View Full Version : CW9 Mag Catch self Released Mag In Pocket Holster

05-19-2012, 10:33 PM
After a laundry list of sorting out a CW9, I thought I was done and had it 100% dependable.

Today, I put the CW9, 7+1, into a custom leather pants/shorts pocket holster, put it in the shorts pocket, walked, drove, ate supper, drove, came home, and took it out to put it away. The mag was about 1/8" down and came free without effort when I tugged it.

The holster does not cover the mag catch button on the inside against my leg as it sits in a right hand pocket. No way my thigh muscle is so hard as to push the button. The thickness of the leather shape just short of the mag catch actually makes it hard to depress the mag catch. Protection on the slide side.

I took off the slide, looked at it, all seemed normal. I took out the mag catch and spring and looked at them. All seemed normal. I reassembled it the same way other than changing ends on the little straight rod spring.

There is absolutely no question it went into the holster with the mag catch completely engaged/caught and the flat side of the mag catch fully under the flat of the frame. I know because I looked at it when I loaded it.

I see no way to bend the spring to make it work stiffer or any way to reshape it so it would be stiffer. It seems if it were bent, it would rotate to the weak position eventually. So I left is as is. When the mag catch is pushed, I can see the spring bending around the curve of the spring recess in the handle.

Anyone got any ideas on this one?

05-20-2012, 08:39 AM
Hmmmm. On my CM9 the mag release seems pretty stiff and the mag release must be fully depressed to release the mag. I couldn't see it being activated except for a deliberate action. Maybe something on your guns is out of spec, in that area. A quick email to Kahr might give you some answers.

05-20-2012, 09:12 AM
ask kahr to send u another mag release and catch spring, one or both will sovle ur issue. That spring normally requires a good push on the mag release to disengage: Just saying.

If the 7 round mag is in all the way look on the right side to see if the mag button is indeed flush with the grips as it should be. If not that it is not fully engaging. The mag catch spring is strainght, so just ask kahr to send u a new one, they will do that. If it doesn't do it with the6 round mags, that to me is also an indication that it could be mag related: Just sayin..

that is one thing I can say about all my kahrs, expecially my PM9 andI carry it in a Unclle Mikes #3 24/7 and have for over 5 years in my pocket and I have never had a accidental releaseof the magazine. We don't read much of that here either, so normally when a person get a new catch and spring, it takes care of it.

IO am not a fan of the 7 round extended mag as many are not either but that is just me to. Have u tried to again duplicate this issue with the 7 round mag?????

05-20-2012, 01:28 PM
The CW9 uses the standard 7 round 9mm CW9 magazine. The ones I have are not extended at all. A six round one is not compatible. Too short.

The flat side of the mag catch is slightly under flush. Perhaps two or three sheets of typing paper under flush when fully engaged.

05-20-2012, 01:55 PM
I know pocket carry is popular from reading the forum but if it is in your pocket how do you get to it if you are sitting in your car. I carry my guns OWB in concealment desantis holsters. Apparently here in Michigan a person with a permit can open carry so I'm not too concerned about a little printing. Can things happen in your pocket like mag releasing and maybe the gun being pushed out of battery by bending and twisting?

05-20-2012, 01:58 PM
opps sorry aboutt aht I thought it was a cm or pm model, if the mag catch isnot flush then it is not fully engaging the mag tube cut out. Coud be an out os spec mag release button. Being u have had it apart and know how easy it is. U might wanttoexamine the mag catcvh button to see if u can determine what it is. Maybe a burr or maybe a burron the mag tube cut out or both.

I would call kahr and ask for a new spring and button. both will solve ur issue..

05-21-2012, 02:26 PM
Done. I am told a catch and spring will come along in a week or two.

The catch was easy to have sent and to install.

The spring is different. The spring should not be changed even if the catch is changed because the spring is individually fitted to that gun. The springs are of a variable length and have to match exactly the one originally fitted to the gun. If of a wrong length, it generates new problems.

I got a spring anyhow as a fail safe on the assumption I can shorten a small spring rod.

The spring also has to be kept straight. Any bend to increase stress will damage the spring and the blind hole into which it fits. You wreck it, you pay for replacement yourself. There is apparently no reason to take that spring out and the consumer should not do so. Plain enough English. Mine was already out and swapped ends so I got a new one anyhow.

05-21-2012, 02:37 PM
that would be a first that I have ever heard of the sprngs beng individually fitted. I won't argue that point but I am very skeptical of that. The spring should not be bent that is a given...

received this from kahr: Good afternoon. Some are trimmed to fit (depending on the age of the
weapon) but they are by no means a fitted part to each weapon.

Yogi 117
05-21-2012, 03:46 PM
Today, I put the CW9, 7+1, into a custom leather pants/shorts pocket holster, put it in the shorts pocket, walked, drove, ate supper, drove, came home, and took it out to put it away. The mag was about 1/8" down and came free without effort when I tugged it.

The holster does not cover the mag catch button on the inside against my leg as it sits in a right hand pocket. No way my thigh muscle is so hard as to push the button.

Anyone got any ideas on this one?
I pocket carry an LCP in my front right pocket, in a leather holster that doesn't cover the mag release button, and have had the same thing happen a couple times.

Just thinkin' out loud mind you, but I've come to the conclusion that by sitting in just the right position, or the constant sitting & getting up over and over again, puts just enough pressure on the mag release button at some point to actually release it. Watch out for the tighter pants, seems to be when it happens the most to me.

Like your Kahr, the LCP requires a pretty good push to release the mag. I have gone back to carrying in my cheap Blackhawk pocket holster & problem solved. Not saying this is your problem for sure, but just a heads up! I would keep carrying this way and see if the problem continues. Good luck, I hate puzzling things like this! :eek:

05-22-2012, 08:11 AM
Yogi, the general thought crossed my mind but it seems odd. The slide, trigger guard, and much of the pistol are inside a medium stiff holster with a reinforced layer from sight to sight along the top of the pistol. The grip beginning at the mag catch release is exposed on purpose so you can get a full finger grip in the pocket. If I thought reducing the height of the mag catch release button would help, I'd do that without worrying. I will watch for what happens as I use it.

As to the mag catch spring, all I can do is relate what the Kahr guy told me. Don't take the old one out and if you do the new one has to be the exact same length as the original one in it.

05-22-2012, 10:11 AM
not bird dogging u, but u posted an inaccurate statement. . more chilling IMO when u post wrong stuff to..

05-22-2012, 11:42 AM
Kahr phone guy: the spring is individually fitted to that gun. The springs are of a variable length and have to match exactly the one originally fitted to the gun. If of a wrong length, it generates new problems.

Kahr email guy: Some are trimmed to fit (depending on the age of the
weapon) but they are by no means a fitted part to each weapon.

You might be surprised to understand that "fitted" just as easily means selected for the right length as for ground to length. Its how S&W used to build revolvers and get perfect function. A builder used 1-2-3-4 hands, a different rachet, this hammer or that trigger, this cylinder stop or that cylinder stop, until smooth even function was achieved to build a legend. They didn't often sit there and file or stone anything. With a lot of parts to pick from, if A don't fit, try B. Spring C or spring D. Which ever is of the right length, but certainly checked as each gun is built. Hopefully most don't need shortened or need a longer one than standard, but checked during build.

The nice and helpful guy on the phone was very explicit. I could have a new mag catch just for asking. He did not want to send me a new spring. He did not want me to take out the spring from the frame hole. I already had and had already put it back in. He wanted me to leave the spring alone. He did send a new spring since I already had the old one out and back in reversed ends. He made it clear that if the spring hole in the frame was damaged or if the second spring damaged the catch or frame from being too long, it was on me and I would have to pay for any repairs since I shouldn't have taken out the original spring. Having already done so, I thought it noteworthy. So I noted it in my followup post.

The difference between the two statements above bolded is pretty minimal and convey the same idea.

I am told off line that all the polymer frames use the exact same spring and if it were too long, it simply could not engage the mag catch.

As to the mag catch in my pistol, I need to be clear that the mag catch enters the magazine and goes into the frame from right to left sufficiently that the flat end of the mag catch on the right actually goes into and under the surface of the pistol grip. It does not stick out of the frame, but goes slightly under the surface of the frame on the right side when fully seated.

I have carried it some since then and it has not repeated self operation. I will continue to monitor it.

05-22-2012, 01:01 PM
sorry u feel that way, but what ever floats ur boat....

Yogi 117
05-22-2012, 01:29 PM
Yogi, the general thought crossed my mind but it seems odd. I will watch for what happens as I use it.

Seemed odd to me also, but it's all I could come up with on my LCP. Crazy things like this drive you nuts. Hope you get it figured out. Will be curious if it still happens. :confused:

05-24-2012, 06:45 PM
Note that in my last post above, some editing cleaned up the language and made clear the fact that the mag catch fully enters the frame on the right side.

I would also note that Mr. Jocko has made a significant effort to be helpful even if I might be rude and abrasive sometimes. Thank you.

I note that the mag catch has not inadvertently activated itself in the last few days while carried. So I will pay attention to it.

05-24-2012, 08:08 PM
some times if one just slams the magazine in a few dozen times, it seems to take if there is a burrn anywher eon the mag button or even the mag tube cut oput even., sometimes it just seems to smooth it all out and the magazines stay put. I don't recomment slamming magazines but in this case u have nothing tloose by trying as something was not right and maybe tha tone time was an anomoly to and will not happen again. If the magazine button is OK and it is lockinginside the mag tube cutouot, it should be flush on the right side of the grip, like as if no magazine was evein the gun