View Full Version : 5.11 Double Duty TDU Belt 1.5"

05-23-2012, 03:05 AM
I recently purchased a Kahr CM9 and PJ IWB Clip Holster. I've carried IWB on and off over the past few years with varying gun/holster combos. Up until now I've just been using a flimsy braided leather belt. Well the time came to buy something more EDC worthy.

Enter the 5.11 Double Duty TDU 1.5" belt. Swung by the local tactical supply store to see how it would do, or if I needed to go with the Trainer belt, which costs 2x as much. The DD TDU belt is plenty stiff for EDC. It's 2-ply nylon webbing, twice as thick and stiff as the regular TDU belt, and is "reversible" and has a plastic buckle. The belt also has 5 rows of stitching to help with the stiffness. I picked up the tan/black combo for $19.99. I'm thuroughly impressed with this belt. It holds the weapon sturdy and is a comfortable belt for EDC or just casual wear. Overall I'd say it's a great EDC belt and a bargain for the money.
**One note to add, I wear 36: waist jeans but I had to step up to the 40-42: (XL) belt. I have about 4-6" of excess material with this fset up, which is fine. YMMV**

Here's a picture of the 2 color options, black/olive black/coyote:

05-23-2012, 08:27 AM
I have owned one for over a year. Not quite as good as a leather gunbelt but a VERY close second. If you ever get slight fraying at the tip just take a lighter and reseal it with the flame. Great low priced alternative and very comfortable to wear. Be sure to get the "double duty" reversible version. The one sided is way too thin to do the job.

05-23-2012, 10:01 PM
x3 on these, i wear mine quite a lot and works great to hold up the pm9 or sr9c

05-23-2012, 10:55 PM
I have owned one for over a year. Not quite as good as a leather gunbelt but a VERY close second. If you ever get slight fraying at the tip just take a lighter and reseal it with the flame. Great low priced alternative and very comfortable to wear. Be sure to get the "double duty" reversible version. The one sided is way too thin to do the job.

I'd say this belt has 2 advantages over a leather gun belt: Price and to me the biggest one is that it's infinitely adjustable. The later is a big deal to me because it helps to get the fit just right, important when supporting a firearm

05-26-2012, 08:27 PM
What's the thickness of these belts?

05-29-2012, 08:32 AM
Milne just measured at 3/16" thick. If you have a length question I found the 5.11 website terrible. I called them and gave them my waist/pant size (36") I bought a belt that measures about 50" long. I honestly do not remember what size they called it. It works great because the end goes into the side loop on my pants and ends about 9:00 position on my waist. These belts are NOT made to cut to size as there is stitching through the belt especially at the end.

05-30-2012, 08:58 PM
I had one of these for a short time. Now my everyday is a A better Belt and my occasional belt is a 5.11 tactical. I hated the buckle on the double duty. It seemed to stick out very far for me but I understand how the buckle had to be made in order for the belt to be used both ways. That was my main gripe. Otherwise the craftsmanship was fine on it, I would say the same as my tactical. My tactical is fine but doesn't give the support that a heavy leather belt does. Thanks for the review. The price is definitely right for the double duty and the option to have two colors is a plus also, I just couldn't get over the buckle.

05-31-2012, 06:25 PM
I never noticed the buckle until you made this post. Mine has never even come into question but I strongly agree that leather is more supportive especially if you are carrying a heavy firearm.

05-31-2012, 08:58 PM
Well I wasn't trying to hate on the belt, I was just posting my experience. There were some things I really liked about it but I like the velcro and additional options of the trainer a bit better (even though it is twice the price!).