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05-17-2012, 09:38 AM

05-17-2012, 09:41 AM
Wow...can't help, but your drawing is great! You have talent. I also like the "catywompus" term.

Hope you get it worked out...

05-17-2012, 09:45 AM
How old is the gun?
Awesome drawing. Most definitely include that in your email to Kahr.

05-17-2012, 09:56 AM
I can't speak for them but I bet they'll make it right.
How long have you had the gun? Were there any indications from the seller this was an issue?

05-17-2012, 10:03 AM
When was the last time you tore the slide down and cleaned the extractor parts?

05-17-2012, 11:46 AM
When was the last time you tore the slide down and cleaned the extractor parts?
+1 . . . Or if you are intimidated by tearing down the slide (many people are) at least put a drop or two of good quality gun lubricant into the area at the back of the extractor and work the extractor back and forth with a piece of wood to loosen it up and ensure it is moving smoothly.

Because the incoming round has to feed under the extractor, a stiff extractor could also explain your failure to feed.

05-17-2012, 03:50 PM
Good chance the gun has never been torn down since 2003: Humm

05-17-2012, 04:23 PM
The gun is from 2003 I believe. Thank you for your comments on my drawing. I sent an email to kahr about this problem just now. My biggest concern is that Kahr will simply charge me $65 and hour and the cost of a new gun resulting in an over $1000 dollar bill from them in which I cannot afford.

At first I thought it could be the bullets or my limp hand sometimes, but the fact that these metal shells are warped as if they were made of silly puddy makes me thing something is wrong in the gun. So no one has ever seen the bullets clover like this?? I got 3 clovers out of 100 rounds, many more were bent in an oblong ellipse, and all of them show signs of metal on metal scratching/denting

on ur kahr, knowing no more than whatuy stated to.

The gun is 9 years old. totally out of warranty. sounds like u have not owned it since made either. So we don't know much about the gun. U have not stated if u have installed new recoil springs etc, or what kind of actual cleaning and lubing u have done. It sounds like u do not want to get into the internals of the slide either. It is not gonna be cheap to send the gun to kahr, gonna cost u both ways in postage and that could amount to $75+-,. they mmight be able to give u a decent extimate of repar but even at that ur gonna be out the postage and possalbe tech time. U can't expect kahr to fix it for nadda either. Some of ur issues u posted so nicely IMO might even go away with a good cleaning and maye somenew springs installed.

the soot on the ejection area is normal. my PM9 has that build up when I clean it, It hinders nothing. The case damage looks like sh! t but could aso with maybe new springs and good lubing just go away to. The scratch/dent on the casing in the same place really should be of no concern. Quite possale a good chamber polishing and this would dissappear to. It hinders nothing IMO, other than looks. It ain't gonna get worse IMO. The kahr 40 are a handfull also and sometimes shooter error could be a possable. Just stating some kthings, so don[t get bent out of shape when I our others mention such things, as it does happen.

Kahr will fix it, and more than likely they might even give you some break but no obligation on their part,. Being u do not want to tackle any suggestions, then u have little choice but to send it in or peddle it.

tough decisions to make

MW surveyor
05-17-2012, 05:30 PM
Yes that sounds intimidating. I actually had the extractor (or whatever this silver piece on the outside of the slide is) fall out one time at the gun range. I think i'm just going to send it into Kahr even though it is not under warranty. I really dont know, nor do i feel confortable completly tearing down the gun.

It doesnt fail to feed hardly ever its the other problems that are prevalent.

I'm trying to wrap my head around the extractor falling out. If it did, how in the heck did you get it back in without at least dismantling the slide?

IMO, I'd order a complete set of springs from Kahr and a new extractor. Then study the sticky in the tech section on how to tear down the slide. It's easier than you think and will save you a good bit of money. If not, take the gun and the new parts to a gun smith rather than send it off since it is not under warranty anyway.

05-17-2012, 05:34 PM
good point surv. I missed that part. can't be done really..

05-17-2012, 06:01 PM
good point surv. I missed that part. can't be done really..
Sure it can, if the spring and Extractor Pin (front) are so gummed up they don't put pressure on the extractor.

If he gets some oil in there and exercises the extractor (possibly using a piece of wood, as I suggested), I will bet the pistol will be fine.

That's a quick, no cost solution that I hope he at least tries. :)

05-17-2012, 06:20 PM
if he wouldjust look at the side dissassembly tutorial over on the kahr tech section, as u stated, it is a no brainer to take apart and probably a through cleaning of the striker and extractr channels will get this gun running right without sending it back to kahr. Damn if that extracotr channel is indeed that gummed up- to rlease the extractor , then what else in that slide is fullof caked crud????

He can't screw the gun up, it is already screwe dup aqnd more than likely he might just surprise himslef when "he tries" the suggestions mentioned...

05-18-2012, 05:28 AM
::heavy sigh:: thank you for the tips everyone.

05-18-2012, 05:32 AM
And the back plate can be slid down actually without removing anything just enough to secure the pin spring and extractor. I had it fall out at a range on the floor. Ill look into stripping it completely down but im weary as to how this could cause the clovering bullet thing.

05-18-2012, 05:45 AM
it might not but u gotta start somewhere to get this gun running right. One thing at a time and mabye one thing done here might fix something else to. I would still send the photos to kahr and get some feed back and I would also get a new set of recoil springs for your kahr before anything else to. If u order them from kahr remember ur springs takt the 13 coil recoil assembly, not the 15 coil. they show two exact looking set up but yours takes the 13 coil.

If u havehad the slide off the gun, look at the recoil assembly and that flat solid peace that goes against the barrel lug. Measure it. If it measures 3/8", u have the also older stryle recoil assembly. Kahr has made a change and the new one u get willbe the 1/2" size back flat portion. There was a reason they made this change and I am not sure what it was. There was some talk backthen about the possability of the outter recoil spring wanting to ride itself over thatr 3/8 size flat peace. Not sure of that though, but anyway I would think u would want to change that as it has to be in the 03 year era to..

If it is the 1/2" size u have on there now then that indicates it has been changed and maybe now allu need is a new outter recopil spring which will do what a new assembly would do at half the price and u can go on line to Wolffs gunsprings and just order it direct fro them, alot cheaper .(buy3). gunsprings.com

U wioll notice that they show factory standard weight of 18# and extra power of 20.5#. If it wasmy 40 caliber kahr I would definitely get the 20.5# as ur 40 kahr will love it, and so will u. again ur choice

05-18-2012, 05:57 AM
This all sounds more complicated than rocket science to me, I do appreciate all the help but I dont think Ill be making any special tools out of close hangers aquiring microscopic flat head screw drivers and attempting this.. Unfortunately all of this work sounds like itll run up a cost at Kahr more expensive then my gun cost me. So im sortve at a stand still. Crap.

Thank you all for trying

05-18-2012, 06:21 AM
I dont even have a small screwdriver that small so i cant go past step 1. just great, i have to order every part for my gun and cant do it. Really glad i bought this used gun broken. Think i might just buy a new one instead and give up on this.

05-18-2012, 06:49 AM
Think i might just buy a new one instead and give up on this.
No worries! Your experience with this item is the main reason most new shooters are better served by a new gun with a proper warranty.

If you can get it locally from a helpful shop, so much the better.

Someday, after you have lots of experience, you will look back at this and laugh. http://home.mindspring.com/%7Ejustsomeguy/icon_lol.gif

05-18-2012, 06:51 AM
You're giving up too easily. Stripping, cleaning, replacing springs and lubing is standard procedure for a used gun. No biggie. It really isn't rocket science. :cool:

I have crippled hands, so I got my brother to help me and we took the back plate off to put in the lighter Wolff's 5 lb striker spring, clean and inspect everything. We had a recent post about a new gun that was loaded with grease in the striker and extractor channels. There is a sticky thread in the Kahr-Tech section that details how to strip it down. Use a gallon size freezer bag or a towel to catch any flying parts so they don't launch across the room and get lost.

No better way to get to know your gun, understand it, bond with it. Get some springs from Wolff's, take it apart, clean it, lube it according to the Lube Chart sticky - putting grease on the rails and wherever they say "rub", and oil everywhere else. Then, buy some quality ammo and go shoot it like you stole it! I'll bet it will perform admirably! :D

05-18-2012, 09:05 AM
And the back plate can be slid down actually without removing anything just enough to secure the pin spring and extractor. I had it fall out at a range on the floor. Ill look into stripping it completely down but im weary as to how this could cause the clovering bullet thing.
If your extractor is not operating correctly (IE, sticking, sluggish, limited movement. etc) it's possibly the case is falling off of the the extractor before it hits the ejector or it's not being held tightly enough when it hits the ejector. Either scenario, would likely result in the case not having enough impetuous to clear the ejection port properly (thus the case mouth getting crushed by the slide and barrel).

+1 . . . Or if you are intimidated by tearing down the slide (many people are) at least put a drop or two of good quality gun lubricant into the area at the back of the extractor and work the extractor back and forth with a piece of wood to loosen it up and ensure it is moving smoothly.

Because the incoming round has to feed under the extractor, a stiff extractor could also explain your failure to feed.
Likewise and as the good TucsonMTB points out, on extractor that is not moving smoothly could for one round not hold the case tightly enough, then on the next round not move easily enough for the round to slip under it easily

05-18-2012, 09:15 AM
If your not comfy going inside and checking things out, email or call and send it in. Kahr will look it over and let you know the cost if it's something major.

I'd not give up on it. The things mentioned here if done by Kahr would probably cost nothing. They can strip that slide with their eyes closed during their lunch break and that might just be all it needs. No way of knowing till they look.

05-18-2012, 09:35 AM
If u feel that way, then peddle the gun ad buy a new one. There are guys here willing to help all they can but if ur gonna get excited about buying a small screwdriver or making a bracket that wil lhelp u take the slide down with ease, both of which will cost u nadda, both of which are certainly not needed but helpful for sure.... then there is nuttin this forum can do except spin our wheels

good luck down the road.