View Full Version : CW45 .vs Sig P250 in .45

05-26-2012, 09:01 AM
Has anyone done any significant shooting of both a CW45 and a Sig P250 in .45? The price is about the same. I'm curious about the trigger, feeding different ammo, recoil between the 2, and anything else of note particularly on the Sig since there's lots of good CW45 info here. I'm wondering if the lower end Sig's run as well as their higher priced big brothers.

05-26-2012, 03:45 PM
I don't remember seeing any comments on this forum about the Sig P250. You may want to try www.sigforum.com. They're are a pretty classy bunch [like kahrtalk.com] over there.

05-26-2012, 04:44 PM
Do you plan to Carry said gun? If thats the plan the Kahr CW45 has already won as the Sig P250 is alot fatter...
My opinion.
Typical Sig trigger, as in Good. I have only dry fired one on snap caps. I had to work some OT on the "take it to the range" weekend. The Sig's owner reports it ran flawless with 100 rnds Win Wht box and some 150 rnds of S&B 230 ball. I have not talked with him about what SD ammo he finally decided on, but it was only going to be a house/car gun and not for carry.

Edit: The one I have played with was the P250 full size pistol in 45acp. During the phone call, my buddy reminds me Sig has a compact and several other versions of the P250 (9mm, 40 S&W and 45acp). I maybe compairing apples to oranges in your mind.
So! what verison of the Sig P250 did you have in mind?

Note to self... call first, then type...:o

05-26-2012, 06:52 PM
The P250 compact or subcompact. Most likely the compact. I probably wouldn't carry it all the time but it may ride in the truck/car more often. I know it's a little fatter than the Kahr and a little heavier too. I missed a real good deal on a P220 elite a year back and I've been thinking about a Sig .45 ever since. Of course lighter is better so that's why I was thinking the P250. Plus the DAO trigger doesn't bother me. Actually it may be a plus from a practice standpoint. I already have a 1911 so I'm looking for something a little different.

If I'm gonna carry it I'd probably go for the PM45. That would require saving $$$ a little longer.

05-26-2012, 07:48 PM
They had problems with the P250 Subcompact 45 and never released it. So, the compact is the smallest you can get in 45acp.

05-26-2012, 08:08 PM
The .45 sub-compact model has indeed been released. I handled one today at one of my LGS's. I checked the model number on the box against the Sig web site and verified it was indeed a sub-compact, specifically a P250SC-45-BSS. They also had one in their rental arsenal. Since I was contemplating a purchase, they gave me a couple of loaded magazines and allowed me to try it on their range at no charge.

I've been contemplating selling my M&P 45C and picking up the P250 45SC.

05-26-2012, 08:28 PM
They had problems with the P250 Subcompact 45 and never released it. So, the compact is the smallest you can get in 45acp.

I saw where that did happen some time in the past but evidently they have straightened things out. The SC is on Buds website now also but looks like it would leave the pinky dangling.

05-26-2012, 09:53 PM
Can't compare on the .45 models. But I have two Kahr 9mm (P9 and TP9) and the Sig P250 in 9mm as well (full size slide). Definitely not the same feel, but similar enough for me as they are all DAO. As mentioned here, the Sig is tons thicker. The triggers are different in that the Sig has a longer and seemingly heavier pull. But if you tested them (which I haven't) I suspect they are similar weight and the length of the Sig is what makes it feel heavier.

Both are a joy to shoot. I can say you won't be disappointed in the Sig if you like a DAO trigger. Just don't expect (IMO) the smoothness of the Kahr trigger. They are different enough to be noticable, similar enough to be an easy transition back and forth. When I shoot both the Kahr and the Sig in one session, when I go from Sig to Kahr, the Kahr trigger 'sneaks' up on me on the first couple of pulls, then I'm good.

But to carry it? I wouldn't/couldn't because of the size. If you have the sub-compact, maybe, but the compact and full size models are pretty thick (1.4") compared to Kahr (.9-1.1). But if you are used to carrying something bigger, the compact .45 might be a good choice.

I bought the P250 because it gave me the same manual-of-arms as my Kahr and I don't care for typical short reset striker pistols. But all in all, couldn't be happier with my P250. I will definitely expand on the Sig side with caliber exchange kits. I bought it as a range gun, home defense, and because I didn't have anything 'high capacity' in the collection yet.

Would I like a Kahr .45? Oh yeah, who wouldn't. But I'll most likely buy a .45 exchange kit for the Sig. No plans to every carry a .45, I'd rather have the extra capacity 9mm gives me. If I were going to carry a .45, it's be a Kahr, no question.

05-26-2012, 11:14 PM
They had problems with the P250 Subcompact 45 and never released it. So, the compact is the smallest you can get in 45acp.

I think they had teething problem with all the compact P250's, but that's since been rectified. The thing that kept me from buying a 45 P250 was the trigger, but I've had two CW45's if that tells you anything.

05-27-2012, 09:22 AM
I think they had teething problem with all the compact P250's, but that's since been rectified. The thing that kept me from buying a 45 P250 was the trigger, but I've had two CW45's if that tells you anything.

You're right. They just released the first batch of Subcompact 45s in February.

05-27-2012, 11:44 AM
The Kahr is the better gun. Sig has double tap on bad round if that means anthing. The conversions are very expensive....enough that ths almost a new gun.

05-27-2012, 12:53 PM
I don't remember seeing any comments on this forum about the Sig P250. You may want to try www.sigforum.com (http://www.sigforum.com). They're are a pretty classy bunch [like kahrtalk.com] over there.

Well, I guess I'm not classy enough for them thar folks. I tried to register with my forum email account at gmail.com and got the following "error". Since It is neither Hotmail nor Yahoo it leaves me to wonder if they somehow banned me even though I've not tried to register there before. Perhaps they are so "classy" they are gifted with precognition and know if they did register me they would only ban me down the road. Since I've not been banned on any forum to date except perhaps the Sig Forum of which I'd not applied, I find it difficult to understand.
http://sigforum.com/groupee_common/ver1.3.7.9982/platform_images/alert.gif *Account Email Address *HOTMAIL AND YAHOO EMAIL ARE NOT VALID FOR REGISTRATION ON THIS SITE*:
Error: This email address you listed has been banned from this community.
NOTE: This site requires that you verify this email address.

Thing is that 45 subcompact is legal in CA while the Kahrs are not. It's tempting to put it on my long and quite tattered wish list, but not if the forum snubs me. You all know how sensitive I am.

05-27-2012, 02:02 PM
I couldn't join at sigforums either because of the email restriction (they don't allow gmail either). So they can stick it, not going to go round-about to get yet another email that they approve of just to join. They are living in the 90s w/ a feature like that, it's just beyond dumb.

There is a decent P250 forum at http://www.p250sig.com/, not a ton of activity like here, but lots of good information.

That's interesting about the CA thing OldLincoln, b/c the Sig doesn't have a safety either. I guess CA hasn't had the P250 show up on radar yet.

05-27-2012, 02:15 PM
The Kahr is the better gun. Sig has double tap on bad round if that means anthing. The conversions are very expensive....enough that ths almost a new gun.

I've been shopping around for a 9mm compact kit as well as a .45 compact kit and actually, they aren't that bad. If you pay Sig full retail, oh yea, they cost as much as a new gun, but not as much as a new retail gun MSRP from Sig. You can pick up almost any of the exchange kits for under $250 if you shop around, and well under $200 used on forum classified sections if you watch for them. The exchange kits come w/ night sights, and if you compare that to a new night sight pistol, now you are talking almost (not quite) HALF what a new pistol costs. So if you compare apples and apples, then it's not as bad as alot of people think.

Once I'm done on the P250 binge, I'll have 2 9mm sizes, and 1 .45, all for around 800 used or 900 new...depending on where I find the exchange kits. That's pretty good for 3 guns.

One last comment on a Sig P250, if you haven't cleaned one, you might want to try that once. It's far and away the easiest pistol I've ever cleaned in my life. Kahr was before I got the Sig, but man it's a dream to clean. Take the FCU out and you can get to every single nook and cranny w/o special tools, punches, etc.

05-27-2012, 03:54 PM
Hey Lincoln and christ. I'm a member over there and also at SIG TALK. Just tell them you know me and I know they won't let you in.

05-27-2012, 04:38 PM
I can't tell anybody anything there as I can't post without logging in. There was a time when gmail was young and there was a lot of hanky but now businesses use it as their site as well as respectable folks. Hotmail maybe not so much, Yahoo - crazy as my retirement account is at att.net which is hosted by Yahoo and uses a yahoo address.

Let's see, I guess that leaves Comcast and the other ISP's. Maybe I'll use a friends Comcast and forward it to my gmail. That way they'll know for sure I'm a good guy. :)

05-27-2012, 05:27 PM
I can't tell anybody anything there as I can't post without logging in. There was a time when gmail was young and there was a lot of hanky but now businesses use it as their site as well as respectable folks. Hotmail maybe not so much, Yahoo - crazy as my retirement account is at att.net which is hosted by Yahoo and uses a yahoo address.

Let's see, I guess that leaves Comcast and the other ISP's. Maybe I'll use a friends Comcast and forward it to my gmail. That way they'll know for sure I'm a good guy. :)

Comcast works for me.

05-27-2012, 05:57 PM
Went back today for more ogling and fondling. Lo 'n behold, it followed me home! Must've been fate. :w00t:

Got it home and then realized, these things come with only one magazine. Checked out Sig's web site for a magazine extension; $50. :eek:

Oh well, I'm still as happy as a tick on a fat dog.

Sig Sauer P250SC-45-BSS

05-27-2012, 06:08 PM
That's the sub-compact right? Can you get a good grip except for the pinky finger? There is a show next weekend here in town and I think I'm gonna go check things out and see what I can find and handle.

05-27-2012, 06:43 PM
That's the sub-compact right? Can you get a good grip except for the pinky finger? There is a show next weekend here in town and I think I'm gonna go check things out and see what I can find and handle.

It is indeed the sub-compact .45 with night sights. Manufacture date on the box is 04/03/12.

I have small hands and am able to get about three quarters of my pinky finger onto the grip. A grip extension would make things a little more comfortable for me but not absolutely necessary. The pistol I test fired didn't have any extension on the magazine.

05-27-2012, 07:04 PM
Very nice.

05-27-2012, 08:37 PM
Went back today for more ogling and fondling. Lo 'n behold, it followed me home! Must've been fate. :w00t:

Got it home and then realized, these things come with only one magazine. Checked out Sig's web site for a magazine extension; $50. :eek:

Oh well, I'm still as happy as a tick on a fat dog.

Sig Sauer P250SC-45-BSS


go over to topgunsupply.com for mags and extensions...reasonable prices for sig accessories. sig retail prices are definitely too high. tgs is a sig dealer, they have pretty much everything. gun prices at tgs are average, exchange kits there are too high, but all the other stuff is reasonably priced and usually in stock.

btw, congrats on the new pistol. i hope you like it as much as i like my compact full slide. it's fun to shoot.

also forgot, the $50 price is not just an extension, it's the 15rd mag w/ extension spacer. still pricey, but it's a full mag. your pistol would look like this...

there is another thread there somewhere on p250sig, can't find it, but someone reported that sometimes those extensions will loosen when you drop the mag and it binds/cocks so that the mag doesn't drop free. basically the front or back of the spacer stays in place and the other drops w/ the mag, if that makes sense. if i were going to use those, i think i'd epoxy the spacer to the mag.

05-27-2012, 10:37 PM
Well, I looked up my ATT address and used that. I have it forwarded to my gmail so I never use it until today. Now it says I am up for review, background check to be followed by interview, fingerprinting, and photo.

If all that pans out I'll be on probation for 6 months subject to immediate dismissal for any infraction of the 789 posted rules, which only members who successfully complete probation have access to.

The last time I went through this kind of stuff I found after I got all my privileges I didn't like the forum anyway. Can't recall if it was SIG or not.