View Full Version : Happy New CM9 Owner and Range Report

05-26-2012, 09:23 PM
I liked my recently purchased CW9 so well that I ordered a CM9 a week later.

I finally received it today and immediately took it to the range. I know they tend to arrive pretty stiff, so I didn't want to take it apart because I read others had a hard time getting them back together. I didn't have the facilities or time to properly prep it. I just locked the slide back and drove to the range. Once at the range, I wiped off the excess oil, ran a patch through the barrel and lubed the slide rails I could see with the slide open and closed.

While dry firing the pistol several times before shooting it, I noticed the trigger seemed a little stiffer than the one on my CW9. It also had a slight creaking sound as the trigger cycled.

I was a little concerned that I would have some familiar issues during break in, especially since I didn't prep it properly. It kills my confidence in a pistol if it isn't 100% reliable.

First, I fired 50rds of Winchester 9mm NATO ammo. I chose the "NATO" ammo to fire first because it is full powered 9mm ammo. I started most strings of shots with one round in the chamber and a full magazine. I wanted to try to induce a jam if possible. It wasn't possible. All three magazines fed the ammo perfectly and locked the slide back after the last round. I also fired just one or two rounds from each magazine to try to induce a problem in feeding or locking back the slide. Again, no feeding or locking problems.

Second, I fired 50rds of WWB range ammo. I fired all the rounds using the same protocol outlined above. Again, no feeding problems.

The trigger continued to feel a little heavier and creak. Accuracy was very good when I did my part. The pistol was snappy but not uncontrollable. I can get 1.75 fingers on the grip. I can't imagine shooting a CM40!

The web of my hand and the end of my trigger finger were sore after the range session, but I drove home with a smile on my face because my new CM9 had performed flawlessly. I sensed we were going many places together for many years to come.

I plan to get a front night sight for the CM9 very soon and make it my EDC.

05-26-2012, 10:07 PM
The trigger continued to feel a little heavier and creak. Accuracy was very good when I did my part. The pistol was snappy but not uncontrollable. I can get 1.75 fingers on the grip. I can't imagine shooting a CM40!

The web of my hand and the end of my trigger finger were sore after the range session...

Congratulations on a flawless first session. As for the CM40, I can get two fingers on mine, and it is OK. It's no .22, but it is very manageable....if you cover up the cheese grater grip. I had the pattern imprinted on my palm after 5 shots.
I ended up putting on a glove, since I had forgotten to do anything about the grip. There's several different suggestions on the forums, including Talon grips, the slip-on grip cover (Hogue?), and even a cut-up bicycle innertube (best suggestion on that was to turn it inside-out so the seam was on the inside).
I'm debating getting a CW45, but I'm waiting to see how Kahr handles my issue (broken magazine follower during my first range session).
Enjoy your CM9!

05-26-2012, 11:27 PM
Congrats on the new cm9! I see you've figured out why we adopted :D as our unofficial cm9 symbol. Keep shooting it like you stole it, and it will just get smoother! (which will hopefully work out that lil trigger quirk you seem to be having)

Bill K
05-27-2012, 06:27 AM
Congrats on your new CM9. If you don't get some help here on KahrTalk concerning that trigger I would give Kahr a call to hear what they have to say.

05-27-2012, 06:43 AM
ur trigger willget smoother with rounds down range, also a good cleaning might help alot and some lub ein places like the trigger bar spring,where sometimes thatis alittle ruff until it gets smoothed out with normal gun action. Ur OK, just shoot it like u stole it. Although all internals in kahrs are the same, they don't have to feel exactly the same. Spring sare just that springs and there variances can surprise u. Doesn't mean either one is bad either,just that the gun gives adifferent feel.

05-27-2012, 07:58 AM
The slight creaking sound sounds like a spring stretching like a screen door spring. Not a big deal. Just not as smooth and silent as my CW9.

05-27-2012, 09:43 AM
Congratulations on a flawless first session. As for the CM40, I can get two fingers on mine, and it is OK. It's no .22, but it is very manageable....if you cover up the cheese grater grip. I had the pattern imprinted on my palm after 5 shots.
I ended up putting on a glove, since I had forgotten to do anything about the grip. There's several different suggestions on the forums, including Talon grips, the slip-on grip cover (Hogue?), and even a cut-up bicycle innertube (best suggestion on that was to turn it inside-out so the seam was on the inside).
I'm debating getting a CW45, but I'm waiting to see how Kahr handles my issue (broken magazine follower during my first range session).
Enjoy your CM9!

One vertical strip of hockey tape tames the cheese grater (I put one on the front grater, too, on my CM9.) I was getting roughed up racking the slide, more so than when shooting. The tape fits so well and the color is so perfect that it is hard to notice. You can still see the little bumps, but they don't hurt anymore.

05-28-2012, 07:52 AM
One of the features I like about my CM9 and CW9 is that a full magazine can be inserted easily on a closed slide. It is quite difficult to insert a full 7rd magazine in my Shield with a closed slide, so I download the magazine one round. Not an issue with the extended 8rd magazine.

06-15-2012, 10:11 PM
I got to the range yesterday evening and fired 60 more rounds for a total of 160 through my new CM9 so far. I had taken the pistol and magazines apart and cleaned them from the first 100 rounds fired before setting out for this range trip. I only very lightly lubed the pistol after cleaning.

This range trip I shot:
(35) rounds of 9mm handloads consisting of a 124 gr. Berry's plated round nose bullet and 4.6 gr. of HP-38
(25) rounds of 9mm handloads with same Berry's bullet but 4.2 gr. of Bullseye

All rounds fed and ejected flawlessly. Most strings were started with one round in the chamber and a full magazine. I also used the slingshot method of releasing the slide to load the first round most of the time to try to induce a jam, but I was unsuccessful.:)

The slight creaking noise that occurs as the trigger is pulled seems to be getting quieter. Kahr service said it was not a problem and should go away by the end of the break in period.

Accuracy is very good when I do my part. The small grip and recoil doesn't bother me at all.

I purchased the Trijicon front night sight from Kahr. They shipped quick. I haven't installed it yet. I'm waiting to finish "break in" before installing it - just in case.

One cool thing I did was take the magazine floorplates to a local trophy shop and have numbers 1-3 lightly engraved on them. They look really good, and I can easily distinguish between the magazines.

I am very pleased with this pistol. I am amazed at its reliability and quality at such a reasonable price. I like the fact that it doesn't have a manual safety. I like that it can fire 7 rounds of 9mm as a pocket-sized pistol (1-2 more than a small revolver). I also like that a full magazine will seat easily on a closed slide for easier tactical reloads. It will be easy to carry, and I will probably carry it more than my other pistols.

Only complaints - long trigger pull and reset and sharp slide serrations. Not a big deal for a pocket-sized pistol. A shorter pull and reset would definitely facilitate faster and more accurate follow up shots. I would not want the CM9 to be my only pistol but it sure is a great carry pistol or back up. I'm a fan!