View Full Version : Ministry of Truth???
05-24-2012, 01:24 PM
Obama and his liberal cronies are wanting to establish what amounts to a "Ministry of Truth" to tell us what to think, what is "real" and what's not.
I put that over on my other board so those not wanting to read about politics don't even have to see it.
I also a posted another interesting read about a possible financial disaster that appears to be heading our way. "America on worst verge of crisis since the depression"
I posted those over there to leave policitics off this board, but to make them accesible to those that are interested.
The board is open to look at, you have to join to leave a comment.
Don't click on any links from people you don't know over there. I try to clean it up every morning and remove offensive posts, but stuff get's in while I'm not looking.
05-24-2012, 03:56 PM
I'll stay off of politics but this did make me think of something.
You know, I find most people don't want to know the "truth" as I see it. In particular my kids (to some extent) or my employer (to a great extent). I'm not that smart and I don't have a monopoly on great ideas but it seems like they get offended or feel threatened by my thoughts that some things or plans are hair-brained ideas. I just try to suggest a little common sense but then get told the "experts" have it all figured out. The funny thing is the "experts" have no idea what we do, and then the plan doesn't work.
Anyone else ever experience this? :der:
05-24-2012, 04:02 PM
Every minute of every day. Eloquently put. My hats off to you sir.
05-24-2012, 04:20 PM
That reminds me of a story about Obama sending some cronies to "fix" the GM plant. They were questioning this and that, and one of the engineers told them the Law of Physics makes what you are suggesting impossible. The Obama cronies said "law of physics, what law is that, no matter we can have laws changed, so you can proceed."
The engineer just said whatever and let them ramble on. I can't believe these so called experts don't even know about Laws of Physics, probably not even the Law of Gravity. All college grads I'm sure, but I bet if they had boots full of pisss in the morning, they'd have wet feet all day.
05-24-2012, 11:33 PM
One of those cronies you mention was the CEO of the company I work forv(well after they bought us) before he retired and became Chief of GM. And what you are talking about is just what I deal with every day.
The guy that replaced him at his retirement... , well, I'll just say we're not doing too good now. I don't have a problem with them coming up with an idea to improve business and make or save money, but when it comes to getting the idea implemented they need to leave me alone and get out of my way. I know what needs to be done to make it happen and I don't need any stupid instructions that don't work and are only going to slow me down. Stinking "experts".
About the only good experts I've found are the firearm guy's on this forum. Hey, anyone want a CEO job? Only qualification is a little common sense which seems to be running short now days.
05-25-2012, 07:09 AM
Yes I know the "I got my Ivy leage MBA and that makes me smarter than you about everything" way of thinking. I have also had to sit in meetings, as the sole rep of the production line and listen to some of the most cock-o-mainy ideals you can imagin. I get the assingment because, after 31years in areospace I don't get ruffeled but I can force common sence into the process. That is often harder than you'd think. Alot of folks will defend the dumbest stuff as they remember the meeting that created said dumb issue. I understand that there was a day when the airplane and the production line to build it was just words and drawings on paper. Someone had to say "lets do this here and that there". Fast forward to the present though and what and how we do stuff has evolved differently. Well so-be-it, I don't hold what the old plan was aginst anyone, but I've got to build the aircraft the way I've got to build it, old Ideals be dannged...
I just find the whole process of having MBAs try and create production process' they are not able to understand to be... say, counterproductive.
05-25-2012, 08:54 AM
You know, all this reminds me why the founding fathers created the 2nd amendment.
So that if as a country the elected "unwise" appoint the "unknowing" to manipulate the masses way of thinking to agree to things that are detrimental to the country (because the unknowing are so much smarter than us) we can defend ourselves if it hits the fan. This kind of gets back to that prepper thread a while back. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
Gentlemen...truer words have never been spoken
05-25-2012, 11:41 AM
This is exactly why they want so badly to take our guns away. Oh, and they are so sure they are right about that, too. :mad:
05-26-2012, 12:57 PM
05-26-2012, 05:53 PM
Now that says it all. Can't argue with that man right there.
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