View Full Version : p380 problem

05-17-2012, 12:08 PM
I have put 400 rounds of different ammo thru my new p380, and still have a problem that prevents me from carring my pistol for protection. When the weapon is loaded with one in the chamber, If the slide is pulled back anymore then a very small amount, such as sometimes when placing into a holster, the slide will not go back into complete battery without using your hand to forced in back in. No problem when no ammo in chamber, and no problem with full mag in gun but none in chamber. It appears that the slide hangs up just as the barrel tips up to go into final firing position. Is this normal and I am making to big of a deal of it. I have replaced the two recoil springs with new ones from Kahr.

05-17-2012, 12:19 PM
If it goes back into battery normally without anything in the chamber, your ammo may be long enough and bullet of the right shape to jam going into the barrel. I had an LCP that was part of Ruger's first production run that ended up getting a new barrel to solve that same issue with Federal American Eagle FMJ ammo.

Try different, either shorter or pointier, ammo. If that doesn't float your boat, give Kahr a call or drop them an email. Phone: (508)795-3919 or email: service@kahr.com

05-17-2012, 12:31 PM
I would call kahr and talk to Jay and ask for a new set of recoil springs. that should take care of that. If not I thinjk I should go back for a look at. Course to hear some of the new SHIELD owners which the gun does the same thing, they think thaT IS ok. I don't think any semi sould be like that and expecially6 a pocket semi which can very easily get into the conditi9on that ur describing. I do think maybe new springs might take care of it.

I would also as tucson suggested try a different barnd of ammo. I carry in my P380 corbon powerball. U have enough rounds through the gun IMO that things sholdbe smoothed out also, but a polsighing in the chamber with some flitz or some 600+ grip paper sure might help things to. U could just have one of those unnoticeable spotsin the chamber that upon normal firing and slide action, it loads perfec t but when u have whatur saying, itmight just be hanging up a tad. U can't hurt anything buyt polishing that chamber.

Bill K
05-17-2012, 12:34 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

Sorry to read you have an issue with your P380. Was that 400 rounds all with the same brand ammo? TucsonMTB has give you sound advise. Think I would have called Kahr @ 200 rounds.

05-19-2012, 10:35 AM
is it possible that my extractor needs to be polished so that it slips back over the round in the chamber if the slide gets pulled back just a very small amount. Its not a matter of feeding a new round. It works ok that way with all types of ammo.

05-19-2012, 12:04 PM
I had extractor problems with a new P380 that seemed to turn it into a blow back pistol. The claw of the extractor rested on the breechface and the cases weren't being gripped by the extractor and it wouldn't go fully into battery unless I helped it. I think that even then the claw wasn't engaging the rim of the case... ever. The picture on the left a few pages down is my older P380 with a definite gap between the inside rear of the claw and the picture on the right is of the newer pistol with the claw actually at rest on the breechface.

**edit** DANG! Forgot the link:


~post# 15

On the first trip to the range I gave up on shooting it around round 51. The repaired pistol works fine but doesn't like square-nosed ammo like the Winchester VP100 Flat-nosed FMJ. They butted into the ramp and didn't go up, just stuck there. Winchester Ranger T did that, too, but worked the last range trip(#3...2nd after repair) when I fired the 4 rounds I had brought with me.


05-19-2012, 03:41 PM
I think I might have fixed the problem. After further investigation, I found that my gun did not display the problem with the slid stop was removed from the frame. I took the car apart and polished the everywhere I could on the slide stop and the enlongated hole on the barrel locking lug. I put it back togather and the problem seems to be gone. I will have to go to the range to find out for sure.

thanks to everyone on this post as well to those who have posted information on other threads

05-19-2012, 03:49 PM
I think I might have fixed the problem. After further investigation, I found that my gun did not display the problem with the slid stop was removed from the frame. I took the car apart and polished the everywhere I could on the slide stop and the enlongated hole on the barrel locking lug. I put it back togather and the problem seems to be gone. I will have to go to the range to find out for sure.
Nicely done!

thanks to everyone on this post as well to those who have posted information on other threads
Thanks for the kind words and the update on your progress. I believe we should offer you congratulations. http://home.mindspring.com/%7Ejustsomeguy/thumbsup.gif

05-19-2012, 09:19 PM
Before and after pictures of extractor claw:

First picture, no room under the claw... second, what you should see!


06-17-2012, 08:53 AM
I thought I had fixed the problem of slide not going back into battery as stated in my other posts, but it did not fix it. I send gun back to Kahr and just got it back after three weeks. They replaced the slide, polished the slide, replaced recoil springs AGAIN. We will see after I take it to range for testing. I sure hope its fixed. Seems like p380's work right off or they never seem to be right.

06-17-2012, 11:02 AM
Look at the extractor if it happens again. Is it in the case rim or behind it?

06-17-2012, 11:11 AM
will look at it if problem continues


06-17-2012, 12:50 PM
they say tha tthe new Smith SHIELD does the exact same thing. Actually there is a video out even showing that on the SHIELD., I don't think any gun should do that including Kahrs. Just sayin

06-17-2012, 04:48 PM
I thought the shield was lovingly built by the gods and was sent from heaven and could never have one single problem. To even suggest that one could be less than perfect is blasphemous. How dare you say anything bad about the shield. ;)

06-17-2012, 04:53 PM
is blasphemous, about the same at one talkin out his ass. I have been know before to do that.Just sayin