View Full Version : Factory recall ?

05-14-2012, 02:01 PM
My two Kahrs, a K-9 and a P-9 were bought mid to late 1990s and early 2000 respectfully.

I understand that its been a while and we have all slept a bit since then, but I distincly remember a kinda-sorta recall for one of them. Can't remember which it was.

The part in question was the horizontal crosspin of the slide lock/release/take down. That cross pin was actually a roller.

The part was shipped back to Kahr on their nickle and when the 'new' part arrived, it was a solid, as opposed to a free wheeling, crosspin.

There was also factory notice relating to 'tight' chamber that might affect chambering of reloaded or non-std ammunition.

I didn't dream this up, but the gent at the other end of the 'phone connection at Kahr was adamant that Kahr had never had any recalls.

Does anyone else have any recollection of these two issues?

Maybe, they were't recalls as such, but a suggested modification done at factory expense.



05-14-2012, 02:09 PM
none thaty I can call. I know they hgad a recall on sme of their PM98 barrels due to feed ramp needing polished but to my knowledge the barrels were never replaced. How do I know that. I have a -3 PM9 tha tI just bought and the serial # VAq fell into that 10K recall of the barrels. It was never a safety recall but a recall to enhance the feed ramp. Many owners never had any issues and there fore did inot send them in. I polished my feed ramp on mY 03 PM9 that I just traded for which pror to that my buddy owned it and it was perfect then to. I polished it as I did the prepping thread on this gun even though it was OK . I just wantedto go throughit properlyj. I contacted kahr and told them that I had polished the feed ramp and I see the gun (barrel) was in ths send back request. They said all they was doing back then and still today for ay barrel in that serial sequence was polsihing the feed ramp and being I had done that then just don't send it back. The is perfect, not a glitch.

Normally a recall is for a real safety issues, and if a new part replacement will take care of an issues, normally that is allthe comp[anies want back. Saltdog, I never heard of whatu stated but it indeed cold be "partially" true.
Off thing about gun recalls is tha tthere is no law mandating when a recall has to be made, unlike the auto industry etc. It is a compahy responsibi9lity and how they handle it is their baby "so to say"