02-20-2010, 10:35 AM
I'm not a big fan of open carry in more densely populated areas. I believe it invites trouble. In less populated areas, where everyone knows each other it isn't a big deal.

My son open carries even though he has a CHP. It drives me nuts. We live in between Richmond and Wash.D.C., lots of people, lots of malls, schools, etc. I can't seem to convince him otherwise. I sometimes wonder if he gets a charge by being noticed... and that's a very poor reason to OC in my opinion.

Stealth is weapon unto itself, that's my view, and the less people know about what I have or don't have, the better. Virginia is a Shall Issue state, therefore I see no use to OC here. In other states it may be the only option... then I say "Do it" and also work to change the laws to allow CC.

02-20-2010, 11:50 AM
Open carry is not illegal here in CT, but I prefer to keep and carry my gun concealed. Toward the general public...out of sight is out of mind.
Not to get off the subject but, I also feel (and do) the same with a knife, it bugs me to see so many people going around with the hilt and clip of an obviously tactical and or large knife sticking out in plain sight. Having a tool on hand(which a knife is) and protecting yourself(which a knife can be used for) is one thing, trying to look "tough" is another. I say check the ego and attitude and hide those Jimmies :)

ur right, just draws unwanted attention.

02-20-2010, 11:52 AM
I'm with Ol'coot .

basically what he is saying is "use common sense"..

02-20-2010, 12:16 PM
Like Jocko's coffee buddies, I sat at a table next to 8 Houston police officers eating lunch one day. I had a Commander 1911 under my concealment vest, the butt of which kept banging against the wooden chair back. No one even noticed, but me.

As to the topless woman walking down Congress Avenue in Austin, it wouldn't do you any good to try and call anybody. The lines would be jammed with "tea sippers" calling each other to come observe the spectical.
For those of you who don't know, tea sipper is what we Aggies call a student at tu.

02-20-2010, 12:58 PM
I do both.

A lot of people's argument against OC is that it gives away the element of suprise.

I disagree. OC gives you the element of deterance, which prevents the situation from happening. That is much more important than suprise AFTER **** hits the fan.

Let me put it this way : I have yet to hear of an OCer being targeted by a criminal due to having a visible gun. I have heard plenty where it has occurred due to their uniform (law enforcement and security).

The vast majority of the general public is unaware that you've got a gun on your hip. It's truely amazing how many are sheep.

02-20-2010, 01:32 PM
I do both.

A lot of people's argument against OC is that it gives away the element of suprise.

I disagree. OC gives you the element of deterance, which prevents the situation from happening. That is much more important than suprise AFTER **** hits the fan.

Let me put it this way : I have yet to hear of an OCer being targeted by a criminal due to having a visible gun. I have heard plenty where it has occurred due to their uniform (law enforcement and security).

The vast majority of the general public is unaware that you've got a gun on your hip. It's truely amazing how many are sheep.

not an excuse for open carry:7:

02-20-2010, 02:22 PM
not an excuse for open carry:7:

Who said I had to make an excuse, or that it was an excuse? Excuses are for when somebody messes up, and they try to explain what they did without taking personal responsibility for it.

I have a constitutional right to openly carry firearms. I have a privilege to carry a concealed handgun.

A right unused is no longer a right :7:

02-20-2010, 02:30 PM
u sure do, can't argue with that, not even worth arguiing about IMO. carry what ever floats ur boat..

OC gives you the element of deterance, which prevents the situation from happening

just sounds like an excuse/reason/belief/right or what ever..

02-20-2010, 02:37 PM
u sure do, can't argue with that, not even worth arguiing about IMO. carry what ever floats ur boat..

OC gives you the element of deterance, which prevents the situation from happening

just sounds like an excuse/reason/belief/right or what ever..

I generally CC - but occasionally do OC. I do it at least once a month from March through November after IDPA in a college uppy town. Because A) my gear is already in place and B) if any of them are observant enough to notice, maybe they'll notice I'm not shooting anybody either.

If people NEVER OC, then that just further fuels the "gun = bad guy" mindset so many have.

However, from a standpoint of what real benefit does it give the user - avoidance of having to use the gun period is a massive benefit.

And you're right, it is an

excuse/reason/belief/right or what ever..

Just like carrying a concealed firearm.

02-20-2010, 02:50 PM
I have a constitutional right to openly carry firearms. I have a privilege to carry a concealed handgun.

A right unused is no longer a right :7:

Why do you consider one a right and the other a privilege? The two methods are really the exact same thing. IMHO, a privilege is no longer a right, but a lost piece of freedom...state owned and operated, taxed and limited.

Just curious.:confused:

mr surveyor
02-20-2010, 02:52 PM
in a perfect situation, legalizing open carry in those states that are currently concealed only would expand legally armed citizens right to carry. In the real world, which ain't perfect, concealed carry permit holders would take a real beating.... at least in Texas.

In Texas, our concealed carry laws allow us to carry almost anywhere that is not posted with signs containing exact wording, with a minimum lettering heighth of 1 inch, with lettering and background being contrasting colors, English AND Spanish..... These signs are to be posted in locations at entrances. Very, very few businesses or other facilities post these signs. The "gun buster" signs are posted at quite a few places, but have NO real effect on licensed concealed carriers. The state specified places that are "off limits" are within school buildings (or at school sponsored events), court house (where actual court proceedings take place), prison/jail facilities, professional sporting events, establishments that make over 51% of their revenue from sale of "on premises consumption" of alcoholic beverages, The federal stuff is the same for all states... post office, federal buildings, corp of engineers properties, etc. Up until a few years ago we were also disallowed carry in churches, hospitals, nursing homes, amusement parks and a couple of other places, but that was taken care of with a tiny little hidden item added at the bottom of that subsection. Banks, establishments that sell alcohol for off premises consumption, restruants that sell AB's (but less than 51% revenue from sale of alcohol) are also not off limits.... unless properly posted with the exact sign.

Now... where am I going with this?

If more business owners start actually seeing the guns coming into their places of business, and recognizing the loss of business due to the squirmishness of the general public, we will see a huge increase in the revenues of the people that make the signs to legally prohibit carry on privately owned business property. There will be very few locations we would be able to carry, concealed or open, once this happens.

So, to those that agressively push for "open carry", I hope you stay OUT of Texas. We have come a long way in regaining our rights to carry, and are gaining more ground with each legislative session (hopefully the "Campus Carry Bill", and "Employer Parking Lot Bill" will both be brought to vote, and passed, in the next session). Unfortunately for those that think open carry is their "God Given Right", the general public WILL disagree. What they don't see, they aren't aware of, so have no reason to pee their pants.

just my ramble on the subject.


02-20-2010, 03:15 PM
nice rambling though. Indiana is about to pass a law allowing a worker to have a gun in his vehicle on work grounds. I have always felt that even though I have a right to carry concealed or open, I don't want to rub that right in the face of citizens who don't understand or also business's that "If they don't know your carrying, then they don't have to address the situation BUT if open carry comes into their business, then they will address the situation based on what is good for their business, not to what "you think you have a perfect right to do on their property...

We used to not be able to bow hunt in Indiana and carry a firearm, even if we had a ccw permit,but that law was changed a few years back. Indiana is very pro gun but also not paranoid either to the opinions of non gun owners. We tread lightly but we seem to get good things done. I think we are the only state in the union to offer lifetime CCW permits. We adopted the castle doctrine law/act a few years back which expanded our right to defend ourselves outside of our home front etc..

No shirt, No shoes, No service, how many times have we seen that. It is a business right. You can challenge it but you will loose every time...

OC or CCW , one just needs to use common sense when doing either. It is indeed a hugh responsibility when one straps on a gun. A responsibility that some don't want any part of.. I am 66 and I just will not allow my self to be a victim.

Nice post Mr. Surveyor..

02-20-2010, 03:49 PM
I carry concealed all the time everyday. I do know that an exposed weapon does work as a deterent at times.

I was fishing in Northern MN with my friend and his father when I was about 15. We got a flat tire on our boat trailer going back to the lake. We stopped and took out a bunch of gear from the boat to lighten it up for jacking the tire up. We were sitting on a cooler having a coke when a Pickup with 3 inembriated houligans pulled up behind us, got out and asked us what was going on. One talked to us while the other 2 eyeballed our gear and tackle. One of them said we will take your gear down to the landing for you guys and bent down to grab some fishing poles. My buddies dad got up and said I would really rather you help us change the flat tire and took off his coat and roled his shirtsleeves up.......expoeing the handle of his before now, concealed S&W revolver. He said to the one talking to us, go get my spare or else just be on your way. Those 3 houligans turned and got out of dodge faster then they rolled in.

That was one of those teaching moments. The opinions on this are valid on both side but both are opinions. Open carry is not a God given right but it is one we as Americans have. We do have to in MN ask for the priveledge to exersize that right, which seems a bit abrasive to me. I gladly comply because I want to be carrying legally. I ACNT. It is best to be legal but better to be alive or unharmed


02-20-2010, 04:00 PM
Why do you consider one a right and the other a privilege? The two methods are really the exact same thing. IMHO, a privilege is no longer a right, but a lost piece of freedom...state owned and operated, taxed and limited.

Just curious.:confused:

Because concealed carry in Ohio without a license to do so is a felony (there used to be a prodent man clause, but that went away when they passed CHL in 2003). Open carry is garanteed by the Ohio State Constitution.

I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is in Ohio.

02-20-2010, 08:02 PM
Like Jocko's coffee buddies, I sat at a table next to 8 Houston police officers eating lunch one day. I had a Commander 1911 under my concealment vest, the butt of which kept banging against the wooden chair back. No one even noticed, but me.

As to the topless woman walking down Congress Avenue in Austin, it wouldn't do you any good to try and call anybody. The lines would be jammed with "tea sippers" calling each other to come observe the spectical.
For those of you who don't know, tea sipper is what we Aggies call a student at tu.


02-25-2010, 03:57 AM
PROVERBS 25:2 It is the glory of God to CONCEAL A THING:yo:

02-25-2010, 04:22 AM
Because concealed carry in Ohio without a license to do so is a felony (there used to be a prodent man clause, but that went away when they passed CHL in 2003). Open carry is garanteed by the Ohio State Constitution.

I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is in Ohio.

Ya just gotta love it.

I carry both ways depending on my mood. It matters not either way to some and makes a huge difference to others. Legally IF I carry concealed and someone in the store happens to spot it they have the same ability to ask me to leave as they do if I happen to be carrying openly. In my opinion we need to stop hiding and let the sheeple see just how many of us are out here carrying intelligently. In my state you can not get a concealed carry permit, you get a carry permit with which you can decide how to carry.

Last week the son and I hit the local WalMart and more or less got asked to leave because we were openly carrying, me a Ruger Old Army him a Sig Sauer Mosquito. This week I walked past the armed guard at the local Ingles and casually asked him what he was carrying today, when he said 9mm I said COOL me too and flashed him my Kahr K9, an employee walking behind me said thats cool and then asked what I was carrying and then he said I love a Kahr.

03-22-2010, 08:35 PM
Although open carry is legal in Pa. I just don't need the hassle from the Popo. I also prefer to CC for the reason that like a gambler, I'm not going to show any cards till I have to. The element of suprise, and the bad guy not knowing anything about what could happen puts the odds in my favor of comming out on top of a bad situation. Sometimes open carry just makes you the first target. I'm a big believer that what others don't know just might get them killed, and what they know just might get you killed.
If your comfortable open carrying, and you think that gives you the edge, then by all means do so.

03-22-2010, 08:59 PM
This must be almost the only forum that hasn't banned you kwik. Yet.

03-22-2010, 09:11 PM
Like I said Kwik whatever works for you. You won't get and argument from me even if your were aloud to carry. Lets just agree that we disagree and hope we never have to find out.

mr surveyor
03-22-2010, 10:46 PM
This must be almost the only forum that hasn't banned you kwik. Yet.

Raoul....you made me look.....wow, what an interesting read one can find with a bit of google-foo

Thanks for the heads up... I may need it on "another forum" some day;)


03-23-2010, 06:38 AM
Thanks for the heads-up on kwikrnu...interesting.

Open carry? Why make LE nervous? IMO your just bust'in their chops and you need to get a life.

03-23-2010, 07:13 AM
I grew up in Phoenix, Az and there open carry is about your only option. A CWP is very hard to come by. As a youth I didn't think about it one way or the other. It depends on what you are used to and what those around you tolerate well. I think if all states had open carry as an option for everyone, felons and the like aside, we'd all get used to it a lot quicker.

I'm not so sure that the LEO thing is a good argument. If it is the law and they are paranoid about legal behavior, then constant and obvious experiences to the contrary would only help them adjust to reality.

I'm not saying that anyone should change their opinion or behavior, just a different viewpoint.

03-23-2010, 10:21 AM
I grew up in Phoenix, Az and there open carry is about your only option. A CWP is very hard to come by. As a youth I didn't think about it one way or the other. It depends on what you are used to and what those around you tolerate well. I think if all states had open carry as an option for everyone, felons and the like aside, we'd all get used to it a lot quicker.

I'm not so sure that the LEO thing is a good argument. If it is the law and they are paranoid about legal behavior, then constant and obvious experiences to the contrary would only help them adjust to reality.

I'm not saying that anyone should change their opinion or behavior, just a different viewpoint.

I think you need to put yourself in LEO shoes. (I'm not LEO but I work with them, I'm a civilian puke so you don't have to salute me) Most LEO's are not anti gun, but at the same time they don't want to see them in their daily duties. The hard thing is telling who is a good guy and who is a bad guy, alot like over in the sand box, everybody looks the same. LEO's live and go home at end of shift by being paranoid. Be kind, be nice, have a plan to kill everyone you meet. That's paranoid. In some respects open carry would be a good thing as you say once everyone got used to it, they would see who's carrying a gun, bad guys would still hide so no gain there, but why stir the pot? I've had guys say it's legal to walk thru a grocery store with a loaded shotgun slung on my back. Technically it might be but plan on lots and lots of police contact everywhere you go to discuss your intentions and clarify your a good guy or a bad guy. Just some food for thought feeble as it might be.

03-23-2010, 12:06 PM
some states like wisconsin(where i live) cc is not legal. the only way to carry legally is open carry, i dont like it, ive done it and do it,but and a big but is knowing what cities/town/villages countys wont give you trouble,ecept for running a check on you, which to me is not trouble. oc is the only way in wis. and the police are getting ALOT better about it.hopefully sometime soon this will change (doyle is not running again) bc i dont like it. but also ive went through wal-mart a few times (bought ammo there) kwik trips pharmacy quit a few places and NO ONE even noticed there to busy going from a to b to notice.but when i do oc i just dont feel right, im a law abiding person(for the most part :) ) but im not going to hurt anyone when i oc so im definantle not going to hurt someone when i cc, i guess what no one knows wont hurt them :)

03-23-2010, 12:10 PM
and i can see leo feeling uneasy about poeple oc'ing, but do you really think a criminal/felon is going to walk into,well anywhere oc'ing there going to walk in shooting,or have it conceled, there not going to have a gun visibly on there hip just asking police to stop them run there name and get them convicted of felon with a gun.

03-23-2010, 12:34 PM
Agreed. Most of the people I run into who OC in a public place have an agenda. This does nothing positive for responsible gun owners. It almost always comes off as an egotistical cowboy attitude.

one is just asking for issues doing that. I just seen a clip on TV last week and then an article in the Wall Street Journal of people pushing the envelope at Starbucks which has non restrictions on OC. It showed people in mass at this one starbucks with OC.

Now It is putting starbucks on the spot to, for they want to abide by state laws but they are also business people and if we flaunt that OC stuff in people faces that don't understand it, then you can bet you will see a policy change at Starbucks. It is called survival.

Just makes no damn sense to OC, whether it is lawful or not. A business also has a write to disallow OC, and then we get all pissed over it and come to find out that normally it is the gun owners themselves who have pressed the issued, ...

03-23-2010, 12:44 PM
and i can see leo feeling uneasy about poeple oc'ing, but do you really think a criminal/felon is going to walk into,well anywhere oc'ing there going to walk in shooting,or have it conceled, there not going to have a gun visibly on there hip just asking police to stop them run there name and get them convicted of felon with a gun.

Your correct in some respect. But to LE it's really not good guy with gun, bad guy with gun, it's just gun. Gun = threat. Criminals don't do well as light houses. You'd be surprised how many are pulled over everyday for incredibly stupid minor infractions. OR doing the same thing over and over again. In a small town do they think the same cops that pulled them over yesterday for no license isn't gonna remember them and their POS car?
Mr Jocko is also correct, why push it. Why add 45 minutes to a 10 minute walk thru town so you can allow talking to 4 officers who want to see if your a good guy cause the little old lady down the street is in a panic that your on the way to her post office. Just not worth it. For the guys that think OC deters crime, like the flat tire story, that's true too. The man made it OC when he took off his jacket. It could have been concealed before. Jacket off, open carry, message sent to BG, your move. I think I'll keep mine under wraps.

03-23-2010, 12:47 PM
one is just asking for issues doing that. I just seen a clip on TV last week and then an article in the Wall Street Journal of people pushing the envelope at Starbucks which has non restrictions on OC. It showed people in mass at this one starbucks with OC.

Now It is putting starbucks on the spot to, for they want to abide by state laws but they are also business people and if we flaunt that OC stuff in people faces that don't understand it, then you can bet you will see a policy change at Starbucks. It is called survival.

Just makes no damn sense to OC, whether it is lawful or not. A business also has a write to disallow OC, and then we get all pissed over it and come to find out that normally it is the gun owners themselves who have pressed the issued, ...
i know like i said i dont like it and really never do it anymore, but i kinda worry when and if cc bc your not supposed/illegal to but like i said what know one knows wont hurt, i dont cc but im thinking about it who would know, wis. sucks

03-23-2010, 01:29 PM
i know like i said i dont like it and really never do it anymore, but i kinda worry when and if cc bc your not supposed/illegal to but like i said what know one knows wont hurt, i dont cc but im thinking about it who would know, wis. sucks

I think you nailed it. Who's gonna know. Laws that make sense I try to follow, laws that don't I normally tend to tweak just a tad when I feel it's important enough. More and more are falling into the second category.

03-23-2010, 01:38 PM
Good point jbaker....I don't open carry except during hunting trips to south Georgia and the folks in that rural area don't even notice, Almost every pickup has a rifle rack with weapons in open view, even AR15 rifles but I live in Atlanta where there is at least 1 murder everyday so I leagally conceal carry everywhere I go...I ride MARTA which is our light rail transit system and am always armed concealed and wouldn't feel safe if I were not....The law was changed July 1 2009 to allow legal open carry of a firearm on a MARTA train or in a station if you have a permit...Last October 2009 Christopher Raissi was in a rail station with a pistol in plain view and was arrested by MARTA police and relieved of his weapon and detained for several hours even though he showed the officer his valid permit...He was made to show several other forms of ID and even forced to give them his social security number...After he went through a backround check and questioned as to why he needed a pistol on MARTA property he was released and given his gun back...This gentleman is a member of GeorgiaCarry.org which fights for gun owner rights in our state...They filed suit against MARTA and after a long drawn out trial won a judgement of $1000 dollars but the cost of the lawsuit was many times more than that so IMHO Mr. Raissi came out on the short end of the whole deal even though he won the case so to me unless you are trying to prove a point, it's much easier and less trouble to carry concealed....Interestingly enough after the case was settled a newspaper reporter who had a permit tried the same thing to see what reaction people gave him...He strapped on a Beretta 92 in open sight and no matter where he went nobody said anything or even seemed to notice even on a MARTA train.......

03-23-2010, 01:38 PM
i know like i said i dont like it and really never do it anymore, but i kinda worry when and if cc bc your not supposed/illegal to but like i said what know one knows wont hurt, i dont cc but im thinking about it who would know, wis. sucks

I understand how you feel, but I'd think seriously about what you do.

03-23-2010, 01:45 PM
I understand how you feel, but I'd think seriously about what you do.
i do take it seriously, but i never, never get patted down bc i DONT get into trouble.

03-23-2010, 01:48 PM
shi$ if i had to god forbid use it, ill pull out my holster and wear it oc crossdraw. but if i did have to use my gun and i saved the lives of my family ,or strangers for that matter i dont think id really give a shi# how i carried my gun. charge or not

03-23-2010, 01:49 PM
shi$ if i had to god forbid use it, ill pull out my holster and wear it oc crossdraw. but if i did have to use my gun and i saved the lives of my family ,or strangers for that matter i dont think id really give a shi# how i carried my gun. charge or not
of im using my pocket holster i guess im screwed:)

03-23-2010, 02:06 PM
of im using my pocket holster i guess im screwed:)

You'll most likely be screwed anyhow, perish the thought. The important thing is to come out the winner and save innocent life and live to enjoy the screwing. There's sheep and there's sheepdogs. Take your choice.

Note- these are my own views and I don't want to influence you to do bad things that you wouldn't do on your own. Does that make sense? Didnt think so either.

03-23-2010, 02:12 PM
im 30 i make my own decisions ,kinda

03-23-2010, 02:44 PM
im 30 i make my own decisions ,kinda

I was 30 once:( I shudder to think of the possibilities if I could be 30 again. Don't waste it my friend.

03-23-2010, 03:39 PM
Let me added a little fuel to the fire to a topic that's been beat to death way to many times. How many of you know LEO's who carry there backup/off duty gun exposed? I personally don't know one. If there not allowed to by Dep't policy, why do you think that is?

03-23-2010, 03:53 PM
Let me added a little fuel to the fire to a topic that's been beat to death way to many times. How many of you know LEO's who carry there backup/off duty gun exposed? I personally don't know one. If there not allowed to by Dep't policy, why do you think that is?
sorry dont know ,dont care, its the only LEGAL option in wis.

03-23-2010, 03:57 PM
i know like i said i dont like it and really never do it anymore, but i kinda worry when and if cc bc your not supposed/illegal to but like i said what know one knows wont hurt, i dont cc but im thinking about it who would know, wis. sucks

have carried for over 48 years, concealed 24/7, in states where I was not allowed. Screw it, do what you feel is best. I just made up my mind years ago after being armed robbed in my gun business that I will never be a victim again. I have set with many police officers and drank coffee with my J frame or my PM9 in my front pocket, never to be noticed by them. Common sense goes a long way. If a cop pulls u over for speeding, he is not interested to see that you have a gun in ur pocket or in the glove box. Take the ticket and drive on. It is not wether we have the right to carry OC, but does it make sense to do so???I just think not..

again everyone has to make his own decision. If you OC legally, just be prepapred to be challenged ALOT..

03-23-2010, 04:29 PM
have carried for over 48 years, concealed 24/7, in states where I was not allowed. Screw it, do what you feel is best. I just made up my mind years ago after being armed robbed in my gun business that I will never be a victim again. I have set with many police officers and drank coffee with my J frame or my PM9 in my front pocket, never to be noticed by them. Common sense goes a long way. If a cop pulls u over for speeding, he is not interested to see that you have a gun in ur pocket or in the glove box. Take the ticket and drive on. It is not wether we have the right to carry OC, but does it make sense to do so???I just think not..

again everyone has to make his own decision. If you OC legally, just be prepapred to be challenged ALOT..

Common sense, my favorite word! Too bad everyone is so intent on being sheep and having common sense removed from the vocabulary. Same as not being allowed to carry at work. Our policy is no non comissioned staff are allowed to have a gun on campus. I'm swearing you all to secrecy here zip your lips. I carry two as in plural gun's. They allow me to carry my belt gun in the building and lock it in a safe at my desk. Every one is warm and fuzzy, it's so safe. Access in under 2 seconds with a shot timer and if I'm away from my desk, the ankle gun will have to do. I have access to 40 AR15's, 10 or more Glock 21's at any given time and a pickup load of ammo. Any common sense here? Me thinks not.:der:

Little Dragon
03-23-2010, 05:07 PM
Living in Nevada we can open carry, I also have my ccw permit. It is nice as some here have said to not worry about being busted if your gun becomes exposed by accident! But there is a fine line between what an unsuspecting non-gun loving citizen considers an accident and "brandishing". Believe me we have more than our share of those "Californians" around now, being so close to a liberal state sucks!

I'll tell you one thing though I have been to numerous weddings here where every one was open carrying! They call that a cowboy wedding! Talk about shiny silver guns everywhere, it's a site to see.

But who wants to be harassed by the police when your just going to the store for groceries! I only open carry when hiking or hunting or out plinkin' in the hills, or at a cowboy wedding! I like life to be easy!

Just my 2 cents.

03-23-2010, 05:51 PM
I'm kind of paranoid about someone snatching my CCW while in public... and that's while concealed. Open carry makes that real easy for someone to snatch it and use it on you. I'm very conscious about protecting my CCW from bumping into others. I've seen too many reports of cops and bailiffs being disarmed by someone snatching their weapons!:eek:

03-23-2010, 07:25 PM
I'm kind of paranoid about someone snatching my CCW while in public... and that's while concealed. Open carry makes that real easy for someone to snatch it and use it on you. I'm very conscious about protecting my CCW from bumping into others. I've seen too many reports of cops and bailiffs being disarmed by someone snatching their weapons!:eek:

would that be the same as "taking without ones permission":p:der:

03-24-2010, 10:06 AM
sorry dont know ,dont care, its the only LEGAL option in wis.

If open carry is your only legal option in Wisconcin, then I guess you don't have much of a choice then do you. I'm just glad I have the choice living in Pa.

03-24-2010, 10:44 AM
Open carry is also legal here in Michigan and we do see people exercising that right from time to time but IMHO it only draws a lot of attention to that person and that is the last thing that I want. I have no issues with others open carrying but I don't my self unless I am out in the boonies 4 wheeling and doing my nature photography or fishing on a secluded stream. I much prefer the tactical advantage that conceal carry gives me.

What he said!!! Except here in Indiana.:behindsofa:

03-24-2010, 12:29 PM
It have never heard of it happening to a regular person. Law enforcement usually stands between inprisonment and freedom. That, plus there is a general dislike for cops among criminals. Open carry by the average joe is a visible deterent to crime. Concealed carry is not visible and therefore less of a deterent.

I think geography would have a large impact on open carry versus concealed. Having come from the great state of Missouri geographical center of the United States of America I can say first hand that things that wouldn't be worth noting in rural Missouri would cause a SWAT call out in Seattle. Has alot to do with common sense or lack there of. Density of left leaning liberals, and just plain over abundance of sheep waiting for whatever life has planned for them but that's another discussion. You being from the patron state of shooting stuff are in the same situation. I think open carrying while sometimes being a deterrent can also create an unnecessary confrontation, certainly with LE but with civilians also. While I agree that it should be everyones right to open carry, I don't think it helps the gun owners cause in trying to create harmony with the sheep. I do agree that it would be a deterent, not only to crime but friendship, and popularity. If I see you walking through a store with a gun on your hip, I'm staying away from you and getting out of dodge asap. But I respect your right to do what you think is best for you. I wouldn't call the cops but I wouldn't hang around either.

03-24-2010, 01:22 PM
I go to a mall maybe once a year. I like watching the lightly dressed young women, and getting the exercise more than spending too much for stuff, but they have those big stores with the long walks between and all of those little expensive shops. All of the mall guards I've seen are not carrying any firearms and the heaviest thing they have is a walkie-talkie. That might help you in a foxhole if you're calling down arty on the enemy, but for accosting misbehaving teen gang-wannabees or real gangsta's, you've got to be kidding. Most of the real punks are probably carrying Glocks... maybe the ones who aren't holding up their pants.
I feel pretty good about being armed (CCW) and I walk briskly and sometimes have to cross to the other side of the walkway to get around some of these wannabees strutting along slowly in groups of four to ten. It's amusing to watch them trying to act "bada$$" and keep their pants up to the point where they are just about to fall down again -- most just use one hand to keep their pants in place. It's hard not to laugh, but I'm happy that I think I can protect myself better than depending on the unarmed mall "cops".
If the only way I could carry was openly, I would feel like Steve Martin in that Lonely Guy comedy where he goes into a restaurant and suddenly there's a spotlight on him, singling him out as alone. I don't want the attention and want to be unobtrusive.
I like the "walk softly and carry a big stick"... just not openly and confrontational.

03-24-2010, 03:33 PM
Here's my two cents on Mall security. My brother in law, a good guy who I like alot is like an executive or something with a security company that provides those mall security guys to malls. I've argued with him numerous times that they are not effective without a means to fight IE- gun.
He pointed out to me that Mall security guards are for loss prevention. They are a visual deterent and trained to be good witness's and their job is to watch for problems and report in so POLICE can take necessary action. He pointed out that the majority are kids right out of high school or retired guys barely this side of needing a walker to get around. The pay is not good. Most are cop wannabes or were cops and wish they still were but can't for whatever reason. Judgement is often times questionable. He gave this example. I don't recall the location, it wasn't near us but a mall. A very young armed guard (different company) was called to check out a suspicious person, dont recall the details. Followed subject into restroom where subject entered a stall. Guard ordered subject to come out and speak with him. No response from subject. Frustrated guard drew weapon gave final order to come out and discharged 4 rounds thru the door, all striking male subject who was in the middle of having a heart attack prior to the previous events, which is apparently what made him appear suspicious. I guess my point in this diatribe is that mall security isnt there to protect Wyn while he's watching scantily clad girls from ganger holding their pants up. They are a visual deterent to shoplifting and paid eyes and ears for police.:7:

03-24-2010, 03:58 PM
Mall guard in terre haute, Ind carry's..

remind me to never go to the bathroom there though..

03-24-2010, 04:50 PM
Mall guard in terre haute, Ind carry's..

remind me to never go to the bathroom there though..

We have both out here, armed and un armed, course I can't remember the last time I went to a mall. All those scantily clad young girls. Sinful, just sinful.:7:

03-24-2010, 04:59 PM
Jeez... I hope that mall guard got a stern talking to!:rolleyes: I hate going to public restrooms like that and I damn sure don't use the urinals! Besides a "bashful bladder" syndrome and maybe prostrate problems that I can't get going quickly, I don't want to be so vulnerable that someone could come up and slam my head into the wall and rob me!:eek: That kind of crap happens and you are too vulnerable, and it's hard to do your business looking over your shoulder and worrying about that kind of stuff. Situational awareness is hard to maintain if you put yourself in such a vulnerable and indefensible position.:eek:

03-24-2010, 05:42 PM
Jeez... I hope that mall guard got a stern talking to!:rolleyes: I hate going to public restrooms like that and I damn sure don't use the urinals! Besides a "bashful bladder" syndrome and maybe prostrate problems that I can't get going quickly, I don't want to be so vulnerable that someone could come up and slam my head into the wall and rob me!:eek: That kind of crap happens and you are too vulnerable, and it's hard to do your business looking over your shoulder and worrying about that kind of stuff. Situational awareness is hard to maintain if you put yourself in such a vulnerable and indefensible position.:eek:

though the BG would be :cheer2:in deep sh-t as you have your hands on your weapon

03-24-2010, 05:45 PM
Here's my two cents on Mall security. My brother in law, a good guy who I like alot is like an executive or something with a security company that provides those mall security guys to malls. I've argued with him numerous times that they are not effective without a means to fight IE- gun.
He pointed out to me that Mall security guards are for loss prevention. They are a visual deterent and trained to be good witness's and their job is to watch for problems and report in so POLICE can take necessary action. He pointed out that the majority are kids right out of high school or retired guys barely this side of needing a walker to get around. The pay is not good. Most are cop wannabes or were cops and wish they still were but can't for whatever reason. Judgement is often times questionable. He gave this example. I don't recall the location, it wasn't near us but a mall. A very young armed guard (different company) was called to check out a suspicious person, dont recall the details. Followed subject into restroom where subject entered a stall. Guard ordered subject to come out and speak with him. No response from subject. Frustrated guard drew weapon gave final order to come out and discharged 4 rounds thru the door, all striking male subject who was in the middle of having a heart attack prior to the previous events, which is apparently what made him appear suspicious. I guess my point in this diatribe is that mall security isnt there to protect Wyn while he's watching scantily clad girls from ganger holding their pants up. They are a visual deterent to shoplifting and paid eyes and ears for police.:7:

Ahh Mall Ninjas.

Here, have some fun.

Shrine of the Mall Ninja » LonelyMachines (http://lonelymachines.org/mall-ninjas/)

03-25-2010, 09:57 AM
When I grow up I wanna be a Mall Ninja....Correction, make that Mall God....At my local strip mall they issue us RPG's and for parking lot patrol we have several M1 Abrams tanks so we can just crush those commie dope smoking skateboard losers..... Love those stories LMAO...:p

03-25-2010, 12:22 PM
Man, I hope all of that Mall Ninja crap was imagination! I've kind of fantasized about being a cop, but my philosophy leans toward Dirty Harry and very much toward Charles Bronson's Death Wish character. Hopefully, I'll never have to take on that role for some kind of vengeance!
I'm not big or a bada$$, but even as a child, I picked on the bullies... not kicking their butts, just causing them a lot of grief. One of my favorite tactics in the 3rd grade was to piss one off and get him to chase me. I'd let him get close and then drop and roll into a ball and trip him badly in front of the other kids, then dance around laughing until he got up, and then repeat until he tired or recess was over. I never really had any "fights" but I would use whatever was handy to even things up or give me an edge. Fighting "fair" is BS if you're gonna get your butt kicked and injured.
I'm a "bada$$" philosopher/fighter... mostly talk, 'cause I haven't been provoked enough... and I hope things stay that way.:hippie:

03-25-2010, 12:26 PM
My mall security story was second hand true story. Hardly believable but its true. Part of my ongoing arguement with the brother in law over trying to protect something without the means.
I do like the idea of M1's patroling the parking lots, that's where the bulk of the crime occurs.
I always wanted to be a cop (or the rodeo clown) but I'll just have to be content in my Charles Bronson role.

03-25-2010, 12:59 PM
Yep... it was like looking in a mirror... CB, not the MN.:p

I read a lot, and still do, but one of the writers that I had access to before I was a teenager, was Zane Gray. In this one early America setting series, there was a good guy kind of like Daniel Boone... just not quite the legendary hero. He was a real do-gooder, though, and he was always chasing after this blood-thirsty, psychopathic half-breed renegade Named "Simon Girty"... not real sure about the name, but this guy was really bad, raping, killing, robbing settlers and burning their stuff to the ground after torturing the settlers to death. The hero caught up with the bad guy numerous times and always let the bad guy talk him into fighting "fair" and not just dropping him with a bullet. It usually went something like the good guy has finally got the bad one at gun point and lays down his rifle to fight "fair" whereupon the bad guy whips out a hidden gun against the good guy's knife or knife against bare hands. The bad guy always escaped this way, usually leaving the good guy next to dead. After one such encounter, the bad guy killed his wife and child or children and burned his home to the ground after the rape and torture.
I got so f'ing frustrated over the "good guy's" idiocy that I was screaming at the pages of those books... yes, this same crap went on book after book -- the same good and bad guy. I still get so frustrated about movies and I scream to shoot and not talk, and don't listen to the bad guy. Every time someone trips up a bad guy and leaves him alive to get up in a few seconds and continue the chase, usually with the weapon that the victim could have picked up and ended the ordeal, I'm screaming at the TV -- finish it/him off... head shot, damnit... 2 or 3 or empty the gun!

The latest insanity is about a private firm protecting a ship attacked twice by the same bunch of pirates... and FINALLY, one of the pirates was killed. Now all of the hysteria is about "private firms" being the problem and this death has to be fully investigated!
I personally feel if pirates attack a ship, they should be blown out of the water or shot to hell and left to sink, unless they ran when confronted with armed guards and got out of range. The military ought to just blow them out of the water if they act like pirates. It's BS to just take their weapons and let them go!
That's the U.N. approach... don't arm crews or have guards, just surrender... much like their gun-control plan for the world -- disarm the good guys and allow the U.N. to be your protector... even in the U.S.A.!:eek:

03-25-2010, 01:04 PM
I read that article to. WTF is the matter with these people. Theya re pi8rates, they tried to invade a private ship in international waters. That shipping company ought to tell who ever it is to Go f--k themselves. Now we give Pirates "rights". just makes no sense. Surely that won't go anywhere in the judicial department.... I guess it wolud have bene Ok for a frigate to load up on that pirate boats but not a hired gun protecting a private owned ship. Oh my what next. Put Bawanna on one of those ships. He will take care of that crap in a hear beat..
Time to take my meds. been on here to long today..

03-25-2010, 01:07 PM
I read that article to. WTF is the matter with these people. Theya re pi8rates, they tried to invade a private ship in international waters. That shipping company ought to tell who ever it is to Go f--k themselves. Now we give Pirates "rights". just makes no sense. Surely that won't go anywhere in the judicial department.... I guess it wolud have bene Ok for a frigate to load up on that pirate boats but not a hired gun protecting a private owned ship. Oh my what next. Put Bawanna on one of those ships. He will take care of that crap in a hear beat..
Time to take my meds. been on here to long today..

Thank you. Yuppers, I'm your man (well half man) Me got no use for pirates matey!:86:

03-25-2010, 01:11 PM
That exact thing is happening in VA mr surveyor. I find more and more stores with the NO FIREARMS ALLOWED sign.

mr surveyor
03-25-2010, 01:51 PM
That exact thing is happening in VA mr surveyor. I find more and more stores with the NO FIREARMS ALLOWED sign.

I'm certain that would be exactly what would happen in Texas as soon as the open carry crowd started flaunting their newly recognized "right". At that point, the business/property owners would have no recourse but to exercise their rights as private property owners and legally post their property in order to appease the sensitivities of the larger majority of patrons. I would guess that the vast majority of business owners aren't aware that many of their patrons may be legally carrying into their facilities, right past the "improper signs" (that are not legally sufficient to prohibit licensed concealed carry) they have posted.

As a small business owner myself, I hold private property rights in very high regard, and recognize that any business owner should have the right to restrict certain activities on their property. I have my own ideas of how things could, or would be structured in what I personally would see as ideal conditions, but under current law recognizing private and personal property rights those that carry firearms would end up with very limited freedom of movement if open carry was legalized in Texas.


03-25-2010, 01:57 PM
SURVEYOR; u are dead on target. Sometimes we tend to step on our own toes.. I sold guns for 40 years and in Indiana CCW permits are plentiful but I never liked it when a fella would walk into my business with open carry. I just felt no need to see that and I know most of my customers to know who was CCW to but that never bothered me nor my customers either for they did not know..

Common sense just goes a long way and if we want to screw the starbucks position up big time, just start OPEN CARRYING in thier places and we will soon to see signs going up..

03-25-2010, 02:02 PM
SURVEYOR; u are dead on target. Sometimes we tend to step on our own toes.. I sold guns for 40 years and in Indiana CCW permits are plentiful but I never liked it when a fella would walk into my business with open carry. I just felt no need to see that and I know most of my customers to know who was CCW to but that never bothered me nor my customers either for they did not know..

Common sense just goes a long way and if we want to screw the starbucks position up big time, just start OPEN CARRYING in thier places and we will soon to see signs going up..

Agree with both of ya.

03-25-2010, 04:02 PM
Agree with both of ya.

Agree with both of ya.

now were in trouble:19:

03-25-2010, 04:37 PM
I agree 100% with your thinking Surv. Kind of like cutting your nose off to spite your face. In search of more freedoms we'll actually end up with less. Many people are uncomfortable around guns, so why jam it in there face. I'm quite certain I go allot of places where people or business owners would not be to happy knowing that I'm CC in there establishment, but with them not knowing it's a non issue. Hell half the people I'm in there with don't know. Why should they. Concealed means concealed.

03-25-2010, 05:25 PM
Open carry in large urban public places is not particularly a smart move, IMO. Why aggravate the timid anyway? It serves real no useful purpose except to make our community look like a bunch of Clint Eastwood wannabes or mall ninjas - again, my opinion. It might be an entirely different situation in small towns in the South & SW.

Free speech in the form of these loudmouth yakkers on cellphones in a restaurant is pefectly constitutional too, but we all know what most of the public thinks of those nimrods.

I'll keep my PDD concealed, thank you.

04-09-2010, 09:44 AM
I must agree unless you are in the bush or working on some land, the CC is the way to go. But as TX law reads a handgun MUST be concealed unless it is being used in an activity were it is common and recognized to carry openly, i.e. fishing, hunting, or working a farm etc. Technically, you can also carry openly on your private property, but like walking down the street with that AR or shotgun not a good idea. This may also be done here as long as the weapon is not displayed in a manner to cause alarm, or in a threatening manner. Rule of thumb around these parts is conceal it, case the long guns and keep them out of sight.

mr surveyor
04-09-2010, 11:05 PM
I don't think "fishing" falls into the category of open carry handgun shooting sports, although I do know of a couple of (unnamed) guys that tried to dispatch a 12 foot gar with KelTec pistols on a (unnamed) river in the afore mentioned state after a 45 minute battle on ultra light tackle....I think there are even pictures somewhere. Since the monster gar isn't really visible in the pics, but the "sportsmen" are visible, the pics will remain archived;)

By the way, ballistically speaking, neither .32 acp nor .380 acp has enough energy through 6-8 inches of water to effectively penetrate half dollar sized gar scales:eek:


04-10-2010, 07:29 AM
In PA we can open carry, but I wouldn't do it unless I have time to kill...cuz the cops would be hasseling you, questioning you and doing everything they can to discourage you from open carrying. I can understand it to a point. It does alarm some people and then they get called and have to check out the situation when they have better things to do. I always CC. I don't want bgs to know I'm carrying. I want it to be a BIG surprise.

04-10-2010, 08:43 AM
I'm torn on this one buy my gut feeling is that if Texas ever went to an open carry policy I'd still conceal just for the sake of not wanting to draw attention. Like some mentioned earlier I also would want the advantage of people not knowing until the situation deemed it necessary.

04-10-2010, 11:15 AM
My work clothes consist of blue jeans and a polo type shirt with our law enforcement logo (embroidered LE badge). I carry the CW9 or a M&P 40 in a Fobus hoster with a badge clipped to my pants next to my handgun and I'm still uncomfortable carrying open in the public.

04-10-2010, 11:44 AM
My work clothes consist of blue jeans and a polo type shirt with our law enforcement logo (embroidered LE badge). I carry the CW9 or a M&P 40 in a Fobus hoster with a badge clipped to my pants next to my handgun and I'm still uncomfortable carrying open in the public.

The plain clothes guys in my department always seem to put a jacket or something on when they are going to be any place for any length of time. In a restaurant or something they cover up or sit strategically. I think it's something about showing all your cards or something. The uniforms of course are just the opposite, they would look strange without the gun. The badge helps immensely but there's lot of people out there that just don't grasp the concept of wearing a gun. Why stir em up.

04-10-2010, 12:28 PM
Here in the deep south the temps run 85-100 with a near 100% humidity, it is very common to see detectives with their handguns showing. I'm retired LE, three years uniform and thirty years in detectives, so this practice is not new. I also put a 642 in my pocket when in a highly populated area instead of carrying open.

04-10-2010, 04:29 PM
Here in the deep south the temps run 85-100 with a near 100% humidity, it is very common to see detectives with their handguns showing. I'm retired LE, three years uniform and thirty years in detectives, so this practice is not new. I also put a 642 in my pocket when in a highly populated area instead of carrying open.

even though u can open carry, u IMO are using ur head. Why draw unneeded attention.:third:

04-10-2010, 07:28 PM
open carry in public is not for me don,t want the attention carry concealed and keep to myself

04-11-2010, 08:26 PM
My concealed carry instructor had a great point about this. He strongly advised against letting anyone know you are carrying because it could easily be used against you ... For example, if someone had a beef with you - they could accuse you of "pulling a gun on them" - and even if you didn't (of course), you would have little ground to stand on. Best just to keep it concealed, and hopefully no one else will ever have to find out you are carrying.

04-12-2010, 06:45 AM
Let me say this, I read a story on the net. How true it is a do not know. Take it for what it is.
The story went that a guy comming home from work with a, This Truck protected by S&W sticker on the back window of his pickup got into a small traffic beef with another motorist. The other motorist saw the sticker and was so pissed that he called the cops and told them that the guy in the pickup was waving a gun around. The cops eventually stopped the pickup and the guy did infact have a gun on him. According to the story the guy never did wave the gun but was charged just the same. Lost his right to carry. Is this story true? It could be, or it could be BS. Like I said take it for what it is. Either way letting someone know something about you that they do not need to know could be very troublesome to you. Nice to have a choice though. :)

04-12-2010, 06:54 AM
My concealed carry instructor had a great point about this. He strongly advised against letting anyone know you are carrying because it could easily be used against you ... For example, if someone had a beef with you - they could accuse you of "pulling a gun on them" - and even if you didn't (of course), you would have little ground to stand on. Best just to keep it concealed, and hopefully no one else will ever have to find out you are carrying.
Seems like anyone with a concealed carry permit is at risk for anonymous or untrue complaints. Seems like there should be a credible witness to back up the story for the state to act by taking away CCW privileges. I vaguely remember the 'innocent until proven guilty' concept.

04-12-2010, 08:33 PM
Seems like anyone with a concealed carry permit is at risk for anonymous or untrue complaints. Seems like there should be a credible witness to back up the story for the state to act by taking away CCW privileges. I vaguely remember the 'innocent until proven guilty' concept.

Agreed. And I'd fight it like he-- if it ever happened to me. But just like you can basically get sued for pretty much anything, you can also get accused of pretty much anything. Who knows how long and how much $$ some knucklehead could cost you by making a ridiculous accusation. So I feel I'm best served by doing whatever I can to not let anyone know I'm carrying, and not give them any information to possibly use in an absurd way.

04-12-2010, 08:46 PM
Agreed. And I'd fight it like he-- if it ever happened to me. But just like you can basically get sued for pretty much anything, you can also get accused of pretty much anything. Who knows how long and how much $$ some knucklehead could cost you by making a ridiculous accusation. So I feel I'm best served by doing whatever I can to not let anyone know I'm carrying, and not give them any information to possibly use in an absurd way.
Unfortunately I bet that in most states the bureaucrats would be quick on the draw to revoke a license. You would probably need to show a specific need to carry to have a chance of fighting it and it would cost a lot! Ouch!!

04-13-2010, 05:00 PM
Oh I'd fight like hell to if it was me, But you have to ask yourself what put the idea in the guys head to begin with. You never know, someone who is totally against guns could do the same thing to any one of us at any time.
There's allot of wacko's out there who just love to stir the pot on others who do not think as they do.

04-13-2010, 06:47 PM
In my opinion open carry is a good thing. But there’s a time and place for it. If you do it right, dress nicely and don’t be the scary guy, be polite and courteous. The more the public see’s good people with guns and nothing happens the more they become use to seeing people with guns. This can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. It would take away a lot of the worry (am I printing? or opening your jacket, or worrying about someone seeing that I’m carrying a gun). But in the end I think I’m like the majority of you guys, I would still ware concealed, especially in large crowds where I can’t watch everyone. To make sure no one tries to take my gun.
Stay safe and keep your muzzle pointed down range
Proud NRA and TSRA member

04-13-2010, 07:37 PM
if u want to be challenged about every step of the way by authorities and even owners of business's indeed open carry. whether it your right our not, your gonna get challenged. I choose not to go that route. I really don't believe it will produce public acceptance either...

One can wear a T-shrt with the picture of Hitler on it and the caption I LOVE ADOLPH and u have that right but I would not think you would get to many people walking buy you and saying "Heh, nice shirt" ...

04-13-2010, 07:42 PM
Gotta go with you on this one Jocko, mr surveyor as well. I think that right now in the current climate, that what the good folks around me don't know, won't hurt them. Unless of course they mean to do me and my or those around me evil/harm.

04-13-2010, 11:15 PM
When taking my ccw training the subject of open or concealed came up. The LE told us to keep it concealed, the less people know what you have the better off you are.:popcorn:

04-14-2010, 06:31 AM
Discretion is the better part of valor.

04-15-2010, 02:27 PM
This is exactly what Mr. Surveyor was talking about, awareness spooks the locals State bill would end open-carry gun rights - SignOnSanDiego.com (http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/apr/15/state-bill-would-end-open-carry-gun-rights/)

04-16-2010, 09:06 PM
Concealed IMHO....

- I don't like undue attention
- I do like the element of surprise
- Out of respect for others who may be frightened I don't walk around like a cowboy

**However, I am not critisizing anyone who does carry open and I do like the freedom to do so**

04-17-2010, 05:03 AM
Sorry, but, open carry is nothing more then( LOOK AT ME I HAVE A GUN) and at this time and day Not a Good Idea, just keep it concealed, unless you want to be the first target the Bad Guy looks at. And I am Sorry to say, you look like a Joke to other Gun People.

04-17-2010, 08:20 AM
Ok those two videos are not FTW, they should be on Fail Blog... Those two need to make sure their idtentee (spell it short hand) forms are current and inspected.

04-17-2010, 08:37 AM
I have no problem with open carry. I occasionally open carry. The bottom line is discretion.
Using OC as a tool to possibly enrich yourself is detrimental to the 2A community. Individuals that go out of their way to be confrontational to defend their 2A rights may be well meaning but some of the methods used are just not too bright.
If in defending the right to bear arms one becomes an object of universal scorn by both sides, and causes the masses to think we are totally irresponsible gun toting idiots, then what is gained.
Doing things like carrying an AK into a state park (http://www.wsmv.com/news/22041597/detail.html) to promote 2A rights is an example of the wrong way to go about things.
Continuing actions this blatant will only serve our enemies.

04-17-2010, 08:39 AM
See Raoul makes a good point. And I have nothing against open carry, I don't see it as prudent right now. I like that thinking.

04-17-2010, 03:43 PM
If you go back to the western day (Not the Movies) you will find out that Guns had to checked in at Towns and Not worn, they were worn by Cowboys in the Range and Not in Town. Please Check this Out if in Doubt. Remember you have a right to Pass Gas AKA (Fart) but anyone with common sense know you do NOT do this in a Resturant. So just because you have a Right
common sense should come in. Just Conceal it and save yourself alot of problems and Not give the LIBs something to ***** at.

Just my 2%

04-17-2010, 04:12 PM
I just never thought of it like a "fart" but you got a damn good point. Next time I decide to let a far tin a restaurant, I will look to see if they have any signs up saying no gun, no farting.

As always common sense prevails over everything else..

good point

PS. I have a Indiana ccw permit but I am applying now for my ccw "fart" permit, in case I am challenged at a restaurant or church or mall. I want to be legal and not sneaky:banplease: Inormally don't worry to much about it when riding my Harley down the highway. It tends to get lost in the wind--so to say... Trust me, as one gets older in years, it is easier to "pass wind" than sometimes use common sense.:banplease:

mr surveyor
04-17-2010, 10:01 PM
one day when my wife insisted I make the trip to the grocery store with her, instead of hanging out at the gun shop, I grudgingly oblidged. While we were in a somewhat crowded aisle sorting through the bread, I cut loose a nice, but quiet SBD fart..... then blurted out, "WHEW...who did that?"

Funny thing.... she never asks me to go the the grocery store anymore:D


(did we get off topic?)

04-18-2010, 06:53 AM
Funny thing.... she never asks me to go the the grocery store anymore:D

(did we get off topic?)

Oddly, no. :D

04-18-2010, 02:15 PM
Wow 13 pages and we're not off topic yet... where's our chief thread hijackers? They must be remiss...