View Full Version : LEO gang

05-17-2012, 12:59 PM
Am I the only one that really doesnt see a problem here? These guys are at the point of the spear. Now the dept thinks they should be suspended? This is probably the hardest police work out there against a population that is well armed and not affraid to pull on a LEO. They fight fire with fire.

05-17-2012, 01:11 PM
I agree that this is not a job I would want. The matching tattoos, altered after a shooting to a smoking gun is what's hanging them. That IMO was poor judgement, and I think they will end up regretting that decision.

Longitude Zero
05-17-2012, 01:14 PM
I am not bothered by it. That tattoo issue is only a problem for the politically correct crowd which has ZERO credibility with me.

Yogi 117
05-17-2012, 01:45 PM
Sounds a lot like the "Hit Program" carried out by the New Orleans Saints. While probably acceptable behind the scenes, totally unacceptable to the hierarchy of any organization. I'm ok with their actions in fighting Gang Crime, but organizing an internal "Clique" or "Gang" is questionable. Their work is hard enough, without having to worry about the Civil Right's Groups & Media, which undoubtedly will probably make this bigger than it really is. :eek: With inflation, just one man's $0.03 worth. :eek::eek:

05-17-2012, 02:25 PM
G-- Dammit, the gangs do horrible violence, and when a few cops decide to fight back aggresively, they get suspended. No wonder the gangs rule the streets of LA. People want safer streets, but when the cops get aggresive they cry police brutality, there is just no winning in this situation.

Longitude Zero
05-17-2012, 02:34 PM
People want safer streets, but when the cops get aggresive they cry police brutality, there is just no winning in this situation.

That is the whole situation in a nutshell. It is like making sausage, you like to eat it but you do not want to see it being made. So if you want safe streets do not question how it occurs. Sit back, say thank you, and go blissfully on your way.

05-17-2012, 02:41 PM
Police officers are supposed to be professionals and behave in a professional manner. I am about a hard right as you can get and I don't approve of this type of action by these officers. You don't disgrace the uniform that you wear.

05-17-2012, 04:16 PM
I don't see how they disgraced their uniforms. I can also see how one might celebrate an Officer taking out Criminal. I think that's done more than we know. These were cops that patrolled gang infested neighborhoods, and I think you have to be at least as tough as the gang members to do any good. I'm not saying they should go all Rodney King on their butts, but being a little aggresive never hurt anyone but the perp. Seems they were getting gang bang guns off the street and being aggresive when doing so, I imagine you better be aggressive or risk being shot by one of these worthless thugs.

Longitude Zero
05-17-2012, 04:31 PM
Officer celebrations after surviving a shooting are VERY common and if you have not carried a gun into harms way you have no business commenting on the propriety of the celebration.

NO person (officer or civilian) should feel remorse after a justifiable shooting. That is more of the limp-wristed namby-pamby spinelessness all to common in society today. Exhilaration after surviving the ultimate battle is normal, reasonable and while not politically correct it is the way it is.

05-17-2012, 05:25 PM
Officer celebrations after surviving a shooting are VERY common and if you have not carried a gun into harms way you have no business commenting on the propriety of the celebration.

NO person (officer or civilian) should feel remorse after a justifiable shooting. That is more of the limp-wristed namby-pamby spinelessness all to common in society today. Exhilaration after surviving the ultimate battle is normal, reasonable and while not politically correct it is the way it is.

Six year of service in the Navy and no tattoos on me. I know a lot of cops and I've never met one who celebrated a shooting.

Longitude Zero
05-17-2012, 05:38 PM
I know a lot of cops and I've never met one who celebrated a shooting.

I know far more and we do not celebrate the shooting but SURVIVAL of the event. Whether a death occurs or not is not relevant. The celebration is one of elation over having faced death and winning. It is a fact of life. Combat veterans know what it is like. If you have not been in a life and death situation aka use of deadly force, military/civilian you have no clue how it feels to survive one. Fact of life. You can befriend those that have but it means nothing. Only the actual experience has any validity.

05-17-2012, 05:41 PM
I don't have a problem with them and having a sort of so called inside gang and every Police officer thinks of other officers as their brother or sister so thats natural and normal but it can get out of hand...

Atlanta Police had a anti gang/drug unit called the Red Dog Squad that street punks knew and feared and it was an honor to wear the Red Dog patch on thier uniforms and they did clean up some of the areas known for drug traffic but things got out of hand and they abused their power in two cases...First one they had a undercover informant tell them a certain house was a crack house but when they did a no knock search all they found inside was a very scared 90 year old woman with a pistol in her hand thinking she wes being broke in on and the Police shot her very dead and then after realizing it was not a drug house after all they planted drugs around the place to cover themselves but it all came out and several officers went to prison and the whole deal caused the city and Police dept much money and many problems...

The second mistake was when they raided a large famous gay bar looking for drugs and beat the crap out of several of the men in there and made everyone lie on the floor handcuffed for hours while members of the Red Dog Unit taunted and insulted them...Turns out there was nothing illegal going on in there and since Atlanta is about the gay capitol of the east cost all he!! broke loose and there was a huge law suit won against the City and Police and after that little fiasco the Red Dog Unit was disbanded...

05-19-2012, 04:05 AM
I was a bailbondsman back during the 80s-90s crack wars era and let me tell ya,it's not Mayberry NC in the inner city,it's COMBAT,without the the BDUs but all the hardware. We even had a streetgang find an UNLOCKED ATFE van full of MP5s and flashbangs that turned the hood into a scene from Fallujah. I worked closely and became trusted buds with a lot of LEOs,I guess I can just see this from their perspective,code blue it's called.

Here in Mobile AL,the best of the best go by the Jaguar Squad,not with tatts or such(it's stenciled on their doors)but they are like a fraternity within one that are a tight group of street survivors that get plenty respect from good and bad guys. You'll get cliques and bonding like that in battle hardened groups,it's to be expected.

As long as they respect the Const.rights boundaries and aren't breaking any laws themselves to justify an ends to a means,I can condone this.
LAPD does have a lot of PR skeletons in their closet though,it's what cost them the OJ case. I guess that's what makes this different..

05-19-2012, 06:38 AM
I know far more and we do not celebrate the shooting but SURVIVAL of the event. Whether a death occurs or not is not relevant. The celebration is one of elation over having faced death and winning. It is a fact of life. Combat veterans know what it is like. If you have not been in a life and death situation aka use of deadly force, military/civilian you have no clue how it feels to survive one. Fact of life. You can befriend those that have but it means nothing. Only the actual experience has any validity.

Are these police officers, or gang bangers? If you want to celebrate life kiss your wife and children, or offer a prayer to God.

05-19-2012, 06:51 AM
So I watched the link, and it didn't say anything. They "celebrate after a shooting", ok, like how? Like my kid does after hitting a home run?
They have matching tatoos, big deal, with smoke coming out of the barrel if involved in a shooting...poor taste, but that's only one man's opinion.
They are suspended WITH pay......doesn't seem like they have much if they are still paying them.
I'll keep my opinion open to more information.

05-19-2012, 08:35 AM
Since nobody else has brought it up, I will.... 1973, Clint Eastweed as Harry Callahan, "Magnum Force". Still an entertaining view.

Longitude Zero
05-19-2012, 09:13 AM
Since nobody else has brought it up, I will.... 1973, Clint Eastweed as Harry Callahan, "Magnum Force". Still an entertaining view.

Indeed. All Dirty Harry movies are fantastic entertainment as are the majority of Eastwoods work.

05-19-2012, 12:51 PM
Sounds to me like a bunch of cops that tried to make the best of a bad situation, forming a little club, getting tattoos. Sounds like something an Army Squad in Irag or Afghanistan might do. I don't see a damn thing wrong with them. Patrolling LA gang areas is probably just as deadly as patrolling Afghanistan, maybe more so. I would consider them combat veterans. This is probably the result of some dumb ass liberal reporter looking for a story to make a name for themself.

05-19-2012, 12:58 PM
Are these police officers, or gang bangers? If you want to celebrate life kiss your wife and children, or offer a prayer to God.


05-19-2012, 01:22 PM
Officer celebrations after surviving a shooting are VERY common and if you have not carried a gun into harms way you have no business commenting on the propriety of the celebration.

NO person (officer or civilian) should feel remorse after a justifiable shooting. That is more of the limp-wristed namby-pamby spinelessness all to common in society today. Exhilaration after surviving the ultimate battle is normal, reasonable and while not politically correct it is the way it is.

I generally agree with LZ on 99% of his comments. While I understand where he is coming from, I cannot keep my edge that sharp and function in society. Will I act accordingly if need be? Yes. Will there be some remorse at some level afterward? Yes. Am I a limp wristed namby pampy for said remorse? I do not think so. Most of these BGs have mothers and, despite the actions of their gone wrong child, still love them. I definately changed things in THEIR life. For that, I could have remorse. I will have remorse for the sheet storm I will have created for my family afterwards even if the shooting is justified. I am not a robot. I have feelings. In order to feel in danger you have to, at some time, felt safe. To feel hate, you had to feel love at some time. To have no quater you have to have felt compassion.

05-19-2012, 01:28 PM
+1 with LZ

Admin usually is well aware of these type things and enjoy the results of lowering crime but they also find the officers expendable when they get negative press

05-19-2012, 02:03 PM
I have nothing but admiration for the LEOs that go to war for us by trying to put an end to gang violence. I think we need more like them, instead of the piss ant motorcycle cops that had out traffic citations all day.

Having said that, as public servants they need to be held to standards higher than the gangs they are opposing. The culture of celebrating kills with a tattoo is gang culture. It was started by gangs, and continues to be a gang way of life. Why lower yourself to their way of thinking?

I'm sure to them it was something fun, and drew them closer as a brotherhood, but I still believe they used poor judgement. As someone in the public eye, their actions won't sit well, as we are now seeing. I hope they don't lose their jobs, and can get off with a simple reprimand.

05-19-2012, 03:26 PM
I have nothing but admiration for the LEOs that go to war for us by trying to put an end to gang violence. I think we need more like them, instead of the piss ant motorcycle cops that had out traffic citations all day.

Those motorcycle cops deserve respect too. They never know what is going to happen when they pull over a vehicle for a simple citation. Also, those officers are trying to keep us and everyone else safe on the road. Bet they are tired of seeing meat spead all over the highway from people's stupidity.

05-19-2012, 04:55 PM
Those motorcycle cops deserve respect too. They never know what is going to happen when they pull over a vehicle for a simple citation. Also, those officers are trying to keep us and everyone else safe on the road. Bet they are tired of seeing meat spead all over the highway from people's stupidity.

Sorry, don't agree. They are there to generate revenue for the local municipality. Safety is the guise. I have no problem with "real cops" pulling people over if they see violations on patrol, but hiring cops to do nothing but hand out citations is not why we have a police force. Just my opinion, nothing more.

05-19-2012, 08:31 PM
Sorry, don't agree. They are there to generate revenue for the local municipality. Safety is the guise. I have no problem with "real cops" pulling people over if they see violations on patrol, but hiring cops to do nothing but hand out citations is not why we have a police force. Just my opinion, nothing more.

I respect your opinion but I do think that they do more than generate revenue for the municipality. They do find and arrest BGs while doing their job. They are often first responders to bad situations too.

05-19-2012, 11:12 PM
I respect your opinion but I do think that they do more than generate revenue for the municipality. They do find and arrest BGs while doing their job. They are often first responders to bad situations too.

I've never seen a motorcycle cop do anything other than pull someone over and issue a traffic citation. That's all they do in my town. They sit hidden with their radar gun and issue tickets. I've never been pulled over by a motorcycle cop and not been issued a citation. It's what they do here.

Anyway, that wasn't the topic. Hope the LA cops get back on the job soon.

05-19-2012, 11:45 PM
me too

05-20-2012, 07:34 AM
I've never seen a motorcycle cop do anything other than pull someone over and issue a traffic citation. That's all they do in my town. They sit hidden with their radar gun and issue tickets. I've never been pulled over by a motorcycle cop and not been issued a citation. It's what they do here.

I remember a white haired, middle aged Highway Patrolman who used to stalk the north side of the I-285 loop in Atlanta with a radar gun on a kind of old motorcycle. Must have made some enemies at work or something and got stuck doing that. Had a perpetual bad mood with a permanent scowl on his face! :mad:

05-20-2012, 10:25 AM
Part of me says "way to go guys, go get 'em." Another part says we are a nation of laws and if we don't live up to these standards we are no better than the bad guys.

05-20-2012, 04:27 PM
I know far more and we do not celebrate the shooting but SURVIVAL of the event. Whether a death occurs or not is not relevant. The celebration is one of elation over having faced death and winning. It is a fact of life. Combat veterans know what it is like. If you have not been in a life and death situation aka use of deadly force, military/civilian you have no clue how it feels to survive one. Fact of life. You can befriend those that have but it means nothing. Only the actual experience has any validity.

I saw the news story a couple of weeks ago, and I see nothing wrong with their actions. LZ says it well, in posts prior to the quoted one. I think there is stink over these because they got caught in a clique, thing is that happens with any group of people. LZ, got it right 100% in all his statements here. Muggs, brother I know about the honor of the uniform and all that, that's not the issue here. I know full well that police and our military are held to a higher standard, and rightly so. These guys got caught for a little too much exuberance and unit pride, nothing more, again LZ says it better than I do.

05-22-2012, 06:48 AM
There was a military group that had lightning bolts tattooed on their arms. They were just demonstrating their "esprit de corps", too. Sometimes a good thing can be carried too, far.

05-22-2012, 10:10 PM
Muggsy you are not part of the brotherhood so you would not know if they celebrated a shooting. As Longitude Zero has said they do not celebrate the shooting the celebrate the SURVIVAL of coming out of it alive and being able to come home to their families. Until you have been on a police force or a VERY close member of an officer you don't know what happens out there and know the stastistics of ambushes and/or suicide by cop or the criminals who have starting to figure out where to shoot to kill and officer -deleted-
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

05-22-2012, 11:11 PM
Muggsy you are not part of the brotherhood so you would not know if they celebrated a shooting. As Longitude Zero has said they do not celebrate the shooting the celebrate the SURVIVAL of coming out of it alive and being able to come home to their families. Until you have been on a police force or a VERY close member of an officer you don't know what happens out there and know the stastistics of ambushes and/or suicide by cop or the criminals who have starting to figure out where to shoot to kill and officer -deleted-

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

If I go to a barber to get a haircut, and he makes a comment to me in poor taste, do I have to be a barber to know it was in poor taste?

05-23-2012, 02:06 PM
I've never seen a motorcycle cop do anything other than pull someone over and issue a traffic citation. That's all they do in my town. They sit hidden with their radar gun and issue tickets. I've never been pulled over by a motorcycle cop and not been issued a citation. It's what they do here.

Motorcycle cops do not start on motorcycle. In fact, they start out just like everybody else does, as a rookie, and it takes a while to get into the special divisions on a police force, motorcycle, SWAT, K-9, CID, etc.

Just because someone is a motorcycle cop does not mean that they should not have our respect just like any other police officer. They have the same credentials as regular cops. There is NOTHING routine about a traffic cop (whether they be in a car or motorcycle) doing a traffic stop. They are there to enforce the traffic laws just like all the other cops and any one of them can pull you over.