View Full Version : wow what next

05-16-2012, 05:10 AM
I read now where they are trying their damdest to charge Zimmerman with A HATE CRIME, which is a death penalty..This is really now turing into vigilante justice:third:

05-16-2012, 05:14 AM
When the US Dept of Justice and it's Law Enforcement arm, the FBI are being used as a political tool, it's truly a sad day in America. Certainly not the first time this has happened with Presidents on either side of the political spectrum but it's still an abomination. No pun intended.

05-16-2012, 05:43 AM
I read now where they are trying their damdest to charge Zimmerman with A HATE CRIME, which is a death penalty..This is really now turing into vigilante justice:third:

There were people on this MB who were ready to throw Zimmerman overboard. Why does this move by Obama's DOJ surprise you? The only thing that the DOJ lacks is evidence.

05-16-2012, 05:57 AM
Some news orginazation took a poll and someone at Justice read said poll. They made note of the poll numbers in the correct voteing demographic and the fact that this will be a close election in Florida this year.
What did you think was going to happen after that.
I wish ol George had just waited on the Police...

Longitude Zero
05-16-2012, 05:59 AM
Sadly both sides of the aisle have used the DOJ as a hammer against what they found offensive. Odummers side has the worst track record of abusing the DOJ's mission.

05-16-2012, 11:48 AM
I think that only partially true since he's only 1/2 Caucasian and 1/2 Hispanic. = 1/2 a death penalty, no?

05-16-2012, 12:07 PM
I think that he's been MORE than PUNISHED enough already. His future is ruined and there will always be the chance that some inflamed radical... black, or otherwise, might kill him... even if he's found innocent and released, he'll always have to watch his back... and, probably, without the benefit of a CWP.


05-16-2012, 12:39 PM
Given his back ground of working with black children and advocating for justice for blacks I don't think that charge has a chance in hell.

05-16-2012, 12:43 PM
If it looks like none of the other charges have a chance of sticking, watch for the ever popular fed charge of tax evasion or mail fraud of some description.
They're not going to walk away empty handed and this guy will spend some time in the slammer.

05-16-2012, 12:57 PM
He did cross the street following Travon but didn't use a crosswalk so thats at least 15 to life right there!!!

05-16-2012, 12:58 PM
I must confess I initially slurped up the juicy press releases, and thought that Zimmerman deserved to fry. Turns out that liberal media bias struck again, and I am a little ashamed that I did not recognize the folly.

That said, Zimmerman made some mistakes, but it would appear that the only way to get him to jail is to trump up some phony charges. This whole thing has been a fascinating civics lesson to watch unfold.

05-16-2012, 01:05 PM
I worry more about whats going to happen if the jury finds him innocent or the judge throws the whole case out of court....You can bet it will be like someone busted open the hornets nest like a pinata...It going to be Rodney King II...

05-16-2012, 01:20 PM
Oh yeah that ccw permit was shredded.

05-16-2012, 01:28 PM
The Rodney King riots happened during Bush 41's term. The Army and National Guard were deployed. The Justice Dept was directed to investigate. Federal charges of Civil Rights violations were brought against the LAPD officers. Some convictions, some acquittals.

Anyone want to wager what actions if any the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave will take?

05-16-2012, 02:05 PM
I worry more about whats going to happen if the jury finds him innocent or the judge throws the whole case out of court....You can bet it will be like someone busted open the hornets nest like a pinata...It going to be Rodney King II...

I sure hope so:israel:

05-16-2012, 02:07 PM
Anyone want to wager what actions if any the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave will take?

He'll "act" like his opinion really matters just like he's been "acting" trying to look like a president for the last 4 years.

For the sake of CCW holders and our rights, the media needs to shut up and let the courts do their thing like they are suppose to.

05-16-2012, 02:19 PM
TINMAN, you did mean the tempoary illegal alien that is occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. didn't you??? :001_tt2: rasberries...
By the way all these new charges dispite the evidence of the injuries sustained during the struggle which was confirmed by the resent release by the doctors. Well Hell, lets not let factual evidence get in the way of justice now ...:rolleyes:
This has all the trappings of a circus on steroids. No matter what happens you can be sure that the Sh!t is going to hit the fan.

05-16-2012, 02:34 PM
The racist baiters/pimps/activists like Jackson and Sharpton won't be happy until there are riots like Watts... and the Lame Stream Media will be so happy that there's news to "report"... news they helped create with all of the sensationalim and in at least one instance where an audio clip was altered to make it sound like Zimmerman had brought up the race of the suspect... without being asked... which was a lie. It did not come up until the 911 operator asked for the race specifically and a description. The culprit was "fired" but probably got cudos and another valuable job in the "news service"... the All The News You Need To Know Lamestream Media... who's only too glad to inflame any situation with unsupported "facts" until called on their "sources".


05-16-2012, 02:44 PM
Keep a good supply of ammo...".

05-16-2012, 02:50 PM
The New Black Panthers were/are up here in Jacksonville trying to stir things up over Fire Department promotions. I haven't been catching the news and don't get the paper so I don't know how that's going. I think that they came up here after Sanford.

I noticed that I'm getting low on .380 FMJ and need to order some more. I think that I have more SD ammo than range ammo now.


les strat
05-16-2012, 03:08 PM
Any judge worth his salt would toss this case as it has been a CF from the getgo. The let him go without charges. Then, by popular demand, brought about murder II charges on the guy without any further evidence than what they had? Now, we find he had substantial signs of an assault, so now the DOJ want to throw hate crime at him? Sounds like guilty until proven innocent IMO. The media hung him outo fo the gate.

I don't see what the media and government wants besides stir up the public, cause riots, and create division in our country. Maybe that's what they are wanting to do - to activate the homeland security camps and utilize all the civil liberty-infringing acts that have came down the pipe in the last 10 years. It doesn't make sense to me otherwise.

Hunker down.

05-16-2012, 03:22 PM
agree but IMO no judge willever do that. they will let the juryt turn him loose, takes the head off of a judge. The right thing to do wold be throw the case out but again not gonna happen IMO: Just sayin

We have about a week ago in Indianapolis a 14 year old lback girl, stab to death her 4 year old cousin .. never seen Rev. Sharpton or Jesse J. over here in Indy wanting the death penalty or for that matter any blacks demonstrating for justice.

05-16-2012, 03:35 PM
Range ammo hurts too :)

05-16-2012, 03:53 PM
A few factoids - go google them yourself if you need to verify.

1. If the incident results in arrest and trial - Florida law's immunity from civil prosecution (with monetary payment to the prevailing plaintiff) is out the window - even if the defendant is acquitted. Florida law prohibits even arrest, until suitable probable cause is found. This case has been about the money, honey.

2. The Martin family's "lawyer" was not their lawyer, but gotten for them by another lawyer who went to him because of his ties to Rev. Al Sharpton.

3. Sharpton's office was the entity that "broke the case" to the UK news organizations, weeks after the incident occurred. They knew it would be sensationalized and re-emerge from the UK to the USA (some calculated risk involved), and that Sharpton's same office could act "shocked and distraught" over reading it in the UK newspapers.

4. The "lawyer" for the family started right in on the civil rights thing, and put forward the movement of "all we want is an arrest", under the purported guise of a "fair trail" being the family's only request. They knew that with no arrest, there would be no trial, and civil immunity would thus stand. They needed the arrest, then to move forward to trial.

5. They could not get the probable cause to be filed by Sanford PD, which refused on the facts known to them. So, it was the lawyer who contacted a 3rd party lobbiest to pressure the Governor to assign a special investigation - which surely had to find probable cause, for political reasons alone.

6. The family "lawyer" is now doing whatever it takes to distort the law, the facts, and public opinion, in order to go to trial. He could care less if he wins at trial. Remember, all he needs is a trial, not a win, to undo the civil immunity.

7. Once the family "lawyer" has civil immunity revoked, its open season on money - and their sights are not only set on Zimmerman, but on the community itself - as they have already stated.

05-16-2012, 04:45 PM
A few factoids - go google them yourself if you need to verify.

1. If the incident results in arrest and trial - Florida law's immunity from civil prosecution (with monetary payment to the prevailing plaintiff) is out the window - even if the defendant is acquitted. Florida law prohibits even arrest, until suitable probable cause is found. This case has been about the money, honey.

2. The Martin family's "lawyer" was not their lawyer, but gotten for them by another lawyer who went to him because of his ties to Rev. Al Sharpton.

3. Sharpton's office was the entity that "broke the case" to the UK news organizations, weeks after the incident occurred. They knew it would be sensationalized and re-emerge from the UK to the USA (some calculated risk involved), and that Sharpton's same office could act "shocked and distraught" over reading it in the UK newspapers.

4. The "lawyer" for the family started right in on the civil rights thing, and put forward the movement of "all we want is an arrest", under the purported guise of a "fair trail" being the family's only request. They knew that with no arrest, there would be no trial, and civil immunity would thus stand. They needed the arrest, then to move forward to trial.

5. They could not get the probable cause to be filed by Sanford PD, which refused on the facts known to them. So, it was the lawyer who contacted a 3rd party lobbiest to pressure the Governor to assign a special investigation - which surely had to find probable cause, for political reasons alone.

6. The family "lawyer" is now doing whatever it takes to distort the law, the facts, and public opinion, in order to go to trial. He could care less if he wins at trial. Remember, all he needs is a trial, not a win, to undo the civil immunity.

7. Once the family "lawyer" has civil immunity revoked, its open season on money - and their sights are not only set on Zimmerman, but on the community itself - as they have already stated.

Good points. I did not know. Once again someone wants money for nothing. They sure do not sererve one penny. There son brought it on himself. If anything Zimmerman should sue them:confused:. I know can't happen.

05-16-2012, 05:07 PM
I took care of that "need" quickly. SGAmmo.com has S&B for $225 a case and $15 shipping... or shipping for two cases is $25. I like deals and that's what I got... 2 cases shipped to the door for $11.99 a box of 50, including $4.50 for full insurance.

I've shot thousands of rounds of this stuff and it works fine... brass-cased, too!


05-16-2012, 05:51 PM
The DOJ should butt out.

Holder should be impeached.

les strat
05-16-2012, 08:16 PM
The DOJ should butt out.

Holder should be impeached.

More like imprisoned. Exiled to Antartica would be ok.

05-16-2012, 08:49 PM
I have the answer!!! buy more gun and ammo. The media reallyPPPPP me off, they are suppose to report the news not make it up. If the **** hits the fan the media should have to pay for ALL expenses!!
Lord!! All I want is the TRUTH!

The Politicians, and the media are worthless. Let's have someTRUTH.

05-17-2012, 07:25 AM
I was teaching a CCW class recently and was thinking about what message this case sends to folks who might be in a similar situation defending themselves. Do they now have to think "well this guy is white, so I can shoot him" or "this guy is black, so I have to die"? Do they now have to weigh the entire US government and mainstream media coming after them if they defend themselves? What a tragedy for future victims of violent crime.

05-17-2012, 08:46 AM
GOOD POINT, MAYBE WHEN jESSA j AND aL SHARPTON MEETY THEIR maker things will settle down more. those two gus IMO have done more to hurt the blackmovement than zimmerman oculd ever do: Just Sayin

05-17-2012, 09:02 AM
I was teaching a CCW class recently and was thinking about what message this case sends to folks who might be in a similar situation defending themselves. Do they now have to think "well this guy is white, so I can shoot him" or "this guy is black, so I have to die"? Do they now have to weigh the entire US government and mainstream media coming after them if they defend themselves? What a tragedy for future victims of violent crime.

I shudder to think how many good cops have died thinking these very same thoughts. PC correctness is a very dangerous thing.

05-17-2012, 10:56 AM
Ignatius Piazza wrote about a SD case where the victims were afraid to fire their weapons because the perps were black. But I guess they eventually decided to shoot rather than die.

05-17-2012, 11:32 AM
The sad thing is the way things work now you either die at the scene or you die in court with the reverends presiding.

les strat
05-17-2012, 11:37 AM
I don't know about you guys, but someone attacks me or my family, I don't care if they are pink and blue polkadot. No questions here.

05-17-2012, 12:23 PM
Case in Atlanta night before last...28 year old Mitt Lenix who is a white martial arts expert and well liked local entertainer who had car trouble and walked up to talk to 32 year old Quentric Shaymon Williams who is black to ask him for help and for no reason at all Quentric Shaymon Williams pulled a pistol and shot Mitt Lenix in the chest killing him instantly....No fight, no argument, nothing just dead bang....

So far there has been no comment from Jessie and Al aka "The Preacher Squad" and their followers, they must be busy this week....It only seems to matter to those two Men of the Cloth who is on what end of the gun and what color they are....Sometimes I just don't understand this world anymore, It really is No Country for Old Men....:confused:

Yogi 117
05-17-2012, 12:49 PM
Case in Atlanta night before last...28 year old Mitt Lenix who is a white martial arts expert and well liked local entertainer who had car trouble and walked up to talk to 32 year old Quentric Shaymon Williams who is black to ask him for help and for no reason at all Quentric Shaymon Williams pulled a pistol and shot Mitt Lenix in the chest killing him instantly....No fight, no argument, nothing just dead bang....

So far there has been no comment from Jessie and Al aka "The Preacher Squad" and their followers, they must be busy this week....It only seems to matter to those two Men of the Cloth who is on what end of the gun and what color they are....Sometimes I just don't understand this world anymore, It really is No Country for Old Men....:confused:
Amen to that! :mad:

05-17-2012, 01:03 PM
ya know I have been on this earth for over 68 years rasied in a town where years back Italians were discriminated one like the Injuns and Blacks. KKK ruled in my town for many years. There were no blacks. the Italians lived North of the tracks, The Serbs out of town. I lived through it, my folks lived through it more than i did. I grew up "trying" to accept any damn color as long as they accepted me. I don't consider myself a racists EXCEPT when I see those two fokking leaches Jackson and Sharptin, constantly stirring up sh!t every time a black supposably get sh!t on by a white person... I then become a racist..

Sometimes I am saddened by my attituDe but then I think About it and I realize, i did not start it.
They will never find Zimmerman guilty of even pissing on the sidewalk, let alone 2nd degree murder and then "kattie bar the door". The blacks will rise again, only maybe this time some one might just be shootin back;: Just sayin

Sorry Bawanna, just had enlough of this sh!t. u can delete this if u thinki it is offensive, I could care diddly squat!!

05-17-2012, 01:16 PM
It's time for your meds. I tried to find Tinmans Dr Phil, you need help and lots of it picture but failed miserably.

My only deep concern is you don't give diddly squat if I delete it. That's a poor attitude there Mr. borderline on careless. Breaks my achy breaky heart it does.

05-17-2012, 01:25 PM
no offense just,, meant if u felt it was so offensive, then just delete. I probalby do need my meds but I think in my litlte mind the biggest percentage might feel like I do but are just hesitant to state it. Does't make it right, but again i didn't start it. Didn't mean to break ur heart, just foir me getting very tired of being treated like a second class citizen and having to be so so politically correct or we get hammeredin this country,when others shoot their mouths off like a mini sub gun: Just sayin.

05-17-2012, 05:04 PM
oh my now the coroner report states Martin had some Mary jane in his system and a witness 30 feet away states that martin was on top of zimmerman pounding him.
Sure looks like a solid case of 2nd degree murder to me. So so glad Obummer made that statement that he wishs his son was like that!!

Hum where is Jesse and Al now????

05-17-2012, 05:18 PM
They at Tawanna Brawley's house planning their next riot to incite!

05-17-2012, 05:41 PM
oh indeedf that was sure a "feather" in ol Al's hat now wasnit it. MY my though how fast everyone seemed to forget about that crap to.

Pr0bably before the trial is over for zimmerman, they will end up pinning a metal on him; Just sayin.

05-17-2012, 06:12 PM
I love the sweet innocent pics of poor Trayvon, until his gang-banger pics start showing up with the gang hand gestures. Oh sh** they forgot to show that little update and continue to show the 12 year old trayvon......"If I Had a son he'd be like Trayvon. destined for a state penitentiary near you"

05-17-2012, 06:25 PM
u got that right. I thought it was so amusing to when I seen his before and after youth photos. gang banger deluxe, so so typical to.

I remember reading once where Rev. Jesse Jackson once made the statement that when he worked in a restaurant, he would spit in chili going to a white person. Now how racists is that. If we said that, well. Just sayin
Oh there I go again, getting close to the "line". Meds are on the table, time to take um and hit the rack and watch the Pacers kick Miami's ass..

05-17-2012, 07:39 PM
I love the sweet innocent pics of poor Trayvon, until his gang-banger pics start showing up with the gang hand gestures. Oh sh** they forgot to show that little update and continue to show the 12 year old trayvon......"If I Had a son he'd be like Trayvon. destined for a state penitentiary near you"

I agree just show the SWEET LITTLE BOY with Skittles photos instead of the REAL GANG BANGER photos of recent. :confused:

05-17-2012, 08:07 PM
Case in Atlanta night before last...28 year old Mitt Lenix who is a white martial arts expert and well liked local entertainer who had car trouble and walked up to talk to 32 year old Quentric Shaymon Williams who is black to ask him for help and for no reason at all Quentric Shaymon Williams pulled a pistol and shot Mitt Lenix in the chest killing him instantly....No fight, no argument, nothing just dead bang....

So far there has been no comment from Jessie and Al aka "The Preacher Squad" and their followers, they must be busy this week....It only seems to matter to those two Men of the Cloth who is on what end of the gun and what color they are....Sometimes I just don't understand this world anymore, It really is No Country for Old Men....:confused:

Here's the article....


05-17-2012, 08:14 PM
The DOJ should butt out.

Holder should be impeached.

Why? Trayvon wasn't packing any of those Fast and Furious weapons that Holder didn't know about. :eek:

05-17-2012, 08:20 PM
I don't know what happened that night. As it stands right now only Zimmerman knows what happened and what was in his mind. I don't think they can convict him of a hate crime. I'll bet $50 to a donut that he wishes he had listened to the dispatcher and not pursued Martin. I'm absolutely sure that had they told me not pursue I would not have. I'm also aware that 911 calls are recorded.

05-17-2012, 08:30 PM
He was told he didn't have to follow, not that he should stop following.

Again we're only armchair quarterbacking here, we've only heard what the lying sack of green bean media tells us after it's censored by the odummer squad.

05-17-2012, 10:04 PM
Zimmerman also says, and the physical evidence greatly suggests, that he was in fact returning to his vehicle when Martin instead confronted him. Based on where the vehicle was, where Zimmerman would have to be to have Martin go out of sight, and where the shooting took place, clearly Zimmerman was at one location when he said he "lost him", and was advised that he did not have to pursue, and at a location much closer to his vehicle (almost completely back to his vehicle) where the shooting occurred.

Google the timeline... this has all been established, and is not rocket science.

Also, check out the 7-11 video that ends abruptly... Martin buys his items, then goes back to the rear of the store, is confronted by the clerk, and we have an abrupt halt in the video.

Why in hell is THAT??? Could be Martin had trouble finding an item, and the clerk was going to help him find it. Could be Martin was just gonna pop a few more items into his bag or pockets. Wish we got an interview from that clerk.

05-18-2012, 12:44 AM
He was told he didn't have to follow, not that he should stop following.

Again we're only armchair quarterbacking here, we've only heard what the lying sack of green bean media tells us after it's censored by the odummer squad.

I guess the sealed documents thingy is needed to help a fair trial.
But this slow leak of need to know information is difficult to deal with.

I do think that release of pics of a 14 year old to the media,
when in fact the kid was 6'3" and 17 at the time, may come back to bite them.

05-18-2012, 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Bawanna
He was told he didn't have to follow, not that he should stop following

BUT he broke no law in what he did. that is he fcase, becvause a dispatcher or someone on the phone toldhim to not continue only shows maybe bad judgement, certainly no law was broken. That will not hurt zimmerman in his case IMO. So far it sure lookslike Martin could indeed had been the agtressor even. More facts are seeping out every day and so far they seem to be going in zimmermans favor.

IO like to ber an armchair quarteback., never was worth a fokk as a real football player. this way I win and never get dirty or nuttin

05-18-2012, 06:53 AM
The picture was selected by that ghetto speakin family lawyer, and Martin was 12 in it.

05-18-2012, 06:55 AM
Ask yourself this...

Why does the family have a lawyer in a criminal case?

Hmmm. Only one reason. Money from civil case.

Longitude Zero
05-18-2012, 07:17 AM
It sure sounds like the prosecuters case is falling apart piece by piece...GOOD. Once this goes to trial all the evidence including the autopsy report and diagrams will be in the public domain. That way we will all have the opportunity to see what is what with the case.

The media manipulation of public perception by the selection of the pics they use cannot be introduced by anyone in the court room. It is just for the potential jurors to decide on their own.

Zimmerman waived the right to a speedy trial. That was a very smart strategic move.

05-18-2012, 05:10 PM
It's already been said, but there will be no winners when this is done playing out. The kid is dead, the man's life is ruined, and a money-grubbing family is going to cash in on their son's unfortunate death.

05-18-2012, 05:32 PM
Family? Ummarried Mother and Mr. Jones?
Hmmmm not in my book

05-18-2012, 05:58 PM
Let me rephrase that:

Money-grubbing, genetically associated posse.

05-18-2012, 06:01 PM
Does anyone else feel that this country has actually regressed in its racial divide since Obama took office? It seems to me that Obama has repeatedly driven a wedge between the citizen of the USA either from a pure race standpoint or socially or economically. As people, we are more divided than ever. I never considered myself racially biased in the past, but lately I have to admit that I have been harboring more and more resentment over how I feel about the so called "have nots" and Obama's belief that it's my responsibility to work hard in order to help support them.

05-18-2012, 06:12 PM
OR that's a small part of the plan separate and conquer rich hated by the poor
Women ti turn against republicans as insensitive to health issues Medicare recipients the same latinos to hate the anti immigration Unions to hate management like playing 8 ball break the rack and sink 'em 1 at a time until it's time to sink the eight ball!
This is a very devious dangerous and very calculated plan. God help us if he gets enough groups in his corner.... Then he goes in for the killing of America

05-19-2012, 06:46 AM
OR that's a small part of the plan separate and conquer rich hated by the poor
Women ti turn against republicans as insensitive to health issues Medicare recipients the same latinos to hate the anti immigration Unions to hate management like playing 8 ball break the rack and sink 'em 1 at a time until it's time to sink the eight ball!
This is a very devious dangerous and very calculated plan. God help us if he gets enough groups in his corner.... Then he goes in for the killing of America

It is scary. If he gets re-elected, who knows have far he'll try and go, knowing that he doesn't have to worry as much about public opinion anymore.

06-15-2012, 07:01 PM
I personally think the media wants a race war to start, I truly dont think race had a damn thing to do with the situation....and truth is it could have been prevented and being white wouldnt have been a reason in my opinion.