View Full Version : American Handgunner July/August Digital Edition Ready To View

05-15-2012, 09:47 AM

http://www.fmgnews.com/HGJA12cvr.jpg (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001bcPMJca28IDnY4Rlm4OiBJcbQ6_NvjjrgeQOQS _cg_SP90TD77AKUBQdDpRnGviJguWDcyZ73Bf9zdi3P_stCqNr y41Z06c07Pd7nKMmUfFSrz4nNqKkPsLKQ9pn6WV4tkyp2D6GUc Z03yF56XQotiE9yLuDe6hO0kG3YC5i39RvPOfdc7S6PaDAOJ9x JE1Z)


05-15-2012, 04:29 PM
Already read my hardcopy cover to cover...:D

05-22-2012, 04:19 PM
This is a really good edition of American Handgunner as most are and IMHO one of the few gun magazine worth looking at...There is a great article on J.M. Browning and a museum in his home town of Ogden Utah...the author and the head guy from Cylinder & Slide were able to examine and take apart two of Brownings original design prototype .45 ACP pistols...One was something I had never seen or knew existed but is a beautiful pistol called the .45 Hammerless which looks like a baby Browning hammerless .25 on steroids...

The other pistol was the original 1911 design, one of a few made and distributed to the military for field testing and is called the 1910...It looks very much like a normal 1911 but doesn't have a slide safety but the military insisted that the gun have a slide safety and sear/trigger lock so as to be able to safely handle a cocked pistol...

I had always heard it the other way around and J.M. didn't want to have a grip safety but added it after the military requested it but the 1910 in the magazine has a grip safety...WOW can you imagine being able to examine and disassemble something the mastermind had hand made in his shop!!!!...Incredible article and pictures, well worth the price of the magazine...