View Full Version : Remove grips before cleaning?

05-16-2012, 02:23 PM
Is it necessary to remove the stock rubber grips on a K9 before cleaning? I'd rather not to do it everytime, but I don't know if CLP or non-chlorinated brake cleaner will harm the grips.

05-16-2012, 02:31 PM
I do, everytime. It allows you to clean the mag well and trigger group really well. Also allows you to wipe down the inside of the grip surfaces. The whole interior gets a coating of schmutz when shooting. Gotta get it out.

05-16-2012, 02:36 PM
I do it about half the time. I havent experienced any damage to the grips, and I use brake cleaner also. I take them off from time to time to better clean stuff up. As Tinman said..."Schmutz"

05-16-2012, 02:36 PM
Just to muddy the waters completely, I don't do it every time but I do take them off occasionally.

I have found the beginning of rust forming (fortunately not on my guns) just from carrying. Moisture trapped under the grips.

I've seen some that were down right ugly, no doubt some of the folks that got NYPD guns found the same.

I don't know specifically if brake cleaner will harm or not, some products make them sticky. I doubt CLP would do any harm.

I clean my rubber grips with dish soap and water.

05-16-2012, 02:38 PM
10-4 on the rust under the grips. Which is also why I remove each time. Once it starts, it's a bugger to control. Gotta stay after it.

05-16-2012, 03:45 PM
My K9 isn't carried, so I rarely remove the grips, but then I don't spray NCBC onto or into the frame. I do push rags or papertowels and cloths through the mag wells to clean them.


05-16-2012, 04:25 PM
Just to muddy the waters completely, I don't do it every time but I do take them off occasionally.

I have found the beginning of rust forming (fortunately not on my guns) just from carrying. Moisture trapped under the grips.

I've seen some that were down right ugly, no doubt some of the folks that got NYPD guns found the same.

I don't know specifically if brake cleaner will harm or not, some products make them sticky. I doubt CLP would do any harm.

I clean my rubber grips with dish soap and water.

I wouldnot recommend ANY CLEANER AND FOR ME THAT MEANS ANY CLEANER to beused on good wood grips. Ur jsut asking for trouble IMO.. If u gotta test the waters at leat take the grips off and try the solventon the back side of the grips and see what it does. Most spray cleaners including gun cleaners normaly state to keep off of painted finishs: Just sayin.

I got some HoppeS #9 on my Herrtts stocks on my J frame and the great one had to refinsih them for me.

05-31-2012, 07:25 AM
I am getting some beginnings of rust under the grips on my K9. I assume it's because of the warmer weather and body sweat. It's worse on the left side (touching my body).

Removing it requires some elbow grease, but some darker areas remain. I try to protect it but it seems to come back pretty easily. Any suggestions on how to permenantly get rid of it and prevent it's return?

Yogi 117
05-31-2012, 09:40 AM
I am getting some beginnings of rust under the grips on my K9. I assume it's because of the warmer weather and body sweat. It's worse on the left side (touching my body).

Removing it requires some elbow grease, but some darker areas remain. I try to protect it but it seems to come back pretty easily. Any suggestions on how to permenantly get rid of it and prevent it's return?

FYI, have you ever tried Eezox? I have not used it, but have heard others say it does a great job of lubrication & protection with no other product needed. Google "Eezox" and check out what people have to say! Just a possibility for you to check out! :)


05-31-2012, 09:47 AM
I just got some Eezox after seeing some good reviews and plugs on the forum. I use it mainly with my MK9 under the grips. I do not take them off that often. I like the stuff and love the smell. Very pleasant.

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05-31-2012, 11:46 AM
Thanks! Will locate some and give it a go.

05-31-2012, 12:29 PM
Thanks! Will locate some and give it a go.

I wasn't able to find any locally and I think it's make in OH (grrrr) but found a seller on evil-bay and got it really quick. I use CLP for most of my gun but use Ezzox on MK9 because of all the stainless.

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05-31-2012, 12:46 PM
Thank you Sir!

05-31-2012, 07:29 PM
I seem to remember somebody writing to be careful when removing the grips on a K9 because of something (I don't remember what) that the grips hold in place.

How careful should we be when removing the grips?

05-31-2012, 07:38 PM
no, remove them and nothing to my knowledgeis gonna fallout.none have on my K9.

The grips holdin positon the back part of the trigger bar but the bar will not fallout- period.